Asia-Pacific Foundation

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Asia-Pacific Foundation

The Asia-Pacific Foundation is a UK think tank, that describes itself as an "International Policy Assessment Group" [1]

The foundation was launched in March 2001. According to the Jammu and Kashmir Daily Excelsior, a conference on terrorism in Asia was held in London to mark the launch of the foundation. [2]


The foundation's organisation web page states that "The Asia-Pacific Foundation is supported by donations and grants. It is totally independent of both public and private bodies and is not a lobbying vehicle for any country, political party, denominational group, ideological movement, or pressure group, be they in the West or in the Asia Pacific region." [3]

According to the Sourcewatch website "No information appears to have ever been published detailing the Foundation's funding sources. The Foundation does not appear to publish accounts."

Is the APF a company, a charity, or neither?

There does not appear to be an "Asia-Pacific Foundation" registered either at Companies House [4] or at the UK Charity Commission [5]. Attempting to ascertain whether and how the organisation has been formally registered is not made easier by the fact it has never published a postal address. However, MJ and Sajjan Gohel are directors of Geo Political Research Limited, along with Anupama Kumari Gohel [6], who is MJ Gohel's daughter [7]. It is not known whether this consulting company has any operational or financial connection to the APF.

In the past, the Foundation has certainly given the impression that it has charitable status. The 'Organisation' page on the APF's website used to state: "The Asia-Pacific Foundation is an independent, non-profit making policy assessment group... The Asia-Pacific Foundation is supported by donations and grants." [8]


Advisory Board

Previous members:


  1. ^ The website, at Asia Pacific Foundation has been altered. For details see the article at sourcewatch
  2. ^ Daily Excelsior, 6 March, Jihadi groups termed as criminals: International conference holds Pak responsible of abetting terrorism. Available at (viewed 7 April 2007)
  3. ^ see note 1