European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum

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A European financial services industry lobby group set up to get close to MEPs. It is run by John Houston of Houston Consulting, the lobbying and PR firm.

Founding members

Steering Committee

The following are the members of the Forum's Steering Committee, which, together with Financial Industry Members, are the governing body of the Forum.


Industry members


Federation of European Securities Exchanges Members (FESE)


Mrs. Lie Junius ABN AMRO Bank
Mrs. Florence Lombard The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA)
Mr. David Bennett Association of Private Client Investment Managers and Stockbrokers (APCIMS)
Mr. Jacques Maire AXA
Mr. Javier Arias Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria
Mrs. Christine Farnish Barclays plc
Mrs. Dominique Graber BNP Paribas
Mr. Kurt Schacht Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA)
Mrs. Susanne Denison-Knowles Citigroup
Mr. Helmuth Martin Commerzbank AG
Mr. Ansgar Tietmeyer Deutsche Bank AG
Mrs. Henriette Peucker Deutsche Börse AG
Mr. Henning Schoppmann European Association of Public Banks (EAPB)
Mr. Guido Ravoet European Banking Federation (EBF)
Mrs. Annik Lambert European Mortgage Federation (EMF)
Mr. Chris De Noose European Savings Banks Group (ESBG)
Mr. Paul Symons Euroclear
Mr. Antonio Hernandez Laviades Euronext
Mrs. Michaela Koller European Insurance and Reinsurance Federation (CEA)
Mr. Javier Echarri European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (EVCA)
Mr. Henri Olivier European Federation of Accountants (FEE)
Mr. Anthony Belchambers Futures and Options Association (FOA) - describes itself as a founding member on its website [1]
Mr. Freddy Van den Spiegel Fortis Bank
Mr. Richard O'Toole Goldman Sachs International
Mr. Gregor Pozniak International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
Mr. David Pollard ING
Mrs. Alessandra Perrazzelli Intesa Sanpaolo
Mr. Roger Cogan International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
Mr. Richard Kaye JP Morgan
Mr. Jonathan Taylor London Investment Banking Association (LIBA)
Mr. Alastair Evans Lloyd's
Mr. Roger Grazebrook Lloyds TSB
Mr. Christoph Baert MasterCard Europe
Mr. Mitchell Coen Merrill Lynch
Mr. Hannu Halttunen Nordea Bank Finland
Mrs. Sally Padget Prudential plc
Mr. Howard Davies Royal Bank of Scotland
Mr. Bertrand Huet The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)
Mr. Frédéric de Brouwer Société Générale
Mr. Christopher Lake Standard and Poor's
Mr. Pehr Wissén Svenska Handelsbanken
Mr. Jon Carr UBS AG
Mr. Peter Rieger UniCredit Group
Mr. Peter Moller Jensen VISA Europe
Mrs. MP Azevedo Western Union International Bank


EPFSF Secretariat
+32 2 504 80 40




  1. FOA, About Us, accessed 20 May 2012