Terrorexpertise:Major World Newspapers List
Below is a table of the 100 Terrorism Experts most prominent in major world newspapers. 437 names were taken from the Bulk List of experts and searched at LexisNexis's Major World Newspapers group[1] for items published between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2007. The search included each expert’s name [2] as well as any reference to 'terrorism', 'terrorist' or variations of the phrase 'suicide bomb'[3]. The 100 most prolific experts are reproduced in the table below in descending order of the number of items returned. The table also displays the variations of each individual’s name used in the search.
Sixteen experts though their name returned the requisite number of items were excluded from this list, details of which are included in the Notes section below. [4].
This list is one of a number compiled including:
- Terrorexpertise:Bulk List
- Terrorexpertise:Scholar_List
- Terrorexpertise:Google Books List
- Terrorexpertise:Elite Conference List
- Terrorexpertise:The 'Terrorism' Industry List
- Terrorexpertise:UK Television List
Terrorism Experts ranked according to number of articles returned
A separate page: Terrorexpertise:Major World Newspapers - Affiliations Analysis includes a table displaying whether each expert has affiliations to any (1) academic institutions (2) private Security/Intelligence firms (3) government or law enforcement agencies (4) military or intelligence services (4) private think-tanks or research institute and (5) the media. It also includes some analysis of this data.
- ↑ The LexisNexis Major World Newspapers group file which was used for the search contains over 40 full-text newspapers from around the world. According to LexisNexis the papers included “are generally regarded by the reading public as those giving the most comprehensive and reliable coverage”. A full list of the sources is below.
Major World Newspapers Sources
- ABIX - Australasian Business Intelligence
- Asia Africa Intelligence Wire - Selected Publications
- Belfast Telegraph
- Brisbane News
- BRW Abstracts (Australia)
- Business Day (South Africa)
- Countryman
- Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday
- Daily News (New York)
- Daily Record & Sunday Mail
- Daily Telegraph & Sunday Telegraph (Sydney)
- Financial Mail (South Africa)
- Financial Post Investing
- Financial Times
- Global News Wire
- Herald Sun & Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne)
- Het Financieele Dagblad (English)
- Hobart Mercury/Sunday Tasmanian
- Information Bank Abstracts
- International Herald Tribune
- Kiplinger Publications
- Korea Herald
- Korea Times
- Los Angeles Times (most recent 6 months)
- Mainichi Daily News
- Miami Herald
- Moscow News
- National Post
- Newsday (most recent 6 months)
- New Straits Times (Malaysia)
- Northern Territory News (Australia)
- South China Morning Post
- Sunday Times (South Africa)
- Sunday Tribune
- The Advertiser/Sunday Mail (Australia)
- The Age (Melbourne, Australia)
- The Australian
- The Australian Financial Review Abstracts
- The Boston Globe
- The Business
- The Business Times Singapore
- The Canberra Times
- The Courier Mail and The Sunday Mail (Australia)
- The Daily and Sunday Telegraph (London)
- The Daily Star and Sunday Star
- The Daily Yomiuri (Tokyo)
- The Dominion (Wellington)
- The Dominion Post (Wellington)
- The Express
- The Express - Most Recent Two Weeks
- The Globe and Mail (Canada)
- The Guardian (London)
- The Herald (Glasgow)
- The Independent and Independent on Sunday (London)
- The Irish Times
- The Japan Times
- The Jerusalem Post
- The Jerusalem Report
- The Kalgoorlie Miner
- The Mirror and The Sunday Mirror
- The Moscow Times
- The Nation (Thailand)
- The News of the World
- The New York Times
- The New York Times - Biographical Materials
- The New York Times - Government Biographical Materials
- The New Zealand Herald
- The Observer
- The Philadelphia Inquirer
- The Prague Post
- The Press (Christchurch)
- The Scotsman & Scotland on Sunday
- The Straits Times (Singapore)
- The Sun
- The Sunday Express
- The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
- The Times & Sunday Times
- The Toronto Star
- The Toronto Sun
- The Washington Post
- The Washington Post Biographical Stories
- The Washington Times
- The West Australian
- USA Today
- Wall Street Journal Abstracts
- Xtreme Information
- ↑ The searches were based on the Christian name and Surname of the experts. Where the use of a middle name, middle initial or a variation on the individual’s Christian name appeared to be in common use this was also incorporated into the search. This was determined by a Google search of the individual’s Christian name and Surname and a noting down of all variations used in the first twenty results retured.
- ↑ The specific details of the search are as follows: [Name of Expert] and terrorism or terrorist or "suicide bomb*" (>=2000-01-01 and <=2007-12-01)
- ↑ Six experts returned a large number of items due to the fact that they were serving members of government, law enforcement, or leading politicians during the relevant period. These individuals were excluded from the list and are listed below alongside the number of items returned:
- Mick Keelty (2605 items)
- Richard Clarke (2025 items)
- Benjamin Netanyahu (1947 items)
- Peter Clarke (1180 items)
- Patrick Mercer (681 items)
- David Veness (350 items)
- Ali Khan (520 items)
- Robert Thompson (255 items)
- Michael Johnson (127 items)
- Alan Murray (115 items)
- John Murphy (91 items)
- David George (52 items)
- Philip Russell (52 items)
- Andrew Garfield (41 items)
- ↑ ‘Direct affiliation’ was construed as meaning employment or appointment in an institution, excluding looser affiliations such as personal or social connections, partnership on particular projects, or contractual work. Affiliations to universities, government institutions or the media were not included.