Terrorexpertise:Major World Newspapers List

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Below is a table of the 100 Terrorism Experts most prominent in major world newspapers. 437 names were taken from the Bulk List of experts and searched at LexisNexis's Major World Newspapers group[1] for items published between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2007. The search included each expert’s name [2] as well as any reference to 'terrorism', 'terrorist' or variations of the phrase 'suicide bomb'[3]. The 100 most prolific experts are reproduced in the table below in descending order of the number of items returned. The table also displays the variations of each individual’s name used in the search.

Nine experts though their name returned the requisite number of items were excluded from this list, details of which are included in the Notes section below[4].

This list is one of a number compiled including:

Terrorexpertise:Bulk List
Terrorexpertise:Google Books List
Terrorexpertise:Elite Conference List
Terrorexpertise:The 'Terrorism' Industry List
Terrorexpertise:UK Television List

Terrorism Experts ranked according to number of articles returned

 Name of ExpertItems ReturnedName variations usedRelevant direct affiliations[5]
1 Mick Keelty 2605 Mick Keelty None
2 Richard Clarke 2025 Richard Clarke or Richard A. Clarke Good Harbor Consulting
3 Benjamin Netanyahu 1947 Benjamin Netanyahu Rim Industries, Boston Consulting Group
4 Peter Clarke 1180 Peter Clarke None
5 Rohan Gunaratna 1009 Rohan Gunaratna International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
6 Noam Chomsky 788 Noam Chomsky None
7 Patrick Mercer 681 Patrick Mercer United Kingdom National Defence Association, Blue Hackle, Conservative Middle East Council
8 Sidney Jones 610 Sidney Jones International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International
9 Clive Williams 588 Clive Williams Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism
10 Francis Fukuyama 503 Francis Fukuyama None
11 Daniel Pipes 486 Daniel Pipes United States Institute of Peace, Middle East Forum, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, Center for Islamic Pluralism, Committee on the Present Danger, Islamic Progress Institute
12 Paul Wilkinson 472 Paul Wilkinson Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism
13 Jason Burke 464 Jason Burke None
14 Avi Dichter 453 Avi Dichter Brookings Institution
15 Anthony Cordesman 431 Anthony Cordesman Center for Strategic & International Studies, Eaton Analytical Assessments Corporation, Green Falcon
16 Alan Dershowitz 376 Alan Dershowitz None
17 Bruce Hoffman 369 Bruce Hoffman RAND Corporation, Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Council on Global Terrorism, Council on Foreign Relations, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Royal United Services Institute, National Security Studies Center (University of Haifa), Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (Nanyang Technological University), Combating Terrorism Center (West Point Military Academy), Human Rights Watch
18 Peter Bergen 357 Peter Bergen None
19 David Veness 350 David Veness None
20 Robert Baer 335 Robert Baer None
21 Arnaud de Borchgrave 322 Arnaud de Borchgrave CSIS, United States Committee for a Free Lebanon, United States Global Strategy Council, World Strategy Network, Diligence
22 Michael Clarke 311 Michael Clarke Royal United Services Institute, Brookings Institution
23 Jonathan Evans 311 Jonathan Evans None
24 Magnus Ranstorp 310 Magnus Ranstorp Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Terrorism Project on Violent Radicalisation, Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies, Risk Management Solutions, Oxford Research Group, Eden Intelligence, Expert Group on Violent Radicalisation, National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
25 Irwin Cotler 293 Irwin Cotler Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, International Center for Terrorism Studies, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
26 Daniel Benjamin 275 Daniel Benjamin Brookings Institution, United States Institute of Peace, Center for Strategic and International Studies
27 Michael Scheuer 268 Michael Scheuer New America Foundation, Jamestown Foundation
28 Zachary Abuza 267 Zachary Abuza United States Institute of Peace, Counterterrorism Blog, Jamestown Foundation
29 David Capitanchik 256 David Capitanchik Institute for Jewish Policy Research
30 John Thompson 238 John Thompson Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, MacKenzie Institute
31 Simon Reeve 234 Simon Reeve None
32 Wesley Wark 230 Wesley Wark or Wesley K. Wark Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies
33 Frances Townsend 225 Frances Townsend or Fran Townsend None
34 David Charters 222 David Charters Centre for Conflict Studies (University of New Brunswick)
35 Kevin Toolis 216 Kevin Toolis None
36 Tariq Ramadan 204 Tariq Ramadan Lokahi Foundation, Movement of Swiss Muslims
37 Steve Emerson 203 Steve Emerson or Steven emerson Investigative Project
38 Steve Simon 201 Steve Simon or steven simon Council on Foreign Relations, RAND Corporation, International Institute for Strategic Studies
39 Paul Beaver 186 Paul Beaver Beaver Westminster, Jane’s Information Group
40 Larry Johnson 184 Larry Johnson or Larry C. Johnson BERG Associates
41 Brian Jenkins 171 Brian Jenkins or Brian Michael Jenkins or Brian M. Jenkins RAND Corporation, Kroll WorldWide Associates Inc.
42 Rita Katz 157 Rita Katz Investigative Project, SITE Intelligence Group, SITE Institute
43 David Wright-Neville 154 David Wright-Neville Global Terrorism Research Centre (Monash University), Terrorism Research Unit (Monash University)
44 Olivier Roy 152 Olivier Roy None
45 Michael Ledeen 149 Michael Ledeen Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, American Enterprise Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies
46 Robert Pape 149 Robert Pape or Robert A. Pape Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism
47 Lawrence Eagleburger 144 Lawrence Eagleburger Kissinger Associates, Council on Foreign Relations
48 Boaz Ganor 144 Boaz Ganor International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
49 Paul Rogers 142 Paul Rogers International Center for Terrorism Studies, Oxford Research Group
50 Mike Yardley 142 Mike Yardley or Michael Yardley None
51 Fouad Ajami 136 Fouad Ajami None
52 Paul Pillar 135 Paul Pillar or Paul R. Pillar Council on Global Terrorism, Brookings Institution
53 Conor Cruise O'Brien 134 Conor Cruise O'Brien None
54 Jessica Stern 129 Jessica Stern Hoover Institution (Stanford University), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
55 Patrick Clawson 126 Patrick Clawson Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Institute for National Strategic Studies (National Defense University), Foreign Policy Research Institute
56 Graham Allison 124 Graham Allison Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
57 Michael Osterholm 122 Michael Osterholm or Michael T. Osterholm Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
58 Peter Power 119 Peter Power Visor Consultants Ltd
59 John O'Connor 115 John O'Connor None
60 Matthew Levitt 104 Matthew Levitt or Matthew A. Levitt Counterterrorism Blog, United States Committee for a Free Lebanon, International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, Combating Terrorism Center
61 Michael McKinley 96 Michael McKinley None
62 Mustafa Alani 94 Mustafa Alani Gulf Research Center, RUSI
63 Stephen Schwartz 91 Stephen Schwartz Institute for Islamic Progress and Peace, Center for Islamic Pluralism, Jamestown Foundation, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
64 Louise Richardson 90 Louise Richardson None
65 Evan Kohlmann 89 Evan Kohlmann or Evan F. Kohlmann Counterterrorism Blog, Investigative Project, NEFA Foundation
66 Anthony Glees 86 Anthony Glees None
67 Laurie Mylroie 85 Laurie Mylroie Committee on the Present Danger, American Enterprise Institute
68 Bruce Riedel 85 Bruce Riedel or Bruce O. Riedel Brookings Institutions
69 Nick Kaldas 80 Nick Kaldas None
70 John Sifton 79 John Sifton One World Research, Human Rights Watch
71 Jeane Kirkpatrick 78 Jeane Kirkpatrick Committee on the Present Danger, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, UN Watch, United States Committee for a Free Lebanon
72 Neil Doyle 77 Neil Doyle Neil Doyle Agency
73 Donald Henderson 74 Donald Henderson or Donald A. Henderson Center for Biosecurity (UPMC), Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies (Johns Hopkins University)
74 Jonathan Stevenson 74 Jonathan Stevenson International Institute for Strategic Studies
75 Irwin Redlener 71 Irwin Redlener National Center for Disaster Preparedness
76 Charles Pena 65 Charles Pena or Charles V. Pena Independent Institute, Cato Institute
77 Dan Plesch 65 Dan Plesch British American Security Information Council, Foreign Policy Centre, RUSI
78 Tara O'Toole 64 Tara O'Toole Center for Biosecurity (UPMC), Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies (Johns Hopkins University), International Networked System for Total Early Disease Detection
79 Michael Walzer 64 Michael Walzer None
80 Daniel Byman 63 Daniel Byman Brookings Institution, RAND Corporation
81 Walter Laqueur 62 Walter Laqueur Center for Strategic and International Studies, International Center for Terrorism Studies, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
82 Adam Roberts 60 Adam Roberts Ditchley Foundation, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, International Institute for Strategic Studies, Chatham House
83 Marc Sageman 59 Marc Sageman Sageman Consulting, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Center for Strategic and International Studies
84 Jusuf Wanandi 59 Jusuf Wanandi Council on Foreign Relations, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research
85 Athol Yates 59 Athol Yates Australian Homeland Security Research Centre
86 Crispin Black 58 Crispin Black Janusian Security Risk Management
87 Rachel Ehrenfeld 58 Rachel Ehrenfeld American Center for Democracy, Committee on the Present Danger, Terror Finance Blog
88 Andrew Lynch 58 Andrew Lynch Gilbert & Tobin Centre of Public Law (University of South Wales)
89 Rolf Tophoven 56 Rolf Tophoven Institute of Terrorism Research and Security Policy
90 Alan Krueger 55 Alan Krueger or Alan B. Krueger None
91 Roger Cressey 53 Roger Cressey Good Harbor Consulting, Council on Foreign Relations
92 Jack Goldsmith 52 Jack Goldsmith American Enterprise Institute for Public Education
93 Alex Standish 52 Alex Standish Jane's Information Group
94 Cass Sunstein 52 Cass Sunstein or Cass R. Sunstein AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies
95 Charles Shoebridge 51 Charles Shoebridge Shoebridge Consulting
96 Scott Atran 50 Scott Atran None
97 Seth Jones 50 Seth Jones or Seth G. Jones RAND Corporation
98 Yonah Alexander 49 Yonah Alexander TerrorismCentral.com, Institute for Studies in International Terrorism, International Center for Terrorism Studies
99 David Claridge 49 David Claridge Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, Risk Advisory Group
100 Fred Halliday 49 Fred Halliday Chatham House, Foreign Policy Centre


A separate page: Terrorexpertise:Major World Newspapers List Analysis includes a table displaying whether each expert has affiliations to any (1) academic institutions (2) private Security/Intelligence firms (3) government or law enforcement agencies (4) military or intelligence services (4) private think-tanks or research institute and (5) the media. It also includes some analysis of this data.


  1. The LexisNexis Major World Newspapers group file which was used for the search contains over 40 full-text newspapers from around the world. According to LexisNexis the papers included “are generally regarded by the reading public as those giving the most comprehensive and reliable coverage”. A full list of the sources is below. Major World Newspapers Sources
    ABIX - Australasian Business Intelligence
    Asia Africa Intelligence Wire - Selected Publications
    Belfast Telegraph
    Brisbane News
    BRW Abstracts (Australia)
    Business Day (South Africa)
    Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday
    Daily News (New York)
    Daily Record & Sunday Mail
    Daily Telegraph & Sunday Telegraph (Sydney)
    Financial Mail (South Africa)
    Financial Post Investing
    Financial Times
    Global News Wire
    Herald Sun & Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne)
    Het Financieele Dagblad (English)
    Hobart Mercury/Sunday Tasmanian
    Information Bank Abstracts
    International Herald Tribune
    Kiplinger Publications
    Korea Herald
    Korea Times
    Los Angeles Times (most recent 6 months)
    Mainichi Daily News
    Miami Herald
    Moscow News
    National Post
    Newsday (most recent 6 months)
    New Straits Times (Malaysia)
    Northern Territory News (Australia)
    South China Morning Post
    Sunday Times (South Africa)
    Sunday Tribune
    The Advertiser/Sunday Mail (Australia)
    The Age (Melbourne, Australia)
    The Australian
    The Australian Financial Review Abstracts
    The Boston Globe
    The Business
    The Business Times Singapore
    The Canberra Times
    The Courier Mail and The Sunday Mail (Australia)
    The Daily and Sunday Telegraph (London)
    The Daily Star and Sunday Star
    The Daily Yomiuri (Tokyo)
    The Dominion (Wellington)
    The Dominion Post (Wellington)
    The Express
    The Express - Most Recent Two Weeks
    The Globe and Mail (Canada)
    The Guardian (London)
    The Herald (Glasgow)
    The Independent and Independent on Sunday (London)
    The Irish Times
    The Japan Times
    The Jerusalem Post
    The Jerusalem Report
    The Kalgoorlie Miner
    The Mirror and The Sunday Mirror
    The Moscow Times
    The Nation (Thailand)
    The News of the World
    The New York Times
    The New York Times - Biographical Materials
    The New York Times - Government Biographical Materials
    The New Zealand Herald
    The Observer
    The Philadelphia Inquirer
    The Prague Post
    The Press (Christchurch)
    The Scotsman & Scotland on Sunday
    The Straits Times (Singapore)
    The Sun
    The Sunday Express
    The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
    The Times & Sunday Times
    The Toronto Star
    The Toronto Sun
    The Washington Post
    The Washington Post Biographical Stories
    The Washington Times
    The West Australian
    USA Today
    Wall Street Journal Abstracts
    Xtreme Information
  2. The searches were based on the Christian name and Surname of the experts. Where the use of a middle name, middle initial or a variation on the individual’s Christian name appeared to be in common use this was also incorporated into the search. This was determined by a Google search of the individual’s Christian name and Surname and a noting down of all variations used in the first twenty results retured.
  3. The specific details of the search are as follows: [Name of Expert] and terrorism or terrorist or "suicide bomb*" (>=2000-01-01 and <=2007-12-01)
  4. A search for Richard Brennan returned 121 items but 119 of those were articles written by a Toronto Star journalist of the same name. Similarly a search for John Downing returned 114 items but 103 were articles written by the Toronto Sun journalist of the same name. A search for John O’Neill yielded 294 items but a number of those articles referred to other individuals of the same name and the majority concerned O’Neill’s death in the September 11th attacks. In addition the following seven experts were excluded because the articles returned referred predominantly to other individuals of the same name:
    Ali Khan (520 items)
    Robert Thompson (255 items)
    Michael Johnson (127 items)
    Alan Murray (115 items)
    John Murphy (91 items)
    David George (52 items)
    Philip Russell (52 items)
  5. ‘Direct affiliation’ was construed as meaning employment or appointment in an institution, excluding looser affiliations such as personal or social connections, partnership on particular projects, or contractual work. Affiliations to universities, government institutions or the media were not included.