LM network: Chronology

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The LM network or LM group is a superficially loose and informal network of individuals and organisations sharing a libertarian and anti-environmentalist ideology. Its constituent organisations are led and largely composed of people associated with the defunct Revolutionary Communist Tendency/Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and its principal publication Living Marxism. This pages contains a chronology of the evolution of the network including the dates of foundation and dissolution of the many associated entities.

Campaign Against Militarism sticker for march in London in August 1993, one of the latter and short lived RCP front groups.
Internet Freedom, a project of the LM network
Irish Freedom Movement sticker for demo on 8 August 1987 in London.
Libero, a project of the LM network
The Institute of Ideas: an LM project. Image from the LM website @ www.informinc.co.uk circa 2000 promoting the first Institute of Ideas event in June/July 2000[1]
Institute of Ideas, at the core of the LM network
Battle of Ideas, a project of the Institute of Ideas, part of the LM network
The Academy, a project of the Institute of Ideas, a core element of the LM network
Battle of Ideas banner noting the funding of the LM network by pharma giant Pfizer, BT and Rupert Murdoch's newspaper The Times.
Culture Wars, a project of the Institute of Ideas, a core element of the LM network
Debating Matters a project of the Institute of Ideas a core element of the LM network
Global Uncertainties Schools Network a project of Debating Matters which is in turn part of the Institute of Ideas a core element of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network
Salons, projects of the LM network

Logo of the Maverick Club, circa 2000, a part of the LM network
Logo of Spiked, a core element of the LM network, circa 2011.
Young Journalists Academy is a project of Journalism Education Limited launched by Spiked a core part of the LM network
Novo Argumente the German magazine affiliated with the LM network
The one and only Modern Movement demo - a counter to the protests against the third Heathrow runway in February 2009.
Audacity, an LM network project
Future Cities Project, associated with the LM network
ManTownHuman a project of the LM network
Parents With Attitude, associated with the LM network

Worldwrite, part of the LM network
Worldbytes part of WORLDWrite, a project of the LM network
Easynet, started by LM network associate Keith Teare
Cyberia a business set up by LM network associate Keith Teare


  • 1973
Split from International Socialists, to create the Revolutionary Communist Group.
  • 1976
A sizable minority are expelled from the RCG.
  • 1977
Led by Frank Furedi the expelled faction creates the Revolutionary Communist Tendency
  • 1979
Publication of the monthly The Next Step
Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign launched
  • 1980
Workers Against Racism launched
  • 1981
RCT changes it name into the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)
  • 1982
Smash The Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign closed
Irish Freedom Movement launched
  • 1985
The next step becomes a weekly just after the end of the Miners' strike.
  • 1987
The Red Front launched to contest the 1987 election and replace the Labour Party, then closed
  • 1988
RCP establishes Living Marxism
  • 1989
Irish Freedom Movement closed
  • 1990
RCP begins infiltration of academic and media circles
Parents Against the Charter launched and closed
Ad-Hoc Hands Off the Middle East Committee launched and closed
  • 1991
WORLDwrite launched
  • 1993
Campaign Against Militarism launched
  • 1994
London International Research Exchange launched
Design Agenda created
The next step ceases publication on 25 February 1994.
Workers Against Racism last active.
  • 1995
Africa Direct launched
  • 1996
RCP dissolves itself
Families for Freedom launched
Channel Cyberia
Internet Freedom launched
  • 1997
Living Marxism title changed to LM
Pro-Choice Forum launched
Freedom & Law launched and closed
Africa Direct closed
  • 1998
Feminists for Justice launched
Libero launched
Maverick Club launched
Campaign Against Militarism closed
London International Research Exchange closed
  • 1999
Culture Wars launched
Trasna An Domhain Go Leir launched
Litigious Society launched and closed
Families for Freedom closed
  • 2000
LM forced to close after it loses libel case to ITN
Spiked launched by LM's ex-editor
Institute of Ideas (originally an event organised by LM) launched as an organisation by LM's co-publisher, Claire Fox
Audacity launched
Transport Research Group launched
Feminists for Justice closed
Libero closed
  • 2001
Long-time LM contributor, and Claire Fox's sister, Fiona Fox becomes Director of the Science Media Centre
  • 2002
Parents With Attitude launched
Global Futures launched
Maverick Club closed
LM/Spiked/Institute of Ideas contributor Tracey Brown becomes Director of Sense About Science
  • 2003
Debating Matters launched
Trasna An Domhain Go Leir closed
  • 2005
Battle of Ideas launched
Bookshop Barnies launched
Salons launched
  • 2006
Manifesto Club launched
Future Cities Project launched
Engaging Cogs launched
Internet Freedom closed
  • 2007
Academics For Academic Freedom launched
Student Academics For Academic Freedom launched
Centre for Parenting Culture Studies launched
Generation Youth Issues launched
  • 2008
WORLDbytes launched
ManTownHuman launched
Transport Research Group closed
Design Agenda wound down
  • 2009
Modern Movement launched and closed
Hands Off The Human Footprint! launched
Inter-Generation launched
Freedom in a Puritan Age launched (loose association)
Engaging Cogs closed
  • 2010
Big Potatoes launched
Global Uncertainties Schools Network launched


  1. Retrieved from the Internet Archive the LM website of 7 February 2000