Imperial College London

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In March 2000 Imperial College London announced the creation of the Imperial College Genetics and Genomics Research Institute. The College's press release said the new institute "will provide an identifiable focus for the mass of genetic- and genomic-related research currently underway throughout the College. It will focus the research of over 450 Imperial staff (with an annual grant income of £25 million) currently working in fields related to genetics and genomics."[1]

The contact at the foot of the release was Tom Miller, Imperial's director of communications.[2] Miller is a trustee and director of the Science Media Centre.[3][4]

In 2005 Imperial announced a research alliance with the Medical Research Council (MRC) and biotech company Affymetrix. Imperial's press release said, "The agreement will expand use of Affymetrix's microarray technology by Imperial and the MRC to target conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer by analysing the genetic variations associated with them. Researchers hope this detailed understanding of how disease is caused at a molecular level will speed up translation from the laboratory to clinical trials, ultimately leading to new therapies."[5]


Imperial College has formed a partnership with biotech/medical firm AstraZeneca to determine the roles of certain proteins in breast cancer and drug resistance. The partnership is part of the Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering (CASE) studentship scheme. The scheme, operated by the UK research councils, awards PhD studentships to partnerships between UK-based companies and academia in order to support collaborative postgraduate research. Imperial's partnership was established by Professor Eric Lam, from the Department of Oncology at Imperial College.[6]

Other corporate partners of Imperial include biotech company Syngenta; pharmaceutical companies Roche, Merck, Sanofi-Aventis, Novartis and Pfizer; chemical company Ineos; energy companies Shell, EDF, and BP; and mining company Rio Tinto.[7]






  1. Imperial College London (2000), Imperial College creates new Genetics and Genomics Research Institute, press release 31 Mar 2000, acc 27 Nov 2012
  2. Imperial College London (2000), Imperial College creates new Genetics and Genomics Research Institute, press release 31 Mar 2000, acc 27 Nov 2012
  3. Charity Commission (2012), Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012, acc 3 Oct 2012
  4. Companies House (2012) Current Appointments Report for: Science Media Centre, created 23/11/2012, obtained from Companies House 23 Nov 2012
  5. Imperial College London (2005 New research alliance aims to speed up therapy development, 13 Dec, acc 28 Nov 2012
  6. Imperial College London (2012) Imperial College partnership with AstraZeneca to determine the roles of FOXO proteins in breast cancer and drug resistance, undated, acc 28 Nov 2012
  7. Imperial College London (2012) Corporate partnerships, acc 28 Nov 2012