Irish Freedom Movement

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LM network resources
One of the first actions of the Irish Freedom Movement in April 1982
Badge commemorating the first Irish Freedom Movement visit to the North of Ireland at Easter 1982[1]

The Irish Freedom Movement was a front group of the RCP, the forerunner of the libertarian LM network. Launched in 1982 and with Fiona Fox in a leading role, it campaigned against British rule in Northern Ireland. It is now defunct.

Cover of the Irish War: The Irish Freedom Movement Handbook, 3rd Ed., published by Junius Publications for the Irish Freedom Movement in 1987
Irish Freedom Movement, Bloody Sunday demo, Sheffield, 1987. Image from The Irish War: The Irish Freedom Movement Handbook, 3rd Ed., published by Junius Publications for the Irish Freedom Movement in 1987, p. 203.

The IFM was the successor to the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign a front group set up by the Revolutionary Communist Tendency the forerunner of the RCP in late 1979. The IFM came into existence following a 'labour movement conference on Ireland' organised by the SPTAC on 6 February 1982.

Cover of Irish Freedom the bulletin of the Irish Freedom Movement, No. 13, February/March 1991.



  • 6 February 1982: The IFM founded at a 'labour movement conference on Ireland' organised by the SPTAC.
  • 9-12 April 1982, Youth delegation to Ireland. One of the first actions of the Irish Freedom Movement in April 1982[2]
  • Monday 17 May 1982 H-block hunger strike, Meeting and showing of the film by Information on Ireland, 7.30pm Hackney Town Hall, London.[3]



  • Tuesday 22 May 1984: Film showing of Behind the Mask, Lewisham, London.[5]
  • November 1984: Publication of Hume, Mick. After the Brighton bomb. London : Junius (Revolutionary Communist Party), 1984. ISBN 0950840475, 19p ; 30 cm



  • Saturday 9 August 1986: Internment commemoration, London[7]
  • November 1986: Launch of IFM news. Bulletin of the Irish Freedom Movement. [Irregular], First Issue Nov/December 1986[8] Fiona Fox is given as contact name in Issue 1.



Irish Freedom Movement badge, 'Ireland: 20 Years of Resistance' from 1988[10]



  • Wednesday 15 August 1990, London screening of 'the controversial video Irish Ways', Red Rose Club, 129 Seven Sisters Road, London, N7.[11]


  • 10 August 1991 Internment commemoration demonstration: According to a report in the Australian Green Left Weekly, 'The rally', was 'addressed by John Fitzpatrick of the IFM'[12]



  • 5 June 1993 Lifting the lid: a day of discussion and debate on war, journalism, censorship and propaganda, University of Westminster, 18-22 Riding House Street, London W1.[15]


Publications, Resources, Notes


Cover of Irish Freedom the bulletin of the Irish Freedom Movement, Summer 1992, No. 18. Edited by Fiona Foster, Kevin Kelly and Vicky Rowan


  • IFM news. Bulletin of the Irish Freedom Movement. [Irregular], First Issue Nov/December 1986
  • Irish freedom No.3 - No.25 Feb 1988 - Summer 1994

Pamphlets and books

Irish Freedom Movement sticker for demo on 8 August 1987 in London.

Leaflets and misc publications

Date unknown



  1. Image courtesy of Peter Moloney
  2. Irish Freedom Movement 'Easter 1982: Youth Delegation to Ireland' 9-12 April 1982.
  3. Irish Freedom Movement, H-block hunger strike, Meeting and showing of the film by Information on Ireland, Monday 17 May 1982, 7.30pm Hackney Town Hall, London.
  4. Irish Freedom Movement 'Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act! Fighting for Irish freedom', Irish Freedom Movement conference, Liverpool, 26 November 1983.
  5. [Irish Freedom Movement]] Video showing: Behind the Mask, Tuesday 22 May 7.30pm, Lewisham Labour Club, Lime Grove, London.
  6. Irish Freedom Movement Troops Out of Ireland! Prisoners Out of Jail! Demonstrate in London 10 August 1985
  7. Irish Freedom Movement 'Close Britain's concentration camps: march to demand Troops our of Ireland! Prisoners out of jail!', Saturday 9 August 1986
  8. Issue No. 1 Nov/December 1986
  9. Irish Freedom Movement The Irish War: The Irish Freedom Movement Handbook, 1st Ed., published by Junius Publications, 3rd Ed. 1987,p. 303.
  10. Image courtesy of Peter Moloney
  11. Irish Freedom Movement London screening of the controversial video Irish Ways, Wednesday 15 August 1990, Red Rose Club, 129 seven sisters Road, London, N7.
  12. Ian Bolas London march supports Irish freedom Green Left Weekly, No 26, Wednesday, September 4, 1991 - 10:00
  13. Alex Farrell Standing for Irish freedom against Peter Brooke [election communication from the Irish Freedom Movement candidate forthe City of London and Westminster South constituency], Open Library, accessed 7 November 2010
  14. Summary Results: GENERAL ELECTION, 9th APRIL 1992, accessed 7 November 2010
  15. Irish Freedom Movement Lifting the lid: a day of discussion and debate on war, journalism, censorship and propaganda, Saturday 5 June 1993, University of Westminster, 18-22 Riding House Street, London W1.
  16. Alex Farrell Standing for Irish freedom against Peter Brooke [election communication from the Irish Freedom Movement candidate forthe City of London and Westminster South constituency], Open Library, accessed 7 November 2010
  17. Summary Results: GENERAL ELECTION, 9th APRIL 1992, accessed 7 November 2010
  18. Comment by James Williams a former member of the RCP: podwilliams (Stoke-on-Trent) Lefties (TV Series 2006) Internet Movie Database, 28 December 2009, accessed 7 November 2010
  19. Ian Bolas London march supports Irish freedom Green Left Weekly, No 26, Wednesday, September 4, 1991 - 10:00
  20. IFM news. Bulletin of the Irish Freedom Movement. Issue No. 1 Nov/December 1986, p. 8
  21. Mick Hume Brighton bomb memories, Spiked Online, 13 October 2009
  22. Nick Holdsworth, 'GOW A LEGITIMATE TARGET - SINN FEIN', Press Association, August 11, 1990, Saturday, SECTION: HOME NEWS
  23. Institute of Ideas Special Event - Sunday 15 March: Return of the IRA?
  24. STEWART TENDLER and MICHAEL HORSNELL 'German link to Mill Hill bomb; IRA activity marks 20 years of troubles; Inglis Barracks', The Times (London) August 5 1988, Friday, Issue 63152.
  25. London meeting’s support for Josephine Hayden SAOIRSE Irish Freedom March 1997