Living Marxism: List of commentaries 1995-2000

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Living Marxism was a publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party launched in late 1988. After the dissolution of the party in 1996 it was renamed as LM magazine. It closed following a libel action taken by TV broadcaster ITN in 2000. A core of those associated with te RCP and LM magazine went on to form a wide variety of other organisations which took forwards their libertarian and allegedly 'humanist' views in what has been dubbed the LM network. From December 1995 until 22 February 2000 Living Marxism published regular online commentaries, which are listed below.[1]


February 2000

January 2000


December 1999

November 1999

October 1999

September 1999

August 1999

July 1999

June 1999

May 1999

April 1999

March 1999

February 1999

January 1999


December 1998

  • 12-17-98: 'Degrading' Iraq - author unknown, article offline.
  • 12-06-98: 'The Pinochet saga' - The detention of former Chilean dictator Pinochet has raised hopes of justice for his victims, but it still leaves Chile's future dictated outside of its borders, writes James Heartfield.

November 1998

  • 11-29-98: 'Policing pregnant women' - author unknown, article offline.
  • 11-24-98: 'New-Age Synod' - author unknown, article offline.
  • 11-23-98: 'Lifestyle drugs' - The rise of 'lifestyle drugs' is a result of the medicalisation of everyday life, argues Dr Michael Fitzpatrick.
  • 11-20-98: 'House of Lords reform' - The proposals for the 'democratic' reform of the House of Lords are not all that they seem, argues Bruno Waterfield.
  • 11-15-98: 'Carmageddon II' - Computer Game Panic II - Should a game in which pedestrians and animals are maimed or killed in an explosion of blood and limbs be banned? Dave Amis from Internet Freedom investigates

October 1998

  • 10-31-98: 'Primarily colourless' - The critics have got it wrong on Primary Colors (which opened in the UK last night), says Graham Barnfield.
  • 10-26-98: 'Defenestrate Pinochet' - As General Pinochet's lawyers go to court in an attempt to prevent his extradition to Spain to stand trial for torture, kidnap and conspiracy to murder, Nick Frayn suggests an alternative way of resolving the problem.
  • 10-13-98: 'The Truman Sham' - The Truman Burbank docu-soap has opened to general critical acclaim allied with widespread condemnation about the manner in which the media manipulates people's lives. David Nolan has a different take on what the film reveals about the media.
  • 10-06-98: 'This Wasn't Hardcore...' - This wasn't hardcore ... but they pulped it anyway. Brendon Craigie, president of the Free Speech Society at Leeds University, reports.

September 1998

August 1998

July 1998

June 1998

May 1998

April 1998

  • 04-24-98: 'Don't March - for Peace' - As the true meaning of the new 'democratic' peace deal in Northern Ireland becomes apparent, Brendan O'Neill examines how the peace process has demoralised the people of Northern Ireland
  • 04-09-98: 'Netscape's Support for PICS' - On the day a leading British teachers' trade union warned that children are just 'two clicks' away from pornography on the Internet and demanded protection for children and their own members, Chris Ellison, from Internet Freedom, claims that Netscape's latest plans for a revision to its Web browser will have a major impact on free speech.
  • 04-01-98: 'Kicking the soul out of football' - author unknown, article offline.

March 1998

  • 03-20-98: 'Soya Scare' - The UK supermarket chain Iceland has come out against genetically modified foods. Tony Gilland objects to its irresponsible campaign.
  • 03-09-98: 'Lunar Luddism' - Astronomer Henry Joy McCracken considers the reaction to the news that there is water on the Moon.
  • 03-06-98: 'Rape Law Injustice' - The UK's Home Secretary Jack Straw intends to introduce new laws to prevent alleged rapists forcing their victims to relive their ordeal in the witness box. Sara Hinchliffe from Feminists for Justice is alarmed at the suppositions underlying the case for rape law reform.
  • 03-01-98: 'Domed-out' - author unknown, article offline.

February 1998

January 1998


December 1997

November 1997

October 1997

September 1997

August 1997

July 1997

June 1997

May 1997

April 1997

March 1997

  • 03-24-97: 'Cloning Update' - John Gillot, who writes on scientific issues for LM magazine, is excited by the possibilities brought about by the onset of cloning but despairs at the hysterical reaction.
  • 03-12-97: 'HIV Scare Story' - Dr Mike Fitzpatrick is worried about the implications of the General Medical Council's decision to strike off a doctor who delayed an HIV test.

February 1997

January 1997






  • 09-24-96: 'Unholy Orders' - The scandal over the antics of Bishop Roderick Wright has shaken the Catholic Church and turned the spotlight on the issue of priestly celibacy. Mark Ryan finds himself in sympathy with the Pope.
  • 09-05-96: 'Bloody Crusaders Call the Shots in Iraq' - The five year human rights crusade by liberals and charities paved the way for the air strikes against Iraq, writes Jennie Bristow.





  • 05-23-96: 'Controls Old and New' - How to control what goes on the internet is again in the news. As Compuserve discuss a new code of ethics Andrew Calcutt - free speech activist and author of The Net nanny state - looks at the debate.
  • 05-15-96: 'Stalking our rights away' - Ellie Lee examines what's really at stake in the stalking debate.
  • 05-10-96: 'Show Trial Opens in Hague' - Tom Edwards explains why the 'war crimes' trial of Dusko Tadic is a propaganda exercise designed to shore up the authority of the great powers over the rest of the world.








  1. LM Comment, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 15 August 2000 on 27 January 2011