Priority profiles
Revision as of 11:43, 13 August 2007 by Peter (talk | contribs) (→Fact checking and referencing needed)
Pages that need checking and editing
Fact checking and referencing needed
- BAe Systems: Products/Projects
- BAe Systems: Who, Where, How much? (updated, referenced and formatted by toR, but still missing a reference or two)
- British Roads Federation needs references (neha work in progress but virtually no available info and may be defunct)
- Committee for a Free Britain needs references to all the claims and formatting
- British American Tobacco: Third World Production (cleaned up by toR but possibly still needs some work)
- David Lipsey needs references (Neha edited extensively and referenced)
- David Ross needs references (edited and referenced by Neha)
- De Brus Marketing Services Ltd needs references (edited, slightly expanded and referenced by Neha)
- Deltacloud needs references (referenced by Neha)
- DLA needs referenced (referenced by Neha)
- David Skaggs needs references (referenced and slightly expanded by Mat)
- Dennis Gillings needs references (referenced by Mat)
- Dentsu Public Relations needs references (referenced and slightly expanded by Mat)
- Derek Weir no references, but it is only one brief sentence (referenced and one sentence added by Mat)
- Diane Coyle needs reference (referenced and slightly expanded by Mat)
- Didier Herrmann needs references (checked and referenced by Mat)
- Ditchley Park needs referenced, or it could be included in Ditchley Foundation page (referenced and expanded by Mat)
- Don Cruickshank needs references (edited, formatted and referenced by Mat)
- Donald MacLeod needs references (checked and referenced by Mat)
- Donald Maitland needs references and perhaps wikified in places (wikified and referenced by Mat)
- Donna Brazile references needed (referenced and checked by Mat)
- Earl Clanwilliam needs references (referenced by Mat)
- Ed Miliband needs references is this spelt right? or is it double L? (greatly expanded, references added and formatted by Mat)
- Encounter (magazine) needs references (checked and referenced by Mat)
- Eric Liu needs references (edited and referenced by Mat)
- Eric Salama needs references (referenced and reworded by Mat)
- Errol M. Cook needs references (reworded and referenced by Mat)
- Esson Properties Limited needs references (work in progress, very little info, by Mat)
- Euan Snowie needs references (rewritten and referenced by Mat)
- Eugene Beard needs references (referenced by Mat)
- Edward Bickham needs references (reworded and referenced by Mat)
- Elisabeth Murdoch needs references (referenced by Mat)
- European Food Information Council needs references (referenced by Mat)
- European Security Advocacy Group needs references (referenced and slightly expanded by Mat)
- Evan Davis needs references although it is only 2 very basic sentences (expanded and referenced by Mat)
- Shell vs Human Rights and Environmental Lobbyists, needs checked and perhaps some sections moved to pages on Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Amnesty International] etc. Perhaps page needs deleted after this?--David 08:26, 28 May 2007 (BST)
- Felix Dennis need a reference for Labour party donations and trial (checked, corrected and referenced by Mat)
- Fiona Millar needs references (reworded and referenced by Mat)
- Flak Campaign July 2006 does this need a reference?
- Fishburn Hedges UK Staff and clients, 1 June 2005 to 30 Nov 2005 does this need a reference? (Is this necessary as i've compiled a general company overview with both staff and client list below? by Mat)
- Fishburn Hedges UK Clients and Staff 30.11.03 to 3.05.04 needs a reference (referenced and made into a general page about the company. Is there a need to have 2 seperate pages for this company? by Mat)
- Frank Lowe needs references particularly for Labour donations (checked, corrected and referenced by Mat)
- Freight Transport Association needs references, perhaps would benefit from formatting or editing (expanded, edited, referenced and formatted by Mat)
- Friedrich Naumann Foundation needs references, and formatting, lots of the headings have nothing written under them (fully referenced , rewritten in part, and Activities section modified and complete by Mat)
- Gordon Beattie (references added by Peter)
- Gordon Hewitt (referenced and modified by Mat)
- Gordon McKenzie needs references, perhaps edited too (referenced and slightly expanded by Mat)
- Gordon Pell (referenced by Mat)
- Government Affairs Group (referenced, expanded with extra section by Mat)
- Government Communication Network (referenced by Mat)
- Grace McGlynn needs references, perhaps edited too (referenced by Mat)
- Graeme Davies (referenced by Mat)
- Graydon Forrer (work in progress by Mat)
- Greenspirit Strategies
- Galen Institute needs references and perhaps formatting (Done by Ealasaid)
- Gary L. Roubos (referenced/ formatted by Ealasaid)
- Gatsby Charitable Foundation
- Geoffrey Pattie needs references and perhaps more wikified (done by Ealasaid)
- George Paterson needs references, 1st quote has no reference, refs need general attention and more wikified? (done by Ealasaid)
- Gerard Philippot (done by Ealasaid)
- Gerry Robinson
- George C Borthwick needs references. This contains his children's names is that necessary? (I decided not, so now it doesn't. Referenced by Ealasaid)
- George Loudon needs references but it is very short (Referenced by Ealasaid, still very short)
- GJW (referenced by Ealasaid)
- Haris Sophoclides needs references
- Harold Hongju Koh needs references (edited and referenced version available but unable to make any changes to article, please assist - Neha)
- Harry Burrows Acton (referenced and edited by neha)
- Health4schools needs references, but it is only one sentence (expanded slightly and referenced by neha)
- Helena Kennedy (expanded extensively and referenced by neha)
- Helmut Mamsch (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Howard Paster (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Hugh Grant (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of Westminster needs references, perhaps rewritten? (rewritten and referenced by Neha)
- Ian Austin referenced - peter
- Ian Skelly needs references, but it is only a couple of sentences (expanded, referenced by Ealasaid)
- Ian Tunnicliffe needs references (referenced by Ealasaid)
- Ilan Weinglass needs references and perhaps formatting too. (Refs and formatting done - Ealasaid)
- ICI referenced - Peter
- Inchcape Corporation referenced by Peter
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland needs references, double page too, and one blank page with the same title - appears to have been done by Fiona
- Interserve needs references, formatting and wikified (referenced, formatted and some pages redirected - Ealasaid)
- International Grain Trade Coalition needs references and perhaps formatting - in progress Peter
- Institute of Physics (referenced - Peter)
- James Crosby needs references it is only 1 paragraph long (edited and referenced by Neha)
- James Fisher and Sons needs references (edited and referenced by neha)
- James Harff does this need references? (I hope so because I've done it - Ealasaid)
- James Mitchell needs references, perhaps edited too? (edited and referenced by Neha)
- James Rutland needs references (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Jane Bonham Carter needs references, perhaps formatting too (done by Ealasaid)
- Jayne Struthers needs references (done by Ealasaid)
- Jeffrey Gedmin needs references and perhaps formatting (referenced, formatted, expanded by Ealasaid. Linked pages Radio Free Europe/Thomas A. Dine also updated)
- Jeffrey Rosen needs references (done by Ealasaid)
- Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi needs references (done by Ealasaid)
- Jill M. Considine (ref'd + formatted by Ealasaid)
- Jim Currie (should be done - ealasaid)
- Jim McKenna needs references maybe edited too? (ref'd and edited - Ealasaid)
- Jimmy Boyle needs references (referenced - Peter)
- Jo Moore needs references (in progress - Peter)
- Joan Stringer (referenced by Peter)
- Joe Hemming (referenced by Peter)
- Joe McCrea (done by Ealasaid)
- John Andrew Fenwick
- John Bottomley
- John Boyle
- John Coleman
- John Collier
- John Elvidge (done by Ealasaid)
- John Gilbert (referenced, updated, expanded. linked pages also done - Ealasaid)
- John Gillott references and formatting (done by Ealasaid)
- John Lupien (done by Ealasaid)
- John R. Murphy (done by Ealasaid)
- John R. Purcell (done by Ealasaid)
- John G Tolhurst (done by Ealasaid)
- Johnny Cameron (updated, referenced by Ealasaid)
- Jon B. Alterman
- Jon Foulds
- Jonathan Altaras
- Jonathan Evans
- Jonathan Powell needs references, wikified and it is a double page
- Julian Wheatland (referenced etc. Ealasaid)
- Kate Nealon (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Kate Sankey (edited and referenced by Neha)
- Katerina Wheeler (there isn't much on her -- --Idrees 14:33, 18 Jul 2007 (BST))
- Kees van der Heijden (expanded and referenced by Neha)
- Keith Hellawell (expanded and referenced by Neha)
- Ken Rietz needs references and more wikified (expanded, edited, wikified by Neha)
- Kevin Sneader (edited and referenced by Neha)
- King's Fund needs refernces, wikified more in places (edited, wikified and referenced by Neha)
- Kingfisher plc needs refernces, wikified more in places
- Koichiro Naganuma
- Kraft Foods Inc. Under services Brambles is listed. Is this the right Brambles? they list Kraft as a client, just think this needs double checked
- Lakshmi Mittal
- Land Reform Policy Group
- Larry Klayman needs references but it is only 1 sentence long (expanded, referenced - Ealasaid)
- Leonard Collinson
- Leonard S. Coleman, Jr. needs referneces and possibly updated, did he retire in 2004?
- Leslie Butterfield needs references
- Lewis Moonie needs references, though it si very short it may benefir from rewriting (re-written, expanded and referenced by Ealasaid)
- Linda Johnson Rice (referenced - Ealasaid)
- Christopher Haskins needs references, and wikified more in places
- Linda Tarr-Whelan
- Liz Cameron
- Lobby Rules does this have a reference?
- Lord Alex Bernstein
- Lord Alli
- Lord Birdwood
- Lord Bragg
- Lord Cameron of Lochbroom needs references, over wikified?
- Linda G. Cohen needs references and text needs checked, VP of what?
- Lord Filkin
- Lord Grantchester
- Charles Guthrie needs references and formatting
- Richard Holme
- Lord Illiffe needs a reference but it is only 1 sentence long
- Lord Ivar Mountbatten
- Lord Joel Joffe
- Lord Paul
- Lord Skidelsky
- Lubna Olayan
- Lynda Gauld
- Lynda Warren
- Malcolm Rigg
- Malcolm Wallop
- Management Group of the Scottish Executive this needs references, does it need updated following the election too?
- Manchester Airport
- Manfred Schlickenrieder
- Maclay Murray & Spens does this need a reference?
- Maeve Sherlock needs reference but it only one sentence long
- Mark Durkan
- Mark Fisher needs references but it is short
- Mark R. Kramer
- Mark Read
- Martin Donnelly
- Martin Gilbert
- Martin Read (referenced by Ealasaid - ALL LINKED LOGICA CMG STAFF PAGES ALSO FIXED)
- Martin Webb
- Martin Woollacott
- Matthew Freud
- Maurice Strong needs references and is over wikified
- Media House International needs references and perhaps formatting
- Michael A. Henning short but needs reference
- Michael Bishop
- Micheal Fumento
- Mike Alexander
- Miller McLean short but needs a reference
- Mirror Group needs a reference, it is only 1 sentence
- Moni Varma
- Muffy Koch
- Mossavar-Rahmani Center more references?
- National Westminster Bank Plc needs references and has a double page, also the 2nd half of this page is repeated on NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK PLC (Sorted - --David 14:29, 22 Jul 2007 (BST))
- CSP National Security Advisory Council
- New Defence Agenda
- Nicola Murphy only one sentence but it has no reference
- Nick Kuenssberg short page but its not referenced
- Nick Caplan short but has no reference
- Nichols-Dezenhall
- Next Fifteen Communications Group plc
- Neil Chapman Only 1 sentence but it is without a reference, affilaitions are missing too
- Nicola Taylor only one paragraph, but lacks references
- Nigel Oakes only one paragraph, but lacks references
- Nigel Perks only one paragraph, but lacks references
- Nike make u-turn on free statement promise this doubles Nike & A Poor Sense of Humour and there are no references on either
- Noreen Murray needs references and maybe formatting
- Noel Harwerth needs a reference. This name has two wee dots over the 'e' which I can't find on my computer! (done - Ealasaid)
- OECD needs references
- Office of Fair Trading references needed, maybe an introduction or description
- Omnibus magazine needs reference, (only 1 paragraph)
- One World Trust needs references and maybe formatting
- Open Europe needs a reference
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development needs references
- Orit Gadiesh need reference, over wikified?
- PR Newswire needs references
- Patrick Guimbal
- Paul Adamson needs references and perhaps formatting
- Paul Doyle
- Paul Gregg
- Paul Pagliari
- Paul Richardson
- Paul Schuyt
- Paul Spencer
- Pete Wilkinson
- Peter Coates
- Peter Collier
- Peter Cummings
- Peter Fraser needs references and perhaps formatting
- Peter Gilman needs references and perhaps formatting
- Peter J Thompson
- Peter Lutman
- Philip Hammond one sentence, without references
- Phil Harris one sentence without references
- Phil Hodkinson
- Philip Aiken
- Philip Angell needs references, perhaps formatting too
- Philip Carmichael needs references, perhaps formatting too
- Philip Dodd
- Philip Eisenhart
- Piers Pottinger
- PiggyBankKids
- Pinnacle PR
- Public Affairs Newsletter needs references and perhaps formatting
- Public Diplomacy Board - Sorted --David 12:01, 5 Aug 2007 (BST)
need editing/rewriting
- Alfred Milner fascinating, but what is it doing here?
- Annabel Hughes to be done by Eveline
- Association of Scottish Public Affairs needs filled out a little - to be done by/with Will
- Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay needs a little tidying up and some sections moved to other pages
- Brian Basham needs a little filling out. The further reading cvould be used to start this and then transformed into full references rather than just URLs
- Coca Cola - needs tidying up and a basic intro
- DCI Group needs introduction
- Diageo: Further Resources and Information does this need formatted? perhaps someone could have a look?
- Echo Research would benefit from some background and perhaps an introduction
- European Corporate Governance Institute would benefit from some more text & references
- European Civil Society Groups this page is blank -Deleted --David 07:50, 12 Jun 2007 (BST)
- Eye for Pharma would benefit from a description or introduction
- Shell, and associated pages need attention and need streamlining
- Family Security Matters would benefit from an introduction, references need attention
- Fabian Society needs attention, references need checked too.
- Federal Trust would benefit from an intro. or some background, could be wikified more in places and needs referenes
- Federation of Small Businesses could be edited, needs wikified & references
- Financial Reporting Council would benefit from an intro. or some background, perhaps formatting, wikified in places and references need checked
- does this need edited or just formatting? references need checked
- Foreign Policy Research Institute would benefit from an intro. or some background, more wikified in places?
- How the Different Newspapers Stack Up this could do with an intro or some back ground
- Ian Christie this is 100% cut and paste from company bio.
- Industrial and Educational Research Foundation would benefit from an intro or some background, references need attention
- Inferno PR would benefit from an intro or background, references need general attention
- Institute for Business Ethics would benefit from an intro or a description, formatting in places too and references need attention
- Institute for Science and International Security needs introduction or some background
- Institute of European Affairs Intro. or background, formatting and attention to references
- Inter-American Dialogue Intro or some background would improve this page greatly
- International Alert Intro or some background would improve this page greatly lacks a reference section
- International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance this is an unfinnished sentence
- International Institute for Sustainable Development this is just a list of people, needs some background or context
- International Youth Foundation would benefit from intro. or background, formatting, references and wikified more in places
- Interpublic would benefit from intro., lacks reference section and footnotes.
- J Sainsbury Plc: Links, contacts & resources do we want to include this in the other J Sainsburys Plc pages?
- Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies this would benefit from a tidy up
- John Home Robertson wiki link added. Involved in housing payments for MSP scandal? needs references
- John MacDermott 3rd sentence He took silk in NI, should this be sick? or is it something I have never heard off? (see's_Counsel - it means he became a QC! Phil) needs references - Sorted --David 21:42, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- John Selwyn Gummer could be rewritten, this page is not about its namesake until the end, references need attention and needs wikified in places too.
- John Smith Memorial Trust would benefit from some background or a description
- Joshua Muravchik would benefit from an introduction or some background
- Kieran C. Poynter this needs a tidy up, perhaps rewritten?
- Labour Party should there be more internal links on this page?
- Lesley Israel rewritten or formatted? and lacks a reference section
- Lexington Communications do we want a clients list here?
- Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel would benefit from some background or a description and it lacks a reference section
- Lincoln Group would benefit from some background or a description
- Law Society this is blank
- Magnet this would benefit from some background or description, more wikified and referencing style needs some attention
- Malcolm Grimston blank - sorted --David 21:47, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Malcolm Grimstone blank - sorted --David 21:47, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Malcolm Smart rewritten or formatting needed here. reference style needs attention too
- McGarvie Morrison Media People, Clients & media training sections are empty
- Mike Ewart is he still on the Managemenent Group of the Scottish Executive? the external reference provided doesnt have Ewart on the page
- Music Television double page
- New Deal Task Force should Scottish Advisory Task Force on the New Deal be on this page too?
- NHS Scotland blank page
- NHS Scotland before the Microsoft deal blank page
- NHS UK blank page
- NM Rothschild & Sons double page
- Nike Swoosh "Just do it" the swoosh is missing
- Noble Group would benefit from a description or an introduction
- Nuclear Spin 2 pages different content, same name.
- Neoconservatives double page, there are about 6 pages with this content, this is the only one without a redirect
- Nestle has a double
- News Corporation: What you can do ?
- Oona King Just a picture, no text - fine --David 21:36, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Osbert Lancaster editing? - done - --David 21:36, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- PR21 general tidy up needed - done --David 21:36, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Pesach Bension and Pesach Benson 2 pages, slight differences between them - Sorted - --David 21:36, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Pfizer Foundation and Pfizer Foundation UK these are the same page
- Phil Thomas blank page
- Political Consulting ? does this need work?
tone and language need attention
- Barney Jones deleted as was pointless bitching IMO Phil Chandler 12:01, 22 Jun 2007 (BST) - restored previous edit and edited for tone and referencing, --David 22:42, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Baroness Chalker of Wallasey edited for questionable laguage - prop. needs fact checking Phil Chandler 12:03, 22 Jun 2007 (BST)
- Emma Gilpin Much stuff about TIME mag removed as it belongs elsewhere. Edited for potential libel. Phil Chandler 12:04, 22 Jun 2007 (BST)
- Finsbury can we say "Stephen Liar Byres" ? (No we can't and now we don't. Phil Chandler 12:05, 22 Jun 2007 (BST) - Er, well, yes we can since it is in a passage quoted from Private Eye --David 22:23, 25 Jul 2007 (BST)
referencing needs attention
- Tom Cowie reference needed to Tory party donations
- Asia-Pacific Foundation referencing and content need attention.
- Sandra Macleod, lots of references in this page need changed to the footnote system.
- Bernard Marantelli footnotes need added. excess para breaks removed, maybe updating?
- Bernd Halling ref needed and update?
- British Commonwealth Union footnotes from Mike Hughes book need to be included.
- British Satellite News references from original spinwatch article need inserted
- MS Swaminatham needs refs imported from Lobbywatch
- Centre for Policy Studies
- Chester Crocker
- Chris Wales
- Chris Wright
- Christopher Forbes
- Christopher Ondaatje
- Christopher Satterthwaite
- Citygrove Leisure
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Community Action Network
- Community Foundation Network
- Connex Rail
- Conrad Lichtenstein needs references
- Constantin Gurdgiev
- Creative Industries Task Force Inquiry on the Internet
- Crister Stjernfelt (done - Ealasaid)
- Confederation of British Industry
- Consumer Alert
- Countryside Properties
- Crag Group
- Craig Stevenson
- Crawford Beveridge
- Creative Industries Task Force
- Dalgety: Extract from 'Written in Flames' needs references/notes
- Daniel Finkelstein references in the text, but no footnotes
- Daniel P. Serwer references in the text, but no footnotes
- Daniel Vasella external links show full http:/ & references in the text need footnotes
- David Baulcombe needs referenced and links need attention in paragraphs 3, 4 & 5
- DLA Piper no foot notes and the references in the text need wikied
- David French references are in the text but there are no footnotes
- David Nish references need attention, numbers in notes 1&2?
- David Omand references in the text but footnotes are missing
- David Project references are in the text but footnotes are missing
- Dennis Avery references in the text need wikified, footnotes needed too
- Derek Burke references and footnotes need attention
- Derek Draper references need attention, the external links show the URL
- Des D'Souza references in the text are not wikified and lacks a reference section
- Diageo url in footnotes
- Diageo:Who, where, how much url in footnotes
- Diageo: Corporate Crimes references need attention, footnotes show url &{note|1}} etc,links/refs in text not wikified
- Diageo: Influence footnotes show url & extra *
- Digital Learning Alliance references/ external link needs looked at
- Discover the Network footnotes missing, but references are in text
- Dixons Could do with a proper reference for Daily Mail Article,
- Dore Gold references in text no footnotes
- Dougie Smith links need attention, references and footnotes too
- Douglas Smith notes 3&4 need links
- Douglas Trainer url in external links, no footnotes, possibly needs wikified in places
- Henry A. McKinnell, Jr. external links have urls, no footnotes
- Azra Meadows does this need more references?
- Dudley Docker notes need attention
- E!Sharp references in text need attention, no footnotes
- EHPR, PRCA Yearbook 2004 does this need referenced?
- references need attention, wikified links in text go to external site
- Earl of Inchcape references need attention
- EastWest Institute no footnotes
- Ed Balls 5 links to endnotes in text but only 4 endnotes
- Edelman wikified links in text go to external sites, but they do correspond to external links
- Editorial Intelligence combination of endnotes & in text references
- Edmund Burke Foundation URLs in external links & no footnotes
- Edward Bernays references need attention
- Edwin J. Feulner does this need more references?
- Eileen Mackay references need attention
- Elie Wiesel references need attention
- European Public Affairs Consultants Association links in text go to external sites
- Eliot Cohen full URLs in notes
- Energy Institute references need attention
- Enviros references need checked, full URLs in text
- Ergo Communications web link points to directory site - their ws not found Phil Chandler 12:13, 22 Jun 2007 (BST)
- Ernie Ross full URL in affiliations references need checked
- Eurasia Foundation lacks footnotes
- EuropaBio references need attention, 1st word is an external link, and has a double page European Association for Bioindustries
- European Centre for Public Affairs notes need web links, references in text are not linked to notes
- European Chemical Industry Council references need attention
- European Partnership for Energy and the Environment URLs in external links, does this need formatting?
- Edmund Talbot references need attention
- Elaine Cruikshanks lacks footnotes
- Elaine Murray lacks footnotes
- European Friends of Israel lacks footnotes
- European Software Association only has one reference which doesn't seem enough
- European Sound Climate Policy Coalition references need fixed.
- Eve Gani references need attention (minor)
- Eve Garrard references need attention (minor)
- Experian references need attention
- FDD references need attention, no footnotes
- FORATOM references need attention, are there enough?, no footnotes
- Fairtrade the 1st reference (link) does not work, references would benefit from attention in general
- Fairtrade Labelling Organisations (FLO) external links display full URL, footnotes are missing
- Financial Dynamics references need tidied up
- Federation of European Employers the source for this is wikipedia, is that OK?
- Fleishman-Hillard references need attention, lacks footnotes
- Florence Wambugu references in text need attention, they go to external sites
- Food Standards Agency references need attention, lacks footnotes, could be more wikified
- Food and Agriculture Industry the first line is a quote which has no reference, references need attention more generally too
- Food and Drink Federation: Projects the 6th reference link doesn't work, it is for BSB, can't quite figure out what that is British Society of Bakers possibly?
- Foreign Policy Centre references need general attention, full references in text, need wikified, lacks footnotes
- ForthRoad Limited references need attention
- Frank Luntz references in text but lacks footnotes
- FreePlay Foundation references in text, but lacks footnotes
- Freedom House lacks footnotes
- Freedom Institute lacks footnotes
- Frontiers of Freedom references/links in text need wikified to link to endnotes.
- GKN references need attention
- Gabrielle Bertin 2nd reference doesn't work
- Geoffrey Tucker 2nd reference doesn't work (spectator)
- George Jellicoe references in text but lacks footnotes
- Graham Mather references need attention
- Green and Black's problem with refs 4/5, not sure what the problem is
- Greenhaus Public Communication references at end, but none in text
- Greenhaus UK Staff and clients 01.06.04 - 30.11.04 reference doesn't work
- Gregory Conko references need attention
- George Robertson references need minor attention and full URLs in links
- Gerald Holtham references need attention
- Global Climate Coalition references are at the end, but not in the text, more wikified?
- Henry I. Miller references need attention
- Horticulture Research International references need attention
- Hudson Institute Links in text to endnotes need wikified
- Huntsworth plc references need minor attention
- Henrik Therman the link from the reference requires a log in & has my name in it any advice?
- Heartland Institute in text links to endnotes need wikified
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict references are a combination of endnotes and external links
- ICSEP Lacks a reference section and footnotes, board of advisors is not wikified
- International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations external links need attention, lacks footnotes
- IPPR lacks footnotes
- ISAAA some of the links which look internal are external eg 1st one and World Bank, feferences need attention in general, perhaps formatting too.
- ISC lacks footnotes
- IWMC World Conservation Trust full URL in text (para 2) lacks footnotes, needs formatting
- Iain M McMillan references need attention
- Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future of the Muslim World lacks footnotes
- The Institution of Civil Engineers references are not numbered, 1st link looks internal but is external
- Integrated Decision Management lacks footnotes and reference section
- International Center for Human Development lacks reference section and footnotes
- International Council for Capital Formation no reference section, needs footnotes
- International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations lacks footnotes external links need attention
- International Futures Forum lacks reference section, no footnotes
- International Institute for Strategic Studies 1st quote needs a reference, lacks footnotes
- International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications no references section, 1st link needs attention it looks internal but is external
- International Student Conference references need attention, does it need editing?
- Iran Policy Committee lacks footnotes, and reference section
- Ilan Berman lacks footnotes
- Innovation and Creativity Group full URLs in notes section
- Institut Constant de Rebecque I can't get the last three external links to work
- Institute for East West Studies ne reference section, references in text
- Institute for the Study of Conflict reference section is empty, lacks footnotes
- Institute of Economic Affairs no reference section, references need general attention, perhaps formatting?
- Institute of Public Affairs references need attention, combination of styles
- Jack DuVall no reference section, lacks footnotes, more wikified?
- James Carville no reference section
- James Pinkerton needs references and how it is wikified checked
- James Woolsey references need attention, external links in text, lacks footnotes, more wikified too?
- Jamie Reed references need attention. lacks footnotes
- Jeremy Purvis references need attetnion, no reference section
- Jerusalem Summit references need quite a bit of attention
- John K Baynard lacks a reference section
- John Kampfner loads of references in text, but no reference section
- John Lloyd 19 links to endnotes and only 19 endnotes
- John McTernan references/links need sorted out
- Jo Armstrong something funny about numbering of notes/ references
- Joan Phillips references need attention
- Joanna Grinsted references need attention
- Joe Lieberman references and footnotes need attention
- Johann Hari lacks footnotes
- John Birt 15 in text references only 8 in notes section
- John Rennie references need attention over wikified too
- John Weston (UK businessman) lacks footnotes
- Jonathon Porritt lacks footnotes
- Joe Lieberman lacks footnotes from in text sources, but does have a reference section
- Josh Devon references need attention
- Julia Hobsbawm reference numbering isn't right, references need attention in general
- Julia Middleton lacks footnotes, the 1 note there is needs a proper reference
- Julian Henry lacks footnotes
- Julian Morris referencing style needs attention, maybe formatting too
- Kirsty Lang references in text but lacks reference section, might benefit from formatting too, extra headings perhaps
- Kingsmead Communications Limited lacks footnotes
- Kenneth Adelman referencing style needs some attention
- Kenneth Minogue referencing style needs attention
- Kim Fletcher needs a reference section (plenty in text references), perhaps formatting too?
- Kimball Nill referencing style needs checked
- LLM Communications lacks footnotes or reference section
- Labour Friends of Iraq lacks reference section
- Labour Movement for Europe lacks reference section
- Laurie Mylroie some in text references lack footnotes
- Leon Brittan 1st, 3rd 4th and 5th references do not link up to external resourse, pages seem to have moved
- Leon Saltiel in text references but no reference section
- Lev E. Dobriansky lacks a reference section
- Lexis Public Relations Ltd referencing style needs attention
- Liberty Institute referencing style needs attention, in text links need looked at, formatting in the shape of headings might help here
- Life Sciences Network referencing style needs attention, in text links need looked at, formatting in the shape of headings might help here
- Lilly Endowment 1st reference is missing
- Limagrain needs a reference section, in text links need attention
- Peter Gummer references need attention, more wikified?
- Ralph Dahrendorf lacks footnotes, formatting in places would improve page & wikified more in places?
- Lisa Woolhouse lacks footnotes
- Living Marxism referencing style needs attention, formatting? more wikified?
- Liza Vizard lacks footnotes, more wikified in places?
- Lord Blackwell lacks reference section
- LogicaCMG referencing style needs attention especially from Affiliations down.
- David Sainsbury referencing style needs attention
- Dennis Stevenson some in text links are external and dont appear to have footnotes
- Patrick Jenkin endnotes are not numbered
- Lord Levene lacks footnotes
- David Lipsey referencing style needs attention
- Robin Renwick 2 referencing styles on the go here
- George Robertson full URLs in notes section
- Lord Sandy Leitch lacks reference section, only has one reference, is this enough?
- Lord Sutherland of Houndwood referencing style needs attention.
- Lord William Goodhart referencing style needs attention and more wikified in places
- Luke Johnson in text references lack footnotes
- Luke Mumba reference style needs attention, lacks reference sectiona and has excess paragraphs
- Luther Pendragon mixed referencing styles
- Lynda Chalker 59 in text references without footnotes, more wikified in palces too
- MP's for Hire:Agents of Influence: MPs and Lobbying Companies 73 references, all in good order only thing missing are wikified links to references,
- MP's for Hire:Ministers and Money Men 81 references, only have wikified links to the first 7
- Margaret 'Meta' Ramsay lacks footnotes for references
- Margery Kraus lacks footnotes for references
- Mark C. Medish lacks a reference section
- Mark Cantley reference style needs attention
- Market House International somethiong wierd going on with reference numbering
- Markle Foundation lacks footnotes and referencing style needs general attention
- Marlise Simons lacks reference section, more wikified in places?
- Martin Livermore external links done in internal style
- Matt Metz external links done in internal style
- Matt Ridley external links done in internal style
- Matthew d'Ancona has refernces in text, but lacks reference/footnotes section
- Max Hastings minor attention to references
- McEwan Purvis referencing style needs attention, mixture of styles, no ref. section and numbering
- MediaSmart full urls in reference section
- Media CSR Forum no reference section
- Media Mentor link to external ref. doesn't work anymore. I found a media mentor on the web, headed by Steve Bennett, I'm not sure if it is the same one - Fixed --David 16:37, 1 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Zimbabwe Democracy Trust - one quotation needs referenced.
- Zurich Financial Services - needs a reference or two
- Merchant Bridge and Co. Ltd has references but lacks footnotes
- Merck URLs in external links, links in text go to external links not footnotes
- Mercy Corps 2 referencing styles on the go here
- Michael Berenhaus referencing style? references are not numbered, formatting too perhaps
- Middle East Forum lacks a reference section
- Middle East Media Research Institute only one endnote, there are 22 references
- Mike Aaronson lacks footnote or reference section
- Mike Gale referencing style, lacks footnotes
- Michael Craven referencing style, lacks footnotes
- Michael Hershman references on text, lacks footnotes
- Michael Ignatieff referencing style lacks footnotes
- Michael Ivens is this enough of a reference?
- Michael Maclay 2nd and 3rd references are external links and not in endnotes
- Michael Pinto-Duschinsky lacks reference section
- Michael Porter not all references have footnotes and it is throwing the numbering out
- Ministry of Defence referencing style needs attention
- Miranda Kirschel 1st reference, external page has moved
- Multinational Chairman's Group urls in text
- Monsanto references need attention in general and formatting, some links to references need wikified
- Monsanto: Corporate Crimes references need a bit of work
- Monsanto: Influence / Lobbying references need attention in generla and formatting
- Mountain States Legal Foundation refernces need wikified, full URLs in notes
- NED, CIA, and the Orwellian Democracy Project in text references are not numbered
- NFU No links to references in the text, some URLs in references and it needs wikified
- National Center for Public Policy Research links to references need wikified, references have full URLs.
- Nickelodeon lacks footnotes
- New Atlantic Initiative lacks footnotes
- New Health Network lacks footnotes
- News Corporation external links are not numbered, referencing style?
- Nuclear Decommissioning Authority references are not numbered
- National Farmers' Union: Appendix references need a tidy, formatting?
- Nestle: Corporate Crimes references need attention
- PERC links to references need wikified full urls in references
- Pacific Legal Foundationlinks to references need wikified full urls in references
- Pacific Research Institute links to references need wikified full urls in references
- Pakistan Rising Leaders attention to references
- Palestinian Media Watch external resources need numbered
- Parliamentary Monitoring Services Ltd references need attention
- Patrick Moore lacks a reference section
- Paul Anderson lacks a reference section
- Paul Hoffman lacks a reference section
- Paul MacDonnell lacks a reference section
- Paul Murricane lacks a reference section
- Paula Dobriansky reference style needs attention, 15 external links without footnotes
- Peace Direct lacks endnotes for 14 external links
- Pearson the external link doesn't work
- Peter Bergen lacks reference section, over wikified
- Peter Berry attention to references
- Peter Sutherland full urls in references & a double page
- Peter Eigen lacks reference section
- Peter Guilford 6 in text external links without footnotes
- Peter Levene lacks reference section
- Peter Lyle Mackay, 4th Earl of Inchcape lacks reference section
- Peter Mandelson lacks reference section
- Public Diplomacy Strategy Board reference style needs attention, needs formatting or a general edit
- Proscot Public Relations Consultants lacks reference section
- Premier Oil references need formatting, links to references need wikified and references need checked
- Premier Oil: Corporate Crimes references need attention, not wikified, need formatting and numbering checked
- Premier Oil: Influence / Lobbying references need attention, not wikified, need formatting and numbering checked
- Premier Oil: Products and Projects references need attention, not wikified, need formatting and numbering checked
- Premier Oil: Who, Where, How Much? references need formatting and wikified, people need wikified too
- Philip Stott referenceing style needs attention and a general edit
- Philip Thomas some external links lack footnotes
- Phunky Foods reference style needs attention and genaral formatting required
- PhRMA external links contain full url, no references in text and people need wikified
formatting needed
- Attack is the best defence "With more than Li million a year that they put aside for anti-sugar propaganda," - check figure from book
- Bill Macfarlane Smith footnotes added with proper formatting
- Brian Heap excess para break removal needed and some referencing
- Carillion
- Center for Food and Agricultural Research extra returns removed, formatting
- Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
- David R. Legates not too sure about this one, it could do with more headlines? and the references need attention
- Dick Taverne Perhaps this requires some formatting, references also need attention
- Ditchley Foundation The formatting may need attention (very long lists)& needs wikified in places
- Diversified Agency Services Perhaps needs headlines in first few paragraphs (before contents table) references need attention too
- Donald Miller I think this needs formatting or even editing, references and links need checked too
- Doug Powell excess para breaks, links/ references in text need loked at, no footnotes
- Dupont: Who, where, how much? Shareholders & directors need formatting, full urls in text, references need wikified and some attention
- Economic Freedom Network could benefit from formatting & references
- Economic and Social Research Council possibly benefit from formatting and references,
- European Institute (USA) formatting needed, more wikified? references/ footnotes
- European Science and Environment Forum formatting needed particularly headings, full URLs in text
- ITGA formatting would improve this and wikified more perhaps
- European Roundtable of Industrialists might benefit from formatting, some members not wikified and lacks footnotes also is a duplicate of European Round Table of Industrialists
- Ellen Raphael formatting and references needed
- Erik Bornman Possibly benefit from formatting
- Eulogy!, PRCA Yearbook 2004 may benefit from formatting, excess information towards end
- European Atlantic Group may benefit from formatting, needs wikified in places and references checked
- Emma Gilpin may benefit from more headings, lacks footnotes
- European Services Forum would benefit from formatting or even editing, also needs wikified in places and references checked out
- Evelyn de Rothschild could be formatted and sharpened up
- Federation of Farmers Association (India) excess paragraphs, needs references
- Fiona Fox formatting? references need attention
- Friends of Europe would benefit from formatting, needs wikified in places weblinks contain full URL and references would benefit from general attention
- Guy Poppy needs formatting, references need attention
- Geoff Mulgan formatting needed? lacks footnotes
- Gerard Barry formatting, more wikified, references need attention
- Giles Merritt formatting and references need general attention
- Global PR Industry formatting, references need attention
- Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster 2 web links at start?
- Global Exchange: Still waiting for Nike to do it needs formatting and wikified, referenes need attention
- Heritage Foundation, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry would benefit from formatting & the notes need wikified
- How CIA Money Took the Teeth Out of Socialism needs formatting and references
- How the European Movement was launched formatting and references
- Hydra Associates formatting and references need attention, more wikified too?
- Harry Brittain formatting
- Havas needs formatting, references need attention
- Helen Sayles formatting? needs references too
- Institute of Ideas formatting would improve this, perhaps more headings, also needs a reference section
- Institute for Public Relations formatting perhaps?, needs references section lacks footnotes
- Institute for War and Peace Reporting formatting? needs a reference section too
- Institute of Public Relations Scotland formatting would improve this and a reference section
- International Institute of Communications formatting needed and references and wikified in places
- International Financial Services London members need formattign, and references, perhaps it needs edited/rewritten?
- International Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources excess paragraphs, references need attention too, perhaps this needs edited/rewritten
- International Rice Research Institute formatting, wikified, some links which look internal are external, lacks reference section and footnotes.
- Ipsos MORI formatting would improve, over wikified in places, external links section but no references in text
- Irene Zubaida Khan formatting, wikified and needs references
- Isaac Kaye formattign, references need and more wikified in places
- Information Research Department formatting?, more wikified, references need numbered
- Ingo Potrykus excess paragraphs, needs wikified, and references
- J Sainsbury Plc: Products and Projects references need formatting and general attention
- James Murphy formatting or perhaps even editing required here
- Jane Ashworth minor formatting would improve this, lacks reference section
- Janet Bainbridge formatting, excess paragraphs, referenceing style needs checked, external links in text need checked
- Jay Byrne formatting would improve this, references- external links in text look internal
- Jeremy Blackham formatting, needs a reference section and more wikified
- Jeremy Carver formatting, external links in text, references need attention in general, wikified in places
- Jeremy Miller formatting, references need attention and needs wikified
- Jerusalem Countdown formatting would benefit this page
- Jim Orson formatting needed, excess paragraphs, check how its wikified and it needs references
- John Birch Society needs formatting and references
- John Elkington formatting, wikified and references need attention full URLs
- John Hillmanformatting, needs a reference section and attention in general
- John Innes Centre needs formatting, referenceing style needs attention
- John Krebs formatting needed and lacks a reference section
- John Pickett formatting needed, attention to references
- John Robertson formatting needed in places and references need attention
- Jonathan Jones formatting, excess paragraphs and referenceing style needs attention
- Julian Oswald formatting, needs wikified and attention to references
- Kelton Rhoads formatting neded and referenceing style needs attention
- Kendra Okonski formating? referencing style needs attention
- Kier Group formatting needed and notes section needs wikified
- Kisan Coordination Committee excess paragraphs, referencing style needs checked
- Konrad Adenauer formatting? and references need attention
- La Maison de l’Europe formatting, references need attention, more wikified in places
- Libertarian Alliance formatting, headings perhaps, and lacks footnotes
- L. Val Giddings excess paragraphs, referencing style needs attention and a reference section
- Labour Friends of Israel Trips to Isreal need formatting, also under Members and former officials the 4 external links are affecting the reference numbering
- Laurence Cockcroft formatting would benefit this and reference style needs attention
- Lloyds Bank formatting woulf improve this page, wikified more and referencing checked too
- Lord Judd formatting would improve this and lacks footnotes
- Lord Simon formatting and references need more wikified too
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation formatting, needs a reference section a general tidy up
- MV Rao needs formatting, excess paragraphs, no headings referencing style needs attention too.
- Mary Murphy this would benefit from formatting, & reference style needs attention
- Michael Fitzpatrick excess paragraphs, reference style, and lacks footnotes
- Microsoft: European Conflicts does this need formatting?
- Microsoft: US Conflicts Formatting? 1st reference is missing
- Midland neds formatting and perhaps updating, references need attention
- Mike Gasson formatting and referencing style
- Mike McCurry formatting and referencing style
- Mike Wilson formatting and referencing style, double page
- Mindshare formatting, reference style and double page
- Minoro Murofushi notes need formatting
- Monsanto: Links, contacts & resources formatting needed
- Monsanto: Products and Projects formatting, wikified and attention to references
- Monsanto: Who, Where, How Much? formatting, wikified and attention to references
- Mowlem notes need formatted, needs wikified too
- Nigel Halford formatting of excess paragraphs required, reference style needs checked too
- Nigel Mobbs formatting needed and more wikified in places
- Nigel Sheinwald maybe career section could be a list?
- Norman Borlaug formatting required, and a general tidy up, referencing style?
- Northern Foods Plc needs formatting and wikified especially references
- Northern Foods Plc: Corporate Crimes formatting, wikified, references need work too
- Northern Foods Plc: Influence / Lobbying formatting required, wikified & number of references
- Northern Foods Plc: Who, Where, How Much? formatting and wikified, numbering and wikification of references too
- Northern Ireland Information Service formatting?
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics formatting referencing needs attention, members need wikified, external links need numbered
- National Propaganda formatting and attention to references
- New Local Government Network formatting and wikified in places
- News Corporation formatting, wikified references need some work
- Nicholas Gage formattig? general tidy up
- Niall FitzGerald formatting, and the external reference page has moved
- News Corporation: Who, Where, How Much? formatting, wikified, references need work
- News Corporation: Influence / Lobbying formatting, wikified, and references need attention
- National Center for Food and Agriculture Policy formatting and reference style
- National Corn Growers Association formatting and references need attention
- National Employment Panel needs formattig and wikified
- Nestle: Influence / Lobbying formatting and references need work
- Open Republic Institute Economic Freedom Network Worldwide section needs formatting, lacks footnotes
- Overseas Development Institute formatting needed and references
- Oxford Policy Institute formatting and references needed
- Oxford Research Group formatting, wikified in places, lacks footnotes
- PG Economics formatting or perhaps even a general edit
- PILOT Group formatting needed and wikified in places
- Paul Corrigan formatting and wikified in places
- Paul Drayson formatting of excess paragraphs
- Paul Driessen foematting and tidy up sources he also appears as Paul Dreissen on another page
- Paul Eavis formatting would benefit this page
- Paul Ohm excess paragraphs, reference style needs attention
- Paul Rylott excess paragraphs, reference style needs attention
- Peter Cazalet formatting needed & lacks a reference section
- Peter Doyle excess paragraphs, needs referenes
- Peter Lachmann formatting needed & attention to referenceing style
- Peter Raven formatting needed & attention to referenceing style
- Peter Stothard formatting needed & attention to referenceing style
- Peter Wallis needs formatting and references
- Pfizer references need formatting
- Panel 2000 formatting needed and a reference section
- Pfizer: Corporate Crimes formatting required, especially references, links to references need wikified
- Pfizer: Influence / Lobbying formatting required, especially references, links to references need wikifed
- Pfizer: Products/Projects formatting required, especially references, links to references need wikifed also are there enough references here?
- Pfizer: Who, Where, How Much? formatting required, especially references, links to references need wikifed
- Philip Mullineaux formatting needed for excess paragraphs
- Philip Rycroft formatting and referencing style
- Pierre Pagesse formatting needed for excess paragraphs, reference style needs checked perhaps a general edit?
- Phalab Ghosh excess paragraphs need formatting, attention to reference style
- Phil Dale formatting needed and attention to referencing style
- Phil Knight formatting and reference style, also doubles Philip H. Knight and Philip Knight
- Phil Taylor formatting would benefit this page
- Procter & Gamble formatting needed especially for references, references need wikified
- Procter & Gamble: Corporate Crimes formatting required especially references, references need wikified and numbering sorted
- Procter & Gamble: Influence / Lobbying formatting required especially references, references need wikified and numbering sorted
- Procter & Gamble: Products and Projects needs formatting, wikified and attention to references
- Procter & Gamble: Who, Where, How Much? formatting needed (perhaps edited) needs wikified and references fixed
- Progress Educational Trust formatting excess paragraphs needed and referencing style needs attention
- Project 21 formatting needed for excess paragraphs, referencing style needs attention
- Public Policy and Regulation Initiative needs formatting, and wikified and attention to references. This might even need a more through edit.
Needs wikified
- ASDA Wal-Mart (wikified but needs updating + referencing needs attention - toR)
- Big Business and the Moderates £ signs and wiki links needed (wikified - toR)
- Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (wikified - toR)
- Spies at Work all pages linked to this page need wikified and footnotes formatted (work in progress - toR)
- Charities Aid Foundation (wikified - toR)
- Civitas (wikified - toR)
- Claire Sterling, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry (wikified - toR)
- Common Purpose (wikified - toR)
- Competitive Enterprise Institute (wikified - toR)
- Congress for Cultural Freedom needs unwikified (removed unnecessary wiki links, reformatted - toR)
- Construction Industry (wikified - toR)
- Construction Industry: Corporate Crimes (wikified - toR)
- Construction Industry: Government Influence (wikified - toR)
- Costain Group (wikified - toR)
- Countryside Alliance (wikified - toR)
- Dupont needs wikified, might need formatting especially references (wikified & formatted - toR)
- Dupont: Corporate crimes needs wikified & formatted & references fixed (wikified & formatted - toR)
- Dupont: Influence needs wikified & references need fixed (wikified & formatted - toR)
- Edelman UK Staff and Clients 1.12.03 - 31.05.04 needs wikified (wikified - toR)
- Energy and Resources Institute directors need wikified & formatted,& URLs in the text (wikified - toR)
- Enron needs wikified maybe formatted and referenced
- Entrepreneurial Exchange directors need wikified (wikified - toR)
- Euro RSCG Magnet needs wikified (wikified - toR)
- European Commission Civil Society Dialogue needs wikified after B and formatted
- European Movement should the executive committee members be wikified? (yes, and now they are - toR)
- European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum should steering committee and members be wikified? (wikified - toR)
- European Policy Centre needs wikified, & perhaps formatted, Urls in external links references need checked (wikified - toR)
- Exxon Mobil needs wikified (some minor formatting - toR)
- Exxon Mobil: Corporate Crimes needs wikified & perhaps formatted (wikified & formatted - toR)
- Exxon Mobil: Influence / Lobbying needs wikified and perhaps formatting - refs formatted at foot of page and headings added. Ref formatting in text still to do. --David 17:01, 26 Jul 2007 (BST) (references sorted, some additional formatting and wikifying - toR)
- Exxon Mobil: Links, contacts & resources needs wikified - sorted --David 17:01, 26 Jul 2007 (BST) (formatted - toR)
- Exxon Mobil: Who, Where, How Much? needs wikified & perhaps formatting (wikified & formatted - toR)
- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative needs wikified in places & references checked (wikified & formatted, but still needs referencing - toR)
- FOREST needs wikified, perhaps formatting, references need checked, lacks footnotes (wikified, formatted, referenced - toR)
- FPC needs wikified in places, references need attention, full references in text and no footnotes (work in progress - toR)
- Fairtrade Foundation UK board & share holders need wikified references need attention
- Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies links in text need wikified, references contain full URL and need attention in general
- Ferrero Tic Tacs and Nutella are wikified, not sure they should be
- First Group needs wikified in places, perhaps formatting too. Fine - --David 15:31, 27 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Fleishman-Hillard, PRCA Yearbook 2004 does this need wikified more? perhaps formatting too
- Fleishman-Hillard UK Staff and Clients 1 June 2005 to 30 Nov 2005 does this need more wikified? are references ok?
- Food and Drink Federation
- Food and Drink Federation: Corporate Crimes needs wikified, formatting and references contain full url
- Food and Drink Federation: Influence and lobbying needs wikified in places, formatting perhaps and full URLs in references
- Food and Drink Federation: Who, Where and How Much needs wikified, references need attention
- Fitzroy MacLean needs wikified and references need some work
- Forum Europe needs wikified, references need attention too
- Frank E. Ovaitt, Jr. needs wikified, formatting perhaps? loads of references in text but lacks footnotes
- Freedom and Democracy Trust needs wikified, references need attention
- Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco needs wikified, perhaps formatted, refs need attention, is this a doplicate of FOREST ?
- Frontiers of Freedom in text links to endnotes need wikified
- Gavyn Davies wikified more in places
- Genetic Interest Group wikified more in places, references checked perhaps formatting?
- George Marshall Institute in text links to endnotes need wikified, full urls in references
- George Mathewson more wikified in places, formatting? references need attention
- George Osborne Wikified more in places, formatting? references worth looking at too.
- Global Solutions Ltd. references need wikified
- Global Solutions Ltd.: Influence / Lobbying needs wikified
- Global Solutions Ltd.: Products/Projects needs wikified perhaps formatting too
- Global Solutions Ltd.: Who, Where, How Much? needs wikified and perhaps formatting
- Green Berets needs wikified - sorted --David 14:40, 26 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Group 4 Falck needs wikified and formatted - sorted by Suzanne and David - --David 14:40, 26 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Group 4 Falck: Corporate Crimes needs wikified and formatting (work in progress - toR)
- Group 4 Falck: Influence / Lobbying needs wikified, references need formatting (work in progress - toR)
- Group 4 Falck: Links, contacts & resources needs wikified, formatting and references need attention
- Group 4 Falck: Who, Where, How Much? needs wikified and formatting
- Global Climate Coalition more wikified, has references at end but not in text
- GlaxoSmithKline notes section needs wikified
- Global Reporting Initiative stakeholder council members need wikified
- Halliburton needs wikified, references need formatting
- Halliburton: Corporate Crimes needs wikified and formatting especially references
- Halliburton: Influence / Lobbying needs wikified and formatting especially references
- Halliburton: Who, Where, How Much? needs wikified and formatting especially references
- Halogen needs wikified, perhaps formatting and references need some attention too
- Harry Tuzo does this need wikified?
- Henry's House more wikified? lacks footnotes
- Hill and Knowlton some references need wikified
- Hill and Knowlton: Corporate Crimes needs wikified and references need formatting - sorted by Suzanne 07/08
- Hill and Knowlton: Influence/Lobbying references need wikified
- Hill and Knowlton: Who, Where and How Muchreferences need wikified
- Hoover Institution references need wikified, references need attention in general
- Israel Bonds
- Ivy Lee place names and religions are wikified, needs double checked
- Israel Center for Social and Economic Progress Board of advisors needs wikified(?) lacks footnotes
- Institute of International Finance board members not wikified- members wikified 07/08, formatting too?
- Industry and Parliament Trust not wikified, would benefit from some background, references need general attention
- Independent Institute staff not wikified - staff wikified 07/08
- International Security Council, extract from The "Terrorism" Industry does this need wikified? or formatted?
- International Institute for Environment and Development trustees need wikified - trustees wikified 07/08 references need attention
- International Chamber of Commerce wikified? formatting? references in text but no footnotes
- J Sainsbury Plc: Corporate Crimes links to end notes need wikified, more wikified in places? references need formatting
- J Sainsbury Plc: Influence / Lobbying links to refs/endnotes need wikified, references need formatting
- J Sainsbury Plc: Who, Where, How Much? links to refs/endnotes need wikified
- James Hughes-Hallett check wikified properly
- James Lovelock more wikified ??
- John Quelch wiki needs checked and needs a reference
- John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir over wikified and needs references
- John Baker White in text references need wikified and it lacks a reference section
- Joseph S. Nye, Jr. over wikified
- John Laing needs wikified, notes need formatting
- Ken Dahlberg we need to check how this one is wikified
- Kazakhmys Executive Directors need wikified
- LLM communications Staff and clients 30.11.03 - 31.05.04 I've wikified the client list, should the staff be done too?
- LOTIS Committee needs wikified, possibly formatting and attention to referencing style, lacks footnotes too
- Lionel Curtis overwikified
- Clive Hollick slightly over wikified
- Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover over wikified, needs areference section
- MS Swaminatham this is a double page, one is more wikified than the other, both need attention to referencing
- Media Research Center people need wikified, sources need a quick tidy
- Media Strategy needs wikified
- Meredith Thomas Public Relations Ltd needs wikified
- Milner's Kindergarten over wikified, formatting perhaps too
- Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights more wikified?
- New Labour: Donors wikified, formatting and attention to references
- New Labour: Task Forces wikified and attention to referencing
- Nexia Solutions more wikified in places
- Nation Branding needs wikified in places
- NHS needs wikified, formatting and attention to references
- Nuclear rebuild: How the Different Newspapers Stack Up needs wikified and lacks footnotes
- Nuclear Energy Institute lobbyists and directors need wikified - wikified 07/08
- Northern Foods Plc: Products and Projects needs wikified and formatting especially references
- Nestle needs wikified, references are not numbered and contain full URLs, formatting too?
- Nestle: Who, Where, How Much? needs wikified, formattign and attention to references
- Nestle: Products and Projects needs wikified, formatting and attention to references
- National Farmers' Union: An alternative voice for farmers? wikified, formattign and references need attention
- National Farmers' Union: Conclusion needs wikified, formatting and attention to references
- National Farmers' Union: Dissent from within needs wikified, formatting and attention to references
- National Farmers' Union: Examples of recent NFU Policies needs wikified especially references
- National Farmers' Union: Structure wikified and formatting required
- National Farmers' Union: The NFU's over-arching analysis of the global farming crisis needs wikified, formatting and references need general attention
- National Farmers' Union: Who does the NFU represent? wikified, formattig and numbering of references
- National Farmers' Union: Why the poor eyesight? wikified, references need attention no links in text and formatting might help too
- Ocean Security Initiative needs wikified and formatting
- Off the Peg: Tesco and the garment industry in Asia wikified and formatting needed especially references
- Ogilvy & Mather references need wikified and formatted
- Ogilvy & Mather: Corporate Crimes needs wikified and formatting
- Ogilvy & Mather: Influence / Lobbying needs wikified and formatting
- Oil & Gas Industry Task Force wikified, formatting and references needed
- Pagoda Public Relations clients need wikified- wikified 07/08, and some attention to references
- Peter D. Debreceny over wikified? lacks reference section, full urls in text - fine --David 14:43, 26 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian over wikified, formatting might help too - Sorted --David 15:25, 27 Jul 2007 (BST)
- Policy Network people need wikified - wikified 07/08
- Policy Studies Institute some sponsors could be wikified, referencing style needs attention