Rob Killick

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Rob Killick

Rob Killick is associated with the libertarian LM network, having written for Living Marxism (often under the 'party-name' Rob Knight) and Spiked [1], endorsed the pro-growth Big Potatoes and as a shareholder of Spiked Ltd. [2]

Rob Killick is CEO of cScape which he co-founded with fellow RCP activist Keith Teare. He has a degree in international Politics from the University of Kent. [3]



  • Robert Knight (1991) Stalinism in Crisis, London: Pluto.



Blog Uk After The Recession
LinkedInRobert Killick
Twitter RobKillick


  1. "Articles by Rob Killick", Spiked website, accessed 2 May 2010
  2. Companies House, Spiked Ltd. AR01 Annual Return 2010
  3. Robert Knight (1991) Stalinism in Crisis, London: Pluto.