Leonard Collinson

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Leonard Collinson is the former Chairman of Newsco Publications (he remains a Director after it was sold to Regional Independent Media in 1999). He is a Director of the Collinson Grant Group and Central Plastics. He gave more than £5,000 to the Labour Party in 1999-2000 and £6,600 in 2001.

Newsco is a publisher of business information, including the Insider magazines (covering the North-West and Yorkshire), corporate finance directories and Finance North magazine. They also provide contract publishing for Manchester City Council and business magazines for Yorkshire Forward. Leonard Collinson owns a 150 acre forest in Wales, and his personal wealth is estimated at more than £7 million.

Collinson Grant is a management consultancy company based in Manchester. Leonard Collinson is also a Director of other business consultancy companies, including Collinson Associates, LC Associates and ECMC Ltd. He is also a Director of the Forum of Private Business.

He is also Chairman of NorthWest in Business, a New Labour/business networking organisation which has been paid frequent visits by Gordon Brown. Peter Coates also sits on its council.


Taken from 'Leonard Collinson' available through search function on http://www.red-star-research.org.uk/subframe5.html