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<ref>[http://henryjacksonsociety.org/committee.asp?pageid=39 HJS Staff], Henry Jackson Society, (Accessed: 20 April 2009)</ref>
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===Former Staff===
===Former Staff===

Revision as of 11:01, 3 September 2012

The Henry Jackson Society Logo

The Henry Jackson Society Project for Democratic Geopolitics is a British neoconservative think tank and political action committee (PAC) which is supported by key US neocons and by two of Prime Minister David Cameron's closest advisers and ministers. It was launched in Cambridge on 11 March 2005 and in the Houses of Parliament on 22 November 2005. [1] The manifesto for the society was published by the Social Affairs Unit. [2]

Origins and launch

According to its own account the Henry Jackson Society was launched online on 11 March 2005, ‘after several months and much hard work.’ [3] Its online launch was announced in a press release drafted by the ‘Organising Committee’ – the body which ran the Society before its registration as a UK charity. The Organising Committee consisted mainly of academics affiliated to Peterhouse, a conservative college at Cambridge University. They were led by Brendan Simms and Alan Mendoza, the Society’s co-founders. [4] Brendan Simms, a Cambridge historian, was then best known for his book Unfinest Hour: Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia, a highly critical account of British (non-interventionist) policy during the Bosnian War. Mendoza had written his PhD thesis on British policy during the conflict.

The HJS’s homepage originally displayed the following message:

The Henry Jackson Society is a non-profit organisation that seeks to promote the following principles: that liberal democracy should be spread across the world; that as the world’s most powerful democracies, the United States and the European Union – under British leadership – must shape the world more actively by intervention and example; that such leadership requires political will, a commitment to universal human rights and the maintenance of a strong military with global expeditionary reach; and that too few of our leaders in Britain and the rest of Europe today are ready to play a role in the world that matches our strength and responsibilities. [5]

The HJS was launched in Cambridge on 15 June 2005. At the launch event Gary Kent of Labour Friends of Iraq spoke about ‘The Left and Iraq’. That was followed by a drinks reception in the Fellow's Garden in Peterhouse and a formal dinner in Clare Hall. [6] The Society’s Westminster launch took place on 22 November 2005 in the Jubilee Room of the House of Commons. It was hosted by Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart. [7]

Growth and development

The Henry Jackson Society was registered with the Charity Commission on 27 April 2006 under a Trust Deed dated 10 April 2006. [8] According to the Charity Commission the Society had an income of £4,082 and spending of £1,806 in 2006. Since its income did not exceed £10,000 it was not required to file accounts. Its income rose to £37,742 in 2007 and £86,128 in 2008.

During 2007 the Society began to focus more on targeting the media and policy community in London. Its 2007 accounts record that, ‘The year saw significant change and advancement with the expansion of the charity’s work from Cambridge to London, with the latter location quickly becoming the main focus of activity.’ They also note, ‘The launch of a weekly events programme in London which has increased the charity’s visibility dramatically’. [9]

Aims and Objectives

Its statement of principles has been revised from its earlier, more forthright presentation of neocon themes, to a more oblique and ambiguous rendering of the same themes. It advocates a ‘forward strategy’ involving 'diplomatic, economic, cultural, and/or political means' to spread liberal democracy; and the maintenance of a strong military by US, EU and 'other democratic powers' armed with 'expeditionary capabilities with a global reach' so it can preempt threats and carry out humanitarian interventions. Furthermore, it supports 'necessary furtherance of European military modernisation and integration under British leadership'; believes that 'only modern liberal democratic states are truly legitimate'. Reiterating a familiar neocon grievance, it questions the legitimacy of 'the political or human rights pronouncements of any international or regional organisation which admits undemocratic states'; and invokes an old Irving Kristol line in giving 'two cheers for capitalism', while accepting that the state has a role in providing services and in maintaining the environment. For all its celebrations of liberal democracy, it does not rule out engagement with 'repressive regimes' which, it insists, can 'only be temporary'. It ends by affirming a 'strong commitment to individual and civil liberties in democratic states, even and especially when we are under attack' [10].

In its earlier version it read: "liberal democracy should be spread across the world; that as the world’s most powerful democracies, the United States and the European Union—under British leadership—must shape the world more actively by intervention and example; that such leadership requires political will, a commitment to universal human rights and the maintenance of a strong military with global expeditionary reach; and that too few of our leaders in Britain and the rest of Europe today are ready to play a role in the world that matches our strength and responsibilities."

In the Guardian Neil Clark quoted HJS as explaining that the "forward strategy" involved spreading "liberal democracy across the world" through "the full spectrum of 'carrot' capacities, be they diplomatic, economic, cultural or political, but also, when necessary, those 'sticks' of the military domain".[11]

Co President Brendan Simms wrote in July 2006 that the Society's aim "is not to justify the mistakes of the past, but to stake a claim for intellectual hegemony for the future":

If you have some liberal views on domestic politics, but are prepared to concede that George Bush might be broadly right on foreign policy. If you are concerned at the spread of a conversational consensus in Britain and Europe which involves saying things like "I don't know how anybody with any intelligence can vote for Bush", even if you would not have voted for Bush yourself. If you know that we have taken many wrong turnings since the removal of Saddam Hussein, but do not feel that the whole enterprise was wrong from the start. If you feel all or some of these things; or might be persuaded of them, then the Henry Jackson Society is for you, and we invite you to join us.[12]

The British Moment

The Henry Jackson Society's July 2006 pamphlet, The British Moment.

In July 2006 the Social Affairs Unit published the Henry Jackson Society's manifesto, The British Moment: The Case for Democratic Geo-Politics in the Twenty-First Century. It argued that 'it is time for Britain, and indeed, the rest of Europe, to reclaim the noble tradition of liberal interventionism and pursue an active strategy across the globe.' [13]

The Weekly Standard wrote of the book that '"Scoop Jackson" Democrats like Sen. Joe Lieberman are increasingly rare, and increasingly abhorred by their own party. But in Europe, a Scoop revival may be stirring.' A short of account of the book's launch concluded with the admonition: 'Now if only a Scoop revival would take hold among our Democratic friends here in the States.' [14]


Organising Committee

Prior to its registration as a charity the Henry Jackson Society was run by its Organising Committee. The earliest record of the members of the Organising Committee available in the Internet Archive is from 26 January 2006 and lists the following members:


The trustees listed in the Society’s first Annual Report filed with the Charity Commission (in 2007) were as follows:

Signatories of the Statement of Principles


HJS Staff
Alan Mendoza – Executive Director Douglas Murray - Associate Director Robin Shepherd - Director, International Affairs
Robin Simcox – Research Fellow Raheem Kassam - Director of Communications and Public Relations Michael Weiss - Director of Research, Co-Chair, Russia Studies Centre
Samer Libdeh - Senior Research Fellow Houriya Ahmed - Research Fellow Peter Cannon – Associate Fellow
George Grant - Associate Fellow Julia Pettengill - Research Fellow, Co-Chair, Russia Studies Centre Hannah Stuart - Research Fellow
Richard Cashman - Associate Fellow Emily Dyer - Junior Research Fellow Davis Lewin - Political Director
Jonathan Fisher QC - Associate Fellow David Reay - Director of Business Development Fleur Brading - Director of the Henry Jackson Initiative
Charlotte Langley - Director of Development Christiana Hambro - Events Manager Emily Banks - Communications Assistant
Francesca Roettger Moreda - Political Assistant Anthony Carter - Research Assistant Alex Rudofsky - Research Assistant
Dana Al-Jawamis - Research Assistant
New York
Brooke Goldstein - Associate Fellow Nazee Moinian - Associate Fellow
Los Angeles
Adelle Nazarian - Program Director
Washington D.C.
Catherine Bray - Washington, D.C. Representative Alexandros Petersen - Senior Associate Fellow
Brendan Simms – President Jonathan Bronitsky - Associate Director


Former Staff

Patrick Schneider-Sikorsky | Deep Kisor Datta-Ray | Katharine Slocombe | Duncan Crossey | Tomas Weiss | Benjamin Charlton | Barak M. Seener - former Section Director, Middle East | Eric Danko - former Strategic Relations Manager, Washington | Sarah Platts - former Program Director, Washington D.C. | Karla Jones - former Associate Fellow and Director of Development, Washington | John Bew - former Vice-President, Cambridge | James Rogers - former Associate Fellow, European Union | Gideon Mailer - former Section Director, Africa | Matthew Jamison - former Executive Secretary | Tristan Stubbs - former Section Director, Environment and Economy | Marko Attila Hoare – former Section Director, European Neighbourhood | Tufail Ahmad – former Section Director, South Asia | James Coady – former Section Director, European Union | Camilla Hagelund – former Section Director, Russia & Eurasia | Joe Rolling – former Section Director, South East Asia & Australasia | Ben Caldecott – former Section Director, East Asia | Yaniv Ofek – former Associate Fellow, Middle East | Corine Wood-Donnelly – former Associate Fellow, Africa | Marc Sidwell – former Associate Fellow, Governance, Strategy & Terrorism | Niccolo Pantucci – former Associate Fellow, North America | Claudia Schwartz – former Associate Fellow, Middle East | Timothy Stafford – former Associate Fellow, North America | Rosalba Junginger - former Research Assistant | Kyra Choucroun - former Research Assistant | Georgina Duffin – former Research Assistant | Kimberley Trewhitt, former Research Assistant | Kate McCormick - former Research Assistant | Marcel Thach – former Research Assistant |

Advisory Council

HJS Advisory Council
Academic Council members
Hasan Al Momani - Director of the Regional Centre On Conflict Prevention, Jordan Institute of Diplomacy Michael Bentley - Professor, British Intellectual History, University of St. Andrews Vernon Bogdanor CBE - Professor, Institute of Contemporary History, King’s College London
Brendan O’Leary - Professor, Political Science, University of Pennsylvania Chris Brown - Professor, International Relations, LSE Frank Chalk - Professor, History and Director of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, Concordia University
Brahma Chellaney - Professor, Strategic Studies, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi Thomas Cushman - Professor, Sociology, Wellesley College Brigitte Granville - Professor, International Economics and Economic Policy, Queen Mary University
Adrian Hyde-Price - Professor, International Politics, University of Bath G. John Ikenberry - Professor, Politics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University William Inboden - Assistant Professor, Foreign Affairs, University of Texas
Andrew Lever - Professor, Infectious Diseases, Cambridge University Robert Lieber - Professor, Government and International Affairs, Georgetown University Tim Lynch - Lecturer, American Politics and Foreign Policy, University of Melbourne
Harvey Mansfield - William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Government in the Department of Government at Harvard University Rory Miller - Professor, Middle East and Mediterranean Studies, King’s College London Patrick Minford - Professor, Applied Economics, Cardiff University
Kenneth Pyle - Professor, History and Asian Studies, University of Washington Danny Quah - Professor, Economics, LSE Fred Siegel - Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute Center for State and Local Leadership
Kirstine Sinclair - Assistant Professor, Centre For Middle East Studies, University of Southern Denmark Robert Singh - Professor, Politics, Birkbeck College Sol Stern - Senior Fellow, U.S. Policy, Education, Manhattan Institute
Policy Council Members
Lord Bew of Donegore - Professor, Irish History, Queen’s University Belfast Prof. Brian Brivati - Director, John Smith Memorial Trust Jessica Douglas-Home - Author
Amanda Foreman - Historian, Writer and Broadcaster Jeffrey Gedmin - CEO and President, Legatum Institute Robin Harris CBE - Author and Journalist; former advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
Emanuele Ottolenghi - Senior Fellow, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Andrew Roberts - Historian, Author and Journalist Marc Sageman - Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security
Prof. Roger Scruton - Visiting Professor, Oxford University, and Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Amir Taheri - Author and Journalist Dr. Lorenzo Vidino - Visiting fellow, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
Sir Andrew Wood GCMG - Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme
Political Council Members
David Amess MP James Arbuthnot MP, Chairman of the Defence Committee Bob Blackman MP
Nick Boles MP David Burrowes MP Alistair Burt MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary for the Middle East, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Douglas Carswell MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP, Chariman of the Committee of Selection Damian Collins MP
David Davies MP, Chairman of the Welsh Affairs Committee David Davis MP, Former Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Nadine Dorries MP
Mike Freer MP James Gray MP Robert Halfon MP
Stephen Hammond MP Bernard Jenkin MP, Chairman of the Public Administration Select Committee Daniel Kawczynski MP
Richard Ottaway MP, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Priti Patel MP Mark Pritchard MP
Dominic Raab MP Amber Rudd MP Robert Walter MP
Nadhim Zahawi MP
Bob Ainsworth MP, Former Secretary of State for Defence Margaret Beckett MP, Former Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Hazel Blears MP, Former Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Ben Bradshaw MP, Former Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Chris Bryant MP, Former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Dai Havard MP
Denis MacShane, Former Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Khalid Mahmood MP Meg Munn MP, Former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Jim Murphy MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Defence John Spellar MP, Shadow Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Office Gisela Stuart MP
Derek Twigg MP, Former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Ministry of Defence
Liberal Democrat
Tom Brake MP, Former Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Dan Rogerson MP
Conservative Peers
Lord Flight of Worcester Lord Kalms of Edgware The Rt Hon Lord Trimble
Labour Peers
Lord Dubs of Battersea Lord Moonie of Bennochy The Rt Hon Admiral Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC


International Patrons

Bruce P. Jackson, President, The Project on Transitional Democracies Robert Kagan, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace William Kristol, Editor, The Weekly Standard; PNAC
Vytautas Landsbergis – Member of European Parliament; President of Lithuania, 1990-1992 Clifford D. May, President, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Michael McFaul, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Senior Advisor, National Democratic Institute
Joshua Muravchik, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Richard Perle, Former American Assistant Secretary of Defense Jack Sheehan, Defense Policy Board; Former NATO General, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
R. James Woolsey, Jr., Former Director of the CIA Thomas Cushman – Founding Editor and Editor-At-Large, Journal of Human Rights Max Boot, Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, The Council on Foreign Relations
Martin Bútora – Slovak Ambassador to the USA, 1999-2003; Co-Founder, Institute for Public Affairs, & Public Against Violence Michael Danby – Australian Labor Member of Parliament for Melbourne Ports Jean Bethke Elshtain – Contributing Editor, The New Republic
Carl Gershman – President, National Endowment for Democracy Dore Gold – Former Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel Hubertus Hoffmann – President, The World Security Network
Richard D. Kahlenberg – Author Max Kampelman Herbert London – President, Hudson Institute
Stephen J. Solarz – Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (D-NY), 1975-1993 Michael Stürmer – Chief Correspondent, Die Welt Alejandro Toledo – President of Peru, 2001-2006
Elbegdorj Tsakhia – Leader, Mongolian Democracy Movement; Prime Minister of Mongolia, 1998, 2004-2006

Featured lecturers


David Alton (Lord), Vincent Brossel, Lynn Lee and In Ho Park[19] | Ron Silver [20] | Raphael Perl [21] | Herbert London [22] | Alexander Lennon [23] | Haim Koren [24] | Rob Singh and Timothy Lynch[25] | Jonathan Paris[26] | Marc Ginsberg[27] | Shmuel Bar[28] | Mithal al-Alusi[29] | Ahmet Davutoglu[30] | Daniel Kimmage[31] | Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart from the Institute of State Effectiveness[32] | Thomas Cushman [33] | Joseph S. Nye, Jr.[34] | Stephen Solarz[35] | Keith Pavlischek Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington DC[36] | Edward Lucas[37] | Omar Fadhil [38] | Ilan Berman [39] | Martin van Creveld [40] | Patrick Clawson [41] | Shai Feldman [42] | Emanuele Ottolenghi [43] | Carl Gershman [44]


Farah Pandith [45] | John Bolton [46] | Ariel Cohen [47] | Raymond Tanter [48]

Financial statements

Henry Jackson Society Financial Statements made up to 31 December 2007
Henry Jackson Society Financial Statements made up to 31 December 2008


Contact, References and Resources


c/o Dr. Brendan Simms
The Henry Jackson Society
Cambridge CB2 1RD
United Kingdom
Website: www.henryjacksonsociety.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6786954801


Internet Archive Wayback Machine, henryjacksonsociety.org


Articles & Commentary


  1. "The Henry Jackson Society" guardian.co.uk, accessed 6 March 2009
  2. Henry Jackson Society Manifesto, The British Moment: The Case for Democratic Geopolitics in the Twenty-first Century, Amazon.co.uk, Accessed 27-May-2009
  3. Internet Archive, Henry Jackson Society, Past Events > The Henry Jackson Society Is Now Launched!, 26 January 2006
  4. Internet Archive, Henry Jackson Society, Organisational Committee, 26 January 2006
  5. Internet Archive, henryjacksonsociety.org, 26 January 2006
  6. Internet Archive, Henry Jackson Society, Past Events > The Cambridge Launch of The Henry Jackson Society, 26 January 2006
  7. Internet Archive, Henry Jackson Society, Past Events > The Westminster Launch of The Henry Jackson Society, 26 January 2006
  8. PDF Copy of Charity Commission, Henry Jackson Society > Charity framework [Created 7 September 2010]
  9. Henry Jackson Society, Financial Statements made up to 31 December 2007; p.4
  10. Statement of Principles
  11. Neil Clark, 'Cameron is no moderate: He supports the Iraq war and tax cuts, opposes EU social policies and has neocon associations', The Guardian Monday 24 October 2005.
  12. Brendan Simms, What is the Henry Jackson Society?, Social Affairs Unit, 28 July 2006.
  13. The British Moment, Henry Jackson Society, 10 July 2006.
  14. Scoop Lives!, The Scrapbook, Weekly Standard, 24 July 2006.
  15. Internet Archive, [http://web.archive.org/web/20060126204321/http://www.henryjacksonsociety.org/ Henry Jackson Society, Organising Committee, 26 January 2006]
  16. Source: Henry Jackson Society Signatories of the Statement of Principles
  17. HJS People, Henry Jackson Society, accessed 3 August 2012
  18. Advisory Council, Henry Jackson Society, accessed 3 August 2012
  19. HJS Event: North Korea's freedom agenda: How past example can lead to future resolution, 16 October 2008.
  20. Life Imitating Art: Will the 'West Wing election' mirror reality or can we expect a surprise result?, HJS Event, 8 October 2008, House of Commons. Room facilitated by Bruce George.
  21. Trends of Terror: Looking to the Future, 2 October 2008. Room facilitated by Lord Harris of Haringey
  22. Fighting Religious Radicalism in a Secular Age, 23 September 2008. Room facilitated by Nadine Dorries
  23. US Foreign Policy & Democracy Promotion, 16 September 2008. Room facilitated by Denis MacShane
  24. [Arabic Language Media and Extremism: Challenges & Opportunities], Event Date: 15 September 2008. Room facilitated by Theresa Villiers.
  25. Henry Jackson Society event: "After Bush: The Case for Continuity in American Foreign Policy", House of Commons, 10 July 2008. Room facilitated by Stephen Crabb
  26. Henry Jackson Society event: "UK Counter–Radicalisation Strategy: A shift from accommodation to confrontation?", House of Commons, 2 July 2008. Room facilitated by Stephen Hammond. Event co-sponsored by the Centre for Social Cohesion. Present at the event: Anthony Glees, Gary Kent. There were several diplomats present: Dr. Moto (Japanese embassy), and a Danish representative working on Muslim radicalization in Denmark.
  27. Event at House of Commons: "Obama, McCain and US Policy in the Middle East", 30 June 2008. Commons room obtained thanks to: Chris Bryant
  28. Event at House of Commons, 26 June 2008. Commons room obtained thanks to: Gisela Stewart
  29. Event at House of Commons, 23 June 2008. Commons room obtained thanks to: Gisela Stewart
  30. Event at House of Commons, 11 June 2008. Commons room obtained thanks to: Bob Laxton
  31. Event at House of Commons, 22 May 2008. Speech co-hosted by the Centre for Social Cohesion; Commons room obtained thanks to: Patrick Mercer
  32. Fixing Failed States: A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World, Lecture 21 May 2008, NB: By kind invitation of Tony Baldry MP
  33. Liberal Democratic Challenge to the UN: A League of Democracies? event: 19 May 2008; Accessed: 14 May 2008. Notice that Cushman suggests that there is a "liberal" challenge to the UN. In reality, the UN and its human rights arm are a pet hate of the neocons and zionists. A more sincere title would be "A Neocon challenge to the UN".
  34. The Powers to Lead - Effective Leadership in the 21st Century
  35. The US Presidential Election and Foreign Policy – event 7 May 2008; Accessed: 14 May 2008. NB: venue was sponsored "by kind invitation of Mike Gapes MP".
  36. Battling the Misconceptions in the War of Ideas Against Islamism, 11 March 2008
  37. HJS announcement for:"Russia Post-Presidential Election" 17 March 2008
  38. Iraq Policy and Extremism: An Iraqi Perspective, Undated, Accessed: 1 March 2008
  39. Iran After the National Intelligence Estimate, 5 March 2008.
  40. On Counterinsurgency: How to win in the age of asymmetric warfare, 26 February 2008.
  41. Lessons from Progress in Iraq, 25 February 2008
  42. Israel and the Palestinians Post Annapolis & Bush's Middle East Visit, 18 February 2008
  43. Iran's Nuclear File - What can Europe do?, HJS, 6 February 2008.
  44. A Forward Strategy for Democracy Promotion in 2008 and Beyond, 21 January 2008.
  45. HJS Event Transcript: Farah Pandith, HJS, 27 December 2007
  46. HJS Event Transcript: John Bolton, HJS, 24 December 2007
  47. HJS Event Transcript: Ariel Cohen, HJS, 24 December 2007
  48. HJS Event Transcript: Raymond Tanter, HJS, 28 December 2007
  49. HJS-CSC joint event: talk by Jonathan Paris, 2 July 2008.
  50. Chechnya Peace Forum Events, accessed 4 September 2010
  51. Global Power Europe (Accessed: 1 March 2008)
  52. Greater Surbiton (Accessed: 1 March 2008)
  53. Worldview(Accessed: 1 March 2008)
  54. YPFP London (Accessed: 1 March 2008)
  55. NGO Coalition Member