CSP National Security Advisory Council
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The CSP's National Security Advisory Council "serves as a key instrument for the networking, information sharing, paper production and recommendation dissemination that has been the Center for Security Policy raison d'etre"[1].
Council Members
- Mark Albrecht, former Executive Secretary of the White House National Space Council.
- Morris Amitay, former Foreign Service Officer and legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives.
- William Ball, former Secretary of the Navy.
- Kathleen Bailey, former Assistant Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
- Robert Barker, former Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy.
- William Bennett, former Secretary of Education.
- J. Stephen Britt, former Deputy General Counsel for Defense Programs at the Department of Energy.
- Charles Brooks, former legislative assistant to Senator Arlen Specter.
- Beverly Byron, former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Margo D. B. Carlisle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs.
- Henry Cooper, former Director of the Strategic Defense Initiative.
- Christopher Cox, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Devon Gaffney Cross, President, Donor's Forum on International Affairs.
- Brian Dailey, former Executive Director of the National Space Council.
- Mitchell Daniels, former Director, Office of Management and Budget.
- Midge Decter, former Executive Director, Committee for the Free World.
- Diana Denman, former Co-Chair, U.S. Peace Corps Advisory Council.
- Stanley Ebner, former Senior Vice President of Washington Operations for the Boeing Company.
- Andrew Ellis, former Staff Director, House Armed Services Committee.
- Charles Fairbanks, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.
- Edwin Feulner, Jr., President of the Heritage Foundation.
- Rand Fishbein, former Legislative Assistant to Senator Daniel Inouye.
- Frank Gaffney, Jr., former Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy.
- Paul Goble, former Special Assistant for Soviet Nationalities at the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
- Daniel Gouré, former Director of the Office of Competitiveness in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
- Douglas Graham, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense.
- Margaret Graham, Consultant at the Washington Institute.
- William Graham, former Science Advisor to the President.
- Dorothy (Deecy) Gray, President of D.C. Stephens, Ltd.
- E.C. Grayson, former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
- James Hackett, former Acting Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
- Charles Hamilton, former Executive Assistant on Strategic Trade within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
- Amoretta Hoeber, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Development.
- John David Hoppe, former Vice President for Government Relations at the Heritage Foundation.
- Charles Horner, former Associate Director of the United States Information Agency.
- Vice Adm.William Houser, USN (Ret.), former Vice Chief of Naval Operations for Aviation.
- Tim Hutchinson, Member of the U.S. Senate.
- Kay Bailey Hutchison, Member of the U.S. Senate
- Henry Hyde, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Fred Iklé, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.
- James M. Inhofe, Member of the U.S. Senate.
- Bruce Jackson, formerly at the Office of Secretary of Defense.
- Jamie Jameson, President of Jameson Associates.
- Clark Judge, former Speechwriter and Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan.
- Phyllis Kaminsky, former Press Officerfor the White House National Security Council.
- Garry Kasparov, World Chess Champion and President of Kasparov Consultancy.
- Alan Keyes, former Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
- George Keyworth, former Science Advisor to President Ronald Reagan.
- Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.
- Charles Kupperman, former Executive Director of the General Advisory Committee on Arms Control.
- Jon Kyl, Member of the U.S. Senate.
- Christopher Lay, former Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
- John Lehman, former Secretary of the Navy.
- John Lenczowski, former Director of European and Soviet Affairs at the National Security Council.
- Robert Livingston, former Speaker-designate of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- James Longley, former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Carnes Lord, former Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs.
- Jennifer Macdonald, former Minority Staff Director of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade.
- Warren Marik, former Case Officer, Central Intelligence Agency.
- Taffy Gould McCallum, writer and consultant.
- Tidal McCoy, former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Air Force.
- James McCrery, former Defense Intelligence Officer for Strategic Programs.
- Adm. Kinnaird McKee, USN (Ret.), former Director of Navy Nuclear Propulsion.
- Bruce Merrifield, former Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs.
- Philip Merrill, former Assistant Secretary-General of NATO.
- J.William Middendorf, former Secretary of the Navy.
- Lt. Gen.Thomas Miller, USMC (Ret.), former Deputy Chief of Staff for Aviation, U.S. Marine Corps.
- Dominic Monetta, former Assistant Secretary of Energy responsible for the New Production Reactor program.
- Thomas Moore, former Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
- Laurie Mylroie, former Associate Professor at the U.S. Naval War College.
- Robert Patron, Chairman of Business Ventures International.
- Richard Perle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy.
- Gen. John Piotrowski, USAF (Ret.), former Commander in Chief of the United States Space Command.
- Roger Robinson, Jr., former Senior Director of International Economic Affairs at the National Security Council.
- Lt. Gen. Edward Rowny, USA (Ret.), former Advisor to the President and Secretary of State for Arms Control.
- Albert Santoli, Author and Legislative Assistant to Representative Rohrabacher.
- William Schneider, Jr., former Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science and Technology.
- Gen. Bernard Schriever, USAF (Ret.), former Commander of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command.
- John Shadegg, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- James Gregory Sherr, Lecturer in International Relations at Lincoln College.
- Bob Smith, Member of the U.S. Senate.
- Carl Smith, former Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee.
- Owen T. Smith, Visiting Fellow in Economic Policy at the Heritage Foundation.
- Jose Sorzano, former Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
- Howard Teicher, former Senior Director of Political-Military Affairs at the National Security Council.
- Edward Teller, former Senior Strategic Defense Advisor to the White House.
- William R. Van Cleave, Department Head of Defense & Strategic Studies at Southwest Missouri State University.
- Troy Wade, former Assistant Secretary of Energy for Defense Programs.
- Arthur Waldron, former Professor of Strategy and Policy, U.S. Naval War College.
- Malcolm Wallop, former U.S. Senator from Wyoming.
- James Webb, former Secretary of the Navy.
- Curt Weldon, Chairman, Military Readiness Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives.
- Faith Whittlesey, former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland.
- Pete Wilson, former Governor of the State of California.
- Deborah Wince-Smith, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy.
- Curtin Winsor, Jr., former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica.
- Souce[2]
References, Resources and Contact
- ↑ Center for Security Policy 1997-2006 National Security Advisory Council
- ↑ Ibid.