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Havas was France's biggest advertising organisation until ousted by the phenomenal growth of arch-rival Publicis. The group is now the last remnant of what was once a second tier of smaller international marketing organisations, controlling two worldwide networks in Euro RSCG and smaller Arnold Worldwide, as well as media group MPG. However Havas has suffered further severe erosion of its position, with both billings and revenues underperforming against other marketing groups, despite a general recovery in the industry. Fresh uncertainty about the future of Havas was raised by the intervention of corporate raider Vincent Bollor, who seized effective control of the group in 2005. Advertising Age ranked Havas as the #6 ad organisation worldwide in 2004 with revenues of $1.9bn. source: [1]

Havas is not so heavily involved in public relations and lobbying as the big four communications groups. According to PR Week :

Magnet is Havas' most prominent PR firm. It was formed in January 2004 through the merger of Magnet Communications and Euro RSCG Middleberg. [2]

It's other well known PR and lobbying firms in the UK include The Maitland Consultancy and Euro RSCG Biss Lancaster.


The New York-based Havas advertising conglomerate shares the same origins as the Havas news service and media group Vivendi Universal but has a separate ownership and is independent.

It encompasses advertising, marketing and public relations businesses across the globe, with most revenue coming from the US and Western Europe.

The group dates from establishment in Paris by Charles Louis Havas of a book publishing, book & newspaper retailing and news service business during the 1830s. Havas moved into media buying to leverage his newspaper wholesale and retail distribution activity, and then into advertising. The family sold its interests for 7 million francs in 1879.

In 1920 Havas merged with Societe Generale des Annonces advertising agency. The news service was nationalised in 1940. The state took a major stake in the publishing, distribution and advertising arms.

In 1958 the advertising arm gained greater autonomy as Havas Conseil. In 1968 it became a corporation and during 1975 was reconstituted as a holding company - Eurocom - that embraced advertising, public relations and other subsidiaries.

Eurocom was first listed on the Paris Bourse in 1982 (diluting ownership by the publishing arm) and after merging with the Goulet group acquired marketing, sales promotions, public relations and design units within and outside France.

During 1984 its alliance with [[Young & Rubicam] (now part of WPP and then in difficulty after over-expansion) resulted in the HCM network that brought together its agencies and those in the Marsteller group.

Three years later the HCM network was widened with agencies owned by Dentsu and WCRS. In 1990 the group's brands were merged to create Eurocom Advertising, which merged with RSCG in 1991 as Euro RSCG Worldwide - operating in 27 countries. At that time the group was the largest in France and number 7 worldwide.

In 1994 it established Mediapolis, an international media buying and consulting network, in partnership with Young & Rubicam.

Two years later, just to keep everyone confused, Euro RSCG Worldwide was renamed Havas Advertising and moved its global headquarters to New York. The group operated in 63 countries with over 200 units. At that time it was acquired by engineering and infrastructure conglomerate CGE, which was rebadged as Vivendi.

Vivendi moved on the US beverage, music and film conglomerate Seagram after selling Havas' outdoor advertising operations to Paris-based J C Decaux for �652m and much of its travel agency operations to American Express.

In conjunction with Vivendi's takeover of Seagram (becoming Vivendi Universal) the advertising group merged with Media Planning and then with the Snyder Communications group.

Vivendi Universal was meanwhile selling out of Havas Advertising: the last stake was disposed of for $453m in 2001.

In April 2004 Havas announced that it would sell back to 75% of WCRS to that agency's management as part of plans to scale back Arnold Worldwide Partners, initially intended as a second worldwide agency network alongside Euro RSCG Worldwide but victim of Havas' global cost-cutting. Source [3]

Talking big on climate change

Havas is a primary sponsor and creator of the UN's Time for Climate Justice ('tck tck tck') campaign which was launched on June 29 2009 at the Cannes Film Festival, by Kofi Annan and Havas worldwide CEO David Jones.[1]

The campaign includes a global petition, calls to world leaders for strong climate change agreements, and an open source 'tck tck tck' logo which Havas encourage any other advertising agencies to use on their material to promote the cause. At the launch David Jones said:

Our industry excels at changing people's behaviour. I believe that we have not only an opportunity, but an obligation to use our creativity to address some of the biggest issues facing the world like climate justice. To get a meaningful deal at Copenhagen requires everyone to put pressure on their leaders to agree a fair and binding post-Kyoto deal. This is precisely the aim of the ‘tck tck tck: Time for Climate Justice’ campaign, and the advertising and marketing communities have a crucial role to play.[2]

The justice-oriented stance of Havas regarding this campaign stands in stark contrast to the activities of its subsidiaries such as Biss Lancaster who have represented large carbon contributors such as arms companies and airlines (see Biss Lancaster).


  • Mercedes Erra, Executive Co-Chairman, Euro RSCG Worldwide, Chairman of Euro RSCG France and President of BETC Euro RSCG
  • Stephane Fouks, Executive Co-Chairman, Euro RSCG Worldwide, Chairman of Euro RSCG France
  • David Jones, Chief Executive Officer of Euro RSCG Worldwide, CEO of Euro RSCG Worldwide New York
  • Remi Babinet, Chief Creative Officer Euro RSCG Worldwide, President and Creative Director of BETC Euro RSCG



Euro RSCG Worldwide

Agatep Associates www.eurorscg.com.ph Pasig city Philippines As Publicidad Santo domingo Dominican republic BETC Euro RSCG Paris France BETC Euro RSCG www.eurorscg.fr Paris France Black Rocket Euro RSCG www.blackrocket.com San francisco Usa Bonus Cairo Egypt Carillo Pastore Euro RSCG www.carillopastore.com.br San paulo Brazil

Costa rica Costa rica Comunicacion International San jose Costa rica

www.conrandesigngroup.com London U.k. D'Antona & Partners Milan Italy Difusion y Audiencias www.difusionyaudiencias.com Barcelona Spain Difusion y Audiencias www.difusionyaudiencias.com Madrid Spain Difusion y Audiencias www.difusionyaudiencias.com Barcelona Spain Difusion y Audiencias www.difusionyaudiencias.com Madrid Spain Dream Studio Prague 7 Czech republic Dream Studio Warsaw Poland EHS Brann www.ehsbrann.com Cirencester U.k.

www.ehsbrannleeds.com Leeds U.k. EHS Brann www.ehsbrann.com London U.k. EHS Brann Discovery www.ehsbranndiscovery.com London U.k. Euro RSCG www.eurorscgbuenosaires.com.ar Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG 27 Suresnes France Euro RSCG 27 www.eurorscg.fr Suresnes France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com.ar Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.co.th Bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG 4D www.devondirect.com Berwyn Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Toronto Canada Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.fr Lyon France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.fr Marseille France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.hu Budapest Hungary Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorsc4d.com Jakarta Indonesia Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Chicago Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com New york Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.es Madrid Spain Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.cl Providencia, santiago Chile Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg-tathampartners.com Portland Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com New delhi India Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Boston Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.de Frankfurt Germany Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.com Baltimore Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com New york Usa Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.pt Lisbon Portugal Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.com.pl Warsaw Poland Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.cz Prague 7 Czech republic Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.nl Amsterdam schiphol Netherlands Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.at Vienna Austria Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Milan Italy Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Brussels Belgium Euro RSCG 4D www.euroi.com.mx Mexico city Mexico Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com.br San paulo Brazil Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Istanbul Turkey Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.de Dusseldorf Germany Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.fr Suresnes France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.fr Marseille France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.fr Lyon France Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.nl Schiphol Netherlands Euro RSCG 4D Bogota Colombia Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Mexico city Mexico Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com.ar Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com.br San paulo Brazil Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.co.th Wattana - bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg.hu Budapest Hungary Euro RSCG 4D www.eurorscg4d.com Moscow Russia Euro RSCG 4D / Field Force Beijing www.ffms.com Beijing China Euro RSCG 4D / Field Force Guangzhou www.eurorscg.com Guangzhou China Euro RSCG 4D ASL www.studentlist.com Mineola Usa Euro RSCG 4D Contact www.eurorscg4d.com Herndon Usa Euro RSCG 4D Data www.ascidirect.es Madrid Spain Euro RSCG 4D Discovery www.eurorscg4d.com Glen allen Usa Euro RSCG 4D DRTV www.eurorscg-drtv.com Carlsbad Usa Euro RSCG 4D eOne (Barcelona) www.eurorscg.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG 4D eOne (Barcelona) www.eone.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG 4D eOne (Madrid) www.eone.es Madrid Spain Euro RSCG 4D Field Force www.eurorscg4d.com Taipei Taiwan Euro RSCG 4D Field Force www.eurorscg4d.com Taipei Taiwan Euro RSCG 4D Field Force Shanghai www.eurorscg4d.com Shanghai China Euro RSCG 4D Field Force Shanghai www.eurorscg4d.com Shanghai China Euro RSCG 4D Impact www.eurorscg4d.com Norcross Usa Euro RSCG 4D Impact www.eurorscg4d.com Chicago Usa Euro RSCG 4D Marketing House www.marketing-house.pl Warsaw Poland Euro RSCG 4D-DRTV www.eurorscg-drtv.com Portland Usa Euro RSCG ABC www.eurorscgabc.de Berlin Germany Euro RSCG ABC www.eurorscgabc.de Hamburg Germany Euro RSCG ABC www.eurorscgabc.de Dusseldorf Germany Euro RSCG ABC www.eurorscgabc.de Frankfurt Germany Euro RSCG AdWork www.eurorscg.co.id Jakarta Indonesia Euro RSCG Algerie www.eurorscg.com Hydra - alger Algeria Euro RSCG Amsterdam www.eurorscg.nl Amstelveen Netherlands Euro RSCG Amsterdam www.eurorscg.nl Amstelveen Netherlands Euro RSCG Athens www.eurorscg.gr Athens Greece Euro RSCG Bain Dubai United arab emirates Euro RSCG Bangalore www.eurorscgindia.com Bangalore India Euro RSCG Bangalore www.eurorscgindia.com Bangalore India Euro RSCG Barcelona www.eurorscg.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG Beeley Callan www.eurorscg.com.au Brisbane Australia Euro RSCG Beeley Callan www.eurorscg.com.au Melbourne Australia Euro RSCG Beeley Callan www.eurorscg.com.au North sydney Australia Euro RSCG Beijing www.eurorscg.com Beijing China Euro RSCG Beirut www.eurorscgbeirut.com Beirut Lebanon Euro RSCG Beker Mexico city Mexico Euro RSCG Beker www.eurorscgb.com.mx Mexico Mexico Euro RSCG BF Ouagadougou Burkina faso Euro RSCG Bikker www.bikker.nl Rotterdam Netherlands

Euro RSCG BNL www.eurorscg.fi Helsinki Finland Euro RSCG BNL www.eurorscg.fi Helsinki Finland Euro RSCG Bounty www.bountyers.ru Moscow Russia Euro RSCG Bratislava www.eurorscg.sk Bratislava Slovakia Euro RSCG Brisbane www.eurorscg.com.au Brisbane Australia Euro RSCG Brussels www.eurorscg.com Brussels Belgium Euro RSCG Bucharest www.addv.ro Bucharest Romania Euro RSCG C&O www.eurorscgco.com Suresnes France Euro RSCG C&O www.eurorscgco.fr Suresnes France Euro RSCG C&O - European Public Affairs www.eurorscg.fr Brussels Belgium Euro RSCG Calcutta www.eurorscgindia.com Calcutta India Euro RSCG Calcutta www.eurorscgindia.com Calcutta India Euro RSCG Carillo Pastore www.carillopastore.com.br San paulo Brazil Euro RSCG Chennai www.eurorscgindia.com Chennai India Euro RSCG Chennai www.eurorscgindia.com Chennai India Euro RSCG Colombia www.eurorscg.com Santa fe de bogota, d.c. Colombia Euro RSCG Colombia www.eurorscg.com.co Bogota Colombia Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Lyon France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Montpellier France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Reims cedex France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Clermont-ferrand France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Marseille France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Rennes France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Tours France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Nantes France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Villeneuve d'ascq France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Annecy France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Suresnes France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com Lille France Euro RSCG Compagnie www.eurorscgcie.com/ Rennes France Euro RSCG Copenhagen www.eurorscg.dk Copenhagen Denmark Euro RSCG Corporate Communications www.eurorscg.cz Prague 7 Czech republic Euro RSCG CraveroLanis www.eurorscg.com Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG CraveroLanis www.eurorscg.com Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG Cyberlab www.eurorscg.pt Lisbon Portugal Euro RSCG Design & Arquitectura www.eurorscg.pt Lisbon Portugal Euro RSCG Digital www.ioptions.com.au The rocks Australia Euro RSCG Direct Impact www.eurorscg.co.th Bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG Direct Impact www.eurorscg.co.th Wattana - bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG Duesseldorf www.eurorscg.de Dusseldorf Germany Euro RSCG Flagship www.eurorscg-th.com Bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG Flagship www.eurorscg-th.com Wattana - bangkok Thailand Euro RSCG Geneva www.eurorscg.ch Geneve, 6 Switzerland Euro RSCG Geneva www.eurorscg.ch Geneve, 6 Switzerland Euro RSCG Guangzhou www.eurorscg.com Guangzhou China Euro RSCG Hamburg www.eurorscg.de Hamburg Germany Euro RSCG Helsinki www.eurorscg.fi Helsinki Finland Euro RSCG Helsinki www.eurorscg.fi Helsinki Finland Euro RSCG Hong Kong www.eurorscg.com.hk Hong kong China Euro RSCG IDEA www.eurorscg.ee Tallinn Estonia Euro RSCG Istanbul www.eurorscg.com Istanbul Turkey Euro RSCG Jakarta www.eurorscg.com Jakarta Indonesia Euro RSCG Kiev www.eurorscg.com.ua Kiev Ukraine Euro RSCG KLP www.klpeurorscg.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Kuala Lumpur www.eurorscg.com Kuala lumpur Malaysia Euro RSCG Latino www.eurorscglatino.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Latino - New York www.eurorscglatino.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Latinoamerica Buenos aires Argentina Euro RSCG Leedex www.leedex.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Leedex www.leedex.com Manchester U.k. Euro RSCG Leedex www.leedex.com Edinburgh U.k. Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Tokyo Japan Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Schiphol Netherlands Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscg.no Oslo Norway Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com North sydney Australia Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.ca Toronto Canada Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Rome Italy Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Mumbai India Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.de Munich Germany Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.fr Suresnes France Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscg.pt Lisbon Portugal Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Brussels Belgium Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscg.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.ch Basel Switzerland Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscg.es Barcelona Spain Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com Mumbai India Euro RSCG Life www.eurorscglife.com.au North sydney Australia Euro RSCG Life Adrenaline www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life Central www.eurorscglife.com Chicago Usa Euro RSCG Life Chelsea www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life China www.eurorscglife.com Shanghai China Euro RSCG Life Cytocom www.eurorscglife.com West windsor Usa Euro RSCG Life Esquema www.eurorscglife.com Madrid Spain Euro RSCG Life Genecom www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life Interaction www.erlinteraction.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life LM&P www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life Medea www.eurorscglife.com Madrid Spain Euro RSCG Life MetaMax www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life MSC www.eurorscglife.com Richmond U.k. Euro RSCG Life NRP www.nrp-euro.com Suresnes France Euro RSCG Life NRP www.nrp-euro.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Life NRP www.nrp-euro.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life NRP www.nrp-euro.com San diego Usa Euro RSCG Life PR www.nrp-euro.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Life RiverWorks www.eurorscglife.com Lambertville Usa Euro RSCG Life StratStar www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life Worldwide www.eurorscglife.fr Suresnes France Euro RSCG Life Worldwide www.eurorscglife.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Life Worldwide, HQ www.eurorscg.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Lisbon www.eurorscg.pt Lisbon Portugal Euro RSCG London www.eurorscglondon.co.uk London U.k. Euro RSCG London www.eurorscglondon.co.uk London U.k. Euro RSCG Luebke Prey www.eurorscg.de Munich Germany Euro RSCG Madrid www.eurorscg.es Madrid Spain Euro RSCG Magnet www.eurorscg-magnet.com San francisco Usa Euro RSCG Magnet www.magnet.com Washington, d.c. Usa Euro RSCG Magnet www.eurorscg-magnet.com Chicago Usa Euro RSCG Magnet www.magnet.com Corona Usa Euro RSCG Magnet www.eurorscg-magnet.com New york Usa Euro RSCG Magnet www.magnet.com Pittsburgh Usa Euro RSCG Manila www.eurorscg.com.ph Pasig city Philippines Euro RSCG Marketing House www.marketing-house.pl Warsaw Poland Euro RSCG Meridian Westport Usa Euro RSCG MIA www.eurorscg.lt Vilnius Lithuania Euro RSCG MIA www.eurorscg.lt Vilnius Lithuania Euro RSCG Milano www.eurorscg.com Milan Italy Euro RSCG Milano Milan Italy Euro RSCG Montevideo Montevideo Uruguay Euro RSCG Moradpour www.eurorscg.com Moscow Russia Euro RSCG Moradpour www.eurorscgmoradpour.ru Moscow Russia Euro RSCG New Delhi www.eurorscgindia.com New delhi India Euro RSCG New Delhi www.eurorscgindia.com New delhi India Euro RSCG New Europe - Prague / New Europe Region Headquarters www.eurorscg.cz Prague Czech republic Euro RSCG New Europe Sofia www.eurorscgsofia.com Sofia Bulgaria Euro RSCG New Europe Sofia www.eurorscgsofia.com Sofia Bulgaria Euro RSCG Next www.eurorscg.co.kr Joong-ku, seoul Korea south Euro RSCG Peru www.eurorscg.com Lima Peru Euro RSCG Portland www.eurorscg.com Portland Usa Euro RSCG PR www.eurorscg.ee Tallinn Estonia Euro RSCG PR & Events www.eurorscgindia.com Mumbai India Euro RSCG PR & Events www.eurorscgindia.com Mumbai India Euro RSCG Prague www.eurorscg.cz Prague 7 Czech republic Euro RSCG Promopub Dubai United arab emirates Euro RSCG Puerto Rico San juan Puerto rico Euro RSCG RH www.eurorscgrh.com Suresnes France Euro RSCG RH www.eurorscgrh.com Marseille France Euro RSCG RH www.eurorscgrh.com Lyon France Euro RSCG Riga www.eurorscg.lv Riga Latvia Euro RSCG Riley www.eurorscg-riley.co.uk London U.k. Euro RSCG Riley - London www.eurorscg-riley.co.uk London U.k. Euro RSCG Santiago www.eurorscg.cl Providencia, santiago Chile Euro RSCG Shanghai www.eurorscg.com Shanghai China Euro RSCG Shanghai www.eurorscg.com Shanghai China Euro RSCG Singapore www.eurorscg.com Singapore Singapore Euro RSCG Skybridge www.eurorscgskybridge.com London U.k. Euro RSCG Stockholm www.eurorscg.se Stockholm Sweden Euro RSCG Stockholm www.eurorscg.se Stockholm Sweden Euro RSCG Sydney www.eurorscg.com.au North sydney Australia Euro RSCG Taipei www.eurorscg.com.tw Taipei Taiwan Euro RSCG Taipei www.eurorscg.com Taipei Taiwan Euro RSCG Tel Aviv www.eurorscg.com Tel aviv Israel Euro RSCG Tokyo www.eurorscg.co.jp Tokyo Japan Euro RSCG Toronto www.sharpeblackmore.com Toronto Canada Euro RSCG Ukraine www.eurorscg.com.ua Kiev Ukraine Euro RSCG Vale www.valeeurorscg.com Mexico d.f Mexico Euro RSCG Vale www.valeeurorscg.com Mexico d.f Mexico Euro RSCG Vienna www.eurorscg.at Vienna Austria Euro RSCG Warsaw www.eurorscg.com.pl Warsaw Poland Euro RSCG WCA www.eurorscgwca.com Abidjan Ivory coast Euro RSCG Worldwide www.eurorscg.co.uk London U.k. 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Vallejo & Asociados Quito Ecuador Klan Iletisim Istanbul Turkey Klem Euro RSCG www.eurorscg.com Casablanca Morocco Madonna Advertising Ltd. Dhaka Bangladesh Mai Thanh Advertising & Marketing Ho chi minh city Vietnam Mars Euro RSCG www.eurorscg.no Oslo Norway Medical Education Group www.megcme.com Trevose Usa Multimedia Tegucigalpa Honduras National Retail Services www.nrs3.com Danbury Usa Perfecto Communication Dakar fann Senegal Prod's Suresnes France Quimica Publicidad www.quimica.com.pa Panama Panama Rivera & Rivera San salvador El salvador S.S Fuel www.fuelspain.com Madrid Spain

London U.k. The Moult Agency www.themoultagency.com.au The rocks Australia The Retail Company Drogenbos Belgium Thompson Communications www.thompson.com.cy Larnaka Cyprus



  1. P.Kullander Kofi Annan launches ‘tck tck tck: Time for Climate Justice’ Global Humanitarian Forum, Jun 29, 2009. Accessed 31/03/10
  2. P.Kullander Kofi Annan launches ‘tck tck tck: Time for Climate Justice’ Global Humanitarian Forum, Jun 29, 2009. Accessed 31/03/10