Media CSR Forum

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According to a blurb on the Department of Culture, Media and Sport website: 'The Media CSR Forum is a group of media organisations developing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Sustainability practices and understanding for the UK media sector. It was established in 2001 following recognition that the practice of CSR and sustainability for media companies has many unique features that sets it apart from traditional industry and other business sectors. The members of the forum are working collaboratively to provide an understanding of CSR and sustainability for media organisations, to share best practices, to develop collaborative projects on key issues, to identify areas for prioritisation, and develop appropriate metrics for public reporting. The work of the group is summarised in the following document:

  • The Media CSR Forum: Key CSR Issues for the Media Industry (A report produced with KPMG dated January 2005 and available from the KPMG website under publications at [1]

Detailed issues are explored through two specific working groups, and through various initiatives developed by Media CSR Forum organisations:

  • Working group on 'Measurement and Reporting for Media Organisations'
  • Working group on 'Issues of Media Literacy'
  • Community and social initiatives developed directly by media organisations.

Members of the CSR Media Forum include

The group is facilitated by Acona Ltd, through whom contact with the Media CSR Forum can be made - please contact: Email: Tel: +44 (0) 207 8127133