Josie Appleton

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Josie Appleton

Josie Appleton is a journalist associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network, being convenor of the Manifesto Club and having written for Spiked, Culture Wars and the Institute of Ideas and spoken at the Battle of Ideas, the Leeds Salon and the Manchester Salon.

From a Battle of Ideas biography: [1]

Appleton comes from Cropwell Butler, Nottingham and studied Human Sciences at University of Oxford (1996-9). She co-wrote Culture Vultures: Is UK Arts Policy Damaging the Arts? with LM associates James Heartfield and Munira Mirza and others.

Josie Appleton is convenor of the Manifesto Club, a new association aiming to put human aspirations back into politics. She is also a journalist who writes for a variety of publications, including Spiked, Times Literary Supplement, The Times, Spectator. She has also written in the past for the Guardian, Independent and Blueprint magazine. Josie is author of Museums for the People, a commissioned work as part of the Institute of Ideas' Conversations in Print series.



Profile "Josie Appleton", Manifesto Club website accessed 29 Dec 2010
Blog "Josie Appleton's blog", Manifesto Club website accessed 1 Jan 2010


  1. biographical note;(non-working link) slightly modified 2007 version