Battle of Ideas

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Battle of Ideas, a project of the Institute of Ideas, part of the LM network

The Battle of Ideas is a project of the Institute of Ideas, which is associated with the libertarian, anti-environmental LM network.

It commenced in 2005 [1] and is an annual two-day debating event held in London. It claims it "makes virtues of free-thinking and lively exchanges of views" and "fosters an atmosphere of intellectual freedom and open-ended exploration of new ideas, research and social trends".[2] In practice, all of the sessions' chairs, around half of the speakers and most of those selected by the chair to contribute from the floor are LM associates. In response to the question, "Is the Institute of Ideas committed to promoting debate or to promoting one side of a debate?", Claire Fox replied "We are committed to debating in general, but make it perfectly clear that we have a position in the debates we organise." [3] Accounts by attendees are here. [4][5][6]

LM network resources


Associated sponsors

Other multi-year sponsors, other LM network entities excluded, are:

During the four years 2007/8 to 2010/11, the Battle of Ideas and its partner organisation, Debating Matters, received £330,000 of public funds from the Economic and Science Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Medical Research Council.

Battle of Ideas banner noting the funding of the LM network by pharma giant Pfizer, BT and Rupert Murdoch's newspaper The Times.






BT | Pfizer | Economic and Social Research Council | Royal College of Art | Science champion Science and Technology Facilities Council | Education champion General Teaching Council for England | Design & architecture champion BDP | Arts champion Arts & Business | Film & animation champion Tiscali

Other partners

18 Doughty Street | Academics For Academic Freedom | Bishopsgate Institute | Blueprint | Body & Soul | Boisdale & La Bodeguita del Medio | Brighton Salon | British Council India | Centre for African Policy and Peace Strategy | Continuum | cScape | Culture Wars | Design Museum | engaging cogs | ESRC Britain Today | ESRC Genomics Network | European Dana Alliance for the Brain | | | Future Cities Project | Grange Hotels | Institute of Ideas & Pfizer Debating Matters Competition | IoI Book Club | IoI Education Forum | IoI Parents Forum | IoI Postgraduate Forum | IoI Science & Health Forum | ISM Music Journal | London Knowledge Lab | Manifesto Club | Novo magazine | NY Salon | Reading Agency | Royal Academy of Dance | Royal College of Art Animation Department | Royal College of Art Students' Union | Royal College of Music | Social Affairs Unit | Society for the Promotion of New Music | Sovereignty and Its Discontents | Spiked | WORLDwrite [9]








In March 2011, the Wellcome Trust made a 'Strategic Award' of £875,000 over five years to support "debates about developments in biomedicine"; specifically the Battle of Ideas and Debating Matters. [14]



Battle of Ideas speakers for the 2015 conference, as listed on the website in December 2016, were:[15]

  • David Aaronovitch - columnist, The Times; author, Voodoo Histories; chair, Index on Censorship
  • Tim Abrahams - co-publisher, Machine Books
  • Gilbert Achcar - professor of development studies and international relations; chair of Centre for Palestine Studies, SOAS, University of London
  • Abhay Adhikari - innovation consultant and strategist; founder, Digital Identity
  • Sam Adlen - head of business innovation, Satellite Applications Catapult
  • Andrew Adonis - Labour peer; author, 5 Days in May: The Coalition and Beyond
  • Nicole Agba - Autocar Next Generation Award 2014 Winner
  • Jobeda Ali - CEO, Three Sisters Care
  • Shahrar Ali - deputy leader, Green Party
  • Stuart Allan - professor of journalism and communication, Cardiff University; co-author, Digital War Reporting
  • Duleep Allirajah - sports columnist, spiked; Crystal Palace fan
  • Merris Amos - reader in human rights law, Queen Mary University of London
  • Anthony Anaxagorou - poet, writer, performer and educator
  • Dr Frankie Anderson - psychiatry trainee; co-founder, Sheffield Salon
  • Bea Appleby - editor, The Female Lead
  • Josie Appleton - director, civil liberties group, Manifesto Club; author, Officious: Rise of the Busybody State
  • Alexandra Archetti Stølen - festival director, Oslo World Music Festival; president, European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals
  • Dr Eugenia Arsenis - director; dramaturg, Center for Contemporary Opera, New York
  • Dr Julian Baggini - founding editor, the Philosophers' Magazine; author, Freedom Regained: the possibility of free will and The Edge of Reason: A Rational Skeptic in an Irrational World
  • Tom Bailey - journalist; contributor, World Finance, European CEO, and The New Economy.
  • P Balaji - director - regulatory, external affairs and CSR, Vodafone India
  • Ros Ball - journalist; author, The Gender Police: a diary
  • Emily Barley - chairman, Conservatives for Liberty
  • Dr Graham Barnfield - senior lecturer in journalism, University of East London
  • Jenny Barrett - reader in film studies and popular culture, Edge Hill University
  • Leela Barrock - group head, group communications & corporate affairs, Malaysia-based multinational, Sime Darby Berhad
  • James Bartholomew - writer and journalist; author, The Welfare of Nations
  • Kalsoom Bashir - co-director, Inspire, an NGO working to counter extremism and gender inequality
  • Dr Tinneke Beeckman - independent philosopher; writer; columnist, De Standaard
  • Sean Bell - secretary and founder member, The Brighton Salon; copy-editor, writer and journalist
  • Simon Belt - IT consultant; coordinator, Manchester Salon
  • Dr Agiatis Benardou - senior research associate, ATHENA Research Centre
  • Dr Piers Benn - philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York
  • Robert Bevan - writer; heritage consultant; architecture critic for the London Evening Standard; author, The Destruction of Memory: architecture at war
  • Paul Bew - crossbench peer; professor of politics, Queen's University Belfast; formerly, historical adviser to Northern Ireland’s Bloody Sunday Tribunals
  • Julie Bindel - journalist, author, broadcaster and feminist activist; research fellow, Lincoln University
  • Mark Birbeck - internet software and big data consultant
  • Jonathan Birdwell - head of policy and research, Institute for Strategic Dialogue
  • Helen Birtwistle - history and politics teacher, South London school
  • Bill Biss - editor, STAND Fanzine
  • Dr Tim Black - editor, Spiked Review
  • John David Blake - history practitioner, Harris Federation
  • Cara Bleiman - teacher, Arnhem Wharf Primary School
  • Daisy Blench - policy manager - alcohol policy and responsibility, British Beer & Pub Association
  • Linda Blum - associate professor of sociology, Northeastern University, Boston
  • Laura Blumenthal- Conservative Party Councillor, Wokingham Borough Council
  • Allum Bokhari - columnist, Breitbart
  • Sylvia Borren - executive director, Greenpeace Netherlands
  • Sumantra Bose - professor of international and comparative politics, London School of Economics
  • Professor Mike Boulton - professor of psychology, University of Chester; researcher, bully-victim relationships and psychological well-being
  • David Bowden - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; culture writer
  • Shaun Breslin - professor of international politics, University of Warwick; associate fellow, Chatham House Asia Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs
  • Justine Brian - director, Debating Matters Competition
  • Jennie Bristow - senior lecturer in sociology, Canterbury Christ Church University; author, The Sociology of Generations: New directions and challenges and Baby Boomers and Generational Conflict; co-author, Parenting Culture Studies
  • Jamie Bristow - director, The Mindfulness Initiative
  • Justin Bronk - research analyst, military sciences, RUSI; assistant editor, RUSI Defence Systems online journal
  • Amy Brown - associate professor in public health, Swansea University; researcher into breastfeeding
  • Dr Katrina Brown - director, The Common Guild
  • Cressida Brown - artistic director, Offstage Theatre; conceived, curated and directed Walking The Tightrope: the tension between Art and Politics
  • Jon Bryan - regional support official, University and College Union (UCU); treasurer, The Great Debate
  • Lyndsay Burtonshaw - activities officer, Sussex University Student Union
  • Jim Butcher - reader in geography of tourism, Canterbury Christ Church University; co-author, Volunteer Tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development
  • Nadia Butt - national coordinator, Debating Matters Competition, Institute of Ideas
  • Michael Caines - assistant editor, Times Literary Supplement
  • Dr James Campbell - lecturer in American History, University of Leicester; author, Crime and Punishment in African American History
  • Professor Ted Cantle, CBE - director, Institute of Community Cohesion (iCoCo); chair, Community Cohesion Review
  • Dr Nessa Carey - international director, PraxisUnico; author, The Epigenetics Revolution
  • Alvin Carpio - board member, UpRising
  • Emma Carr - director, Big Brother Watch
  • Ana Castro - graphic designer; CEO, Circus Network
  • Saimo Chahal QC (hon) - partner; joint head, Public Law & Human Rights, Bindmans LLP
  • Tom Chance - housing spokesperson, Green Party
  • David Chandler - professor of international relations, University of Westminster; author, Resilience: the Governance of Complexity
  • JJ Charlesworth - senior editor, ArtReview
  • Jonathan Charley - director of cultural studies, Department of Architecture at the University of Strathclyde
  • Dr Tom Chatfield - writer and broadcaster; author, Live This Book! and How to Thrive in the Digital Age
  • Daisy Christodoulou - research and development director, Ark Schools; author, Seven Myths about Education; season ticket holder, West Ham
  • Dimitris Christopoulos - vice president, International Federation for Human Rights
  • Ruth Cigman - senior research fellow in philosophy of education, University College London Institute of Education
  • Professor Nigel Clark - chair, human geography, Lancaster University
  • Simon Clark - director, smokers’ rights group, Forest; Action on Consumer Choice.
  • Dave Clements - adviser to local government; blogger, Guardian, Huffington Post; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum.
  • Dr Robert Clowes - chair, Mind & Cognition Group, Nova Institute of Philosophy, Lisbon University; chair, Lisbon Salon
  • Joel Cohen - communications manager, BeyondMe
  • Christopher Coker - professor of international relations, LSE; books include Future War and Can War Be Eliminated?
  • Isobel Colchester - chief executive, Poet in the City
  • Glenda Cooper - lecturer in journalism, City University London; co-editor, Humanitarianism, Communications and Change
  • Frances Coppola - associate editor, Pieria; contributor to Nesta’s Our Work Here is Done, exploring the frontiers of robot technology
  • Nick Corston - co-founder, STEAM Co, set up to power communities to inspire children with creativity across the STEAM skills of Science, Tech, Engineering, Art and Maths
  • Madalena Corte-Real - sociologist , FAS – Fundo de Arquitectura Social
  • Ed Cottingham - media analyst and researcher
  • Dr Mark Coulson - reader and associate professor of psychology, Middlesex University; contributor, The video game debate and Online worlds: Convergence of the real and the virtual
  • John Coventry - global communications director,
  • Teresa Cremin - professor of education (literacy), Open University; trustee, UK Literacy Association; board member, Booktrust
  • Shane Croucher - senior writer, International Business Times
  • Niall Crowley - freelance designer and writer
  • Rosamund Cuckston - organiser, Birmingham Salon; lead singer, Pram
  • Dolan Cummings - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; author, That Existential Leap: a crime story (forthcoming from Zero Books)
  • Dr Philip Cunliffe - senior lecturer in international conflict, University of Kent; co-editor, Politics Without Sovereignty: a critique of contemporary international relations.
  • Barry Curtis - Volunteer and writer
  • Lesley Curwen - business, economics and personal finance journalist, BBC; writer and speaker
  • Helen Czerski - physicist, oceanographer and broadcaster
  • Kenneth Dahlgren - head of social sciences, Rodeo Arkitekter AS
  • Sue Daley - head of big data, cloud and mobile, techUK
  • Kimon Daltas - editor, Classical Music magazine
  • Jeremy Dalton - innovation consultant, PwC
  • Anas Darkaoui - programme manager, Asfari Foundation
  • Martin Daubney - award-wining editor, journalist, and broadcaster; columnist for Telegraph Men
  • Neil Davenport - sociology and politics teacher; writer on culture; former music journalist
  • Rose Davis - intern, Institute of Ideas
  • Chrissie Daz - schoolteacher; cabaret performer; author on transgender and gender variant identity
  • Amali de Alwis - CEO, Code First: Girls
  • Alex Deane - managing director, FTI Consulting; Sky News regular; BBC Dateline London panellist; author Big Brother Watch: The state of civil liberties in modern Britain
  • Dr Katerina Deligiorgi - reader in philosophy, University of Sussex; author, The Scope of Autonomy
  • Dr Shirley Dent - communications specialist (currently working with the British Veterinary Association media team); editor,; author, Radical Blake
  • Emma Dent-Coad - planning spokesperson, Labour Group, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council; design and architecture journalist
  • Nadia Denton - film industry specialist; author, The Nigerian Filmmaker’s Guide to Success: beyond Nollywood
  • Paul Dickinson - executive chairman, CDP, driving sustainable economies
  • Betsy Dillner - director, Generation Rent
  • Ceri Dingle - director, WORLDwrite & WORLDbytes
  • Emily Dinsmore - project administrator, Physics Factory
  • Mar Dixon - creator, MuseomixUK and MuseumCamp
  • Laura Dodsworth - photographer; author, Bare Reality: 100 women, their breasts, their stories
  • Alastair Donald - associate director, Future Cities Project; architecture programme manager, British Council
  • Ian Douglas - journalist, Telegraph
  • Ashley Dove-Jay - aerospace engineer; popular science writer; Urban Spaceman columnist, Bristol Post
  • Andrew Doyle - stand-up comedian; playwright
  • Ruth Dudley Edwards - historian and journalist; author, The Seven: the lives and legacies of the founding fathers of the Irish Republic (forthcoming)
  • Ian Dunt - editor,; political editor, Erotic Review
  • Martin Durkin - CEO, Wag TV
  • Professor Bill Durodié - head of department and chair of international relations, University of Bath
  • Dr Wendy Earle - impact development officer, Birkbeck, University of London; convenor, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Kathryn Ecclestone - professor of education, University of Sheffield; author, Governing Vulnerable Subjects in a Therapeutic Age (forthcoming)
  • Susan Edwards - dean of law, University of Buckingham
  • Kajsa Ekis Ekman - Swedish journalist, writer and activist; author, Skulden - eurokrisen sedd från Aten and Being and Being Bought; writer, Dagens Nyheter
  • Saja Elgredly - YAV Debater and Trainer (Egypt) Grad Student at City University London (UK) Culture Corner (Egypt)
  • Jonn Elledge - editor, CityMetric; writer, New Statesman
  • Rob Elsworth - policy analyst - climate and energy, Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
  • Steven Erlanger - London bureau chief, New York Times
  • Dr Oliver Escobar - co-director, What Works Scotland; lecturer in public policy, University of Edinburgh
  • Mahan Esfahani - harpsichordist; BBC Music ‘Newcomer of the Year’ 2015
  • Raffaele Esposito - architect and urban designer, DRS / Glasgow City Council
  • Leo Evans - politics student, University of Liverpool; Liberal Democrat PPC for Liverpool Wavertree, 2015
  • Katie Evans - economist, Social Market Foundation
  • Craig Fairnington - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; university finance and accommodation officer
  • Kishwer Falkner - Baroness Falkner of Margravine; chair, House of Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee; member, EU Select Committee
  • Dr Miguel Farias - reader in cognitive and biological psychology, Coventry University
  • Paul Farmer - chief executive, Mind
  • Alice Ferguson - director, Playing Out
  • George Ferguson, CBE - mayor of Bristol
  • Dr Eliza Filby - visiting lecturer in Modern British History, King’s College London; author, God and Mrs Thatcher: The battle for Britain’s soul
  • Justin Fisher - professor of political science and director of the Magna Carta Institute, Brunel University London
  • John Fitzpatrick - professor of law and director, Kent Law Clinic, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • Dr [Michael Fitzpatrick]] - writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
  • Dr Susan Foister - deputy director and director of public engagement, National Gallery
  • Dr Katrina Forrester - lecturer in history of political thought, Queen Mary University of London
  • Oliver Foster - managing partner, Pagefield
  • Claire Fox - director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
  • Cristiana Fragola - regional director for Europe & Middle East, 100 Resilient Cities
  • Dr Ashley Frawley - Senior lecturer in sociology and social policy, Swansea University; author, The Semiotics of Happiness: rhetorical beginnings of a public problem
  • Dr Liz Frayn - consultant psychiatrist, Devon Partnership Trust
  • Professor Elizabeth Frazer - head of department, Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford; fellow in politics, New College Oxford
  • Professor Monika Frommel - jurist; former director, criminological institute, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel
  • Professor Steve Fuller - Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology, University of Warwick
  • Professor Frank Furedi - sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history
  • John Gapper - columnist , Financial Times
  • Laia Gasch - special assistant to Deputy Mayor for Culture, Mayor's Office; chair of trustees, Chats Palace Arts Centre
  • Elisabetta Gasparoni - teacher; convenor of the Future Cities Project Readers’ Group
  • Dr Clare Gerada - GP; past chair, Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Jeanne-Marie Gescher - author, All Under Heaven: China’s Dreams of Order; speaker; adviser
  • Chrissie Giles - senior editor, Wellcome Trust; commissioning editor, Mosaic
  • Andrew Gimson - author and political journalist; contributing editor, ConservativeHome
  • Jodie Ginsberg - chief executive, Index on Censorship
  • Luke Gittos - criminal lawyer; director of City of London Appeals Clinic; legal editor at spiked; author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans
  • Dr Daniel Glaser - director, Science Gallery London, King's College London
  • David Goodhart - director, Demos Integration Hub; author, The British Dream: successes and failures of post-war immigration
  • Harold Goodwin - professor of responsible tourism, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Maria José Goulão - professor of art history, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
  • Manick Govinda - head, artists' advisory services; producer, Artsadmin; vice chair, a-n The Artists Information Company
  • Susan Grant-Muller - professor of technologies and informatics, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
  • Dr Maria Grasso - lecturer in politics and quantitative methods, Department of Politics, University of Sheffield; author: Generations, Political Participation and Social Change in Western Europe
  • Miranda Green - journalist; founding editor, The Day; regular contributor to BBC political shows; former Lib Dem spin doctor
  • Professor Trisha Greenhalgh - professor of primary care health sciences, University of Oxford
  • Ross Greer - head of campaigns and communications, Scottish Green Party
  • Sean Gregory - director, Creative Learning, Barbican/Guildhall School of Music & Drama
  • Phoebe Griffith - associate director, migration, integration and communities, IPPR
  • Tiago Guedes - director, Teatro Municipal do Porto
  • Dr Helene Guldberg - director, spiked; author, Reclaiming Childhood: freedom and play in an age of fear and Just Another Ape?
  • David Gurnham - associate professor in law, University of Southampton; author, Crime, Desire and Law’s Unconscious
  • Dr Chris Gyngell - research fellow, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
  • Barbara Hackenschmidt - member of Parliament Brandenburg (2004-2014) and again as of 1st November 2015.
  • Pauline Hadaway - writer and researcher
  • Dr Philip Hadfield - associate fellow, University of Leeds; author, Nightlife and Crime
  • Isobel Hadley-Kamptz - Swedish journalist; author, Frihet och fruktan: Tankar om en ny liberalism
  • Rania Hafez - programme leader, MA Education, Greenwich University; fellow, The Muslim Institute
  • Dr Lesley Hall - Wellcome Library Research Fellow
  • Ahmed Hamad - YAV Debater and Trainer (Jordan) Secretary of International Relations at University of Vaasa (Finland)
  • Philip Hammond - professor of media and communications, London South Bank University
  • Adnan Harambasic - architect; partner SAAHA
  • Lisa Harker - director of strategy, policy and evidence, NSPCC
  • Phineas Harper - deputy director, The Architecture Foundation
  • Sabrina Harris - technical author; longtime gamer; regular commentator on issues relating to freedom of speech and internet subcultures
  • Andrew Harrop - general secretary, Fabian Society; author, A Presumption of Equality; contributor, The Generation Game
  • Adrian Hart - author, That's Racist! How the regulation of speech and thought divides us all and Leave those kids alone – How official hate speech regulation interferes in school life
  • Dr Anna Hartnell - senior lecturer in contemporary literature, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Professor Dennis Hayes - professor of education, University of Derby
  • Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh - fellow and tutor in politics, Balliol College, Oxford; author, How the French Think: an affectionate portrait of an intellectual people
  • James Heartfield - writer and lecturer; co-author, Who’s Afraid of the Easter Rising?
  • Bríd Hehir - writer, researcher and traveller; retired nurse and fundraiser
  • Professor Magnus Henrekson - professor in economics and managing director of Swedish IFN (The Research Institute of Industrial Economics); author and public debater.
  • Barbara Hewson - barrister, Middle Temple; writer and commentator
  • Nancy Hey - director, What Works Centre for Wellbeing
  • Angie Hobbs - Professor of the Public Understanding of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
  • Christina Hoff Sommers - writer and resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute; host, weekly video series, The Factual Feminist
  • Jon Holbrook - barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked
  • Rosemary Hollis - professor of international politics and director of the Olive Tree Programme, City University London
  • Professor Alan Hudson - director of leadership and public policy programmes, University of Oxford; visiting professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • George Hull - co-founder, Bloc; contributor, the Spectator
  • Mick Hume - editor-at-large, online magazine spiked; author, Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?
  • Huw Humphreys - head of music, Barbican Centre
  • Dr Rupa Huq - Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton
  • Dr Humeria Iqtidar - senior lecturer in politics, Department of Political Economy, King’s College London
  • Tracy Irish - Warwick Business School Shakespeare Scholar; author, The Shorter Shakespeare
  • Tom Ironside - director of business and regulation, British Retail Consortium
  • Helen Jamison - head of media relations, Wellcome Trust
  • Christopher Jamison - director, National office for vocation, Catholic Church of England and Wales; author, Finding Sanctuary and Finding Happiness; featured in BBC TV's The Monastery
  • Ana Jara - founding member and manager, ARTÉRIA – Humanizing Architecture
  • Sian Jarvis - managing director, Jarvis & Bo Communications; former director general of communications, Department of Health
  • Paul Jasper - consultant, Oxford Policy Management – a leading international development consultancy
  • Nitin Jayakrishnan - tech entrepreneur (Co-Founder of iTrucks PLC and LO/RE); student, Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick; alumnus, Debating Matters India
  • Leszek Jazdzewski - editor-in-chief, Polish liberal journal Liberté!
  • Vít Jedlička - president of Liberland
  • Dr Tiffany Jenkins - writer and broadcaster; author, Keeping Their Marbles: how treasures of the past ended up in museums and why they should stay there
  • Louise Johns-Shepherd - chief executive, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education
  • Dr Lucy Johnstone - consultant clinical psychologist, Cwm Taf Health Board, South Wales; author, A Straight Talking Guide to Psychiatric Diagnosis
  • Rachael Jolley - editor, Index on Censorship magazine
  • Lorien Jollye - vaping advocate, New Nicotine Alliance UK
  • Daniel Joseph - rector of Derby, Dean of East Midlands, Russian Orthodox Church; chaplain and lecturer in philosophy, University of Derby
  • Dr Thomas Karshan - lecturer in literature, University of East Anglia; author, Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Play
  • Maja Kecman - design lead, HELIX, St Mary’s Hospital
  • Professor Mike Kelly - senior visiting fellow, Behaviour and Health Research Unit, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge; researcher in nudge theory and choice architecture
  • Angus Kennedy - convenor, The Academy; author, Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination
  • Dr Peter Kent - immediate past president, ASCL; headteacher, Lawrence Sheriff School
  • Ashutosh Khandekar - editor, Opera Now
  • Aditi Khanna - senior correspondent, Press Trust of India; editor, India Inc.; president, Indian Journalists’ Association
  • Geoff Kidder - director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • Thomas Kielinger - UK correspondent, Die Welt
  • Rob Killick - CEO, Clerkswell; author, The UK After The Recession
  • Marie Kinsey - joint head of department, Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield
  • Matthew Kirk - group external affairs director, Vodafone
  • Lesley Klaff - senior lecturer in law, Sheffield Hallam University; associate editor, Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
  • Dr Simon Knight - senior youth work practitioner; vice chair, Play Scotland
  • Pius Knüsel - teacher; cultural editor and writer
  • Boris Kotchoubey - professor, University of Tübingen
  • Serena Kutchinsky - digital editor, Prospect
  • Dr Alexandra Lamont - senior lecturer, psychology of music, Keele University
  • Dr Sean Lang - senior lecturer in history, Anglia Ruskin University; director, Better History Forum
  • Nadia Latif - theatre director; credits include, Homegrown (NYT); Octagon (Arcola Theatre); Even Stillness Breathes Softly Against A Brick Wall (Soho Theatre)
  • Dr Shirley Lawes - researcher; consultant and university teacher, specialising in teacher education and modern foreign languages; Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
  • Paul Lay - editor, History Today
  • Dr Ellie Lee - reader in social policy, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
  • Philippe Legrain - visiting senior fellow, LSE’s European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess – and How to Put Them Right
  • Sam Leith - literary editor, Spectator; judge, Man Booker Prize 2015
  • Penny Lewis - lecturer, Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Robert Gordon University; co-founder, AE Foundation
  • Richard Lewis - veteran games journalist
  • Dr Norman Lewis - director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Rod Liddle - associate editor, Spectator; columnist, The Sunday Times; author, Selfish Whining Monkeys
  • Jonathan Liew - sportswriter, Telegraph
  • Mark Littlewood - director general, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Peter Lloyd - freelance journalist; author, Stand By Your Manhood
  • Daniel Lloyd - consumer lawyer; member of the employed bar; co-author, Blackstone's Guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (forthcoming)
  • Diogo Seixas Lopes - partner, Barbas Lopes Arquitectos
  • Jonathan Lundqvist - president, Reporters Without Borders Sweden; vice-president, RSF International
  • Rick Lyman - journalist; Central and Eastern European bureau chief, New York Times
  • Rob Lyons - science and technology director, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Economy Forum
  • George MacDonald - executive editor, Retail Week
  • Leila MacTavish - head of initial teacher education, Future Training, Future Academies
  • Dr Jan Macvarish - associate lecturer and researcher, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent; author, Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life
  • Shiraz Maher - senior research fellow and head of outreach, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), King's College London
  • John Mair - editor and journalism lecturer; co-editor, The BBC Today: future uncertain
  • Jakub Makowski - regional chair, Liberal Youth in the East of England
  • Amjad Malik - education consultant, The Nida Trust
  • Kate Maltby - theatre critic, The Times; associate fellow, Bright Blue; researcher on intellectual life of Elizabeth I
  • Lila Manioti - director of cultural affairs, Hellenic American Union
  • Maria Margaronis - writer and broadcaster, The Nation magazine
  • Toby Marshall - A Level Film Studies Teacher; PhD researcher in sociology of education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Carlos Martins - CEO, Opium lda
  • Jack Marwood - primary school teacher; education writer, Icing on the Cake blog
  • Nikola Matisic - opera singer and pedagogue; founder, Operalabb
  • Benita Matofska - chief sharer, Compare and Share; global sharing economy expert
  • Christian May - editor, City A.M.
  • Dr Catherine McCall - director, EPIC (the European Philosophical Inquiry Centre)
  • Amber McCleary - founding director, Copper Clothing
  • Dr Tara McCormack - lecturer in international politics, University of Leicester; author, Critique, Security and Power: the political limits to emancipatory approaches
  • Kevin McCullagh - founder, Plan
  • Nancy McDermott - writer; advisor to Park Slope Parents, NYC's most notorious parents' organization
  • Angela McFarlane - chief executive and registrar, The College of Teachers
  • Neil McGuire - designer and design tutor, Glasgow School of Art
  • Colin McInnes - James Watt Chair, Professor of Engineering Science, University of Glasgow
  • Dr Marie McIntyre - research associate, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health, Institute of Infection & Global Health, University of Liverpool
  • Dr Anthony McIntyre - author, Good Friday: the death of Irish Republicanism
  • Dr Ken McLaughlin - lecturer in social work; author, Surviving Identity: vulnerability and the psychology of recognition
  • David McNeill - director of public affairs and stakeholder engagement, Transport For London
  • James McVinnie - organist; latest release, Cycles
  • Anna Mdee - research fellow, Overseas Development Institute
  • Alp Mehmet - retired diplomat; vice-chairman, Migrationwatch UK
  • Dr Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens - lecturer, King's College London; head of research, ICSR
  • Clare Melford - interim executive and organisational consultant; presenter, BBC Radio 4 Four Thought programme "Buddha in the Boardroom"
  • Kaitlynn Mendes - lecturer in media and communication, University of Leicester; author, SlutWalk: feminism, activism and media
  • Samar Samir Mezghanni - YAV Debater and Trainer (Tunisia) PhD Candidate at University of Cambridge (UK)
  • Professor Andy Miah - chair in science communication & digital media, University of Salford
  • Dr Ruth Mieschbuehler - programme leader, education studies, College of Education, University of Derby
  • Gia Milinovich - producer, broadcaster, professional dork
  • Sally Millard - co-founder, IoI Parents Forum
  • Carl Miller - research director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Demos
  • Alan Miller - chairman, Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
  • Beverley Milton-Edwards - professor of politics, Queen’s University Belfast; author, Muslim Brotherhood: the Arab Spring and its future face
  • Munira Mirza - advisor on arts and philanthropy; former deputy mayor of London for education and culture; author, The Politics of Culture: the case for universalism
  • Kevin Mole - associate professor (reader) and head of entrepreneurship and innovation, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
  • Paul Moloney - trade union and industrial relations manager
  • Derek Molyneux - historian and writer
  • Anshuman Mondal - professor of English and Postcolonial Studies, Brunel University London; author, The Politics of Free Speech after Rushdie
  • Dr Jules Montague - consultant neurologist, Royal Free Hospital
  • Chris Moody - chief business development officer, Transport Systems Catapult
  • Rowan Moore - architecture critic, Observer; author, Why We Build
  • Christian Moos - secretary general, German Section of European Federalists
  • Juliette Morgan - C&W Tech Global Lead – London Head of Property – Tech City UK
  • Paul Morley - music journalist; author, The North (and almost everything in it)
  • Mark Morrin - research associate, ResPublica; co-author, Devo Max - Devo Manc
  • Daniel Moylan - former deputy chairman of Transport for London; Conservative Councillor; co-chairman, Urban Design London
  • Frank Mulder - researcher, writer and journalist; ; columnist, De Groene Amsterdammer; author, De geluksmachine (The Happiness Machine)
  • Para Mullan - senior project manager, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; FCIPD
  • Phil Mullan - economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance
  • Chris Muller - head, Sir William Perkins’s School
  • Annabel Mullin - PhD researcher, UCL Institute of Education; Lib Dem Parliamentary spokesperson for Kensington
  • Toby Mundy - founding director, TMA literary agency; executive director, Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction
  • Liam Murray - founder and owner, We Are Flat Five, a boutique management consultancy
  • Rupert Myers - barrister and writer
  • Jonathan Neame - chief executive, Shepherd Neame Ltd
  • Dr Kristian Niemietz - senior research fellow, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, A Patient Approach: putting the consumer at the heart of UK healthcare
  • Charles Nishikawa - management consultant, Across Associates Consultants; lecturer, Mejiro University
  • Jon Nixon - writer, Centre of International Education and Lifelong Learning, Hong Kong Institute of Education; author, Hannah Arendt and the politics of friendship; founding co-editor, Perspectives in Leadership in Higher Education
  • Ted Nordhaus - chairman, Breakthrough Institute
  • Peter North - reader in alternative economies, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool
  • Robin Norton-Hale - artistic director, OperaUpClose
  • Teresa Novais - partner, aNC arquitectos
  • Professor Fred Nyberg - senior professor in biological research on drug addiction, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University
  • Margaret O’ Callaghan - historian and political analyst, Queens University of Belfast
  • Anthony O'Hear - professor of philosophy, University of Buckingham; editor, Philosophy; director, Royal Institute of Philosophy
  • Mohsen Ojja - principal, The Crest Academies
  • Kunle Olulode - director, Voice4Change England; creative director, Rebop Productions
  • Brendan O'Neill - editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays
  • Andrew Opie - director for food and sustainability, British Retail Consortium
  • Daniel O'Reilly - comedian, aka Dapper Laughs
  • Andrew Orlowski - executive editor, Register; assistant producer, All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
  • David Orr - chief executive, National Housing Federation
  • Sulaiman Osman - writer, blogger and political activist
  • Ann Overbergh - programmer, Dutch-Flemish House deBuren
  • Michael Owens - commercial director, Bow Arts Trust; owner, London Urban Visits; formerly, head of development policy, London Development Agency
  • Adrian Pabst - senior lecturer in politics, University of Kent
  • Danni Paffard - divestment campaigner,
  • Dr James Panton - head of politics, Magdalen College School, Oxford; associate lecturer in politics and philosophy, Open University; co-founder, Manifesto Club
  • Lefteris Papagiannakis - member, Athens municipal council; president; Immigrant Integration Council
  • Eva Pascoe - chair, digital network Cybersalon; co-founder, Cyberia, world’s first internet café; co-author, An Alternative Future High Street for the UK minister for high streets
  • Bénédicte Paviot - U.K. correspondent, France 24; regular contributor to news and current affairs programmes, BBC TV & Radio, Sky News, LBC and other UK and overseas outlets
  • Laurie Penny - journalist; contributing editor, New Statesman; author, Unspeakable Things: sex, lies and revolution
  • Luis T Pereira - founding partner, [A] ainda arquitectura architecture studio, Porto
  • Shyama Perera - writer, broadcaster and novelist; acting director, One World Media
  • David Perks - founder and principal, East London Science School; director, the Physics Factory
  • Martyn Perks - digital business consultant and writer; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Stephen Plaice - librettist; writer in residence, Guildhall School of Music and Drama
  • Jeannette Pols - professor of social theory, humanism and materialities, University of Amsterdam
  • Martin Powell - global head of urban development, Siemens Plc
  • Dr Weronika Priesmeyer-Tkocz - programme director, European Academy Berlin
  • Vicky Pryce - board member, Centre for Economics and Business Research; economic advisor, British Chamber of Commerce
  • Dr Vanessa Pupavac - associate professor; co-director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, University of Nottingham
  • Jamie Ratcliff - assistant director, Programme, Policy and Services, Greater London Authority
  • Adam Rawcliffe - partnerships manager, Institute of Ideas
  • Helen Reece - reader in law, LSE
  • Dr Paul Reeves - engineering software designer, SolidWorks R&D (part of Dassault Systèmes); convener, manufacturing work group for Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Abdul Rehman-Malik - journalist; programmes manager, Radical Middle Way
  • Alex Renton - award-winning journalist; writer on food and food policy; author, Planet Carnivore: how cheap meat costs the earth
  • Jacob Reynolds - consultant, SHM Productions
  • Martin Robinson - educational consultant and teacher; author, Trivium 21c: preparing young people for the future with lessons from the past; writer, Times Educational Supplement
  • Carolyn Robson - executive headteacher, Rushey Mead School, Leicester; CEO, Rushey Mead Educational Trust
  • Alex Rogers - professor in conservation biology, Somerville College, University of Oxford; scientific director, International Programme on State of the Ocean (IPSO)
  • Kevin Rooney - politics teacher and head of social science, Queen's School, Bushey; co-author, Who's Afraid Of The Easter Rising?
  • Nick Rose - teacher; leading practitioner in psychology and research; shortlisted TES Teacher Blogger of the Year
  • Dr Joel Nathan Rosen - associate professor of sociology, Moravian College; co-author, Black Baseball, Black Business: race enterprise and the fate of the segregated dollar; author, The Erosion of the American Sporting Ethos: Shifting Attitudes Toward Competition
  • Aoife Rosenmeyer - freelance critic; contributing editor, Art in America & Art Agenda
  • Nick Ross - broadcaster; visiting professor, University College London
  • Dr Martin Roth - director, Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Nathalie Rothschild - freelance journalist; producer and reporter for Sweden's public service radio
  • Maisie Rowe - landscape architect, writer and illustrator
  • Phil Rumney - professor of criminal justice, Bristol Law School, UWE; co-author, Understanding and Responding to Sexual Violence: a multi-disciplinary approach (forthcoming)
  • Dr Tamara Russell - clinical psychologist; director, Mindfulness Centre of Excellence, London; visiting lecturer, King’s College London
  • Kiernan Ryan - professor of English language and literature, Royal Holloway, University of London; author, Shakespeare’s Universality: here’s fine revolution
  • Angela Saini - science journalist; author, Geek Nation: how Indian science is taking over the world
  • Hilary Salt - actuary; founder, First Actuarial
  • Yunas Samad - professor of South Asian studies, University of Bradford
  • Peter Sammonds - professor of geophysics, University College London; director, UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction
  • Jane Sandeman - convenor, IoI Parents Forum; contributor, Standing up to Supernanny; director of finance and central services, Cardinal Hume Centre
  • Dr Michael Savage - blogger, Grumpy Art Historian
  • Dr Helen Scales - freelance writer and broadcaster; author, Spirals in Time: the secret life and curious afterlife of seashells
  • Professor Giaco Schiesser - vice-president & board member; University of the Arts, Zurich
  • Jonathan Schofield - editor-at-large, Manchester Confidential; editor, Manchester Books Limited
  • Bauke Schram - business reporter, International Business Times UK
  • Dr Patrik Schumacher - principal, Zaha Hadid Architects; author, The Autopoiesis of Architecture
  • Matthew Scott - barrister, Pump Court Chambers; blogs at, shortlisted for The Comment Awards "Best independent blog" 2015
  • Laurence Scott - lecturer in English and creative writing, Arcadia University; author, The Four-Dimensional Human: ways of being in the digital world (winner of Royal Society of Literature Jerwood Award for 2014)
  • Paul Seaman - co-founder, Zurich Salon; editor, 21st Century PR Issues
  • Professor John Seddon - leader of the Vanguard organisations; visiting professor, Hull University Business School
  • Fredrik Segerfeldt - writer; author, Den nya jämlikheten : global utveckling från Robin Hood till Botswana; co-founder, Migro
  • Alka Sehgal Cuthbert - educator, writer, doctoral researcher
  • Freddie Sehgal Cuthbert - student; contributor to spiked
  • Adam Seldon - co-director, Lauriston Lights, an education charity
  • Jack Self - contributing editor, Architectural Review; director, the REAL Foundation
  • Dr Sadhvi Sharma - researcher and writer on politics in India, development, and NGO campaigns
  • Karl Sharro - architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture
  • Jeremy Sice - business and communications advisor, JS&A
  • Roxana Silbert - artistic director, Birmingham REP Theatre
  • Dr Hayaatun Sillem - director of programmes & fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Lenore Skenazy - founder of the book, blog and movement Free-Range Kids; “America’s Worst Mom”
  • Alv Skogstad Aamo - architect; urbanist; partner,DARK architects
  • Dr Richard Smith - chair of trustees, ICDDR,B; former editor, British Medical Journal; chair, Patients Know Best
  • Jason Smith - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Jean Smith - specialist development consultant; co-founder and director, NY Salon
  • Karel Smouter - deputy editor, De Correspondent
  • Justin Smyth - librarian; co-founder, Dublin Salon
  • Christopher Snowdon - director, lifestyle economics, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Art of Suppression
  • Sonia Sodha - freelance policy analyst; Observer leader writer
  • Dr Nikos Sotirakopoulos - lecturer in sociology, University of Loughborough; author, The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: From New Left to Occupy
  • Thomas Soud - chair, Brighton Left
  • Barbara Speed - staff writer, CityMetric, New Statesman
  • Josh Spero - editor, Spear's magazine; art critic, Tatler; author, Second-Hand Stories
  • Dr Alex Standish - senior lecturer in geography education, University College London/Institute of Education
  • Dr Dominic Standish - author, Venice in Environmental Peril? Myth and Reality; lecturer, University of Iowa's CIMBA campus, Venice
  • Dr Ben Stanley - lecturer, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, SWPS University in Warsaw
  • Sandy Starr - communications officer, Progress Educational Trust; webmaster, BioNews
  • Susan Steed - economist and aspiring stand up comedian
  • Duncan Stephenson - director of external affairs, Royal Society for Public Health
  • Dr Jack Stilgoe - senior lecturer in science and technology policy, University College London; author, Experiment Earth: responsible innovation in geoengineering
  • Dr Melvyn Stokes - professor of film history, University College London; author, The Birth of a Nation: a history of the most controversial motion picture of all time and American History through Hollywood Film: from the Revolution to the 1960s
  • Sarah Strang - founder, CIVIC ROOM
  • Keith Stuart - video games editor, Guardian
  • Keith Sullivan - retired educational psychologist and university professor, National University of Ireland; author, The Anti-Bullying Handbook
  • Gabriella Swallow - cellist, broadcaster and arts commentator
  • Richard Swan - writer and academic
  • Isabelle Szmigin - professor of marketing, University of Birmingham; author, Understanding the Consumer
  • Amin Taha - architect, Amin Taha Architects and Group Work; jury member, RIBA’s National Awards and Stirling Shortlist
  • André Tavares - chief curator, Lisbon Architecture Triennale
  • Dr Mark Taylor - vice principal, East London Science School; London convenor, IoI Education Forum
  • The Revd Canon Dr Simon Taylor - canon chancellor; Derby Cathedral
  • Peter Taylor - award winning reporter, BBC; documentaries include Provos, Loyalists , Brits and Generation Jihad; author, Talking to Terrorists: face to face with the enemy
  • Güneş Taylor - stem cell researcher, University of Oxford
  • Dr Funda Tekin - senior researcher, Institut für Europäische Politik
  • Jemima Thackray - journalist, Telegraph and Church Times; founder, UK’s first mums' chaplaincy service; soon-to-be trainee priest, Church of England
  • Paul Thomas - professor of youth & policy and director of research, University of Huddersfield; author, Responding to the Threat of Violent Extremism: failing to prevent
  • Paul Thomas - civil servant; qualified FE teacher; organiser, Leeds Salon
  • Matt Thomson - head of planning, Campaign to Protect Rural England
  • Leonora Thomson - director of audiences and development, Barbican Centre
  • Anne Torreggiani - chief executive, The Audience Agency
  • Lida Tsene - head of public relations, art and educational programs, Comicdom Press
  • Colin Tweedy - chief executive, The Building Centre Trust; formerly chief executive, Arts & Business
  • Menelaos Tzafalias - freelance journalist and producer based in Athens
  • Jake Unsworth - trainee solicitor, Bond Dickinson; convenor, Debating Matters Ambassadors
  • Daniella van Dijk-Wennberg - head of Interkulturelt Museum, Oslo Museum
  • Liesbeth van Tongeren - member of parliament, GroenLinks
  • Joana Varajão - architect, RA\\ Architecture & Design Studio
  • Georgios Varouxakis - professor of the history of political thought, Queen Mary University of London; author, Mill on Nationality
  • Nikos Vatopoulos - arts editor and columnist, Kathimerini
  • Annie Vernon - Olympic silver medallist and two-time World Champion rower; journalist and speaker
  • Marco Visscher - journalist; curator, Tegengeluid
  • Ignacio Vita - lawyer specialising in migration law, EC law and right of asylum
  • Dr Stuart Waiton - lecturer in sociology and criminology, Abertay University; author, Snobs' Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance
  • Philip Waldron - district minister for Merseyside, Unitarian Church
  • Brendan Walsh - literary editor, The Tablet
  • Jason Walsh - journalist; foreign correspondent, CS Monitor
  • Philip Walters - chair, Rising Stars (educational publisher), and the GL Education Group; Spurs season ticket holder; member of Middlesex County Cricket Club
  • Stuart Walton - cultural historian, novelist and critic; author, A Natural History of Human Emotions and The Realm of the Senses: a materialist theory of seeing and feeling
  • Annie Warburton - creative director, Crafts Council
  • Bruno Waterfield - Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No
  • Dr Keon West - social psychologist & lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Helen Whately - member of parliament for Faversham and Mid Kent
  • Ella Whelan - assistant editor, spiked
  • Myles Wickstead - visiting professor (international relations), Open University and King’s College London; coordinator, Aid and Development: a brief introduction
  • Dr Steve Wiggins - research fellow, Overseas Development Institute, London
  • Simon Wilde - science and health communicator
  • Dr Joanna Williams - academic; author, Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity; education editor, spiked
  • Peter D Williams - executive officer, Right To Life
  • Austin Williams - associate professor in architecture, XJTLU University, Suzhou, China; director, Future Cities Project; convenor, Bookshop Barnies; founding member of New Narratives
  • Dr Glynne Williams - senior lecturer in industrial relations, University of Leicester
  • Jane Wills - professor of human geography, Queen Mary University of London
  • Ruth Wishart - columnist, Herald; board member, Creative Scotland
  • David Wood - chair, London Futurists
  • Chris Woods - director,; author, Sudden Justice: America’s secret drone wars
  • Peter Worley - CEO and co-founder, The Philosophy Foundation
  • James Woudhuysen - visiting professor, London South Bank University
  • Professor Ian Wright - director, Science and Technology Directorate, National Oceanography Centre
  • Martin Wright - writer, editor and adviser on environmental solutions and sustainable futures
  • Mike Wright - executive director, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Milo Yiannopoulos - technology editor, Breitbart
  • Dagmawi Yimer - film-maker, AMM (Archive of Migrants' Memories)
  • Raymond Yiu - composer; conductor; jazz pianist
  • Cathy Young - contributing editor, Reason magazine; author, Ceasefire! Why women and men must join forces to achieve true equality
  • Dr Kevin Yuill - senior lecturer, history, University of Sunderland; author, Assisted Suicide: the liberal, humanist case against legalization
  • Kathryn Yusoff - senior lecturer in geography, Queen Mary University of London; author, Anthropogenesis: Origins and Endings in the Anthropocene
  • Jan Zalasiewicz - professor of paleobiology, University of Leicester; chair, Anthropocene Working Group of the International Commission on Stratigraphy
  • Dr Paul Zanelli - chief technical officer, Transport Systems Catapult
  • Kolja Zydatiss - editor, NovoArgumente


Battle of Ideas speakers for the 2014 conference, as listed on the website in November 2016, were:[16]

  • Chloë Abbott - cornetist
  • Gemma Adams -principal sustainability advisor, Forum for the Future
  • Robin Aitken -co-founder, Oxford Food Bank
  • Jonathan Ali - journalist, BBC Radio Manchester; author, Our Boys: the Great War in a Lancashire village
  • Duleep Allirajah - sports columnist, spiked; Crystal Palace fan
  • Danny Altmann -professor of immunology, Imperial College; editor-in-chief, Immunology; associate editor, Vaccine
  • Ian Anstice - editor, Public Libraries News
  • David Antunes -associate professor, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema; Ph.D, Literary Theory
  • Josie Appleton - director, civil liberties group, Manifesto Club; author, Officious: Rise of the Busybody State
  • Rachel Armstrong - professor of experimental architecture, Newcastle University
  • Eugenia Arsenis - director; dramaturg, Center for Contemporary Opera, New York
  • Henry Ashworth - chief executive, The Portman Group; former member, Cabinet Office's Behavioural Insights Team
  • Janice Atkinson - UKIP MEP
  • Patrick Baert - professor of social theory, University of Cambridge; forthcoming book, The Existentialist Moment
  • Reg Bailey - chief executive, Mothers’ Union; Independent Reviewer for Government on the commercialisation & sexualisation of Childhood
  • Tom Bailey - journalist; contributor, World Finance, European CEO, and The New Economy.
  • Mark Baker - director, Centre for Clinical Practice, NICE
  • Kevin Bampton - head, Department of Law and Criminology, University of Derby
  • Frank Barry - professor of international business and development, Trinity College Dublin; editor and lead author, Understanding Ireland's Economic Growth
  • Chris Barton - product marketing manager, Jaguar Land Rover
  • George Barton - percussionist
  • Christopher Beckett - client and operations manager, Elite IB; former pastoral support worker, Wymondham College
  • Daniel Ben-Ami - journalist and author, Ferraris for All: in defence of economic progress and Cowardly Capitalism
  • Barnabás Bencsik - curator and lecturer; founder, Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange
  • Piers Benn - philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York
  • Tom Bennett - teacher; founder, researchED; author, Teacher Proof; columnist and blogger; 'Behaviour Advisor to the Department for Education
  • Anna Bergqvist - lecturer in philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Jennifer Betts - researcher, Centre for Secure Information Technology (CSIT), Queens University Belfast
  • Sue Bigmore - accordionist
  • Mark Birbeck - internet software and big data consultant
  • Sheila Bird - programme leader, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge Institute of Public Health
  • Sandy Black - professor of fashion & textile design & technology, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London; editor and co-author, The Sustainable Fashion Handbook; author, Eco Chic the Fashion Paradox
  • Tim Black - editor, Spiked Review
  • Stephanie Blankenburg - senior lecturer in economics, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
  • Michael Blastland - writer and broadcaster; presenter, The Human Zoo, Radio 4; co-author, The Tiger That Isn't
  • Cara Bleiman - teacher, Arnhem Wharf Primary School
  • Margaret Boden - research professor of cognitive science, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Sussex
  • Yann Bonduelle - partner, UK Consulting leader, Data & Analytics team, PwC
  • Diederik Boomsma - duo-councillor, Christian Democrat Party, city council of Amsterdam
  • Phil Booth - coordinator, medConfidential
  • Rev Dr Joseph Borg - lecturer in media studies, University of Malta; former media policy adviser to the Government and Archdiocese of Malta; editor
  • Sebastian Borger - London correspondent, Berliner Zeitung, Der Standard and Cicero
  • Hafsa Bouazza - student in English Studies and Literature, Abdelmalik Essaadi University Martil - Tetouan; head of media committee, African Youth Organization
  • David Bowden - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; culture writer
  • Peter Bradley - director, Speakers’ Corner Trust
  • Kathleen van Brempt - MEP, Party of European Socialists; former Flemish government Minister for Mobility, Social Economy and Equal Opportunities
  • Francesca Bria - senior project lead and senior researcher, Nesta, UK Innovation Foundation; advisor, European Commission on Future Internet and Smart Cities policy
  • Justine Brian - director, Debating Matters Competition
  • Richard Bridge - outreach adviser, Citizens Advice
  • Carlos Castanheira - architect, Carlos Castanheira & Clara Bastai Arquitectos Lda
  • Silvia Cavalieri - accordionist
  • JJ Charlesworth - senior editor, ArtReview
  • Nicola Clayton - Professor of comparative cognition at the University of Cambridge; fellow of the Royal Society
  • Jenny Clegg - senior lecturer, Asia Pacific Studies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston
  • Dave Clements - adviser to local government; blogger, Guardian, Huffington Post; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum.
  • Martin Cloake - writer and editor; author, Taking Our Ball Back: English Football’s Culture Wars
  • Samantha Cohen - barrister, Chambers of Anthony Berry QC, 9 Bedford Row; experienced advocate in questioning vulnerable witnesses; prosecutes and defends in cases involving allegations of sexual assaults
  • Joel Cohen - communications manager, BeyondMe
  • Raphael Cohen-Almagor - chair in politics, University of Hull
  • Thomas Collier - social care worker, Hampshire County Council
  • Florentin Collomp - UK correspondent, Le Figaro
  • Frances Coppola - associate editor, Pieria; contributor to Nesta’s Our Work Here is Done, exploring the frontiers of robot technology
  • Jan Cosgrove - national secretary, Fair Play for Children
  • Rui Costa - assistant professor, Universidade de Aveiro
  • Richard Cotmore - accordionist
  • Ed Cottingham - media analyst and researcher
  • Valerie Coultas - senior lecturer, English in Education, School of Education, Kingston University
  • Tim Crane - Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge; author The Meaning of Belief (Harvard UP 2017)
  • Ian Crawford - professor of planetary science and astrobiology, Birkbeck College, University of London
  • Chris Crean - regional campaigns coordinator, West Midlands, Friends of the Earth
  • Isabelle Cressy - performer; co-director, PINCH
  • Niall Crowley - freelance designer and writer
  • Barbara Crowther - director of policy and public affairs, Fairtrade Foundation
  • Dolan Cummings - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; author, That Existential Leap: a crime story (forthcoming from Zero Books)
  • Philip Cunliffe - senior lecturer in international conflict, University of Kent; co-editor, Politics Without Sovereignty: a critique of contemporary international relations.
  • Sue Currell - chair, British Association for American Studies; reader, American Literature, Sussex University
  • Adrian Curtis - Foodbank network director, the Trussell Trust
  • Nicola Dandridge - chief executive officer, Universities UK
  • Anne Danks - The Trussell Trust
  • Paolo Dardanelli - senior lecturer in comparative politics, University of Kent
  • Neil Davenport - sociology and politics teacher; writer on culture; former music journalist
  • Ezra Davies - accordionist
  • Philip Davies - Conservative MP for Shipley
  • Maurice Davies - partner, the Museum Consultancy; senior research fellow, Department of Management, King's College London
  • Stephen Deadman - Group Privacy Officer and Head of Legal – Privacy, Security & Content Standards, Vodafone Group
  • Amali de Alwis - thought leadership manager, PwC
  • Alex Deane - managing director, FTI Consulting; Sky News regular; BBC Dateline London panellist; author Big Brother Watch: The state of civil liberties in modern Britain
  • Mary Dejevsky - columnist and former chief editorial writer, Independent; leading commentator on Russia, EU and US
  • Shirley Dent - communications specialist (currently working with the British Veterinary Association media team); editor,; author, Radical Blake
  • Emma Dent-Coad - planning spokesperson, Labour Group, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council; design and architecture journalist
  • Koen de Voegt - co-chairman, Pirate Parties International
  • David Didau - former teacher; blogger, The Learning Spy; author, The Secret of Literacy
  • David Dixon - deputy leader and cabinet member for neighbourhoods, Bath and North East Somerset Council
  • Alastair Donald - associate director, Future Cities Project; architecture programme manager, British Council
  • Nikos Dontas - head, Dramaturgy Department, Greek National Opera; music critic, Kathimerini
  • Léan Doody - associate director and smart cities lead, Arup
  • Ashley Dove-Jay - PhD researcher, University of Bristol; programme member on NASA/ESA-related projects
  • Tory Dunn - accordionist
  • Ian Dunt - editor,; political editor, Erotic Review
  • Bill Durodié - head of department and chair of international relations, University of Bath
  • Wendy Earle - impact development officer, Birkbeck, University of London; convenor, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • David Eberhard - head of staff and senior consultant, Prima psychiatry; author, How Children Took Power
  • Kathryn Ecclestone - professor of education, University of Sheffield; author, Governing Vulnerable Subjects in a Therapeutic Age (forthcoming)
  • Paul Ekins - professor of resources and environmental policy, director, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London; deputy director, UK Energy Research Centre
  • Kajsa Ekis Ekman - Swedish journalist, writer and activist; author, Skulden - eurokrisen sedd från Aten and Being and Being Bought; writer, Dagens Nyheter
  • Omar Elfarouk - undergraduate student, American University, Cairo
  • Ben Ellison - accordionist
  • Alice Evans - fellow in human geography, Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Craig Fairnington - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; university finance and accommodation officer
  • Mark-Anthony Falzon - associate professor, Department of Sociology, University of Malta; columnist, Sunday Times of Malta
  • Lianghuo Fan - professor in education; head, Mathematics & Science Education Research Centre, University of Southampton
  • Gregory Farmakis - entrepreneur; CEO, Agilis SA
  • Sara Feio - illustrator
  • Kate Figes - journalist; author, Our Cheating Hearts – love & loyalty, lust & lies
  • Jeanette Findlay - founder member, Fans Against Criminalisation
  • Michael Fitzpatrick - writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
  • John Fitzpatrick - professor of law and director, Kent Law Clinic, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • Eliot Forster - CEO, Immunocore; chairman, MedCity
  • Janet Foulds - social worker, Derby City Council; former chair, British Association of Social Workers
  • Claire Fox - director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
  • Willard Foxton - television producer and journalist; author of the dating blog, 28 dates later
  • Naomi Foyle - award winning author; Astra, Seoul Survivors, The World Cup, The Night Pavilion; co-founder of British Writers in Support of Palestine
  • Becky Francis - professor of education and social justice, King's College London;
  • Ashley Frawley - Senior lecturer in sociology and social policy, Swansea University; author, The Semiotics of Happiness: rhetorical beginnings of a public problem
  • Joe Friggieri - professor of philosophy and former head of department, University of Malta; poet; playwright; theatre director; three-times winner, National Literary Prize
  • Ranier Fsadni - assistant lecturer, anthropological sciences, University of Malta; columnist, The Times of Malta
  • Sally Fudge - barrister, Furnival Chambers
  • Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva - head of research, Oxfam GB; co-author. Working for the Few: political capture and economic inequality
  • Steve Fuller - Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology, University of Warwick
  • Ann Furedi - chief executive, British Pregnancy Advisory Service; author, The Moral Case for Abortion
  • Frank Furedi - sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history
  • Anna Gács - associate professor, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE
  • Carl Gardner - barrister; law blogger,
  • Elisabetta Gasparoni - teacher; convenor of the Future Cities Project Readers’ Group
  • Areti Georgili - founder, Free Thinking Zone
  • Clare Gerada - GP; past chair, Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Martha Gill - journalist, the Economist
  • Tony Gilland - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Christopher Gillett - opera singer; columnist, and Opernwelt
  • Tor Gisvold - director, digital, PwC; former consultant, Riot Games (League of Legends)
  • Luke Gittos - criminal lawyer; director of City of London Appeals Clinic; legal editor at spiked; author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans
  • Jo Glanville - director, English PEN
  • Harvey Goldsmith - impresario; chairman, The British Music Experience
  • Marc Goodchild - co-Founder,; partner, The Little Big Partnership; adviser on digital policies, Children’s Media Foundation
  • David Goodhart - director, Demos Integration Hub; author, The British Dream: successes and failures of post-war immigration
  • Manick Govinda - head, artists' advisory services; producer, Artsadmin; vice chair, a-n The Artists Information Company
  • Cathy Graham - director of music, British Council
  • Miranda Green - journalist; founding editor, The Day; regular contributor to BBC political shows; former Lib Dem spin doctor
  • Debora Green - head of student support and wellbeing; University of Sheffield
  • John Greening - writer; editor, Edmund Blunden's Undertones of War
  • Sean Gregory - director, Creative Learning, Barbican/Guildhall School of Music & Drama
  • Hella Grichi - writer and designer; co-founder Aspire to Inspire
  • Fisun Güner - freelance writer; visual arts editor, The Arts Desk
  • Helene Guldberg - director, spiked; author, Reclaiming Childhood: freedom and play in an age of fear and Just Another Ape?
  • Nevile M Gwynne - author; private teacher, and adviser on teaching-methods to various schools in England
  • Pauline Hadaway - writer and researcher
  • Rania Hafez - programme leader, MA Education, Greenwich University; fellow, The Muslim Institute
  • Joe Halloran - teaching & learning consultant, Computing, London Connected Learning Centre
  • Lisa Harker - director of strategy, policy and evidence, NSPCC
  • Sarah Harper - international adviser on ageing issues; director, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
  • Richard Harris - peripatetic official, NASUWT – The Teachers' Union
  • Adrian Hart - author, That's Racist! How the regulation of speech and thought divides us all and Leave those kids alone – How official hate speech regulation interferes in school life
  • John Hawksworth - chief economist, PwC
  • Dennis Hayes - professor of education, University of Derby
  • Bríd Hehir - writer, researcher and traveller; retired nurse and fundraiser
  • Matthias Heitmann - freelance journalist; contributor, NovoArgumente; columnist, Schweizer Monat
  • Carl Hendrick - head of learning and research, Wellington College
  • Ivan Hewett - chief music critic, Daily Telegraph; professor, Royal College of Music; broadcaster; author, Music: healing the rift
  • Barbara Hewson - barrister, Middle Temple; writer and commentator
  • John Hilary - executive director, War on Want; author, The Poverty of Capitalism: Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next
  • Nicholas Hillman - director, Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI)
  • Dan Hodges - blogger; columnist, Daily Telegraph
  • David Hoffman - accordionist
  • Jon Holbrook - barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked
  • Leo Hollis - historian; author, Cities Are Good For You: the genius of the metropolis
  • Amanda Holloway - commissioning editor, Sinfini Music
  • Martin Howe - QC barrister; member, Commission on A Bill of Rights; chairman of Lawyers for Britain
  • Philippa Huckle - CEO, The Philippa Huckle Group; co-author, The Psychology of Trading
  • Cheryl Hudson - lecturer in American history, University of Liverpool
  • Leyla Hussein - psychotherapist and anti-FGM campaigner; presenter, BAFTA nominated The Cruel Cut
  • Tom Hutchinson - clarinettist; teacher; arts project manager, Royal Philharmonic Society
  • Malek Ikhmies - youth worker, Jordanian Youth commission
  • Verity Jacklin - trumpet player
  • Amy Jackson - director, Oxtale Specialist Communications; author, Can we Learn to Love the Megadairy?
  • Tiffany Jenkins - writer and broadcaster; author, Keeping Their Marbles: how treasures of the past ended up in museums and why they should stay there
  • Isabelle Jenkins - partner, Capital Market Consulting and Technology, PwC
  • Denis Joe - poet and reviewer; founding member, Liverpool Salon
  • Lindsay Johns - writer and broadcaster; (non-residential) Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African & African-American Research at Harvard University
  • Izabella Kaminska - FT Alphaville blogger, Financial Times
  • Tia Kansara - founder & director, Kansara Hackney Ltd; executive committee member, London Business School’s Global Energy Summit; co-director, CleanTechChallenge
  • Lesley Katon - creative director, Pagefield
  • Sarah Kember - professor of new technologies of communication, Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Martin Kemp - emeritus professor, University of Oxford; broadcaster; author, Christ to Coke: how image becomes icon
  • Angus Kennedy - convenor, The Academy; author, Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination
  • Nicholas Kenyon - managing director, Barbican Centre; presenter, BBC Radio 4’s Cities From The Ashes; former director BBC Proms
  • Geoff Kidder - director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • Rob Killick - CEO, Clerkswell; author, The UK After The Recession
  • Dimitrios Kiousopoulos - historian; columnist, Eleftherotypia
  • Lesley Klaff - senior lecturer in law, Sheffield Hallam University; associate editor, Journal for the Study of Antisemitism
  • Simon Knight - senior youth work practitioner; vice chair, Play Scotland
  • Emma Knights - chief executive, National Governors’ Association
  • Kim Knott - professor of Religious and Secular Studies; Lancaster University; author, The Location of Religion: A Spatial Analysis.
  • Maurits Kreijveld - futurist,
  • Ashok Krish - head, social media & workplace reimagination practice, TCS Digital Enterprise
  • Hannah Lambie-Mumford - research in food poverty, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI), University of Sheffield
  • David Lammy MP - Labour MP for Tottenham; author, Out of the Ashes: Britain after the riots
  • Stephen Law - head, Centre for Inquiry UK; senior lecturer in philosophy, Heythrop College, University of London; author, The War for Children’s Minds
  • Shirley Lawes - researcher; consultant and university teacher, specialising in teacher education and modern foreign languages; Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
  • Ellie Lee - reader in social policy, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
  • Philippe Legrain - visiting senior fellow, LSE’s European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess – and How to Put Them Right
  • Vera Lengsfeld - renowned civil rights activist; freelance author
  • Sarah Lewendon - accordionist
  • Norman Lewis - director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Jen Lexmond - director, Character Counts
  • Brian Lightman - general secretary, ASCL
  • Mark Littlewood - director general, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Sonia Livingstone - professor, Department of Media and Communications, LSE; author, Media Regulation: Governance and the interests of citizens and consumers
  • Gill Lloyd - director, Artsadmin
  • Peter Lloyd - freelance journalist; author, Stand By Your Manhood
  • Daniel Lloyd - consumer lawyer; member of the employed bar; co-author, Blackstone's Guide to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (forthcoming)
  • Timo Lochocki - fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Anna-Lena Lodenius - journalist and lecturer; author, Slaget om svenskheten - ta debatten med Sverigedemokraterna
  • Joy Lo Dico - editor, Evening Standard’s Londoner’s Diary; contributing editor, Prospect
  • Christine Louis-Dit-Sully - research biologist with a life-long interest in social and political issues
  • Rob Lyons - science and technology director, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Economy Forum
  • Keith MacLean - independent energy advisor; industry chair, Energy Research Partnership
  • Ken MacLeod - award-winning science fiction writer; author, Descent, The Restoration Game and Intrusion; writer-in-residence, MA Creative Writing, Edinburgh Napier University 2013-2014
  • Jan Macvarish - associate lecturer and researcher, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent; author, Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life
  • Anthony Maden - Emeritus Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Imperial College London
  • Qaisar Mahmood - heritage manager, Swedish National Heritage Board
  • Kate Maltby - theatre critic, The Times; associate fellow, Bright Blue; researcher on intellectual life of Elizabeth I
  • Fred Manson - associate director, Heatherwick studio
  • Toby Marshall - A Level Film Studies Teacher; PhD researcher in sociology of education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Jack Marwood - primary school teacher; education writer, Icing on the Cake blog
  • Michael Mason - cornetist
  • Edward Mason - rector, Bath Abbey
  • Simon May - visiting professor, King's College London; author, Love: a history
  • Alex Maydew - jazz pianist
  • Natasha McCarthy - head of policy, British Academy; member, steering committee, Forum for Philosophy, Engineering and Technology
  • Tara McCormack - lecturer in international politics, University of Leicester; author, Critique, Security and Power: the political limits to emancipatory approaches
  • Kevin McCullagh - founder, Plan
  • Alister McGrath - Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion, University of Oxford
  • Jacob Mchangama - executive director, Justitia and Freedom Rights Project
  • Ken McLaughlin - lecturer in social work; author, Surviving Identity: vulnerability and the psychology of recognition
  • Robin McNicholas - co-founder and creative director, Marshmallow Laser Feast; co-creator, Meet Your Creator
  • Mohamed Amir Medjahed - vice president, Impact Foundation for Dialogue; post graduate student
  • David Mellor - PC, QC former Secretary to the Treasury; founding Secretary of State for National Heritage (now DCMS); broadcaster and music critic
  • Christopher Meyer - chairman, PagefieldAdvisory Board; former British Ambassador to the United States
  • Sally Millard - co-founder, IoI Parents Forum
  • Alan Miller - chairman, Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
  • Christina Mills - director of Group Communications and Reputation, SABMiller
  • Simon Millward - director, Albion Media; former London art critic, Wall Street Journal
  • Munira Mirza - advisor on arts and philanthropy; former deputy mayor of London for education and culture; author, The Politics of Culture: the case for universalism
  • Tim Mitchell - Chairman of licensing, Westminster City Council
  • Rana Mitter - director, University China Centre, University of Oxford; author, China’s War with Japan, 1937-1945: The Struggle for Survival
  • Daniel Monk - reader in law, Birbeck, University of London; assistant editor of Child and Family Law Quarterly
  • Claire Mookerjee - project lead, urbanism, Future Cities Catapult
  • Joaquim Moreno - architect and editor; researcher, Univesity of Porto CEAU (Center of Architecture an Urban Studies)
  • Paul Morley - music journalist; author, The North (and almost everything in it)
  • Jonny Mott - accordionist
  • Chantal Mouffe - Professor of political theory, University of Westminster; author, Agonistics: thinking the world politically
  • Helen Mountfield - QC barrister, Matrix Chambers, London; trustee, Equal Rights Trust
  • Phil Mullan - economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance
  • Para Mullan - senior project manager, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; FCIPD
  • Toby Mundy - founding director, TMA literary agency; executive director, Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction
  • Rupert Myers - barrister and writer
  • Martin Myrone - lead curator, Pre-1800 British Art, Tate Britain
  • Arushi Nayar - student, PSBB KK Nagar
  • Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - philosopher and novelist; author, Plato at the Googleplex: why philosophy won’t go away; visiting professor of philosophy, New College of the Humanities
  • Rebecca Newton - chief community & safety officer, Mind Candy Inc.
  • Ruth Nicholls - managing director, Young Rewired State
  • Simon Nixon - chief European commentator, Wall Street Journal; author, The Credit Crunch: how safe is your money?
  • Lucy O’Brien - professor, University College London; author, Self-Knowing Agents; Honorary Director, Aristotelian Society, 2006-2014
  • Anwar Oduro-Kwarteng - promotions manager, Institute of Ideas; writer on politics and ideology
  • Jane O'Grady - visiting lecturer, City University, London; obituarist, Guardian
  • Kate O’Halloran - social worker and CBT therapist, Tusla Child and Family Agency
  • Andrew Old - teacher; education blogger, Scenes from the Battleground
  • Richard Olsen - CEO, Olsen Ltd.
  • Kata Oltai - curator, art historian and creative producer
  • Onora O’Neill - chair, UK Equality and Human Rights Commission; crossbench member of the House of Lords
  • Brendan O'Neill - editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays
  • Andrew Opie - director for food and sustainability, British Retail Consortium
  • Andrew Orlowski - executive editor, Register; assistant producer, All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
  • Feargus O’Sullivan - Europe correspondent, CityLab
  • Marion Oswald - head, Centre for Information Rights, University of Winchester
  • Merijn Oudenampsen - sociologist and political scientist, Tilburg University; editor, Power to the People
  • Robert Peal - history teacher, West London Free School, and education research fellow, Civitas
  • Geoff Pearson - senior lecturer in sports management and law, University of Liverpool
  • Marisa Pereira - volunteer production coordinator, WORLDwrite
  • Luis T Pereira - founding partner, [A] ainda arquitectura architecture studio, Porto
  • Shyama Perera - writer, broadcaster and novelist; acting director, One World Media
  • David Perks - founder and principal, East London Science School; director, the Physics Factory
  • Martyn Perks - digital business consultant and writer; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Sebastian Pfeffer - editor and parliamentary correspondent, The European
  • Angela Phillips - Goldsmiths; author, The Trouble With Boys: parenting the men of the future
  • Jo Phillips - award-winning journalist; former press secretary to Paddy Ashdown; co-author, Why Vote?
  • Gavin Phillipson - Professor of Law and Deputy Head of School, Durham Law School
  • Ben Pile - independent researcher, writer, and film-maker
  • Gabriela V. Pinheiro - lecturer, Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto
  • Elizabeth Pisani - director, Ternyata Ltd; author, The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels and the Business of AIDS
  • Thais Portilho - journalist; campaigns and public affairs consultant
  • Jane Potter - senior lecturer in publishing, Oxford Brookes University; author, Boys in Khaki, Girls in Print: Women's Literary Responses to the Great War 1914-1918
  • Alex Proud - CEO, Proud Group
  • Vicky Pryce - board member, Centre for Economics and Business Research; economic advisor, British Chamber of Commerce
  • Vanessa Pupavac - associate professor; co-director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, University of Nottingham
  • John Raftery - vice-chancellor, London Metropolitan University
  • Laura Raphael - online and social media manager, Simian Publishing
  • James Raven - professor of modern history, University of Essex; author, Oxford Illustrated History of the Book (forthcoming)
  • Steve Rayner - James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization; director, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford
  • Helen Reece - reader in law, LSE
  • Paul Reeves - engineering software designer, SolidWorks R&D (part of Dassault Systèmes); convener, manufacturing work group for Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Luke Regan - research officer, The Sports Think Tank
  • Jacob Reynolds - consultant, SHM Productions
  • Vicky Richardson - writer and curator
  • Hugo Rifkind - columnist, The Times, Spectator and GQ; author, Overexposure
  • Jack Rivlin - editor-in-chief, The Tab
  • Marion Roberts - professor of urban design, University of Westminster; co-author, Planning the Night-time City
  • Jonathan Romain - rabbi; chair, Accord Coalition for Inclusive Education
  • Kevin Rooney - politics teacher and head of social science, Queen's School, Bushey; co-author, Who's Afraid Of The Easter Rising?
  • Orna Ross - author-publisher; founder, The Alliance of Independent Authors
  • Nathalie Rothschild - freelance journalist; producer and reporter for Sweden's public service radio
  • Maisie Rowe - landscape architect, writer and illustrator
  • David Runciman - professor of politics, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), Cambridge University; author, The Confidence Trap: A History of Democracy in Crisis from World War 1 to the Present
  • Bryony Sadler - campaigner, Flooding on the Levels Action Group
  • Angela Saini - science journalist; author, Geek Nation: how Indian science is taking over the world
  • Hilary Salt - actuary; founder, First Actuarial
  • Anders Sandberg - research associate, Future of Humanity Institute; Oxford Martin senior fellow; Oxford Martin School, Oxford University
  • Jane Sandeman - convenor, IoI Parents Forum; contributor, Standing up to Supernanny; director of finance and central services, Cardinal Hume Centre
  • Michael Savage - blogger, Grumpy Art Historian
  • Jo Saxton - chief executive, Future Academies
  • Clemens Schneider - co-founder, Prometheus - Das Freiheitsinstitut
  • Patrik Schumacher - principal, Zaha Hadid Architects; author, The Autopoiesis of Architecture
  • Matt Scott - composer and accordionist
  • Matt Scott - accordionist
  • Paul Seaman - co-founder, Zurich Salon; editor, 21st Century PR Issues
  • Rosalind Searle - co-founder, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations and Head of Trust Research, Coventry University
  • Michael Segalov - communications officer, University of Sussex Students’ Union; freelance journalist.
  • Alka Sehgal Cuthbert - educator, writer, doctoral researcher
  • Asha Shah - paralegal, Financial Ombudsman Service
  • Karl Sharro - architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture
  • Nadim Shehadi - associate fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House
  • Marc Sidwell - executive editor, City A.M.
  • Stevie Simkin - reader in film and drama, University of Winchester; co-editor (with Professor Julian Petley), Controversies book series; author, Cultural Constructions of the Femme Fatale: from Pandora’s Box to Amanda Knox
  • Roddy Skeaping - accordionist
  • Jean Smith - specialist development consultant; co-founder and director, NY Salon
  • Peter Smith - director of tourism, St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London; co-author, Volunteer Tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development
  • Jason Smith - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Helmut Smith - Martha Rivers Ingram Professor of History, Vanderbilt University
  • Josh Smith - former student, Franklin College; politics student, University of Hull
  • Christopher Snowdon - director, lifestyle economics, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Art of Suppression
  • Nikos Sotirakopoulos - lecturer in sociology, University of Loughborough; author, The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: From New Left to Occupy
  • Pedro Quintino de Sousa - researcher on Portuguese and European literature, CLEPUL (Center For European and Lusophone Literatures and Cultures)
  • Anthony Speaight QC - QC; executive committee member, Society of Conservative Lawyers
  • Christopher Stacey - director (services), Unlock
  • Tim Stanley - leader writer and columnist, Daily Telegraph
  • Kam Star - chief play officer, PlayGen; founder, Digital Shoreditch
  • Sandy Starr - communications officer, Progress Educational Trust; webmaster, BioNews
  • Stefan Stern - director, High Pay Centre
  • Peter Stevens - designer, McLaren F1 road car, 1999 Le Mans-winning BMW, Lotus Elan, Jaguar’s XJR-15
  • James Stevens - strategic planner, Home Builders Federation
  • Graham Stringer - Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton; member, House of Commons Transport Committee
  • Jill Stuart - visiting fellow, London School of Economics; editor-in-chief, Space Policy
  • Richard Stubbs - educational consultant; former teacher; advocate, Greenwich Advocacy
  • Stewart Sutherland - cross-bencher, House of Lords; fellow, British Academy and Royal Society of Edinburgh
  • Val Swain - founder member, Netpol
  • Richard Swan - writer and academic
  • Maria Tabak - chief UK correspondent, RIA Novosti (Russian News and Information Agency)
  • Peter Tatchell - human rights campaigner; director, Peter Tatchell Foundation
  • Mark Taylor - vice principal, East London Science School; London convenor, IoI Education Forum
  • Michelle Tepper - associate, Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics
  • Dee Thomas - mother of four; campaigner, No2NP
  • Cheryl Thomas - professor of judicial studies, University College London; director, UCL Jury Project
  • Christine Thompson - manager, UK government relations, SABMiller
  • Richy Thompson - campaigns officer (Faith Schools and Education), British Humanist Association
  • Emily Thornberry - MP for Islington South and Finsbury and shadow attorney general
  • András Török - cultural-philanthropy specialist, author and non-profit businessman; former deputy minister for culture
  • Evelien Tonkens - professor of Citizenship and Humanisation of Institutions and Organisations, University of Humanistic Studies
  • Paola Totaro - freelance journalist; former Europe Correspondent, Sydney Morning Herald and The Age
  • Lars Trägårdh - professor of history, Ersta Sköndal Högskola
  • Ioannis Tselikas - assistant professor, Hellenic American University; music editor and performer
  • Sorcha Uí Chonnachtaigh - lecturer in ethics and law, Keele University
  • Jake Unsworth - trainee solicitor, Bond Dickinson; convenor, Debating Matters Ambassadors
  • Kitty Ussher - managing director, Tooley Street Research
  • Gregory Vallianatos - president of the Liberal Alliance; human rights’ advocate
  • Jutte van der Werff ten Bosch - Head of Peadiatric Hemato-Oncology, UZ Brussel
  • Raphael Vassallo - journalist, Malta Today
  • Miguel Veiga-Pestana - vice president, Global Sustainability Strategy and External Advocacy, Unilever
  • Akshay Venkataraghavan - former student, PSBB Senior Secondary School; law student, Symbiosis Law School (Pune)
  • Will Vernon - producer, BBC News (speaking in a personal capacity)
  • Lillian Vessey - student, Franklin College
  • Adam Wagner - barrister, 1 Crown Office Row
  • Stuart Waiton - lecturer in sociology and criminology, Abertay University; author, Snobs' Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance
  • Alan Walker - Head of policy, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Jonny Walker - founding director, The Keep Streets Live Campaign; professional musician and street performer
  • Gareth Wallace - public affairs adviser, The Salvation Army; adviser, Gambling Commission’s Community Liaison Group
  • Roger Walshe - head of public engagement and learning, British Library
  • Philip Walters - chair, Rising Stars (educational publisher), and the GL Education Group; Spurs season ticket holder; member of Middlesex County Cricket Club
  • Bruno Waterfield - Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No
  • Geoffrey Wawro - professor of history and director, Military History Center, University of North Texas
  • Stuart Webster - head of employee communications, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Jenny Wedgbury - acting programme manager for families, V&A
  • Simon Wessely - president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London
  • Andrew Wheelhouse - senior paralegal, Bates Wells Braithwaite LLP
  • Bernie Whelan - reviewer, Extra! Extra!; member, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Ella Whelan - assistant editor, spiked
  • Will Whitehorn - chairman, Transport Systems Catapult and Speed Communications; former president, Virgin Galactic
  • Peter Whittle - culture spokesman, UKIP; director, New Culture Forum
  • Suzi Williams - group marketing and brand director, BT
  • Joanna Williams - academic; author, Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity; education editor, spiked
  • Jane Williams - special projects manager, research, Guildhall School of Music & Drama
  • Peter D Williams - executive officer, Right To Life
  • Austin Williams - associate professor in architecture, XJTLU University, Suzhou, China; director, Future Cities Project; convenor, Bookshop Barnies; founding member of New Narratives
  • Harriet Williamson - columnist and blogger
  • Sarah Wilson - professor, History of Modern and Contemporary Art, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
  • Alan Winfield - professor of electronic engineering; director, Science Communication Unit, University of the West of England
  • Kataryna Wolczuk - reader in politics and international studies, University of Birmingham
  • Christian Wolmar - writer and broadcaster, former Labour candidate for the London mayoral election
  • Andy Woodfield - Lead Partner for the International Aid Development Consulting practice, PwC
  • Steven Woolfe - UKIP Frontbench Spokesman on Migration and Financial Affairs Co-ordinator EFDD Group, EU ECON Committee
  • Tim Worstall - journalist; senior fellow, Adam Smith Institute; author, 23 Things We Are Telling You About Capitalism
  • Christopher Wyld - director, Foreign Press Association in London
  • Kevin Yuill - senior lecturer, history, University of Sunderland; author, Assisted Suicide: the liberal, humanist case against legalization
  • Paul Zanelli - chief technical officer, Transport Systems Catapult
  • Tom Ziessen - senior national programmes adviser, Wellcome Trust


Battle of Ideas speakers for the 2013 conference, as listed on the website in December 2016, were:[17]

  • Vítor Belanciano - editor and columnist, Público
  • Daniel Ben-Ami - journalist and author, Ferraris for All: in defence of economic progress and Cowardly Capitalism
  • Piers Benn - philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York
  • Paul Bew - crossbench peer; professor of politics, Queen's University Belfast; formerly, historical adviser to Northern Ireland's Bloody Sunday Tribunals
  • Debra Bick - professor of evidence based midwifery practice. King's College London; editor-in-chief, Midwifery
  • Peter Bingle - director, Terrapin Communications; one of Westminster's leading lobbyists
  • Mark Birbeck - internet software and big data consultant
  • Helen Birtwistle - history and politics teacher, South London school
  • Pedro Bismarck - architect; editor, Punkto magazine
  • Tim Black - editor, Spiked Review
  • Cara Bleiman - teacher, Arnhem Wharf Primary School
  • Natacha Blisson - senior consultant, Statoil corporate sustainability unit
  • Clive Bloom - emeritus professor, English and American studies, Middlesex University; author, Riot City: protest and rebellion in the capital
  • Patrick Boel - urban renewal and property redevelopment advisor
  • Diederik Boomsma - duo-councillor, Christian Democrat Party, city council of Amsterdam
  • David Bowden - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; culture writer
  • Owen Bowden-Jones - consultant psychiatrist and chair, Faculty of Addictions, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Henrietta Bowden-Jones - director, National Problem Gambling clinic; honorary senior lecturer, Division of Brain Science, Imperial College, London
  • Aneurin Brewer - barrister working in criminal law; regularly instructed for both the prosecution and defence in Magistrates and Crown Courts
  • John Bridcut - film-maker, Britten's Endgame; author, Britten's Children
  • George Brock - head of journalism, City University London; author, Out of Print: newspapers, journalism and the business of news in the Digital Age
  • Kate Brown - lecturer in social policy, University of York
  • James Buchanan - prototype technology specialist, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Tom Burkard - research fellow, Centre for Policy Studies; visiting professor of education policy, University of Derby; project leader, Phoenix Free School of Oldham
  • Eve Burton - senior vice president and general counsel, The Hearst Corporation
  • Michael Burton - editorial director, The MJ, and LocalGov; author, The Politics of Public Sector Reform from Thatcher to the Coalition
  • Elizabeth Chadwick - historical novelist; author, The Greatest Knight, To Defy a King
  • Jonathan Chan - violinist
  • JJ Charlesworth - senior editor, ArtReview
  • Yogesh Chauhan - director, Corporate Sustainability, Tata Consultancy Services
  • Tom Chivers - assistant comment editor, Daily Telegraph
  • Ben Chu - economics editor, the Independent; author Chinese Whispers: why everything you've heard about China is wrong
  • Manu Claeys - chairman, stRaten-generaal
  • James Clark - PhD student and graduate teaching assistant, University of Glasgow; co-drafter, Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2011
  • Dave Clements - adviser to local government; blogger, Guardian, Huffington Post; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum.
  • Robert Clowes - chair, Mind & Cognition Group, Nova Institute of Philosophy, Lisbon University; chair, Lisbon Salon
  • Joel Cohen - communications manager, BeyondMe
  • Susan M Coles - president, National Society for Education in Art and Design; arts creativity and educational consultant
  • James Conroy - Dean for European Engagement and professor of philosophical and religious education, University of Glasgow
  • Jill Cook - deputy keeper, head of prehistory, British Museum; curator, Ice Age Art: arrival of the modern mind
  • Samantha Cooke - student, Withington Girls' School
  • Louise Cooper - financial analyst and blogger,
  • Rhiannon Corcoran - professor of psychology and co-director, Health and Wellbeing, Heseltine Institute of Public Policy and Practice, University of Liverpool
  • Ed Cottingham - media analyst and researcher
  • Kate Coyer - executive director, Center for Media and Communication Studies, School of Public Policy, Central European University
  • Andrea Creech - reader in education, Institute of Education; leader, MA in Teaching and Learning in Higher and Professional Education (specialist pathway for performing arts teachers)
  • Hilary Cremin - senior lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge; author, Peer Mediation: Citizenship and social inclusion revisited
  • Jessica Crowe - executive director, Centre for Public Scrutiny
  • Niall Crowley - freelance designer and writer
  • Martin Cullingford - editor, Gramophone; writer on art, architecture and museums
  • Dolan Cummings - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; author, That Existential Leap: a crime story (forthcoming from Zero Books)
  • Leslie Cunliffe - honorary research fellow, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter
  • Kingslee Daley (Akala) - rapper, label-owner and educator
  • Neil Davenport - sociology and politics teacher; writer on culture; former music journalist
  • Paul Davies - partner, PwC
  • Rowenna Davis - Labour councillor, Southwark; prospective parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen; author, Tangled Up in Blue
  • Philip Davis - director, Centre for Research into Reading, Information and Linguistic Systems, University of Liverpool
  • Vangelis Davitidis - founder, Submarine (Ypovrixio) magazine
  • Alex Deane - managing director, FTI Consulting; Sky News regular; BBC Dateline London panellist; author Big Brother Watch: The state of civil liberties in modern Britain
  • Ruth Deech - crossbench peer; chairman, Bar Standards Board
  • Mary Dejevsky - columnist and former chief editorial writer, Independent; leading commentator on Russia, EU and US
  • Shirley Dent - communications specialist (currently working with the British Veterinary Association media team); editor,; author, Radical Blake
  • Manali Desai - lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge; author, State Formation and Radical Democracy in India, 1860-1990
  • Hannah Devlin - science editor, The Times
  • Henry Dimbleby - co-founder, Leon Restaurants; co-author, School Food Plan
  • Edward Docx - novelist; screenwriter; associate editor, Prospect Magazine
  • Ole Gunnar Dokka - manager innovation engagement, Corporate Innovation Team, Statoil
  • Alastair Donald - associate director, Future Cities Project; architecture programme manager, British Council
  • Danny Dorling - The Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford
  • Anand Dossa - economist, National Farmers' Union
  • Theodore Dounas - associate professor and acting head, Architecture Department, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University; founding partner, archIV+
  • Jamie Drummond - co-founder and executive director, ONE
  • Ruth Dudley Edwards - historian and journalist; author, The Seven: the lives and legacies of the founding fathers of the Irish Republic (forthcoming)
  • Stella Duffy - writer and theatre-maker; award-winning author of short stories, plays and novels
  • Ian Dunt - editor,; political editor, Erotic Review
  • Bill Durodié - head of department and chair of international relations, University of Bath
  • Rina Dutta - MRC Research Fellow, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London
  • Matthew Dykes - senior policy officer for public services, TUC
  • Jackie Eales - professor of early modern history, Canterbury Christ Church University; president, Historical Association
  • Wendy Earle - impact development officer, Birkbeck, University of London; convenor, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Patrick J. Egan - assistant professor of Politics and Public Policy, New York University
  • Inua Ellams - poet; award-winning playwright; graphic artist; geek
  • Bernard Enjolras - research director, Institute for Social research, Oslo
  • Gunn Enli - associate professor, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
  • Mikhail Epstein - professor of Russian and cultural theory; director, Centre for Humanities Innovation, Durham University
  • Craig Fairnington - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; university finance and accommodation officer
  • Gerry Feehily - Europe editor, Courrier International; author, Gunk
  • Jonathan Fenby - China director and managing partner, Trusted Sources; author, Tiger Head, Snake Tails: China Today
  • Vicki Fitzgerald - chief executive, Gateway Family Services
  • Michael Fitzpatrick - writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
  • John Fitzpatrick - professor of law and director, Kent Law Clinic, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • Jonathan Foreman - senior research fellow, Civitas; trustee, Hindu Kush Conversation Assocation; co-editor, The Indian Quarterly
  • Claire Fox - director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
  • Ashley Frawley - Senior lecturer in sociology and social policy, Swansea University; author, The Semiotics of Happiness: rhetorical beginnings of a public problem
  • Joe Friggieri - professor of philosophy and former head of department, University of Malta; poet; playwright; theatre director; three-times winner, National Literary Prize
  • Evan Fuery - Vice President Exploration Business Development Origination, Statoil
  • Frank Furedi - sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history
  • Ann Furedi - chief executive, British Pregnancy Advisory Service; author, The Moral Case for Abortion
  • Fisun Güner - freelance writer; visual arts editor, The Arts Desk
  • Mike Garry - performance poet; author, Men's Morning and Mancunian Meander
  • Teun Gautier - publisher; initiator, Dagvan100 Thinktank
  • Linda Geddes - reporter, New Scientist; author, Bumpology: the myth-busting pregnancy book for curious parents-to-be
  • Areti Georgili - founder, Free Thinking Zone
  • Clare Gerada - GP; past chair, Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Val Gillies - director, Families & Social Capital Research Group, Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University; co-editor, Family Troubles? Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people
  • Sally Gimson - Labour councillor, Highgate; member, Camden Council's planning and housing committees; Camden's Equality Champion
  • Luke Gittos - criminal lawyer; director of City of London Appeals Clinic; legal editor at spiked; author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans
  • Sofia Gonçalves - editor, Dois Dias Publishing
  • Manick Govinda - head, artists' advisory services; producer, Artsadmin; vice chair, a-n The Artists Information Company
  • Roger Graef - CEO, Films of Record; award-winning filmmaker, including the Bafta winning Police series, Police 2001, Turning the Screws, and The Secret Policeman's Ball; visiting professor, Mannheim Centre for Criminology, LSE
  • Andrew Graves - professorial fellow in technology management and chair for technology management, School of Management, University of Bath
  • Sean Gregory - director, Creative Learning, Barbican/Guildhall School of Music & Drama
  • Tracey Groves - partner, PwC
  • Paul Gudgin - festival director, City of London Festival
  • Helene Guldberg - director, spiked; author, Reclaiming Childhood: freedom and play in an age of fear and Just Another Ape?
  • Chris Hackley - professor of marketing, Royal Holloway University of London; researcher, alcohol policy
  • Pauline Hadaway - writer and researcher
  • Rania Hafez - programme leader, MA Education, Greenwich University; fellow, The Muslim Institute
  • Lynn Hagger - lecturer in law, University of Sheffield; non-executive director, Leeds Teaching NHS Trust
  • Mark Hailwood - lecturer in British History, St Hilda's College, University of Oxford; co-founder, Warwick Drinking Studies Network; author, Alehouses and Good Fellowship in Early Modern England
  • Susan Hallam - professor of Education and Music Psychology, Institute of Education; author, Music Education in the 21st Century in the United Kingdom: achievements, analysis and aspirations
  • Ferenc Hammer - associate professor, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE, Budapest
  • Stephen Hargrave - chairman, London Farmers' Markets Ltd; chairman of trustees, Reform
  • Matt Harper - partner, Look Mum No Hands!
  • Tony Harper - head, Research and Advanced Systems Engineering, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Tom Harrold - František Havlín, project manager, Czech NGO Agora CE
  • Dennis Hayes - professor of education, University of Derby
  • Patrick Hayes - director, British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA)
  • Bríd Hehir - writer, researcher and traveller; retired nurse and fundraiser
  • Anne-Marie Helland - general secretary, Norwegian Church Aid
  • Piers Hellawell - composer; professor of composition, Queen's University Belfast
  • Mark Henderson - head of communications, Wellcome Trust; author, The Geek Manifesto: why science matters
  • Peter Herbert - chair, Society of Black Lawyers
  • David Herd - professor of modern literature, University of Kent
  • Jan Herfert - social researcher, House of Research; member, Die Linke
  • Ivan Hewett - chief music critic, Daily Telegraph; professor, Royal College of Music; broadcaster; author, Music: healing the rift
  • Barbara Hewson - barrister, Middle Temple; writer and commentator
  • Richard Hoare - director, Capital Projects and Infrastructure Team, PwC
  • Jon Holbrook - barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked
  • Jonathan Holmes - playwright and theatre director, Jericho
  • Roger Howard - former chief executive, UK Drug Policy Commission; chair, Build on Belief
  • Tim Hubbard - senior group leader, Vertebrate Genome Analysis Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
  • Alan Hudson - director of leadership and public policy programmes, University of Oxford; visiting professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Marli Huijer - professor of philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Mick Hume - editor-at-large, online magazine spiked; author, Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?
  • Rupa Huq - Labour MP for Ealing Central and Acton
  • Tom Hutchinson - clarinettist; teacher; arts project manager, Royal Philharmonic Society
  • Catherine Ince - curator, Barbican Art Gallery
  • Sam Jacob - director, Fashion Architecture Taste; professor of architecture, University of Illinois, Chicago; blogger, Strange Harvest
  • Asher Jacobsberg - director, involver; co-founder, Smart School Councils Community
  • Joel Janiurek - librarian; creator, Islington Comic Forum and Barbican Comic Forum
  • Louise Jeffreys - director of programming, Barbican; former, Head of Theatre and Arts Projects, Barbican; former technical director, English National Opera
  • Tiffany Jenkins - writer and broadcaster; author, Keeping Their Marbles: how treasures of the past ended up in museums and why they should stay there
  • Rebecca Jenkins - cultural historian and novelist; Royal Literary Fund Fellow; former writing partner of Bishop of Durham, David Jenkins
  • Priyanka Jeyershanker - member, StudentVoice Steering Group
  • Roman Joch - director, Civic Institute; author, The Revolt against the Revolution of the Twentieth Century
  • Denis Joe - poet and reviewer; founding member, Liverpool Salon
  • Natasha Joffe - barrister, Outer Temple Chambers; co-author, The Mumsnet Rules
  • Lindsay Johns - writer and broadcaster; (non-residential) Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African & African-American Research at Harvard University
  • Nelson Jones - journalist; blogger, Heresy Corner, New Statesman
  • Bryan Joseph - partner, PwC
  • Barb Jungr - singer, writer and performer; CDs include, The Man in the Long Black Coat and From Stockport to Memphis
  • Lesley Katon - creative director, Pagefield
  • Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti - prize-winning playwright and screenwriter; author, Behsharam (Shameless), Behzti (Dishonour); member of writing team, The Archers
  • Margaret Kean - Dame Helen Gardner Fellow in English, St Hilda's College, University of Oxford
  • Andrew Keen - entrepreneur; founder,; author, Digital Vertigo: how today's online social revolution is dividing, diminishing, and disorienting us
  • Angus Kennedy - convenor, The Academy; author, Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination
  • Geoff Kidder - director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • Beeban Kidron - film maker; feature films include Bridget Jones, Edge of Reason and Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit; documentaries include InRealLife - a film about teenagers and the internet
  • Paul Kilbey - music critic; reviews editor, Bachtrack
  • Rob Killick - CEO, Clerkswell; author, The UK After The Recession
  • Simon Knight - senior youth work practitioner; vice chair, Play Scotland
  • Boris Kotchoubey - professor, University of Tübingen
  • Eirik Løkke - fellow, Civita
  • Deepak Lal - James S. Coleman Professor of International Development Studies, University of California, Los Angeles; author of Reviving the Invisible Hand, In Praise of Empires and The Hindu Equilibrium : India c1500 B. C. -2000 A.D
  • Diana Laurillard - Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies & Assistant Director for Open Mode Learning, Institute of Education
  • Paul Lay - editor, History Today
  • Ellie Lee - reader in social policy, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
  • Jason Lee - novelist, critic and academic; latest novel, Spit Roast
  • Kirk Leech - interim director, European Animal Research Campaign Centre; government affairs, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Philippe Legrain - visiting senior fellow, LSE's European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess and How to Put Them Right
  • James Lenman - professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
  • Gerd Leonhard - futurist; CEO, The Futures Agency
  • Liesbeth Levy - founder, Levy in Debat; formerly artistic director, De Unie, Rotterdam
  • Norman Lewis - director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Penny Lewis - lecturer, Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Robert Gordon University; co-founder, AE Foundation
  • Antony Lewis-Crosby - fundraiser and concert promoter
  • Ondřej Liška - former member of parliament; chairman, Green Party
  • CJ Lim - director, Studio 8 Architects; professor of architecture and urbanism, The Bartlett, University College London; author, Food City (forthcoming)
  • Bosse Lindquist - documentary director, Sveriges Television/Swedish Television; films include aid documentary, Give Us the Money
  • Alexander Linklater - member, Maudsley Philosophy group; books editor, Ax:son Johnson Foundation (Sweden); freelance journalist; books reviewer, Observer; scriptwriter
  • Peter Lloyd - freelance journalist; author, Stand By Your Manhood
  • Pam Lowe - senior lecturer in sociology, Aston University
  • Edward Lucas - international editor, Economist; author, The New Cold War and Deception: spies, lies and how Russia dupes the West
  • Ben Lucas - principal partner, RSA2020; chair of public services, RSA
  • Tim Luckhurst - head, Centre for Journalism, University of Kent; author, Responsibility without Power: Lord Justice Leveson's constitutional dilemma
  • Mark Lynas - environmental campaigner; author, The God Species, Six Degrees
  • Rob Lyons - science and technology director, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Economy Forum
  • Ken MacLeod - award-winning science fiction writer; author, Descent, The Restoration Game and Intrusion; writer-in-residence, MA Creative Writing, Edinburgh Napier University 2013-2014
  • Jan Macvarish - associate lecturer and researcher, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent; author, Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life
  • Jorge Magalhães Alves - co-editor-in-chief, Dédalo
  • Shiv Malik - freelance investigative journalist; co-author, Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth; contributor, Prospect
  • Victoria Mapplebeck - senior lecturer and multimedia director, Royal Holloway, University of London
  • Marshall Marcus - CEO, European Union Youth Orchestra; chair; Sistema Europe
  • Helen Marriage - director, Artichoke
  • Toby Marshall - A Level Film Studies Teacher; PhD researcher in sociology of education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Ursula Martinez - cult cabaret diva; writer and performer, Me, Me, Me!, Hanky Panky and My Stories, Your Emails
  • Fernando Martins - architect and creative programmer
  • Allan Massie - author, nearly 30 books, including 20 historical novels, including A Question of Loyalties and Dark Summer in Bordeaux; columnist, Spectator
  • Catherine May - corporate affairs director, SABMiller plc
  • Natasha McCarthy - head of policy, British Academy; member, steering committee, Forum for Philosophy, Engineering and Technology
  • Tara McCormack - lecturer in international politics, University of Leicester; author, Critique, Security and Power: the political limits to emancipatory approaches
  • Nancy McDermott - writer; advisor to Park Slope Parents, NYC's most notorious parents' organization
  • Ken McLaughlin - lecturer in social work; author, Surviving Identity: vulnerability and the psychology of recognition
  • Alastair McLellan - editor, Health Service Journal
  • Molly Meacher - chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform; former Chair, East London NHS Foundation Trust; chair, Clinical Ethics Committee, CNWL NHS Trust, 2004-2009
  • Hamish Meldrum - immediate past chairman, British Medical Association; non-executive director, BMJ
  • Angelica Michelis - senior lecturer, Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University; author, Eating Theory: the theory of eating (forthcoming)
  • John Milbank - professor in religion, politics and ethics; director, Centre of Theology and Philosophy, University of Nottingham; author, Beyond Secular Order
  • Fiona Millar - columnist, Guardian, co-founder, Local Schools Network
  • Sally Millard - co-founder, IoI Parents Forum
  • Alan Miller - chairman, Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
  • Paul Morley - music journalist; author, The North (and almost everything in it)
  • Farshid Moussavi - founder and head, Farshid Moussavi Architecture; professor in Practice of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
  • Daniel Moylan - former deputy chairman of Transport for London; Conservative Councillor; co-chairman, Urban Design London
  • Phil Mullan - economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance
  • Para Mullan - senior project manager, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; FCIPD
  • Toby Mundy - founding director, TMA literary agency; executive director, Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction
  • Rajay Naik - director, Government and External Affairs, The Open University
  • Noha Nasser - senior lecturer, School of Architecture, Design and Construction, University of Greenwich
  • Jeb Loy Nichols - artist, writer and musician
  • Ed Noel - teacher; former schools and alumni coordinator, Debating Matters Competition
  • Karl-Erik Norrman - founder and secretary-general, European Cultural Parliament; former Swedish ambassador; author, The Gala Concert, Verdi/Wagner 200 years
  • Teddy Nygh - filmmaker, Fully Focused Productions; director, Riot From Wrong
  • Rory O'Connor - professor of healthy psychology; director, Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, Glasgow University
  • Marcus O'Dair - lecturer in popular music, Middlesex University
  • Brendan O'Neill - editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays
  • Jane Ogden - professor in health psychology, University of Surrey; author, The Good Parenting Food Guide' (forthcoming)
  • Rory Olcayto - deputy editor, Architects' Journal
  • Elizabeth Oldfield - director, Theos, religion and society think-tank
  • Mark Pagel - professor of evolutionary biology, University of Reading; author, Wired for Culture: origins of the human social mind
  • Sheanna Patelmaster - student, Withington Girls' School
  • Toby Paterson - artist; public commissions include 'Points of Contact' (Dunfermline)
  • Holly Pattenden - senior strategy analyst, Statoil
  • Christina Patterson - writer, broadcaster and columnist
  • Robert Peal - history teacher, West London Free School, and education research fellow, Civitas
  • Luis T Pereira - founding partner, [A] ainda arquitectura architecture studio, Porto
  • Martyn Perks - digital business consultant and writer; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • David Perks - founder and principal, East London Science School; director, the Physics Factory
  • David Petch - retired commissioner, Independent Police Complaints Commission
  • Robert Phillips - expert adviser on communications & trust; visiting professor Cass Business School, London; commentator and public speaker
  • Ben Phillips - campaigns and policy director, Oxfam GB
  • Woodrow Phoenix - author, Rumble Strip
  • Ben Pile -independent researcher, writer, and film-maker
  • José Duarte de Almeida Pinho - bookseller, Ler Devagar (LX Factory and Penso Amor, Lisbon) and Óbidos Literary Village (Óbidos)
  • António Pinho Vargas - composer; teacher of composition, Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa
  • Heather Piper - professorial research fellow, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University; author, Researching Sex and Lies in the Classroom and Don't Touch!: the educational story of a panic
  • Claire Potter - professor of history, New School for Public Engagement
  • Nina Powell - doctoral research fellow, National University of Singapore
  • Andrew Preston - director, Forum for Environment and Development
  • Vicky Pryce - board member, Centre for Economics and Business Research; economic advisor, British Chamber of Commerce
  • Robin Purshouse - lecturer, University of Sheffield; member, "Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model" team
  • Shahin Rahimifard - professor of sustainable engineering, Loughborough University; Founder and Director, Centre for Sustainable Manufacturing And Reuse/Recycling Technologies (SMART)
  • Stefan Ramaekers - assistant professor, Laboratory of Education and Society, KU Leuven
  • Peter Redgrave - professor of neuroscience, University of Sheffield
  • Helen Reece - reader in law, LSE
  • Geraint Rees - director, UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience; senior clinical fellow, Wellcome Trust
  • Paul Reeves - engineering software designer, SolidWorks R&D (part of Dassault Systemes); convener, manufacturing work group for Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Viv Regan - managing editor, spiked
  • Michael Reiss - pro-director, research & development and professor of science education, Institute of Education, University of London; inaugural editor of the journal Sex Education
  • Jacob Reynolds - consultant, SHM Productions
  • Vicky Richardson - writer and curator
  • Lesley Riddoch - journalist & broadcaster ; founder and director, Nordic Horizons; author, Blossom: what Scotland needs to flourish
  • Emma Ridgway - curator, creative learning, Barbican Centre
  • Kathryn Riley - London Centre for Leadership in Learning, Institute of Education; author, Leadership of Place: stories from the US, UK & South Africa
  • Yvonne Roberts - chief leader writer, the Observer
  • Marcus Roberts - director, policy and membership, DrugScope
  • Christine Rosen - fellow, New America Foundation; senior editor, New Atlantis
  • Jay Rosen - professor of journalism, NYU; author,
  • Nathalie Rothschild - freelance journalist; producer and reporter for Sweden's public service radio
  • Jonathan Rougier - reader in statistics, University of Bristol
  • Dale Russell - director, Russell Studio; visiting professor, Innovation Design Engineering, Royal College of Art; emeritus visiting professor, Central Saint Martins, UAL
  • Adam Rutherford - geneticist, science writer and broadcaster, BBC; author, Creation and A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Story In our Genes; presenter, Inside Science and The Cell
  • Jill Rutter - programme director, Institute for Government
  • Emily Ryall - senior lecturer in philosophy, University of Gloucestershire; chair, British Philosophy of Sport Association
  • Barbara Sahakian - professor of clinical neuropsychology, MRC/Wellcome Trust Behavioural and Clinical Neurosciences Institute, University of Cambridge
  • Gabriel Sahlgren - director of research, Centre for Market Reform of Education, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Angela Saini - science journalist; author, Geek Nation: how Indian science is taking over the world
  • Teresa Salema - director, Sustainability and Solutions Development, Fundação PT
  • Eszter Salgó - adjunct professor, international relations, American University of Rome
  • Hilary Salt - actuary; founder, First Actuarial
  • Jane Sandeman - convenor, IoI Parents Forum; contributor, Standing up to Supernanny; director of finance and central services, Cardinal Hume Centre
  • Constantine Sandis - professor of philosophy, University of Hertfordshire
  • Jasvinder Sanghera - chief executive, Karma Nirvana; author, Shame
  • Sally Satel - resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute; psychiatrist; author, Brainwashed: the seductive appeal of mindless neuroscience
  • Peter Saunders - professorial research fellow, Civitas; professor emeritus, University of Sussex; distinguished fellow, Centre for Independent Studies, Australia
  • Catherine Schenk - professor of international economic history, University of Glasgow; author, International Economic Relations since 1945
  • Erna Scholtes - public sector consultant at Twynstra Gudde; author, Transparency, symbol of a drifting government and Nieuwsmedia als transparanteurs (forthcoming)
  • Stephen Scott - head, National Conduct Problems Clinic, Maudsley Hospital, London and King's College London
  • Andy Scott - sculptor, projects include "Heavy Horse", "Equus Altus" and "The Kelpies"
  • Miguel Seabra - president, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
  • Paul Seaman - co-founder, Zurich Salon; editor, 21st Century PR Issues
  • Stephen Segaller - vice president, programming, WNET
  • Alka Sehgal Cuthbert - educator, writer, doctoral researcher
  • Andrew Sentance - Senior Economic Adviser to PwC (since 2011); formerly, external member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
  • Rachel Shabi - award-winning journalist and writer specialising in the Middle East; author, Not the Enemy: Israel's Jews from Arab lands
  • Farhana Shaikh - editor, Asian Writer
  • Chris Sharp - contemporary music programmer, Barbican Centre; formerly, managing director, independent label 4AD
  • Karl Sharro - architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture
  • Poornima Shekhar - head, English Department, National Public School, Koramangala, Bangalore
  • Neil Sherlock - Head of Reputational Strategy, PwC
  • Ann Marie Shillito - founder and CEO, Anarkik3D; designer maker/contemporary jeweller; author, Digital Crafts: Industrial Technologies for Applied Artists and Designer Makers
  • John Siddique - poet, essayist and author; author, Full Blood
  • Marc Sidwell - executive editor, City A.M.
  • Theodoros Skylakakis - MEP; member, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe; president, Drasi
  • Jean Smith - specialist development consultant; co-founder and director, NY Salon
  • Peter Smith - director of tourism, St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London; co-author, Volunteer Tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development
  • Jason Smith - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Joe Smith - senior lecturer in geography, The Open University
  • Grant Smith - photographer; member, I'm a Photographer, Not a Terrorist
  • Malcolm Smith - director and global leader, Urban Design and Masterplanning, Arup
  • Christopher Snowdon - director, lifestyle economics, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Art of Suppression
  • Ana Isabel Soares - tenured professor, Camões Institute; founding member, CIAC - Centre for Research in Arts and Communication
  • Anna Somers Cocks - CEO, former editor and journalist, the Art Newspaper
  • Merryn Somerset Webb - editor-in-chief, MoneyWeek
  • Nikos Sotirakopoulos - lecturer in sociology, University of Loughborough; author, The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: From New Left to Occupy
  • George Sotiropoulos - lecturer, Department of Political Science, Democritean University of Thrace
  • Pedro Quintino de Sousa - researcher on Portuguese and European literature, CLEPUL (Center For European and Lusophone Literatures and Cultures)
  • Thilo Spahl - science editor, NovoArgumente
  • Frances Spalding - professor of art history, Newcastle University; author, The Bloomsbury Group and John Piper, Myfanwy Piper: lives in art
  • Tereza Stöckelová - researcher, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences CR; editor-in-chief, Czech Sociological Review (English edition)
  • Tom Stafford - lecturer, psychology and cognitive science, University of Sheffield; columnist, BBC Future; co-author, Mind Hacks
  • Alexis Stamatis - author, playwright and poet; author, Bar Flaubert
  • Tim Stanley - leader writer and columnist, Daily Telegraph
  • Sandy Starr - communications officer, Progress Educational Trust; webmaster, BioNews
  • Aaron Stead - economics student, University of Portsmouth; president, Debating Society; alumnus, Debating Matters Competition
  • Martin Stephen - director of education, GEMS UK; former high Master, St Paul's School
  • Hew Strachan - Chichele Professor of the History of War, University of Oxford; member, UK National Committee for the Centenary of the First World War
  • Frankie Sulke - executive director for children & young people, LB Lewisham
  • Val Swain - founder member, Netpol
  • Liz Swain - vocalist; choral director
  • Gabriella Swallow - cellist, broadcaster and arts commentator
  • Richard Swan - writer and academic
  • Rosie Swash - online fashion editor, Guardian
  • George Szirtes - reader in creative writing, UEA; poet; editor; translator; author, The Burning of the Books and Other Poems
  • Raymond Tallis - fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences; author, philosopher, critic and poet; recent books include NHS SOS and Aping Mankind; chair, Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying
  • Sascha Tamm - research fellow, Liberal Institute, Berlin
  • Jacki Tapley - principal lecturer and associate head (academic), Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth
  • Peter Tatchell - human rights campaigner; director, Peter Tatchell Foundation
  • Mark Taylor - vice principal, East London Science School; London convenor, IoI Education Forum
  • Kate Taylor - film programmer, She Shark Industries
  • Vitor Duarte Teodoro - assistant professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon
  • Martyn Thomas - vice-president for external affairs, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Christine Thompson - manager, UK government relations, SABMiller
  • Leonora Thomson - director of audiences and development, Barbican Centre
  • Joanna Tokarz-Härtig - head of project department, Stanislaw Brzozowski Association; co-ordinator, Political Critique
  • Igor Toronyi-Lalic - arts editor, the Spectator; co-director, the London Contemporary Music Festival
  • James Treadwell - lecturer in criminology, University of Birmingham; author, Criminology: the essentials
  • Salil Tripathi - journalist; author, Offence: the Hindu case
  • Steve Tsang - director, China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham
  • Colin Tweedy - chief executive, The Building Centre Trust; formerly chief executive, Arts & Business
  • Jake Unsworth -trainee solicitor, Bond Dickinson; convenor, Debating Matters Ambassadors
  • Markha Valenta - assistant professor, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Will Vernon - producer, BBC News (speaking in a personal capacity)
  • Oliver Wainwright - architecture and design critic, the Guardian
  • Stuart Waiton - lecturer in sociology and criminology, Abertay University; author, Snobs' Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance
  • Simon Wallace - musician, composer and music producer
  • Marjorie Wallace - chief executive, SANE; award-winning investigative journalist, author and broadcaster; Honorary fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Robin Walsh - graduate medical student; co-founder, Sheffield Salon
  • Jason Walsh - journalist; foreign correspondent, CS Monitor
  • Rebecca Walton - director, Partnerships and Business Development, British Council
  • Matt Walton - head of product, FutureLearn
  • Elly Ward - architecture graduate, Royal College of Art; author, Back to Morality: an architectural fable for our modern times
  • Hilan Warshaw - filmmaker, Overtone Films LLC; director, Wagner's Jews
  • Norman Warwick - poet, Just Poets
  • Bruno Waterfield - Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No
  • Tom Watt - writer, actor and broadcaster
  • Jonathan Webb - neuroscientist, writer and performer
  • Cecilia Wee - curator, writer and broadcaster; chair of board, Live Art Development Agency; area council member, Arts Council England (London)
  • Simon Wessely - president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London
  • Paul Westbury - CEO, Buro Happold
  • Stian Westlake - executive director, policy and research, Nesta
  • Bernie Whelan - reviewer, Extra! Extra!; member, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Jamie Whyte - philosopher and writer; author, Crimes Against Logic and Quack Policy
  • Brett Wigdortz - CEO and founder, Teach First
  • Austin Williams - associate professor in architecture, XJTLU University, Suzhou, China; director, Future Cities Project; convenor, Bookshop Barnies; founding member of New Narratives
  • Peter D Williams - executive officer, Right To Life
  • Joanna Williams - academic; author, Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity; education editor, spiked
  • Kate Williams - editor, Mumsnet Blogger Network
  • Brian Winston - Lincoln Professor, University of Lincoln; author, A Right to Offend: free expression in the twenty-first century
  • Phil Withington - professor of early modern history, University of Sheffield; co-editor, Intoxication and Society
  • Wojtek Wojcik - consultant psychiatrist, Royal Edinburgh Hospital; honorary researcher, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London
  • James Woudhuysen - visiting professor, London South Bank University
  • Martin Wright - writer, editor and adviser on environmental solutions and sustainable futures
  • Mike Wright - executive director, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Mic Wright - chief technology blogger, Daily Telegraph; freelance writer
  • Campbell X - film maker and digital consultant, director, Stud Life
  • Xin Xin - senior research fellow, China Media Centre, University of Westminster; author, China's Soft Power (forthcoming)
  • Ben-Dror Yemini - journalist; columnist and opinion page editor, daily newspaper Maariv
  • Raymond Yiu - composer; conductor; jazz pianist
  • Tarik Yousif - director, Creative Urbans
  • Kevin Yuill - senior lecturer, history, University of Sunderland; author, Assisted Suicide: the liberal, humanist case against legalization
  • Augustine Zenakos - chief editor, UNFOLLOW magazine
  • Rui Zink - assistant professor, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon; author, Divine Gift and Anibaleitor


Battle of Ideas speakers for the 2012 conference, as listed on the website in November 2016, were:[18]

  • Ade Aboaba - personal trainer, leader, Urban Jog
  • Christian Adams - political cartoonist, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • David Allen Green - legal correspondent, New Statesman; writer of acclaimed Jack of Kent blog
  • Duleep Allirajah - sports columnist, spiked; Crystal Palace fan
  • Maria Lúcia Amaral - professor, constitutional law; judge, Constitutional Court, Portugal
  • Marco Amitrano - partner and head, risk assurance services, PwC
  • Josie Appleton - director, civil liberties group, Manifesto Club; author, Officious: Rise of the Busybody State
  • Shirley Apthorp - music critic, Financial Times
  • Susana Araújo - research fellow, Centre for Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon; lead investigator, Project CILM - City and Insecurity in Literature and the Media
  • Dan Atkinson - economics editor, Mail on Sunday; co-author, Going South: why Britain will have a third world economy by 2014
  • Albena Azmanova - social philosopher, political commentator and activist; author, The Scandal of Reason: a critical theory of political judgement
  • Sangeeta Bahadur - minister (Culture), High Commission of India; director, the Nehru Centre
  • Richard Bailey - leading international authority on role of sport; research consultant for Nike, International Red Cross and previously International Olympic Committee
  • Paulo Martins Barata - partner and MD Doha, PROMONTORIO; member, European Cultural Parliament
  • Stephen Barber - group managing director & head of group communications, Pictet & Cie
  • Damian Barr - writer and salonierre; creator and host, Shoreditch House Literary Salon; author, Maggie and Me
  • Jamie Bartlett - director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Demos; author, The New Face of Digital Populism; co-author, #Intelligence
  • Thierry Baudet - teacher, Leiden Law School; former columnist, NRC Handelsblad; author, The Significance of Borders: why representative government and the rule of law require nation states
  • Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer - composer; orchestrator; arranger; conductor, film and stage music; founder, Immediate Filmic Orchestra
  • Simon Belt - IT consultant; coordinator, Manchester Salon
  • Daniel Ben-Ami - journalist and author, Ferraris for All: in defence of economic progress and Cowardly Capitalism
  • Courtney Bender - associate professor, Department of Religion, Columbia University
  • Piers Benn - philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York
  • Natalie Bennett - newly elected leader, Green Party of England and Wales; London Assembly candidate; chair, Green Party Women; former editor, Guardian Weekly
  • Andrew Bergbaum - director, AlixPartners; manufacturing industry consultant
  • Chris Bickerton - associate professor of international relations, Sciences Po, Paris; author, European Integration: from nation states to member states; co-editor, The Current Moment
  • Chris Binnie - independent water consultant; member, ICE Water Expert Panel; fellow, Royal Academy of Engineers
  • Maurice Biriotti - founding trustee, SHM Foundation; CEO, SHM Productions Ltd; publisher, Youth-led investigation into the August riots 2011
  • Pedro Bismarck - architect; editor, Punkto magazine
  • Tim Black - editor, Spiked Review
  • Clive Bloom - emeritus professor, English and American studies, Middlesex University; author, Riot City: protest and rebellion in the capital
  • Gábor Bojár - founder, Aquincum Institute of Technology; entrepreneur
  • Louise Bolotin - freelance journalist; author, Epilepsy: the essential guide; blogger, The Lone Gourmet
  • Mark Borkowski - agency head,; author, The History of the Publicity Stunt and The Fame Formula
  • David Bowden - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; culture writer
  • Owen Bowden-Jones - consultant psychiatrist and chair, Faculty of Addictions, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Jan Bowman - author and illustrator; author, This is Birmingham
  • Elizabeth Boyle - research fellow, St Edmund's College; affiliated lecturer, department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse & Celtic, University of Cambridge
  • Justine Brian - director, Debating Matters Competition
  • Tessy Britton - director, Social Spaces; editor, Hand Made: portraits of emergent new community culture
  • George Brock - head of journalism, City University London; author, Out of Print: newspapers, journalism and the business of news in the Digital Age
  • Libby Brooks - acting comment editor and columnist, Guardian; author, The Story of Childhood: growing up in modern Britain
  • Stephen Bull - vice president, Statoil (US onshore operations)
  • Stephen Bull - artist, exhibited at Tate Britain and The Photographers' Gallery, London; author, Photography; lecturer, University for the Creative Arts, Farnham
  • Simon Burall - director, Involve; chair, Democratic Audit; ambassador, WWF UK
  • Nick Butler - visiting professor and chair, King's Policy Institute, King's College London; treasurer, the Fabian Society; former special advisor to Gordon Brown; former group vice-president, strategy and policy development, BP
  • Barry Buzan - emeritus professor, LSE; author, The United States and the Great Powers: world politics in the twenty-first century
  • Andrew Calcutt - principal lecturer in journalism, University of East London; editor, Proof; co-author, Journalism Studies: a critical introduction
  • José Castro Caldas - economist and researcher, Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra University
  • Stephanie Calman - writer and broadcaster; author, Confessions of a Bad Mother and How (Not) to Murder Your Husband; founder,
  • Kelvin Campbell - managing director, Urban Initiatives; author, Massive Small: the operating system for smart urbanism
  • Bill Carmichael - columnist and former news editor, Yorkshire Post; journalism teacher, University of Sheffield
  • Brian M Carney - editorial page editor, Wall Street Journal Europe; co-author, Freedom, Inc; winner, Gerald Loeb Award business-journalism and Frederic Bastiat Prize for Journalism
  • Miguel Fernandes Ceia - writer, critic and translator; editorial assistant, Writers' Hub; contributor, Culture Wars
  • Russell Celyn Jones - director, Creative Writing Programme, Birkbeck College, University of London
  • Ian Chamberlain - writer and human rights campaigner; former activist, Occupy London Stock Exchange; blogger, Solidarity Bank
  • Sarah Chan - deputy director, Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation, University of Manchester; research fellow, bioethics and law
  • Jonathan Chaplin - director, Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, Cambridge; author, Multiculturalism: a Christian retrieval
  • Daisy Christodoulou - research and development director, Ark Schools; author, Seven Myths about Education; season ticket holder, West Ham
  • Sue Christoforou - policy and research manager, The Equality Trust project, One Society; policy analyst
  • Simon Clark - director, smokers’ rights group, Forest; Action on Consumer Choice.
  • Dave Clements - adviser to local government; blogger, Guardian, Huffington Post; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum.
  • Robert Clowes - chair, Mind & Cognition Group, Nova Institute of Philosophy, Lisbon University; chair, Lisbon Salon
  • Joel Cohen - communications manager, BeyondMe
  • John Cooper - leading criminal and human rights barrister; regular columnist, The Times and Observer; editor, Criminal Bar Quarterly
  • Andrew Copson - chief executive, British Humanist Association
  • David Cox - children's writer; actor; screenwriter; close protection specialist; martial artist and cage fighter
  • Niall Crowley - freelance designer and writer
  • Dolan Cummings - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; author, That Existential Leap: a crime story (forthcoming from Zero Books)
  • Neil Davenport - sociology and politics teacher; writer on culture; former music journalist
  • Rowenna Davis - Labour councillor, Southwark; prospective parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen; author, Tangled Up in Blue
  • Suzy Dean - freelance writer; blogger, Free Society
  • Alex Deane - managing director, FTI Consulting; Sky News regular; BBC Dateline London panellist; author Big Brother Watch: The state of civil liberties in modern Britain
  • Andrew Delbanco - Mendelson Family Chair of American Studies and Julian Clarence Levi Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University; author, College: what it was, Is, and should be
  • Ann Demeester - director, de Appel arts centre and Curatorial Programme; presenter, 4Art, Dutch television
  • Brian Denny - convener, No2EU - Yes to Democracy
  • Shirley Dent - communications specialist (currently working with the British Veterinary Association media team); editor,; author, Radical Blake
  • Stuart Derbyshire - reader in psychology, University of Birmingham; associate editor, Psychosomatic Medicine and Pain
  • Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal - freelance journalist; former sex-advice columnist, Evening Standard; author, Tourism
  • Pavan Dhaliwal - head of public affairs, British Humanist Association
  • Arushi Dhupia - student, Our Lady Queen of the Missions School
  • Carole Diamant - déléguée générale, Fondation Egalité des Chances-Institut de France Education Nationale
  • Joana Amaral Dias - former member, Bloco de Esquerda; clinical psychologist; columnist, Correio da Manhã; author, Portugal a Arder
  • Suzi Digby - music educator; choral conductor, London Youth Choirs; founder, Vocal Futures and Voices Foundation; OBE, services to music education
  • Carl Djerassi - professor of chemistry emeritus, Stanford University; playwright, Insufficiency; awarded National Medal of Science for the first synthesis of a steroid oral contraceptive
  • Alastair Donald - associate director, Future Cities Project; architecture programme manager, British Council
  • Ed Dorrell - features and comment editor, Times Educational Supplement
  • Jean-Marc Dreyfus - reader in history and Holocaust studies, University of Manchester
  • John Drury - senior lecturer, social psychology, University of Sussex; co-editor, Crowds in the 21st century: perspectives from contemporary social science (forthcoming)
  • Ruth Dudley Edwards - historian and journalist; author, The Seven: the lives and legacies of the founding fathers of the Irish Republic (forthcoming)
  • Stella Duffy - writer and theatre-maker; award-winning author of short stories, plays and novels
  • Wendy Earle - impact development officer, Birkbeck, University of London; convenor, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Martin Earnshaw - co-editor Future of Community: reports of a death greatly exaggerated; chair, IoI Social Policy Forum
  • Kathryn Ecclestone - professor of education, University of Sheffield; author, Governing Vulnerable Subjects in a Therapeutic Age (forthcoming)
  • Tim Edensor - reader in cultural geography, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • David Edgar - playwright; president of the Writers' Guild; author, How Plays Work; playwright, Written on the Heart, Pentecost
  • Steven Edwards - professor of philosophy of healthcare, Swansea University
  • Carl Emery - author, Children's Social and Emotional Wellbeing; lecturer, University of Manchester
  • Birgitta Englin - executive director, Riksteatern - National Touring Theatre of Sweden
  • Jens-Martin Eriksen - writer, playwright and novelist; co-author, The Democratic Contradictions of Multiculturalism
  • Craig Fairnington - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; university finance and accommodation officer
  • Katalin Farkas - professor, Central European University, Budapest; author, The Subject's Point of View
  • Gregory Farmakis - entrepreneur; CEO, Agilis SA
  • Valerie Farnsworth - research fellow, School of Education, University of Leeds
  • Natalie Fenton - joint head of department, co-director, Leverhulme Media Research Centre, Goldsmiths, University of London; editor, New Media, Old News: journalism and democracy in a digital age
  • Albert Fenton - graduate, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic, Trinity College, Cambridge; web copywriter
  • Mary Fitzgerald - writer; editor; campaigner; former senior editor, Prospect
  • Michael Fitzpatrick - writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
  • John Fitzpatrick - professor of law and director, Kent Law Clinic, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • Paul Flatters - social researcher; chief executive, Trajectory; former chief executive, Future Foundation
  • Hugh Flouch - founder, Networked Neighbourhoods
  • Oliver Foster - managing partner, Pagefield
  • Claire Fox - director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
  • Myriam Francois-Cerrah - DPhil candidate, Oriental Studies, Oxford University; journalist; regular panellist, BBC1's Big Questions
  • Nick Fraser - commissioning editor, Storyville, BBC; series editor, Why Democracy?; executive producer, Why Poverty?; author, Why Documentaries Matter
  • Ashley Frawley - Senior lecturer in sociology and social policy, Swansea University; author, The Semiotics of Happiness: rhetorical beginnings of a public problem
  • Joe Friggieri - professor of philosophy and former head of department, University of Malta; poet; playwright; theatre director; three-times winner, National Literary Prize
  • Frank Furedi - sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history
  • Ann Furedi - chief executive, British Pregnancy Advisory Service; author, The Moral Case for Abortion
  • Fisun Güner - freelance writer; visual arts editor, The Arts Desk
  • Ann Gallagher - reader in nursing ethics, University of Surrey; editor, Nursing Ethics
  • Declan Ganley - chairman and CEO, Rivada Networks; founder and chairman, Libertas Institute
  • Timothy Garton Ash - professor of European studies, University of Oxford; commentator; director, Free Speech Debate
  • Alexander Gerner - researcher in philosophy, University of Lisbon; playwright and director
  • Diana Gibb - professor of epidemiology; programme leader, Paediatric Programme, MRC Clinical trials unit, London
  • Tony Gilland - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • John Gillott - researcher, Innogen, Open University; co-author, Science and the Retreat from Reason
  • Sally Gimson - Labour councillor, Highgate; member, Camden Council's planning and housing committees; Camden's Equality Champion
  • Roger Giner-Sorolla - reader in social psychology, University of Kent
  • Luke Gittos - criminal lawyer; director of City of London Appeals Clinic; legal editor at spiked; author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans
  • Daniel Glaser - director, Science Gallery London, King's College London
  • Eliane Glaser - writer and radio producer; author, Get Real: how to tell it like it is in a world of illusions
  • Ruth Gledhill - religion correspondent, The Times; journalism tutor, City University
  • Matthew Goodwin - associate professor in politics, University of Nottingham; author, New British Fascism: rise of the British National Party
  • Manick Govinda - head, artists' advisory services; producer, Artsadmin; vice chair, a-n The Artists Information Company
  • Roger Graef - CEO, Films of Record; award-winning filmmaker, including the Bafta winning Police series, Police 2001, Turning the Screws, and The Secret Policeman's Ball; visiting professor, Mannheim Centre for Criminology, LSE
  • Nuno Grande - architect; assistant professor, Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra
  • Roy Greenslade - professor of journalism, City University, London; blogger, Guardian; media columnist, Evening Standard
  • Sean Gregory - director, Creative Learning, Barbican/Guildhall School of Music & Drama
  • Peter Grimsdale - former Channel 4, Five and BBC commissioning editor; credits include Crimewatch, Big Brother and Dispatches; thriller writer, co-author, Battlefield 3 - The Russian (with Andy McNab)
  • Helene Guldberg - director, spiked; author, Reclaiming Childhood: freedom and play in an age of fear and Just Another Ape?
  • Pauline Hadaway - writer and researcher
  • Rania Hafez - programme leader, MA Education, Greenwich University; fellow, The Muslim Institute
  • Georgia Haigh - sociology student, LSE
  • John Haldane - professor of philosophy, University of St Andrews; chairman, Royal Institute of Philosophy; author, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Religion and Reasonable Faith
  • Ted Harrison - artist, "Innocence Betrayed", St Paul's 2011 Remembrance Day piece; author, Remembrance Today; poppies, grief and heroism
  • Hugh Hartford - director, Banyak Films; director, Ping Pong
  • Fiona Harvey - environment correspondent, Guardian
  • Dennis Hayes - professor of education, University of Derby
  • Patrick Hayes - director, British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA)
  • Bríd Hehir - writer, researcher and traveller; retired nurse and fundraiser
  • Matthias Heitmann - freelance journalist; contributor, NovoArgumente; columnist, Schweizer Monat
  • Piers Hellawell - composer; professor of composition, Queen's University Belfast
  • Alexandra Heminsley - writer; broadcaster; runner; author, Running Like a Girl (forthcoming)
  • Guy Herbert - general secretary, NO2ID; contributor, Guardian’s Comment is free and Samizdata
  • Rafe Heydel-Mankoo - writer and broadcaster; co-editor, Burke's World Orders of Knighthood & Merit
  • Brian Hill -, film director, Century Films; director, Drinking for England, Feltham Sings, forthcoming Storyville 'Why Poverty?' documentary Welcome to the World
  • Sara Hinchliffe - school manager of life sciences (professional services), University of Sussex
  • Aljoscha Hofmann - assistant professor, TU Berlin
  • Jon Holbrook - barrister; writer on legal issues; regular contributor to spiked
  • Tim Hollis - chief constable, Humberside Police; chair, ACPO Drugs Committee
  • Henkjan Honing - KNAW-Hendrik Muller chair in Music Cognition and professor of Cognitive and Computational Musicology, University of Amsterdam
  • Alexander Horn - economics editor, NovoArgumente; consultant (logistics, production and organisation), German automotive industry
  • Richard House - senior lecturer in education, University of Winchester; editor, Too Much, Too Soon? Early learning and the erosion of childhood; author, In, Against and Beyond Therapy
  • Richard Howells - reader in Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King's College London
  • Anton Howes - director, Liberty League
  • Jim Hudson - writer on architectural and urban issues; blogger,
  • Lee Hughes - consultant, Alexander Litvinenko inquest; secretary, Hutton Inquiry
  • Mick Hume - editor-at-large, online magazine spiked; author, Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?
  • Will Hunter - deputy editor, Architectural Review; architecture tutor, Royal College of Art
  • Jonathan Hurlow - psychiatrist and researcher, All Party Parliamentary Group
  • Tom Hutchinson - clarinettist; teacher; arts project manager, Royal Philharmonic Society
  • Matthew Hutson - science writer; former editor, Psychology Today; author The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking: how irrational beliefs keep us happy, healthy, and sane
  • Mo Ibrahim - global expert in mobile communications; founder, Celtel International; one of TIME's 100 most influential people
  • Tina Isaacs - senior lecturer, Institute of Education; formerly head, 14-19 Regulation, Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)
  • Martin Jacques - author, When China Rules the World: the end of the Western World and the birth of a new global order
  • Sarah E James - lecturer, history of art, University College London; author, Common Ground: photography in Germany during the Cold War (forthcoming); regular contributor, Frieze, Photoworks, Art Review and Art Monthly
  • Dasha Janebova - freelance DJ and promoter, Prague
  • Sarah Jarvis - GP; fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners; BBC1 One Show doctor; author, Women's Health for Life
  • Syd Jeffers - senior lecturer in sociology, University of East London; Arsenal supporter
  • Louise Jeffreys - director of programming, Barbican; former, Head of Theatre and Arts Projects, Barbican; former technical director, English National Opera
  • Tiffany Jenkins - writer and broadcaster; author, Keeping Their Marbles: how treasures of the past ended up in museums and why they should stay there
  • Lindsay Johns - writer and broadcaster; (non-residential) Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African & African-American Research at Harvard University
  • Martin Johnson - deputy general secretary, Association of Teachers and Lecturers; author, Subject To Change: new directions for the school curriculum
  • David Jones - director, Anscombe Bioethics Centre; co-editor, Chimera's Children: Ethical, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives on Human-Nonhuman Experimentation
  • Jenny Jopson, events officer, Wellcome Collection
  • Barb Jungr - singer, writer and performer; CDs include, The Man in the Long Black Coat and From Stockport to Memphis
  • Anya Kamenetz - senior writer, Fast Company; author, Generation Debt
  • Wendy Kaminer - US-based writer on law, liberty, feminism, religion, and popular culture; author, Worst Instincts: cowardice, conformity and the ACLU
  • Sunder Katwala - director, British Future; former general secretary, Fabian Society
  • Roly Keating - chief executive, British Library; formerly first Director of Archive Content, BBC; former Controller, BBC Two; member, Barbican Centre Board
  • Andrew Keen - entrepreneur; founder,; author, Digital Vertigo: how today's online social revolution is dividing, diminishing, and disorienting us
  • Angus Kennedy - convenor, The Academy; author, Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination
  • Chris Keulemans - artistic director, Tolhuistuin; writer and author
  • Imran Khan - director, Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE)
  • Geoff Kidder - director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • Paul Kilbey - music critic; reviews editor, Bachtrack
  • Rob Killick - CEO, Clerkswell; author, The UK After The Recession
  • Vasso Kindi - associate professor of philosophy, University of Athens
  • Réka Kinga Papp - social video programme manager, Green Spider Foundation; co-founder, Hallgatoi Halozat, student activist group
  • Kerry Kirwan - deputy head of materials and manufacturing and strategic director of the International Doctorate Centre at WMG, University of Warwick
  • Thomas Klau - chef du bureau parisien, Relations Extérieures du Conseils de l'Europe
  • Simon Knight - senior youth work practitioner; vice chair, Play Scotland
  • John Knight - executive vice president, Global Head of Strategy & Business Developments, Statoil
  • Kristján Kristjánsson - professor, character education and virtue ethics, Jubilee Centre for Character and Values, University of Birmingham
  • Aleks Krotoski - academic and journalist; presenter, BBC Radio 4's The Digital Human and the Guardian's Tech Weekly podcast.
  • James Ladyman - Head of Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol
  • David Lammy MP - Labour MP for Tottenham; author, Out of the Ashes: Britain after the riots
  • Tess Lanning - research fellow, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR); author, From Learning to Earning: understanding the school-to-work transition in London
  • Shirley Lawes - researcher; consultant and university teacher, specialising in teacher education and modern foreign languages; Chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Academiques
  • Neal Lawson - chair, Compass; author, All Consuming; former adviser to Gordon Brown; co-editor, Progressive Century
  • Ellie Lee - reader in social policy, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
  • Kirk Leech - interim director, European Animal Research Campaign Centre; government affairs, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Philippe Legrain - visiting senior fellow, LSE's European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess and How to Put Them Right
  • Norman Lewis - director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Penny Lewis - lecturer, Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Robert Gordon University; co-founder, AE Foundation
  • Helienne Lindvall - award-winning professional songwriter; musician; music and media columnist, Guardian
  • Alexander Linklater - member, Maudsley Philosophy group; books editor, Ax:son Johnson Foundation (Sweden); freelance journalist; books reviewer, Observer; scriptwriter
  • Mark Littlewood - director general, Institute of Economic Affairs
  • Peter Lloyd - freelance journalist; author, Stand By Your Manhood
  • David Lloyd Owen - managing director, Envisager; author, The Sound of Thirst
  • Jo Lopes - head of technical excellence, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Gilly Lord - partner, assurance practice, PwC
  • Robin Lovell-Badge - group leader, stem cell biology and developmental genetics, Francis Crick Institute
  • Rob Lyons - science and technology director, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Economy Forum
  • Samir M'kadmi - visual artist and curator; board member, Norwegian National Museum for Art, Architecture and Design
  • Caroline Macfarland - managing director, ResPublica Trust; co-author, Clubbing Together: The hidden wealth of communities
  • Ken MacLeod - award-winning science fiction writer; author, Descent, The Restoration Game and Intrusion; writer-in-residence, MA Creative Writing, Edinburgh Napier University 2013-2014
  • Jan Macvarish - associate lecturer and researcher, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent; author, Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life
  • Pedro Magalhães - political scientist and researcher, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
  • Shiv Malik - freelance investigative journalist; co-author, Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth; contributor, Prospect
  • Paschos Mandravelis - columnist, Kathimerini; former editor-in-chief, Newsweek (Greek edition)
  • Tessa Marchington - pianist; founder, Music in Offices; co-founder (with Wu Qian), Surrey Hills Music Festival
  • Peter Marsh - manufacturing editor, Financial Times; author, The New Industrial Revolution: consumers, globalization and the end of mass production
  • Kevin Marsh - journalist; former editor, Today programme; former executive editor, BBC College of Journalism; author, Stumbling Over Truth
  • Toby Marshall - A Level Film Studies Teacher; PhD researcher in sociology of education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Nikola Matisic - opera singer and pedagogue; founder, Operalabb
  • James Matthews - management consultant; founding member, NY Salon; writer on economics and business
  • Tessa Mayes - investigative journalist; director, The Queen & Us
  • Jane McAdam Freud - sculptor and multi-disciplinary artist; teacher in sculpture, Central St Martins, University of the Arts London and Morley College, London
  • John McAndrew - associate editor, Sky News
  • Natasha McCarthy - head of policy, British Academy; member, steering committee, Forum for Philosophy, Engineering and Technology
  • Tara McCormack - lecturer in international politics, University of Leicester; author, Critique, Security and Power: the political limits to emancipatory approaches
  • Kevin McCullagh - founder, Plan
  • Joyce McMillan - chair, Hansard Society Working Group in Scotland; judge, 2010 Saltire Scottish Book of the Year Award; theatre critic, Scotsman
  • Molly Meacher - chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy Reform; former Chair, East London NHS Foundation Trust; chair, Clinical Ethics Committee, CNWL NHS Trust, 2004-2009
  • Andy Miah - chair in science communication & digital media, University of Salford
  • Angelica Michelis - senior lecturer, Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University; author, Eating Theory: the theory of eating (forthcoming)
  • Sally Millard - co-founder, IoI Parents Forum
  • Alan Miller - chairman, Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
  • Paul Miner - senior planning officer, Campaign to Protect Rural England
  • Anna Minton - writer and journalist; author, Ground Control: fear and happiness in the twenty-first century city
  • Munira Mirza - advisor on arts and philanthropy; former deputy mayor of London for education and culture; author, The Politics of Culture: the case for universalism
  • Mary Monfries - partner, PwC; member, tax leadership team
  • Marilyn Monk - emeritus professor of molecular embryology, University College London
  • Dominic Morris - director of group public affairs, Lloyds Banking Group
  • Ian Morris - head of wellbeing, Wellington College
  • Ferdinand Mount - author, The New Few: or a very British oligarchy; former editor, Times Literary Supplement
  • Daniel Moylan - former deputy chairman of Transport for London; Conservative Councillor; co-chairman, Urban Design London
  • Phil Mullan - economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance
  • Para Mullan - senior project manager, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; FCIPD
  • Christine Murray - editor in chief, The Architects' Journal and The Architectural Review; founder, Women in Architecture Awards
  • Jeremy Musson - writer and historic buildings consultant; former architectural editor, Country Life
  • Jan Němec, aka, DJ RaveBoy - underground philosopher and cultural activist
  • Michael Nelson - director of research and nutrition, Children's Food Trust
  • Simon Nixon - chief European commentator, Wall Street Journal; author, The Credit Crunch: how safe is your money?
  • Ed Noel - teacher; former schools and alumni coordinator, Debating Matters Competition
  • Karl-Erik Norrman - founder and secretary-general, European Cultural Parliament; former Swedish ambassador; author, The Gala Concert, Verdi/Wagner 200 years
  • Coral James O'Connor - lecturer in broadcast & multimedia journalism, University of Brighton
  • Brendan O'Neill - editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays
  • Anwar Oduro-Kwarteng - promotions manager, Institute of Ideas; writer on politics and ideology
  • Tom Ogg - pupil barrister; author, Boxing Clever
  • Elizabeth Oldfield - director, Theos, religion and society think-tank
  • Rhodri Oliver - district councillor, Cabinet Member for Planning and Assets, North Norfolk District Council
  • Andrew Orlowski - executive editor, Register; assistant producer, All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
  • Robin Osterley - chief executive, Making Music; director, Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations
  • Ruth Padel - poet and writer; author, The Mara Crossing and Darwin: a life in poems
  • José Paixao - project manager, Arrebita!Porto
  • Ceri Parsons - senior lecturer in psychology, Staffordshire University; research interests include gender identity and sexuality
  • Lesley Paterson - head, communications and engagement, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Christina Patterson - writer, broadcaster and columnist
  • Marcus Pembrey - founder and chair, Progress Educational Trust
  • Scott Pepe - deputy chairman, British Monarchist Society
  • Anna Percy - feminist performance poet; member, Stirred Feminist Poetry collective; organiser and facilitator, live poetry events and writing workshops
  • Luis T Pereira - founding partner, [A] ainda arquitectura architecture studio, Porto
  • Martyn Perks - digital business consultant and writer; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • David Perks - founder and principal, East London Science School; director, the Physics Factory
  • Jo Phillips - award-winning journalist; former press secretary to Paddy Ashdown; co-author, Why Vote?
  • Trevor Phillips - former chair, Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • Charlie Phillips - marketplace director, Sheffield Doc/Fest
  • George Pitcher - journalist; Anglican priest, St Bride's Church, Fleet Street; author A Time to Live: the case against euthanasia and assisted suicide
  • Daniel Poohl - editor-in-chief, Expo; board member, Expo Foundation, Sweden
  • Aaron Porter - higher-education consultant and freelance journalist; former NUS president
  • Jonathan Portes - principle research fellow National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR); senior fellow, UK in a Changing Europe; author, 50 Capitalism Ideas You Really Need to Know
  • Thais Portilho - journalist; campaigns and public affairs consultant
  • Nina Powell - doctoral research fellow, National University of Singapore
  • Lydia Prieg - researcher in finance and business, New Economics Foundation
  • Alexandra Pringle - group editor-in-chief, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
  • Vicky Pryce - board member, Centre for Economics and Business Research; economic advisor, British Chamber of Commerce
  • Vanessa Pupavac - associate professor; co-director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, University of Nottingham
  • KAS Quinn - children's writer; lecturer and educationalist; author, The Queen Must Die, first part of a time-travel trilogy
  • Sally Quinn - editor-in-chief, On Faith; journalist, Washington Post
  • Gideon Rachman - chief foreign affairs commentator, Financial Times; author, Zero-sum World: politics, power and prosperity after the crash
  • Sara Radstone - artist; tutor, HE Diploma in Fine and Applied Arts (Ceramics), The City Lit, London
  • Qazi Rahman - lecturer in psychological sciences and director of Psychology Programmes, Queen Mary University; co-director, Centre for Mind in Society; co-author, Born Gay
  • Katherine Rake - CEO, Family and Parenting Institute
  • Joost Ramaer - journalist; guest editor, De Groene Amsterdammer
  • Paul Reeves - engineering software designer, SolidWorks R&D (part of Dassault Systemes); convener, manufacturing work group for Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Richard Reynolds - trainee barrister; formerly, paralegal, Baha Mousa and Al Sweady Public Inquiries; founder, Student Academics for Academic Freedom
  • Jacob Reynolds - consultant, SHM Productions
  • Andy Richardson - Head of Simulation, Jaguar Land Rover Product Engineering
  • Emma Ridgway - curator, creative learning, Barbican Centre
  • Rob Riemen - writer and cultural philosopher; founder & president, Netherlands-based Nexus Institute; author, Nobility of Sprit: a forgotten ideal and The Eternal Return of Fascism
  • Hugo Rifkind - columnist, The Times, Spectator and GQ; author, Overexposure
  • Niels Righolt - head of development, Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture; chairman, Transnational Arts Production
  • Levi Roach - lecturer of Medieval History, University of Exeter
  • Imogen Robertson - novelist; author of Westerman/Crowther series, including Circle of Shadows
  • Bernardo Rodrigues - architect, Bernardo Rodrigues Arquitecto
  • Jennifer Rohn - principal research associate, University College London; editor,; author, Experimental Heart
  • Andrea Rose - director, Visual Arts and Strategic Programmes, British Council; governor, University of the Arts, London; author, Gagarin in Britain
  • Nathalie Rothschild - freelance journalist; producer and reporter for Sweden's public service radio
  • Henry Rudd - senior manager, Investor Relations, SABMiller; charity runner
  • Duna Sabri - visiting research fellow, department of Education & Professional Studies, King's College, London
  • Eszter Salgó - adjunct professor, international relations, American University of Rome
  • Hilary Salt - actuary; founder, First Actuarial
  • Jane Sandeman - convenor, IoI Parents Forum; contributor, Standing up to Supernanny; director of finance and central services, Cardinal Hume Centre
  • Judith Sargentini - member, European Parliament; leader, GreenLeft delegation
  • David Scobey - executive dean, New School for Public Engagement, New York
  • Mark Seddon - writer and broadcaster; author, Standing for Something: life in the awkward squad
  • Alka Sehgal Cuthbert - educator, writer, doctoral researcher
  • Anli Serfontein - journalist; author, Basteln, Wandern and Putzen: from South Africa to Trier
  • Harriet Sergeant - research fellow, Centre For Policy Studies; author Among the Hoods: my years with a teenage gang
  • Anita Sethi - award-winning writer, journalist and broadcaster; international writer-in-residence and ambassador, Melbourne's Emerging Writers' festival
  • Alom Shaha - writer and science teacher; author The Young Atheist's Handbook
  • Chris Sharp - contemporary music programmer, Barbican Centre; formerly, managing director, independent label 4AD
  • Alison Sharpe - head of Thought Leadership, PwC
  • Karl Sharro - architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture
  • Michael Shaw - programme director for online learning, TES
  • Nadim Shehadi - associate fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House
  • Rupert Sheldrake - fellow, Institute of Noetic Sciences, California; author, The Science Delusion
  • Mike Short - senior vice-president, industry affairs, SABMiller
  • Peter Simpson - chairman, UK Donation Ethics Committee
  • Alison Small - CEO, Production Guild of Great Britain
  • Jean Smith - specialist development consultant; co-founder and director, NY Salon
  • Peter Smith - director of tourism, St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London; co-author, Volunteer Tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development
  • Graham Smith - chief executive, Republic
  • Jason Smith - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • David Smith - economics editor, The Sunday Times; author, The Age of Instability
  • Raymond Snoddy - freelance journalist; former presenter, BBC NewsWatch; author, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Christopher Snowdon - director, lifestyle economics, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Art of Suppression
  • Nikos Sotirakopoulos - lecturer in sociology, University of Loughborough; author, The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: From New Left to Occupy
  • Pedro Quintino de Sousa - researcher on Portuguese and European literature, CLEPUL (Center For European and Lusophone Literatures and Cultures)
  • Sandy Starr - communications officer, Progress Educational Trust; webmaster, BioNews
  • Aaron Stead - economics student, University of Portsmouth; president, Debating Society; alumnus, Debating Matters Competition
  • Matina Stevis - economics reporter, Dow Jones Newswires and Wall Street Journal
  • Maryon Stewart - author and broadcaster; pioneer in non-drug medicine; Founder, Angelus Foundation; nutritionist, C4's Model Behaviour; presenter, The Really Useful Health Show
  • Sarah Strang - founder, CIVIC ROOM
  • Wes Streeting - head of education, Stonewall; former president, NUS
  • Richard Stubbs - educational consultant; former teacher; advocate, Greenwich Advocacy
  • Michał Sutowski - political scientist and columnist, Krytyka Polityczna, Poland
  • Richard Swan - writer and academic
  • Payaswini Tailor - student, Our Lady Queen of the Missions School
  • Raymond Tallis - fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences; author, philosopher, critic and poet; recent books include NHS SOS and Aping Mankind; chair, Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying
  • GM Tamás - visiting professor, Central European University; author, Les Idoles de la Tribu
  • Rui Tavares - independent member, European Parliament; writer; historian; cultural commentator (Público, Blitz and Sic Notícias); editor,
  • Mark Taylor - vice principal, East London Science School; London convenor, IoI Education Forum
  • Güneş Taylor - stem cell researcher, University of Oxford
  • Paul Thomas - civil servant; qualified FE teacher; organiser, Leeds Salon
  • Hywel Thomas - pro vice-chancellor, International and Engagement, Cardiff University; fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Martyn Thomas - vice-president for external affairs, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Christine Thompson - manager, UK government relations, SABMiller
  • Kevin Toolis - director and co-founder, manyriversfilm; director, Emmy-nominated Cult of the Suicide Bomber
  • Igor Toronyi-Lalic - arts editor, the Spectator; co-director, the London Contemporary Music Festival
  • Kate Townsend - executive producer, Storyville, BBC
  • Dan Travis - director, Brighton Salon; tennis coach; author How to teach Young Children Tennis and In Defence of Competitive Sport.
  • Merlijn Twaalfhoven - composer; professor, "Popkunst", ArtEZ school of Arts
  • Leonidas Vatikiotis - journalist, foreign affairs and international economy; lecturer, political economy, Varna Free University of Cyprus
  • Thanos Veremis - emeritus professor, political history, University of Athens; founding member, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)
  • Mark Vernon - journalist; author, God: all that matters and The Big Questions: God
  • Karel Vesely - freelance music journalist, author Hudba ohn? (Fire Music) and Tribes
  • David Vinden - tutor; teacher of Kodály Musicianship; chorus master, Guildhall School of Music
  • Hermann Voesgen - subject leader project management; University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
  • Joe Wade - director, Don't Panic; co-writer, The Revolution Will Be Televised
  • Carol Wagstaff - senior lecturer, crop quality for health, University of Reading
  • Stuart Waiton - lecturer in sociology and criminology, Abertay University; author, Snobs' Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance
  • Judy Wajcman - head, Sociology Department, LSE; research associate, Oxford Internet Institute
  • Andy Wales - senior vice president, sustainable development, SABMiller
  • Mark Walport - director, Wellcome Trust; Government Chief Scientific Adviser (from April 2013)
  • Jason Walsh - journalist; foreign correspondent, CS Monitor
  • Steven Walter - artistic director, PODIUM Festival, Esslingen
  • Philip Walters - chair, Rising Stars (educational publisher), and the GL Education Group; Spurs season ticket holder; member of Middlesex County Cricket Club
  • Bruno Waterfield - Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No
  • Neil White - editor, Derby Telegraph
  • Hugh Whittall - director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics
  • Jamie Whyte - philosopher and writer; author, Crimes Against Logic and Quack Policy
  • Austin Williams - associate professor in architecture, XJTLU University, Suzhou, China; director, Future Cities Project; convenor, Bookshop Barnies; founding member of New Narratives
  • Zoe Williams - columnist, Guardian; author, What Not to Expect When You're Expecting
  • Peter D Williams - executive officer, Right To Life
  • Joanna Williams - academic; author, Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity; education editor, spiked
  • Brian Winston - Lincoln Professor, University of Lincoln; author, A Right to Offend: free expression in the twenty-first century
  • Linda Woodhead - professor, sociology of religion, Lancaster University; author, The Spiritual Revolution: why religion is giving way to spirituality
  • James Woudhuysen - visiting professor, London South Bank University
  • Mike Wright - executive director, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Dave Wybrow - director, Cockpit Theatre
  • Michael Young - Emeritus Professor of Education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Linda Yueh - fellow in economics, St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford; adjunct professor of economics, London Business School; economics editor, Bloomberg TV
  • Kevin Yuill - senior lecturer, history, University of Sunderland; author, Assisted Suicide: the liberal, humanist case against legalization
  • Tom Ziessen - senior national programmes adviser, Wellcome Trust


  • David Aaronovitch - columnist, The Times; author, Voodoo Histories; chair, Index on Censorship
  • Diran Adebayo - novelist and cultural critic; author, award-winning Some Kind of Black and My Once Upon A Time
  • Jonathan Aitken - former cabinet minister; author, broadcaster and columnist
  • Decca Aitkenhead - journalist, Guardian and g2
  • Alice Ajeh - international relations manager - Nigeria, Shell
  • Saleha Ali - assistant producer, WORLDbytes; co-presenter, Sylvia Pankhurst: Everything is possible
  • Gideon Amos - architect and planner; editor, Connecting England: a programme for regional development
  • Hephzibah Anderson - writer and broadcaster; author, Chastened; commentator on sex and the media
  • Josie Appleton - director, civil liberties group, Manifesto Club; author, Officious: Rise of the Busybody State
  • Ken Arnold - head of public programmes, Wellcome Trust; author, Cabinets for the Curious
  • Deborah Ashby - professor of medical statistics and clinical trials, co-director, Imperial Clinical Trials Unit
  • Anne Atkins - novelist, columnist and broadcaster; prize-winning journalist; regular contributor, BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day
  • Maha Azzam - associate fellow, Middle East and North Africa programme, Chatham House
  • David Babbs - executive director, 38 degrees, an online campaigning community
  • Sanjay Vikas Bajaj - post graduate teacher, teacher coordinator, DAV Chandigarh
  • Simon Baron-Cohen - director, Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge; author, Zero Degrees of Empathy
  • Damian Barr - writer and salonierre; creator and host, Shoreditch House Literary Salon; author, Maggie and Me
  • Jamie Bartlett - director, Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Demos; author, The New Face of Digital Populism; co-author, #Intelligence
  • Kiran Bedi - chairperson, India Vision Foundation; first female police officer, Indian Police Force
  • Chiara Bello - director, Chiara Bello Design Studio
  • Linda Bellos - chair, Institute of Equality and Diversity Practitioners
  • Daniel Ben-Ami - journalist and author, Ferraris for All: in defence of economic progress and Cowardly Capitalism
  • Piers Benn - philosopher; author, Commitment and Ethics; visiting lecturer in ethics, Heythrop College, London and Fordham University, New York
  • Katharine Birbalsingh - teacher; author, To Miss with Love
  • Helen Birtwistle - history and politics teacher, South London school
  • Tim Black - editor, Spiked Review
  • Sandy Black - professor of fashion & textile design & technology, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts, London; editor and co-author, The Sustainable Fashion Handbook; author, Eco Chic the Fashion Paradox
  • Simon Blake - chief executive, Brook; chair, Compact Voice, the voluntary sector network
  • Christine Blower - general secretary, National Union of Teachers
  • Phil Booth - coordinator, medConfidential
  • David Bowden - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; culture writer
  • Tony Breslin - director, Breslin Public Policy Limited; chair, Human Scale Education; trustee, Speakers Trust
  • Justine Brian - director, Debating Matters Competition
  • Kerry Brown - director, Lau China Institute, King's College, London; and Associate Fellow at Chatham House
  • Mike Bucher - political scientist; independent moderator and promoter; board member, Cultural Event Manager Association, Berne
  • Kate Bull - CEO, The People's Supermarket
  • Melvin Burgess - award winning children's author, novels include Nicholas Dane, Junk and Kill All Enemies
  • Johannes Busse - chair, London group of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD)
  • Pfarrer Andreas Cabalzar - founder, "Erlenbacher Scheidungsmännerhaus",
  • Michael Caines - assistant editor, Times Literary Supplement
  • Christopher Caldwell - senior editor, Weekly Standard; columnist, Financial Times; author, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: immigration, Islam and the West
  • Samantha Callan - chairman-in-residence for family, early years and mental health, Centre for Social Justice
  • Stephanie Calman - writer and broadcaster; author, Confessions of a Bad Mother and How (Not) to Murder Your Husband; founder,
  • Vincenzo Casali - architect; vice-president, Venetian social forum, 40xVenezia
  • Miguel Fernandes Ceia - writer, critic and translator; editorial assistant, Writers' Hub; contributor, Culture Wars
  • JJ Charlesworth - senior editor, ArtReview
  • Daniel Charny - senior tutor, Royal College of Art; director, From Now On; curator, 'Power of Making', V&A
  • Daisy Christodoulou - research and development director, Ark Schools; author, Seven Myths about Education; season ticket holder, West Ham
  • Luis Miguel Cintra - actor and stage director; founder and artistic director, Teatro da Cornucópia; recipient of the Pessoa Award 2005
  • Sue Clark - corporate affairs director, SABMiller
  • Dave Clements - adviser to local government; blogger, Guardian, Huffington Post; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum.
  • Felicity Cloake - journalist and food writer; columnist, Guardian
  • Robert Clowes - chair, Mind & Cognition Group, Nova Institute of Philosophy, Lisbon University; chair, Lisbon Salon
  • Joel Cohen - communications manager, BeyondMe
  • Matthew Collings - painter, writer and broadcaster; author, This is Modern Art and This is Civilisation
  • Christopher Cook - visiting professor, University of the Arts London; convenor, pre-performance season with ENO’s, Join the Conversation
  • John Cooper - leading criminal and human rights barrister; regular columnist, The Times and Observer; editor, Criminal Bar Quarterly
  • Andrew Copson - chief executive, British Humanist Association
  • Rebecca Court - president, Royal College of Art Students’ Union
  • Dolan Cummings - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; author, That Existential Leap: a crime story (forthcoming from Zero Books)
  • Jane Czyzselska - editor, DIVA, Europe's best-selling magazine for lesbian and bi-sexual women
  • Jane da Mosto - scientific advisor, The Venice in Peril Fund
  • Neil Davenport - sociology and politics teacher; writer on culture; former music journalist
  • Steve Davies - education director, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Dictionary of Conservative and Libertarian Thought
  • Rowenna Davis - Labour councillor, Southwark; prospective parliamentary candidate for Southampton Itchen; author, Tangled Up in Blue
  • Ivo Dawnay - London director, National Trust; former journalist and lobbyist
  • Sandra Dawson - KPMG Professor of Management, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
  • Tiger de Souza - knowledge and innovation manager, v, The National Young Volunteers' Service
  • Suzy Dean - freelance writer; blogger, Free Society
  • Shirley Dent - communications specialist (currently working with the British Veterinary Association media team); editor,; author, Radical Blake
  • Stuart Derbyshire - reader in psychology, University of Birmingham; associate editor, Psychosomatic Medicine and Pain
  • Nirpal Singh Dhaliwal - freelance journalist; former sex-advice columnist, Evening Standard; author, Tourism
  • Mark Dingwall - editor, Rangers fanzine Follow, Follow; co-founder, Rangers Supporters Trust
  • Alastair Donald - associate director, Future Cities Project; architecture programme manager, British Council
  • Jonathan Douglas - director, National Literacy Trust
  • Jean-Marc Dreyfus - reader in history and Holocaust studies, University of Manchester
  • Bill Durodié - head of department and chair of international relations, University of Bath
  • Wendy Earle - impact development officer, Birkbeck, University of London; convenor, Institute of Ideas Arts and Society Forum
  • Martin Earnshaw - co-editor Future of Community: reports of a death greatly exaggerated; chair, IoI Social Policy Forum
  • Kathryn Ecclestone - professor of education, University of Sheffield; author, Governing Vulnerable Subjects in a Therapeutic Age (forthcoming)
  • John Elliott - reader in intelligence engineering, Leeds Metropolitan University; member, International Academy of Astronautics SETI Permanent Study Group and Post Detection Task Force
  • Jim Endersby - senior lecturer, University of Sussex; author, A Guinea Pig's History of Biology
  • Craig Fairnington - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; university finance and accommodation officer
  • Paul Farley - professor of poetry, Lancaster University; author, Edgelands: a journey into England’s true wilderness
  • Marcus Fedder - former head of SPD London; managing partner, Agora Microfinance Partners LLP
  • Gerry Feehily - Europe editor, Courrier International; author, Gunk
  • Anne Fergusson - director, PwC
  • Michael Fitzpatrick - writer on medicine and politics; author, The Tyranny of Health
  • John Fitzpatrick - professor of law and director, Kent Law Clinic, University of Kent, Canterbury
  • Matthew Fort - freelance food writer and TV presenter; judge, The Great British Menu
  • Claire Fox - director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; author, I Find That Offensive
  • Giles Fraser - canon chancellor, St Paul's Cathedral
  • Ashley Frawley - Senior lecturer in sociology and social policy, Swansea University; author, The Semiotics of Happiness: rhetorical beginnings of a public problem
  • Francisco Frazão - theatre programmer, Culturgest, Lisbon; translator and critic
  • Joe Friggieri - professor of philosophy and former head of department, University of Malta; poet; playwright; theatre director; three-times winner, National Literary Prize
  • Alison Fuller - head of Lifelong and Work-related Learning Research Centre, University of Southampton; co-author, Improving working as learning; member, ESRC funded Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies
  • Frank Furedi - sociologist and social commentator; author, What's Happened to the University?, Power of Reading: from Socrates to Twitter, On Tolerance and Authority: a sociological history
  • Ann Furedi - chief executive, British Pregnancy Advisory Service; author, The Moral Case for Abortion
  • Anna Elisabetta Galeotti - chair of political philosophy, University of Piemonte Orienatale in Vercelli; author, Toleration as Recognition
  • Beatriz Garcia - head of research, Institute of Cultural Capital; author The Olympics: the basics and The Olympic Games and Cultural Policy
  • Urs P Gasche - freelance journalist; author Schluss mit dem Wachstumswahn: Plädoyer für eine Umkehr
  • Clare Gerada - GP; past chair, Royal College of General Practitioners
  • Ghazi Gheblawi - author; blogger, Imitdad; former cultural editor, Libya Today
  • Rama Gheerawo - deputy director, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art; project director, Talking People Exhibition
  • Giles Gibbons - founder and CEO, Good Business; founder, Sustainable Restaurant Association; co-author, Good Business: your world needs you
  • Tim Gill - writer and researcher; author, No Fear: growing up in a risk-averse society
  • Tony Gilland - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Sally Gimson - Labour councillor, Highgate; member, Camden Council's planning and housing committees; Camden's Equality Champion
  • Daisy Ginsberg - design fellow, Synthetic Aesthetics, Stanford University/University of Edinburgh
  • Luke Gittos - criminal lawyer; director of City of London Appeals Clinic; legal editor at spiked; author, Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth: From Steubenville to Ched Evans
  • Maurice Glasman - architect, ‘Blue Labour’; director, faith and citizenship programme, London Metropolitan University; Labour life peer (Baron Glasman); author, Unnecessary Suffering: managing market utopia
  • Zbigniew Gluza - president, KARTA Centre Foundation; co-founder, Dom Spotkań z Historią
  • David Goldblatt - writer, broadcaster and teacher; author, The Ball is Round: a global history of football and How to Watch the Olympics; regular writer, Prospect magazine
  • Stephen Gorard - director, College of Social Sciences Think Tank, University of Birmingham
  • Maria Grasso - lecturer in politics and quantitative methods, Department of Politics, University of Sheffield; author: Generations, Political Participation and Social Change in Western Europe
  • David Guile - reader in lifelong learning, Faculty of Policy and Society, Institute of Education; author, The Learning Challenge of the Knowledge Economy; member, editorial boards, The Journal of Education and Work and The Journal of Vocations and Learning
  • Ciaran Guilfoyle - local government accountant; former editor, Queen's English Society's journal, Quest
  • Rania Hafez - programme leader, MA Education, Greenwich University; fellow, The Muslim Institute
  • Andrew Haldenby - director, Reform; former head, political section, Conservative Research Department
  • Ferenc Hammer - associate professor, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE, Budapest
  • Matt Handley - student, St Francis Xavier’s College
  • Dennis Hayes - professor of education, University of Derby
  • Patrick Hayes - director, British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA)
  • Bríd Hehir - writer, researcher and traveller; retired nurse and fundraiser
  • Maggie Helliwell - GP; vice-chair, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
  • Guy Herbert - general secretary, NO2ID; contributor, Guardian’s Comment is free and Samizdata
  • Mayer Hillman - environmentalist; senior fellow emeritus, Policy Studies Institute; author/co-author of over 50 books, including How We Can Save the Planet and The Suicidal Planet
  • Tom Holland - award-winning historian; author, Rubicon: the triumph and tragedy of the Roman Republic; winner, 2007 Classical Association Prize
  • Alexander Horn - economics editor, NovoArgumente; consultant (logistics, production and organisation), German automotive industry
  • Roger Howard - former chief executive, UK Drug Policy Commission; chair, Build on Belief
  • Jennifer Howze - founder, BritMums blogging network and BritMums Live! conference
  • Alan Hudson - director of leadership and public policy programmes, University of Oxford; visiting professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
  • Cheryl Hudson - lecturer in American history, University of Liverpool
  • Peter Hughman - leading criminal lawyer, Hughmans solicitors; author, Just How Just?
  • Mick Hume - editor-at-large, online magazine spiked; author, Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?
  • Siôn Humphreys - policy advisor, National Association of Headteachers
  • Peter Hunter - OP, principal tutor, philosophy, Blackfriars Hall; Dominican Friar
  • Sue Ion - fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering; visiting professor, Imperial College London
  • András Jakab - senior research fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
  • Terry James - former headteacher; educational leadership consultant, TKJ Education
  • David James - senior lecturer, sports engineering, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Mariéme Jamme - CEO, SpotOne Global Solutions; co-founder, Africa Gathering; blogger and social entrepreneur
  • Syd Jeffers - senior lecturer in sociology, University of East London; Arsenal supporter
  • Tiffany Jenkins - writer and broadcaster; author, Keeping Their Marbles: how treasures of the past ended up in museums and why they should stay there
  • Rebecca Jenkins - cultural historian and novelist; Royal Literary Fund Fellow; former writing partner of Bishop of Durham, David Jenkins
  • Simon Jenkins - columnist, Guardian; chairman, National Trust; author, A Short History of England
  • Lisa Johansson - research associate, designer, Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design
  • Lindsay Johns - writer and broadcaster; (non-residential) Fellow at the Hutchins Center for African & African-American Research at Harvard University
  • Leo Johnson - partner, PwC Sustainability & Climate Change; host, BBC World's Down to Business
  • Matt Johnson - co-founder, Bare Conductive; Associate, BREAD; graduate tutor, Royal College of Art
  • David Jones - director, Anscombe Bioethics Centre; co-editor, Chimera's Children: Ethical, Philosophical and Religious Perspectives on Human-Nonhuman Experimentation
  • Owen Jones - left-wing campaigner and writer; author, Chavs: the demonization of the working class
  • Bryan Joseph - partner, PwC
  • Abul Kalam Azad - director of sixth form, Jamiatul Ummah School, London; visiting tutor, PGCE, Goldsmiths College
  • Emily Kasriel - executive producer, The Forum, BBC World Service; judge, 2011 JQ Wingate Literary Prize
  • Shivan Kaul - student, DAV Chandigarh
  • Paul Kelly - professor of political theory and head, department of government, LSE; author, Liberalism; editor, Multiculturalism Reconsidered and British Political Theory in the Twentieth Century
  • Christopher Kelly - classicist and historian; fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
  • John Kelly - lecturer in socio-cultural aspects of sport, Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh; author, Sectarianism and Scottish Football: Critical Reflections on Dominant Discourse and Media Commentary
  • Angus Kennedy - convenor, The Academy; author, Being Cultured: in defence of discrimination
  • Geoff Kidder - director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • Rob Killick - CEO, Clerkswell; author, The UK After The Recession
  • David King - director,; specialist in online marketing and communication strategies
  • Tanja Kiziak - research associate, Berlin Institute for Population and Development; co-author, Africa’s Demographic Challenges
  • Barbara Klimke - UK and Ireland correspondent, Berliner Zeitung
  • Simon Knight - senior youth work practitioner; vice chair, Play Scotland
  • Roman Krznaric - founding faculty member, The School of Life; author, The Wonderbox: curious histories of how to live
  • Pawel Kukiz - musician; lead singer, rock band Piersi (‘Breasts’); film actor and social activist
  • Sanchit Kumar - student, DAV Chandigarh
  • Irma Kurtz - writer; broadcaster; agony aunt, Cosmopolitan Magazine; author, About Time: growing old disgracefully
  • Christoph Lövenich - freelance researcher and author, writing on lifestyle prohibition in Germany
  • Andrew Lacon - vice president, Royal College of Art Students' Union
  • Sean Lang - senior lecturer in history, Anglia Ruskin University; director, Better History Forum
  • George Lawson - lecturer in international relations, LSE; author, Negotiated Revolutions: the Czech Republic, South Africa and Chile
  • Colin Lawson - director, Royal College of Music; period clarinettist; author, Mozart: Clarinet Concerto and Brahms: Clarinet Quintet
  • Michele Ledda - coordinator, Civitas Supplementary Schools Project, Yorkshire; co-organiser, Leeds Salon
  • Ellie Lee - reader in social policy, University of Kent, Canterbury; director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
  • Kirk Leech - interim director, European Animal Research Campaign Centre; government affairs, Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Philippe Legrain - visiting senior fellow, LSE's European Institute; author, Immigrants: your country needs them and European Spring: Why Our Economies and Politics are in a Mess and How to Put Them Right
  • Ann Leslie - journalist, Daily Mail; veteran foreign correspondent and broadcaster
  • Norman Lewis - director (innovation), PwC; co-author, Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Sheila Lewis - director, Volanti Consulting
  • Conrad Lichtenstein - chief scientific officer, Nemesis Bioscience
  • Roy Lilley - publisher,; writer and broadcaster on health and NHS issues
  • Greg Lindsay - founder and executive director, Centre for Independent Studies
  • Stephanie Lis - campaign manager, The Freedom Association
  • Adrienne Loftus Parkins - literature curator; founder and director, Festival of Asian Literature
  • Clifford Longley - author, broadcaster and journalist; leader writer and columnist, Tablet; pannellist; BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze
  • Jo Lopes - head of technical excellence, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Philip Loskant - architect; founder, Philip Loskant architect; writer and architecture critic
  • Jules Lubbock - professor of art history, University of Essex; author, Tyranny of Taste: politics of British architecture and design, 1550-1960
  • Silvan Luley - part-time working member, Dignitas
  • Rob Lyons - science and technology director, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Economy Forum
  • Gordon MacKerron - director of Science and Technology Policy Research, School of Business, Management and Economics, University of Sussex
  • Ken MacLeod - award-winning science fiction writer; author, Descent, The Restoration Game and Intrusion; writer-in-residence, MA Creative Writing, Edinburgh Napier University 2013-2014
  • Jan Macvarish - associate lecturer and researcher, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent; author, Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life
  • Kenan Malik - writer and broadcaster; author, The Quest for a Moral Compass: A Global History of Ethics and From Fatwa to Jihad
  • Shiv Malik - freelance investigative journalist; co-author, Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth; contributor, Prospect
  • Patrick Marmion - writer and critic; convenor, Soap Box debating forum
  • Natasha Martineau - head, Research Communications, Imperial College London
  • Mark Maslin - professor of palaeoclimatology, University College London; Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Scholar; author, Global Warming: a very short introduction
  • Paul Mason - broadcaster; author, Financial Meltdown and the End of the Age of Greed; technology editor, BBC's Newsnight
  • Sue Matthias - editor, FT Weekend Magazine; former assistant editor, Independent on Sunday; former deputy editor, New Statesman
  • Gary McCulloch - Brian Simon Professor of History of Education, Institute of Education, University of London
  • Nancy McDermott - writer; advisor to Park Slope Parents, NYC's most notorious parents' organization
  • Lucy McDonald - freelance writer and journalist; food blogger,
  • Neil McKeganey - director, Centre for Drug Misuse Research
  • Ken McLaughlin - lecturer in social work; author, Surviving Identity: vulnerability and the psychology of recognition
  • Joyce McMillan - chair, Hansard Society Working Group in Scotland; judge, 2010 Saltire Scottish Book of the Year Award; theatre critic, Scotsman
  • Ian McNeilly - director, National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)
  • Maurizio Meloni - research fellow, Institute for Science and Society, University of Nottingham
  • Sam Mendelson - co-founder, Social Performance Advisory; contributing writer, Prospect and Africa Investor
  • José Maria Vieira Mendes - playwright; translator; member, theatre collective Teatro Praga
  • Pete Mercer - vice president welfare, National Union of Students
  • Andy Miah - chair in science communication & digital media, University of Salford
  • Sally Millard - co-founder, IoI Parents Forum
  • Alan Miller - chairman, Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)
  • Anne Moir - neuropsychologist; TV director and producer; author, Brain Sex: the real difference between men and women
  • Marilyn Monk - emeritus professor of molecular embryology, University College London
  • Tim Montgomerie - co-editor, ConservativeHome; co-founder,; member, advisory board, Centre for Social Justice
  • Iwan Morgan - head of US Presidency Centre, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London; author, The Age of Deficits
  • Tom Morris - award-winning Artistic Director, Bristol Old Vic; director, forthcoming production of The Death Of Klinghoffer
  • Tanya Morrison - government relations manager, climate changes, Shell
  • Phil Mullan - economist and business manager; author, Creative Destruction: How to start an economic renaissance
  • Para Mullan - senior project manager, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; FCIPD
  • Jeremy Myerson - Helen Hamlyn Professor of Design, Royal College of Art
  • Tarek Naguib - PhD candidate in law, University of Fribourg; researcher, specialist department Égalité Handicap
  • Susan Nash - national chair, Young Labour; project and operations manager, Helena Kennedy Foundation
  • Simon Nixon - chief European commentator, Wall Street Journal; author, The Credit Crunch: how safe is your money?
  • Karl-Erik Norrman - founder and secretary-general, European Cultural Parliament; former Swedish ambassador; author, The Gala Concert, Verdi/Wagner 200 years
  • Dave O’Brien - lecturer and researcher on UK cultural policy and public administration, City University London; author, Measuring the value of culture: a report to DCMS
  • Kieron O’Hara - senior research fellow, University of Southampton; author, Conservatism and After Blair
  • Coral James O'Connor - lecturer in broadcast & multimedia journalism, University of Brighton
  • Anthony O'Hear - professor of philosophy, University of Buckingham; editor, Philosophy; director, Royal Institute of Philosophy
  • Brendan O'Neill - editor, spiked; columnist, Big Issue; contributor, Spectator; author, A Duty to Offend: Selected Essays
  • Matthew Oates - specialist on nature & wildlife engagement, National Trust
  • Cristina Odone - journalist, novelist and broadcaster; columnist, Daily Telegraph
  • Elizabeth Oldfield - director, Theos, religion and society think-tank
  • Matthew Oldham - student, St. Francis Xavier’s College
  • Ruth Padel - poet and writer; author, The Mara Crossing and Darwin: a life in poems
  • Onic V Palandjian - investment director, Capital Connect Ventures; TEDx speaker, “My passport to happiness”
  • András L Pap - associate professor, Eötvös University; head, Department for Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Matt Parker - stand-up mathematician
  • Jim Parry - visiting professor of philosophy, Charles University, Prague; visiting professor of Olympic studies 2012, Gresham College, London
  • Richard Partington - senior tutor, Churchill College, University of Cambridge
  • Miss Glory Pearl - burlesque and cabaret artist
  • Vittorio Pelosi - artist; founding Intentist; author, Intentism: resurrection of the artist
  • Anna Percy - feminist performance poet; member, Stirred Feminist Poetry collective; organiser and facilitator, live poetry events and writing workshops
  • David Perks - founder and principal, East London Science School; director, the Physics Factory
  • Grzegorz Piątek - architecture critic and curator; member, Centrum Architektury foundation
  • Carl Pickering - head of electrical research, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Nick Pickles - director, Big Brother Watch; former Conservative parliamentary candidate
  • Tony Pierce - director, Urbisnet Consulting; convenor, Croydon Salon
  • Szabolcs Pogonyi - assistant professor, ELTE, University of Budapest; editor, Phronesis, a Hungarian political philosophy quarterly
  • Tom Pope - events coordinator, Royal College of Arts Students' Union
  • Henry Porter - political columnist, Observer; UK editor, Vanity Fair; novelist; author, Brandenburg winner of Ian Fleming Steel Dagger award for best thriller
  • Oriana Pound - director, market issues and thought leadership, PwC
  • Nina Powell - doctoral research fellow, National University of Singapore
  • Gavin Poynter - professor of social sciences, University of East London; co-author Olympic Cities and the Remaking of London
  • Gergely Prőhle - deputy state secretary for EU bilateral issues, press and cultural diplomacy, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; former ambassador to Germany and Switzerland
  • Gwyn Prins - research professor, LSE; director, LSE Mackinder Programme for the Study of Long Wave Events
  • Vanessa Pupavac - associate professor; co-director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, University of Nottingham
  • KAS Quinn - children's writer; lecturer and educationalist; author, The Queen Must Die, first part of a time-travel trilogy
  • Sara Radstone - artist; tutor, HE Diploma in Fine and Applied Arts (Ceramics), The City Lit, London
  • Amol Rajan - columnist, Independent titles; advisor to Evgeny Lebedev; author, Twirlymen: the unlikely history of cricket’s greatest spin doctors
  • Steve Rayner - James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization; director, Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford
  • Helen Reece - reader in law, LSE
  • Steve Reed - leader, Lambeth Council; councillor, Labour Party, Brixton Hill Ward
  • Paul Reeves - engineering software designer, SolidWorks R&D (part of Dassault Systemes); convener, manufacturing work group for Big Potatoes: the London manifesto for innovation
  • Alex Renton - award-winning journalist; writer on food and food policy; author, Planet Carnivore: how cheap meat costs the earth
  • OSSA Representative - Polish Association of Architecture Students
  • Richard Reynolds - trainee barrister; formerly, paralegal, Baha Mousa and Al Sweady Public Inquiries; founder, Student Academics for Academic Freedom
  • Eric Reynolds - founding director, Urban Space Management
  • Jacob Reynolds - consultant, SHM Productions
  • Kathleen Richardson - British Academy postdoctoral fellow, Department of Anthropology, University College London
  • Liz Richardson - research fellow, University of Manchester; co-author, Nudge nudge think think: using experiments to change civic behaviour
  • Rosy Rickett - co-founder, Interns Anonymous
  • John Roberts - nuclear fellow, Dalton Nuclear Institute, University of Manchester
  • Lucy Robinson - lecturer in modern British history, University of Sussex; finalist, Erotic Awards - academic publication category
  • Martha Robinson - neuroscience PhD student, University College London
  • Dennis Rodwell - consultant architect-planner; author, Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities
  • Kai Rogusch - member, editorial board, NovoArgumente
  • Jeffrey Rosen - professor of law, George Washington University; author, The Supreme Court: the personalities and rivalries that defined America
  • Abigail Ross-Jackson - speakers' agent, Ed Victor Speakers Bureau LLP
  • Jenni Russell - columnist and broadcaster; writer, Evening Standard, Sunday Times and Guardian; 2011 winner of Orwell Prize for Political Journalism
  • Emily Ryall - senior lecturer in philosophy, University of Gloucestershire; chair, British Philosophy of Sport Association
  • Barbara Sahakian - professor of clinical neuropsychology, MRC/Wellcome Trust Behavioural and Clinical Neurosciences Institute, University of Cambridge
  • Angela Saini - science journalist; author, Geek Nation: how Indian science is taking over the world
  • Nathalie Salas - marketing consultant and hotel developer, Veneto region, Italy
  • William Saletan - journalist, Slate; author, Bearing Right: how conservatives won the abortion war
  • Hilary Salt - actuary; founder, First Actuarial
  • Jane Sandeman - convenor, IoI Parents Forum; contributor, Standing up to Supernanny; director of finance and central services, Cardinal Hume Centre
  • Bob Satchwell - director of the Society of Editors since its foundation in 1999; former associate editor, Lancashire Evening Post, assistant editor, News of the World and an award-winning editor, Cambridge Evening News
  • Mark Schelker - professor in new political economy, University of St. Gallen
  • Jackie Schneider - teacher, parent and food campaigner; chair, Merton Parents for Better Food in Schools
  • Mark Seddon - writer and broadcaster; author, Standing for Something: life in the awkward squad
  • Alka Sehgal Cuthbert - educator, writer, doctoral researcher
  • Emilia Serra - architect, PhD candidate, Royal College of Art
  • Richard Sexton - partner, PwC
  • Karl Sharro - architect; writer; Middle East commentator; co-author, Manifesto: Towards a New Humanism in Architecture
  • Fiona Shaw - award-winning actress; director, major new production of Mozart's Marriage of Figaro at the ENO
  • Michael Shaw - programme director for online learning, TES
  • Graham Sheffield - director, arts, British Council
  • David Skelton - deputy director and head of research, Policy Exchange
  • Douglas Slater - writer; critic; political strategist and policy advisor; co-founder, Stonewall
  • Peter Smith - director of tourism, St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham, London; co-author, Volunteer Tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development
  • Richard Smith - chair of trustees, ICDDR,B; former editor, British Medical Journal; chair, Patients Know Best
  • Jason Smith - associate fellow, Institute of Ideas
  • Christopher Snowdon - director, lifestyle economics, Institute of Economic Affairs; author, The Art of Suppression
  • Susana Soares - designer; senior lecturer, London South Bank University; former research fellow, Royal College of Art
  • Nikos Sotirakopoulos - lecturer in sociology, University of Loughborough; author, The Rise of Lifestyle Activism: From New Left to Occupy
  • Dominic Standish - author, Venice in Environmental Peril? Myth and Reality; lecturer, University of Iowa's CIMBA campus, Venice
  • Sandy Starr - communications officer, Progress Educational Trust; webmaster, BioNews
  • Jo Stockham - head of printmaking program, Royal College of Art
  • Wes Streeting - head of education, Stonewall; former president, NUS
  • Richard Stubbs - educational consultant; former teacher; advocate, Greenwich Advocacy
  • Hari Sundaresan - chief procurement officer, BT
  • Jug Suraiya - former editorial opinion editor and associate editor, Times of India; author and popular columnist, 'Jugular Vein'
  • John Sutherland - Emeritus Lord Northcliffe Professor of English Literature, University College London; author, The Lives of the Novelists
  • Michał Sutowski - political scientist and columnist, Krytyka Polityczna, Poland
  • Dick Swaab - professor of neurobiology, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, University of Amsterdam
  • Richard Swan - writer and academic
  • Richard Swinburne - emeritus professor, philosophy of religion, University of Oxford; author The Existence of God and The Evolution of the Soul
  • George Szirtes - reader in creative writing, UEA; poet; editor; translator; author, The Burning of the Books and Other Poems
  • Raymond Tallis - fellow, Academy of Medical Sciences; author, philosopher, critic and poet; recent books include NHS SOS and Aping Mankind; chair, Healthcare Professionals for Assisted Dying
  • GM Tamás - visiting professor, Central European University; author, Les Idoles de la Tribu
  • Mark Taylor - vice principal, East London Science School; London convenor, IoI Education Forum
  • Alessandro M Tedesco - business consultant, hotel and tourism sector
  • Marcus Theurer - UK and Ireland correspondent, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  • Pat Thomas - environmental journalist, campaigner, author, Stuffed; former editor, Ecologist magazine
  • Rosemary Thomas - researcher in health and wellbeing, The Work Foundation
  • Christine Thompson - manager, UK government relations, SABMiller
  • Paul Thompson - rector and vice-provost, Royal College of Art
  • Hans van Wees - Grote Professor of Ancient History, Department of History, University College London
  • Mark Vernon - journalist; author, God: all that matters and The Big Questions: God
  • Stefan Verwer - director, Lokaalmondiaal and Coolpolitics; editor, Africa United: the road to 2010
  • Stelios Virvidakis - professor of philosophy, University of Athens
  • Stuart Waiton - lecturer in sociology and criminology, Abertay University; author, Snobs' Law: criminalising football fans in an age of intolerance
  • Jamie Walls - vice president, UK communications, Shell
  • Robin Walsh - graduate medical student; co-founder, Sheffield Salon
  • Matt Warman - new technology journalist, Daily Telegraph
  • Kevin Warwick - professor of cybernetics, University of Reading; author, Artificial Intelligence: the basics
  • Aleksandra Wasilkowska - architect; studio head for spatial and social research
  • Bruno Waterfield - Brussels correspondent, The Times; co-author, No Means No
  • Tom Watt - writer, actor and broadcaster
  • William Webb - visiting professor, University of Surrey and DeMontfort University; CTO, Neul; fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Simon Wessely - president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists; head of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London
  • Ed West - features editor, Catholic Herald; features writer, Daily Telegraph
  • Zoe Williams - columnist, Guardian; author, What Not to Expect When You're Expecting
  • Finn Williams - town planner; founder, Common Office; deputy leader, Placemaking Team, Croydon Council
  • Harry Witchel - discipline leader, physiology, Brighton and Sussex Medical School; author, You Are What You Hear
  • Alison Wolf - Sir Roy Griffiths Professor of Public Sector Management, King's College London; director of MSc in Public Services Policy & Management; author, Review of Vocational Education - The Wolf Report
  • Martin Wolf - associate editor and chief economics commentator, Financial Times; author, Fixing Global Finance
  • Kristin Wolfe - head of alcohol policy, SABMiller
  • James Woudhuysen - visiting professor, London South Bank University
  • Martin Wright - writer, editor and adviser on environmental solutions and sustainable futures
  • Mike Wright - executive director, Jaguar Land Rover
  • Merryl Wyn Davies - director, Muslim Institute, London; co-author, Distorted Imagination: lessons from the Rushdie affair
  • Brian Wynne - research director, Centre for the Study of Environmental Change, University of Lancaster; associate director, ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics
  • Cathy Young - contributing editor, Reason magazine; author, Ceasefire! Why women and men must join forces to achieve true equality
  • Tom Ziessen - senior national programmes adviser, Wellcome Trust


Battle of Ideas speakers for the 2010 conference, as listed on the website in April 2011, were:[19]

  • Beccy Allen, researcher, Hansard Society; project manager, HeadsUp, an online forum for 11-18’s, politicians and policy-makers.
  • Dave Clements, social policy writer; convenor, IoI Social Policy Forum; co-editor, The Future of Community.
  • Joel Cohen, politics student, SOAS; member, Battle of Ideas Committee
  • Dolan Cummings, convenor, Battle for Politics; associate fellow, Institute of Ideas; editor, Culture Wars.
  • Nick Dusic, director, Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE)
  • Tim Finch, director and head of migration, equalities and citizenship, IPPR
  • Claire Fox, director, Institute of Ideas; panellist, BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze
  • Frank Furedi, professor of sociology, University of Kent, Canterbury; author, Wasted, Politics of Fear, Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone?
  • Pam Giddy, director, Power 2010; co-founder and former director, Power Inquiry
  • Tony Gilland, science and society director, Institute of Ideas; director,Debating Matters Competition
  • Norman Ginsburg, professor of Social Policy, London Metropolitan University; author, Divisions of Welfare: A Critical Introduction to Comparative Social Policy
  • David Goodhart, founder and editor, Prospect magazine
  • David Green, director, Civitas; author, Individualists Who Co-operate: Education and welfare reform befitting a free people
  • Shane Greer, executive editor, Total Politics; political consultant and commentator
  • Matt Grist, director, RSA's Social Brain project; author, Changing the Subject - how new ways of thinking about human behaviour might change politics, policy and practice
  • Kamaljeet Jandu, national officer, Equality through Inclusion, GMB
  • Geoff Kidder, director, membership and events, Institute of Ideas; convenor, IoI Book Club; IoI’s resident expert in all sporting matters
  • George Lee, prospective parliamentary candidate, Conservative, Holborn & St Pancras; founding member, Black Police Association
  • Kirk Leech, freelance journalist; researcher, development and environment
  • Kevin Maguire, associate editor, Daily Mirror
  • Brendan O'Neill, editor, Spiked; author, Can I Recycle My Granny and 39 Other Eco-Dilemmas
  • Ben Page, chief executive, Ipsos MORI]; Editorial Board, International Journal of Market Research
  • James Panton, politics tutor at St John’s College, University of Oxford; co-founder, radical civil liberties campaigning group, the Manifesto Club
  • Jo Phillips, journalist, former spin doctor; co-author Why Vote – a guide for those who can't be bothered.
  • Mike Savage, professor of sociology, University of Manchester; Director, ESRC Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change; author, Culture, Class, Distinction
  • David Seymour, co-author Why Vote – a guide for those who can't be bothered; former political editor, Mirror Group, leader writer, Daily Mail; founder, Student Mirror
  • Gerry Stoker, professor, Politics and Governance, University of Southampton; director, Centre for Citizenship, Globalization and Governance; author, Why Politics Matters: making democracy work
  • Wes Streeting, president, National Union of Students (NUS)
  • Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner; Green Party human rights spokesperson
  • Robin Walsh, editorial assistant, medical publishing company; co-founder, Current Affairs Forum.
  • Bruno Waterfield, Brussels correspondent, Daily Telegraph; author, No Means No!
  • Jeremy Webb, editor-in-chief, New Scientist
  • Richard Wilson, founder and director, Izwe; founder, leading public engagement think-tank, Involve


Facebook: Battle of Ideas
Website: Battle of Ideas
YouTube: Battle of Ideas


Jon Alexander, Beware the Institute of Ideas Conservation-Economy, 1 Nov 2010
Jenny Turner, 'Who Are They?,' London Review of Books, 8 July 2010
Helge Ogrim, Battle of Ideas, Is the Revolutionary Communist Party still the vanguard? November 6, 2010 · 11:49 am
Press Gazette, The Battle of Ideas: It's a twisted old battlefield Press Gazette, 3 November 2006
Richard Wilson, 'Quite contrary:inside the Battle of Ideas', New Humanist, Jan/Feb 2011


  1. Culture Wars History, Culture Wars website, accessed 31 Oct 2010
  2. About: What is the Battle of Ideas 2010?, Battle of Ideas website, accessed 28 Apr 2010
  3. Hope for the Best - Interview with Claire Fox, website
  4. Who Are They, London Review of Books website, accessed 14 Nov 2010
  5. Beware the Institute of Ideas Conservation-Economy, 1 Nov 2010
  6. Battle of Ideas, Is the Revolutionary Communist Party still the vanguard? November 6, 2010 · 11:49 am
  7. "2005 Partners", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 7 June 2010
  8. "2006 Partners", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 7 June 2010
  9. "Partners Listing", Battle of Ideas, 2007, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 11 October 2007, accessed 7 June 2010
  10. "Partners", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 7 June 2010
  11. "Partners", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 7 June 2010
  12. "[1]", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 26 October 2010
  13. "[2]", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 3 September 2011
  14. Strategic Award supports The Battle of Ideas festival and Debating Matters Wellcome Trust website acc 5 March 2011
  15. Battle of Ideas speakers listing 2015, Battle of Ideas website, last accessed on 30 November 2016.
  16. Battle of Ideas speakers listing 2014, Battle of Ideas website, last accessed on 7 December 2016.
  17. Battle of Ideas Speakers Listing 2013, Battle of Ideas website, accessed 30 November 2016
  18. Battle of Ideas Speakers Listing 2012, Battle of Ideas website, accessed 30 November 2016
  19. Battle of Ideas Speakers Listing 2010, Battle of Ideas website, accessed 28 Apr 2011