Public Affairs Newsletter

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The Public Affairs Newsletter gives valid and important information to anyone who may be working or involved in any way with or within the public and government affairs industry.

The Public Affairs Newsletter is a product of the European Training Institute (ETI). It is an exclusive partnership with the European Policy Centre (EPC). This is an independant think tank which has been created, not as a money making scheme, but as a scheme which is committed to making European integration work.

The European Policy Centre are constantly at the cutting edge of European policy making. They provide their members and the members of the wider public with rapid high quality information and analysison the Eu policy agenda.It's aim is to promote a balanced dialogue between the different constituencies of its membership, spanning all aspects of economic and social life.

The European Training Centre (ETI), who are dedicated to giving information regarding poloitics and government affairs to those who are members of the general public and others, have a training centre in Brussels. The training that they give includes a full range of seminars and programmes which are fully dedicated to European Public Affairs.

The seminars that are offered by the ETI are fully interactive. The seminars also examine all aspects of Public Affairs Managment, the working of the European Institutions, and the examine the best ways of influencing their policies. Here are some examples of the subjects which are discussed and taught at the seminars;

- Better understandings of the EU system and EU policy making - The tools for developing a successful working relationship with the EU - An effective framework understanding key developments at a European level - An introduction to the work of the Eu in practice with speakers from the EU institutions and a visit to the Eurpoean Parliament