Gordon McKenzie

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Gordon McKenzie is the former sales director of Microsoft Scotland for 5 years, until being promoted to European Sales Director. He openly criticised Scotland's NHS for wasting money on its outdated I.T system in comparison to England who had already signed contracts with Microsoft. [1]

When Microsoft announced that Scotland was to be the headquarters for its new UK-wide retail financial services operation, Gordon McKenzie was chosen to head the venture. [2]


  1. ^ The Register, "Microsoft says Scottish NHS Must Curb IT Spend", 5 January 2005, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/01/05/scottish_it_spending_spree/
  2. ^ The Sunday Herald, 16 June 2002, "Microsoft Choses Scotland for Retail Financial Services HQ", http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4156/is_20020616/ai_n12576827