J Sainsbury Plc: Products and Projects

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J Sainsbury PLC's operations include Sainsbury's Supermarkets, Sainsbury's Bank, JS Developments, Sainsbury's Property Company and the US Shaw's Supermarkets[6], of which Sainsbury's Supermarkets are by far the largest, bringing £510 000 000 operating profit in the year to 2001[7].

40% of the products in Sainsbury's supermarkets are own-brand[8]. In November 2001 Sainsbury's announced that it is to launch an own-brand range of Fair Trade goods, [26 November 2001 'Major boost for Fairtrade Movement - Sainsbury's announces plans for an own label range',[9] which is welcome news indeed, but should not disguise the fact that Sainsbury's, along with all other supermarkets, is still failing to ensure than an adequate price is paid to farmers across the world, thus creating a lot more poverty than it relieves.


[6] http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/about/operation_developments.htm [7] J Sainsbury PLC Annual Report and Financial Statements 2001, p. 2 [8] www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/about/operation_supermarket.htm [9] 26 November 2001 'Major boost for Fairtrade Movement - Sainsbury's announces plans for an own label range', http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/media/news_view.cfm?article=199