Ogilvy & Mather: Influence / Lobbying

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3.1 Industry Groups

Council of Public Relations Firms The Council of Public Relations firm is a leading industry body for the PR industry. Its membership comprises 122 PR companies including Ogilvy PR Worldwide. [www.prfirms.org]

Public Relations Society of America The Public Relations Society of America, headquartered in New York, is the world's largest professional organization for public relations professionals, with nearly 20,000 members, organized into 117 Chapters nationwide. Ogilvy PR Worldwide is a member. [www.prsa.org]

European Association of Communications Agencies The EACA is located in Brussels and claims to work closely with the European Commission, the Council of Europe, and the World Federation of Advertisers, the European Advertising Standards Alliance, the various Media Associations, as well as the International Advertising Association. The EACA's aim is 'to provide the Communication Agency industries in Europe with an optimal working environment'.

The 16 largest international communications agencies -including Ogilvy & Mather- are all members of EACA. [www.eaca.be]

Back to top 3.2 Governmental Links

Managing Public Affairs / Influencing Public Policy The ability to manipulate and manage public opinion (and as a result, manipulate democratic political processes) provides O&M (and its corporate and governmental clients) with substantial political power.

Ogilvy Public Relation's Public Affairs Practice claims to have200 professionals in key political centres in Brussels, Beijing, Sacramento and Washington, D.C. The firm claims to run its Public Affairs campaigns as if they were political campaigns, tactics include the formation of alliances, the mobilisation of stakeholders, engaging the media and implementing grassroots activities. Ogilvy PR continues: “We understand public policy - who influences it and who decides it. We also understand how to communicate effectively about policy.” (see Corporate Crimes section)

Government Contracts with Lobbyists and Political Consultants A report by Kenneth R. Weinstein (Government Integrity Project Report No. 15, 3 November 1997) pleas for an end to Gov’t contracts with lobbyists and political consultants. Weinstein describes how Clinton administration’s unprecedented PR contracting clashes with federal law and ethic rules. He criticises the phenomenon of revolving doors, and includes the following example: Ogilvy, Adams & Rinehart received a $200,000 contract from the Department of Transportation one year after the department's director of public affairs joined the firm. In the appendix of the report one can find more details about Ogilvy, Adams & Rinehart’s work for the US Gov’t.[31]

Gov’t continues contract with O&M in spite of fraud accusations On 23 August 2001 US Representative Bob Barr condemned the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) for again refusing to cancel a government contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars, despite significant allegations of rampant waste, fraud and abuse, by the advertising firm, Ogilvy & Mather. ”For the federal government to continue to do business with a private company that has a documented record of defrauding the government and abusing taxpayer money is unconscionable,” said Barr.[32](see also Corporate Crimes section).

Ogilvy PR's largest office is based in Washington, D.C. Head of the Washington office Mr. Mathias claims it [Washington] is a terrific location because of a great client base and the interaction with government, business and the media.[33]

Back to top 3.3 Influencing education

Mass education "We have within our hands the greatest aggregate means of mass education and persuasion the world has ever see - namely the channels of advertising. We have power. Why do we not use it?" (The words of a J. Walter Thompson executive in the early 80s)

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide has announced the creation of a national education group to help clients, both public and private actors, to conduct education programs. "Education in the 21st century reaches people at every stage of their lives, through channels as diverse as schools, colleges, workplaces, the media and the Internet," said Bob Seltzer, Chairman and CEO, Ogilvy PR. "We have created this national group to bring together our full depth of experience and capabilities to help clients across all of these venues.” Current clients include the US Department of Education, Coca-Cola, MasterCard International, and various schools and universities.[34]

Ogilvy & Mather BrandNet Ogilvy & Mather BrandNet claims to be a worldwide resource for the study of brands, advertising, and the Ogilvy process of Brand Stewardship.



[31] ‘Congress should end gov’t contracts with lobbyists and political consultants’, By Kenneth R. Weinstein, Government Integrity Project Report No. 15, 3 November 1997, The Heritage Foundation Website: www.heritage.org/library/categories/govern/gip15.html accessed 28 May 2002 [32]‘Barr Again Urges Bush to End Fraudulent Anti-Drug Contract’, Press Release, 23 August 2001, twisted Badge website: www.twistedbadge.com/press_releases_8_23.htm accessed 28 May 2002 [33]'Ogilvy PR Worldwide announces new leadership appointments', Ogilvy PR Worldwide News, 25 March 2002, Ogilvy PR website: www.ogilvypr.com/pr.cfm?num=321 accessed 6 June 2002 [34]'Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Forms Education Group', Ogilvy News, 6 May 2002, Ogilvy PR Worldwide website: www.ogilvypr.com/pr.cfm?num=326 accessed 28 May 2002