Freight Transport Association
The Freight Transport Association (FTA) represents the interests of rail, road, air and sea freight transport companies. [1] The FTA represents over 12,000 companies, making it one of the largest trade associations in the UK. [2] The FTA often work with and lobby, parliament. In June 2007 the FTA signed a memorandum with the Highways Agency, in order to "improve safety and journey times for both freight drivers and other road users." [3]
The roots of the FTA can be traced as far back as 1889. In 1888, the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, enabled traders to complain to the Board of trade if they thought railway services and rates were unreasonable. As a result of this, the Mansion House Association on Railway Rates was established in 1889. Over time, the Mansion House Association became more road orientated and in 1931 changed its name to Mansion House Association on Transport. In 1964 Mansion House Association of Transport changed its name once again, this time to the National Trader's Traffic Association. In 1969, the FTA was born, a result of the merger of the Trader's Road Transport Association, the Traders' Traffic Association and the Traders' Co-ordinating Committee. [4]
National Executive Board
- Andy Haines - President
- Adrian Burleton - Vice President
- Rebecca Jenkins - Vice President
- John Coghlan - Treasurer
- Roger Burnley
- Janet Entwistle
- Eddie Fitzsimons
- Stewart Oades
- Alastair Parker
- John G Russell
- Chris Thorneycroft-Smith
- Perry Watts
- John H Williams [5]
Senior Management Team
- Theo de Pencier
- James Hookham
- Roger Nolan
- Chris Thornton
- Teresa Clemmence
- Pippa Attwood
- Simon Chapman
- Kevin Croskery
- Geoff Dossetter
- Alan Osborne
- Nigel Smart
- Brian Szukala
- Chris Welsh
- Richard White [6]
Contact Details
Freight Transport Association
Hermes House
St Johns Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN4 9UZ
tel. 01892 526 171
fax 01892 534 989
- ^ BBC, "Freight Transport Association",
- ^ ePolitix, "Welcome to the FTA micro-site at ePolitix",
- ^ Government News Network, "National News",
- ^ Freight Transport Association, "FTA Roots",
- ^ Freight Transport Association, "National Executive Board",
- ^ Freight Transport Association, "Senior Management Team",
- ^ Freight Transport Association, "Office Locations",