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[[File:HeaderLogo Over.png|thumb|right|450px|[[Science Media Centre]] logo circa 2013]]
The '''Science Media Centre''' (SMC), based in London, UK calls itself 'an independent venture working to promote the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the national news media when science is in the headlines.'<ref>Science Media Centre, [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/ Welcome], acc 22 Sept 2012</ref> 
The '''Science Media Centre''' (SMC) began work in December 2001. It is housed within the [[Royal Institution]] (RI).
The SMC was originally housed within the [[Royal Institution]] (RI). According to the Trustees' Report for the Charity Commission, year ended 31 March 2012, 'The SMC was originally set up in April 2002 as a division of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (RIGB)... and its financial structure was that of a restricted fund maintained by the RIGB. The RIGB acted as a very successful 'midwife', seeing the SMC grow from two to seven employees, and its funding, via donations, increase from approximately £200,000 to £460,000, in less than nine years.'<ref>Charity Commission (2012), [http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/Accounts/Ends27/0001140827_ac_20120331_e_c.pdf Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>
[[Susan Greenfield]], the RI's director, describes herself as the "midwife"<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/536adminconsultation_report.pdf Consultation Report], Science Media Centre, March 2002, p. 13, accessed 28 Sept 2009</ref> of the initiative while the support of the former UK science minister, Lord [[David Sainsbury]], has been noted in articles about the SMC.<ref>eg, ''New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice'', Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001)</ref>
[[Susan Greenfield]], the RI's former director, described herself as the 'midwife'<ref>[http://www.powerbase.info/images/e/ec/Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation Report], Science Media Centre, March 2002, p. 13, accessed 28 Sept 2009</ref> of the initiative.  According to the ''[[Financial Times]]'' Greenfield was 'one of the main organisers of the initiative, together with [[Lord Sainsbury]], the science minister... [[Lord Bragg]], the broadcaster, is chairing an advisory board.<ref>[[Clive Cookson]], [http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listing/1-news-items/485-lord-sainsburys-thought-police-new-media-control-initiative New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice], ''[[Financial Times]]'', Jan 30, 2001, acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>
In 2011 the SMC became independent of the RI and set itself up as a charity and company limited by guarantee.<ref>Charity Commission (2012), [http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/Accounts/Ends27/0001140827_ac_20120331_e_c.pdf Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>
[[Fiona Fox]], Director, is said to be in overall charge of running the Centre and setting its strategic direction together with the [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/aboutus.htm SMC's Board]. Fox's background, which includes undisclosed links to the [[Living Marxism]] network, is mainly in media relations.  
The UK SMC has spawned a number of sister SMCs in other countries, including [[Australian Science Media Centre|Australia]], New Zealand, Canada, and Japan.<ref>Science Media Centre (2012) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/international-smcs/ International SMCs], acc 28 Nov 2012</ref> A US version the [[Science Media Center of the United States]] is under development.<ref>Science Media Center [http://www.sciencemediacenter.org/usa/ SMC-US], accessed 20 August 2013</ref>
Dr [[Mark Peplow]] , Science Information Officer, deals with the hard science questions and liaises with the scientific community and the SMC's [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/aboutus.htm Science Advisory Panel] which includes Greenfield.
[[Becky Morelle]], Media Relations Assistant, is responsible for 'communicating the Centre's key messages' to the media. She also manages 'the media database' which includes information on which scientists journalists should be referred to. An [http://ngin.tripod.com/091201a.htm article on the SMC co-authored by Greenfield says], 'Greenfield's aim is to help journalists to find the right scientist to talk to at the right time.' Morelle was a student of Greenfield's at Oxford and worked briefly in Greenfield's office at the RI before being appointed to her post at the SMC.           
==Controversy and criticism==       
==Corporate donations==
Within months of its launch the SMC was already embroiled in controversy over its activities. On the issue of genetically modified (GM) foods, it stood accused of operating 'a sort of Mandelsonian rapid rebuttal unit',<ref>Ronan Bennett, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2002/jun/02/gm.comment The conspiracy to undermine the truth about our GM drama], The Guardian, 2 Jun 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013</ref> and of employing 'some of the clumsiest spin techniques of New Labour'.<ref>Alan Rusbridger, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2002/jun/07/bbc.medicalscience/print Fields of ire], The Guardian, 7 Jun 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013</ref>
Despite its close links with Greenfield and the RI, the SMC describes itself as 'an independent venture'. Prior to its launch, Greenfield said she hoped to get money for the project 'from the trade unions' (Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001), but that never materialised and most of the SMC's funding is via corporate donations. Funders with biotech interests include [[AstraZeneca]], [[DuPont]], [[Pfizer]] and [[PowderJect]].
These claims arose out of allegations of a 'secret campaign to discredit' a BBC drama relating to GM crops.<ref> [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4426145-102285,00.html Lobby group 'led GM thriller critics'], The Observer, June 2, 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013</ref> The connections of the director of the SMC to the [[Living Marxism]] network, and the SMC's funding, have also attracted critical comment. The SMC provides a link from its home page to the [[Progress Educational Trust]] as a "source of information about assisted conception and genetics", a body which has made Fiona Fox an adviser and has other links to the LM network through current and former staff.<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/ Home page], Science Media Centre acc 13 Mar 2011</ref>
Within a matter of months of its launch the SMC was already embroiled in controversy over its activities. It stood accused of operating [http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/biologicalscience/story/0,9834,726989,00.html 'a sort of Mandelsonian rapid rebuttal unit'], and of employing [http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4428627-103680,00.html 'some of the clumsiest spin techniques of New Labour']. These claims arose out of allegations of a 'secret campaign to descredit' a BBC drama relating to GM crops (see: [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4426145-102285,00.html Lobby group 'led GM thriller critics'], The Observer, June 2, 2002). The connections of the director of the SMC to the [[Living Marxism]] network, and the SMC's funding, have also attracted critical comment.   
Dr David Miller of the Stirling Media Research Institute is amongst the SMC's critics. He is quoted in an article in ''The Guardian'' as saying:
:The Science Media Centre (SMC) is... not as independent as it appears. It was set up to provide accurate, independent scientific information for the media but its views are largely in line with government scientific policy. The SMC made much of its charitable status, yet its charity number is the same as that for the Royal Institution (RI); in other words, it is almost synonymous with the RI. Similarly, its independence was supposed to be guaranteed by the fact that no more than 5% of its funding comes from any one source; yet 70% of its funding comes from business, which could be said to have similar interests. The SMC has since had the ac.uk removed from its email address after complaints that only academic institutions that were not corporately funded were entitled to this were upheld.<ref>John Crace, [http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/research/story/0,9865,892781,00.html Peer trouble], The Guardian, February 11, 2003, accessed 29 Sept 2009</ref>
Dr David Miller of the Stirling Media Research Institute is amongst the SMC's critics. He is quoted in an article in The Guardian as saying:
In a critique of the SMC in ''Nature'' journal, the science policy journalist Colin Macilwain said the SMC "offers the media a clearing house for scientific briefings and packaged quotes from scientists" and commented on plans to set up a Science Media Centre in the US:
:The Science Media Centre (SMC) is... not as independent as it appears. It was set up to provide accurate, independent scientific information for the media but its views are largely in line with government scientific policy. The SMC made much of its charitable status, yet its charity number is the same as that for the Royal Institution (RI); in other words, it is almost synonymous with the RI. Similarly, its independence was supposed to be guaranteed by the fact that no more than 5% of its funding comes from any one source; yet 70% of its funding comes from business, which could be said to have similar interests. The SMC has since had the ac.uk removed from its email address after complaints that only academic institutions that were not corporately funded were entitled to this were upheld.<ref>John Crace, [http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/research/story/0,9865,892781,00.html Peer trouble], The Guardian, February 11, 2003, accessed 29 Sept 2009</ref>
:The London SMC's narrow approach to risk assessment — if you want to hear about the risks of nuclear power, say, just ask your local nuclear engineer (see Nature 471, 549; 2011) — sits happily with the prevalent ethos of British journalism. This was, of course, immortalized by the otherwise-obscure poet Humbert Wolfe: “You cannot hope / to bribe or twist, / thank God! the / British journalist. / But, seeing what / the man will do / unbribed, there's / no occasion to.”<ref>Colin Macilwain, [http://www.nature.com/news/two-nations-divided-by-a-common-purpose-1.10224 Two nations divided by a common purpose], Nature 483(7389). 14 Mar. Accessed 19 Sept 2012</ref>
Macilwain goes on to question whether the SMC is even needed in the UK, given that
:the British press — led by the BBC, which treats the Confederation of British Industry with the deference the Vatican gets in Rome — is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-business in its outlook. It is quite unperturbed by the fact that SMC sponsors include AstraZeneca, BP, Coca-Cola, L'Oreal, Monsanto, Syngenta (as well as Nature Publishing Group) but not a single environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) or trade union.<ref>Colin Macilwain, [http://www.nature.com/news/two-nations-divided-by-a-common-purpose-1.10224 Two nations divided by a common purpose], Nature 483(7389). 14 Mar. Accessed 19 Sept 2012</ref>
==Genetic modification==
==Genetic modification==
The SMC describes itself as 'working to promote the '''voices''', '''stories''' and '''views''' of the scientific community to the news media when science is in the headlines' (emphasis added). It also says it's in the business of 'pro-actively promoting '''a spectrum of scientific opinion''' ' (emphasis added).   
The SMC describes itself as 'working to promote the '''voices''', '''stories''' and '''views''' of the scientific community to the news media when science is in the headlines' (emphasis added). It also says it's in the business of 'pro-actively promoting '''a spectrum of scientific opinion''' ' (emphasis added).   
This language is derived from a [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/consultation.htm Consultation Report] on its role, published by the SMC in March 2002 and said to have been the result of wide consultation with leading scientists, science communicators and the media. The topic of GM comes up repeatedly - almost 20 times in a report which in full only runs to around 30 pages including appendices.             
This language is derived from a Consultation Report on its role, published by the SMC in March 2002 and said to have been the result of wide consultation with leading scientists, science communicators and the media. The topic of GM comes up repeatedly - almost 20 times in a report which in full only runs to around 30 pages including appendices.<ref>[http://www.powerbase.info/images/e/ec/Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation Report], Science Media Centre, March 2002, acc 26 Nov 2012</ref>              
Revealingly, the report notes that 'the majority of people consulted - including many of those who helped establish the initiative... reminded the SMC team several times that the impetus for the initiative came from people who are concerned about improving the image of science and renewing public trust in it. They also pointed out that the impetus for the Centre emerged from a strong consensus that media coverage of such issues as GM and BSE had been "bad for science" .'         
Revealingly, the report notes that 'the majority of people consulted - including many of those who helped establish the initiative... reminded the SMC team several times that the impetus for the initiative came from people who are concerned about improving the image of science and renewing public trust in it. They also pointed out that the impetus for the Centre emerged from a strong consensus that media coverage of such issues as GM and BSE had been "bad for science".'<ref>[http://www.powerbase.info/images/e/ec/Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation Report], Science Media Centre, March 2002, acc 26 Nov 2012</ref>        
In a ''Financial Times'' article published a full 15 months earlier, the emphasis is similar, the role being planned for the Centre would be to help 'sceptical and impatient journalists' get their stories right on controversial issues such as 'animal research, cloning and genetically modified food' (''New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice'', Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001)    
In a ''[[Financial Times]]'' article published a full 15 months earlier, the emphasis is similar, the role being planned for the Centre would be to help 'sceptical and impatient journalists' get their stories right on controversial issues such as 'animal research, cloning and genetically modified food'<ref>Clive Cookson, [http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listing/1-news-items/485-lord-sainsburys-thought-police-new-media-control-initiative New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice], ''Financial Times'', Jan 30, 2001, acc 14 Feb 2013</ref>    
In an [http://ngin.tripod.com/091201a.htm article co-authored by Greenfield] in the Independent, we are also given a clear account of the motivation behind the Centre, 'The reduction of a complex branch of biological engineering to "Frankenstein food" was typical of media hopelessly ill equipped to discuss scientific progress rationally. And into the vacuum stepped big business. What inflicted the greatest damage on GM science was that the case for the defence was fronted by the bio-tech groups [[Sourcewatch:Monsanto|Monsanto]] and [[Sourcewatch:AstraZeneca|AstraZeneca]].'          
In an article co-authored by Greenfield in The Independent, we are also given a clear account of the motivation behind the Centre:
:The reduction of a complex branch of biological engineering to "Frankenstein food" was typical of media hopelessly ill equipped to discuss scientific progress rationally. And into the vacuum stepped big business. What inflicted the greatest damage on GM science was that the case for the defence was fronted by the bio-tech groups [[Monsanto]] and [[AstraZeneca]].<ref>Tristram Hunt, Susan Greenfield, [http://ngin.tripod.com/091201a.htm THE APPLIANCE OF SCIENCE; SCIENTISTS FEEL THAT JOURNALISTS DON'T UNDERSTAND THEM. A NEW MEDIA CENTRE COULD BRING THE TWO CAMPS TOGETHER], The Independent (London), November 20, 2001, acc 14 Feb 2013</ref>       
If this suggests the SMC's role is to replace the biotech industry as the champions of GM, then the [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/consultation.htm Consultation Report] contains a more reassuring quote from Greenfield, 'The SMC is unashamedly pro-science but it is also independent of any particular agenda. That means the SMC will provide access to the wide spectrum of scientific opinion on any one issue. We can provide an anti-GM scientist and a pro-GM scientist... etc, etc.'    
If this suggests the SMC's role is to replace the biotech industry as the champions of GM, then the SMC's Consultation Report contains a more reassuring quote from Greenfield:
:The SMC is unashamedly pro-science but it is also independent of any particular agenda. That means the SMC will provide access to the wide spectrum of scientific opinion on any one issue. We can provide an anti-GM scientist and a pro-GM scientist...<ref>Science Media Centre, [http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/File:Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation report], March 2002</ref>    
This chimes in precisely with the SMC's promotion of itself as being 'free of any particular agenda within science' and and as striving ''''to promote a breadth of scientific opinion - especially where there are clear divisions within science'''' (emphasis added).       
This chimes in precisely with the SMC's promotion of itself as being 'free of any particular agenda within science' and and as striving ''''to promote a breadth of scientific opinion - especially where there are clear divisions within science'''' (emphasis added).       
Yet the SMC has never provided the views of anything remotely resembling an anti-GM scientist in any of its press releases on GM stories, which are typically made up of a list of quotes from what appear to be a range of scientists. By contrast it has been happy to host the press launch of the [[Agricultural Biotechnology Council]] (ABC) - the public relations campaign for GM foods set up by the biotechnology industry. Similarly, it regularly included comments from Stephen Smith, when he was the head of the ABC and of the biotech company Syngenta Seeds UK, along with those of other 'scientists' in its GM-related press releases. The comments it includes in these are invariably supportive of GM or are critical of research raising questions about GM, and some of the comments come from scientists with significant but undeclared conflicts of interest. [http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=1230 For example], in more than one of its press releases those who are part of industry-funded lobby groups, like the scientists who work with [[CropGen]], are presented as simply a  'Reader in Ecology' or a 'Visiting Professor of Biology' without any mention of their lobby-group affiliations. By contrast, in the SMC's [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/consultation.htm Consultation Report] the SMC not only does not hesitate to identify one of these scientists as 'Professor [[Vivian Moses]], Chair of [[CropGen]]', but only identifies him as such (eg p.27).
Yet the SMC has never provided the views of anything remotely resembling an anti-GM or even a GM-sceptical scientist in any of its press releases on GM stories, which are typically made up of a list of quotes from what appear to be a range of scientists - but which are all supportive of GM. By contrast it has been happy to host the press launch of the [[Agricultural Biotechnology Council]] (ABC) - the public relations campaign for GM foods set up by the biotechnology industry. Similarly, it regularly included comments from [[Stephen Smith]], when he was the head of the ABC and of the biotech company Syngenta Seeds UK, along with those of other 'scientists' in its GM-related press releases. The comments it includes in these are invariably supportive of GM or are critical of research raising questions about GM, and some of the comments come from scientists with significant but undeclared conflicts of interest. [http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=1230 For example], in more than one of its press releases those who are part of industry-funded lobby groups, like the scientists who work with [[CropGen]], are presented as simply a  'Reader in Ecology' or a 'Visiting Professor of Biology' without any mention of their lobby-group affiliations. By contrast, in the SMC's Consultation Report the SMC not only does not hesitate to identify one of these scientists as 'Professor [[Vivian Moses]], Chair of [[CropGen]]', but only identifies him as such.<ref>Science Media Centre, [http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/File:Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation report], March 2002, p27</ref>
Greenfield, as well as being the director of the Royal Institution, is on the Advisory Board of the mostly industry-funded [[Social Issues Research Centre]] (SIRC). Together with the SIRC, Greenfield, on behalf of the RI, co-convened a Forum which laid down guidelines for the media - guidelines which had largely originated with the [[Royal Society]] - and which called for the establishment of a secret directory of 'expert contacts' with whom journalists should check out their science stories prior to publication.   
Greenfield, when the director of the Royal Institution, was on the Advisory Board of the mostly industry-funded [[Social Issues Research Centre]] (SIRC). Together with the SIRC, Greenfield, on behalf of the RI, co-convened a Forum which laid down guidelines for the media - guidelines which had largely originated with the [[Royal Society]] - and which called for the establishment of a secret directory of 'expert contacts' with whom journalists should check out their science stories prior to publication.   
The Science Media Centre was to be a new body 'less encumbered by past perceptions' - almost certainly an admission that the [[Royal Society]]'s reputation had been damaged by allegations of its operating a media rebuttal unit in relation to the issue of GM foods. [[Sense About Science]] appears to have been set up for similar reasons. Like the  Science Media Centre, the director of [[Sense About Science]] was also drawn from the [[Living Marxism]] network. Interestingly, in the SMC's Consultation Report the Chairman of [[Sense About Science]], Lord [[Dick Taverne]], was among those who 'argued that the SMC should try to identify spokespeople who could display the same levels of passion and conviction as the campaigning NGOs.'
The Science Media Centre was to be a new body 'less encumbered by past perceptions' - almost certainly an admission that the [[Royal Society]]'s reputation had been damaged by allegations of its operating a media rebuttal unit in relation to the issue of GM foods. [[Sense About Science]] appears to have been set up for similar reasons. Like the  Science Media Centre, the director of [[Sense About Science]] was also drawn from the [[Living Marxism]] network. Interestingly, in the SMC's Consultation Report the Chairman of [[Sense About Science]], Lord [[Dick Taverne]], was among those who 'argued that the SMC should try to identify spokespeople who could display the same levels of passion and conviction as the campaigning NGOs.'<ref>Science Media Centre, [http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/File:Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation report], March 2002</ref>
== Funding ==
==Human genetics and reproductive technologies==
In 2006 the UK Government published a paper detailing proposals for revision of the law on assisted reproduction and embryo research, including proposing the setup of a new body, the [[Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos]] (RATE), which would replace existing regulatory bodies (the [[Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority]], and the [[Human Tissue Authority]]).<ref>Human Tissue Authority (2012) [http://www.hta.gov.uk/contentdisplay.cfm?widCall1=customWidgets.content_view_1&cit_id=307 Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos], acc 27 Nov 2012</ref>
The Science Media Centre coordinated a response from selected scientists to the proposed revisions of the law on assisted reproduction and embryo research. The responses show a trend of criticising plans to restrict human reproductive technologies. For example, Dr [[Allan Pacey]], [[British Fertility Society]] (BFS) Secretary, said, "There is a sense that the Government has been quite conservative and has missed an opportunity to be more radical and forward thinking. As we now work to a very high standards of clinical governance, there’s a good case for regulations being less strict than they were when the laws were first drafted."<ref>Science Media Centre (2006) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/scientists-respond-to-the-doh-review-of-the-human-fertilisation-and-embryology-act-2/ Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act], Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012</ref>
Lord [[Robert Winston]], Emeritus Professor Of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London (Hammersmith Hospital), said, "It is highly disappointing that the thinking in the Department of Health is so impoverished that they could not see the need to reduce the regulation of routine IVF, which is no longer an experimental procedure and should not be subject to additional regulation."<ref>Science Media Centre (2006) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/scientists-respond-to-the-doh-review-of-the-human-fertilisation-and-embryology-act-2/ Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act], Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012</ref> In fact there are serious and well-recognised dangers attached to IVF treatment.<ref>Jacqueline Mroz, [http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/17/health/research/high-doses-of-hormones-add-to-ivf-complications.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 High Doses of Hormones Faulted in Fertility Care], New York Times, 16 Jul 2012, acc 27 Nov 2012</ref>
The centre states that it is "independent from any single scientific body. To preserve our independence, funding has been sought from a wide variety of sources, none of which have contributed more than 5% of the total running costs (£250,000 per year). Media groups, industry, professional associations and individuals are all taking part in funding the Science Media Centre. "{{Ref|1}}
Dr [[Stephen Minger]], Director of the Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, Kings College London, objected to the ban on non-human (animal) egg cells for human cloning: “Whilst I am happy to see that the Review continues to support the use of donated embryos for stem cell derivation, I am very disappointed that the Government’s position is to ban the use of non-human oocytes [immature egg cells] for the derivation of cloned human embryonic stem cell lines."<ref>Science Media Centre (2006) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/scientists-respond-to-the-doh-review-of-the-human-fertilisation-and-embryology-act-2/ Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act], Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012</ref>
===March 2002===
[[James Lawford Davies]], a solicitor specialising in reproductive and genetic technology at [[Bevan Brittan LLP]] in London who subsequently became a partner in the London-based law firm [[Lawford Davies Denoon]], disagreed with the Dept of Health's suggestion of a ban on the creation of human-animal hybrids for research purposes: "The proposals do little to move forward from the status quo. The HFEA has indicated it could licence the creation of hybrids for research purposes under the existing law, and the Science and Technology Committee said that the law should only be amended to explicitly allow such research. In contrast, the government is suggesting this should be banned – presumably to avoid headlines."<ref>Science Media Centre (2006), [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/scientists-respond-to-the-doh-review-of-the-human-fertilisation-and-embryology-act-2/ scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act], Dec 13, acc 27 Nov 2012</ref>
Sponsors of the SMC listed in a SMC Consultation Report of March 2002 are:<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/536adminconsultation_report.pdf Consultation Report], Science Media Centre, March 2002, p. 25</ref>
:[[Beeson Gregory]] | [[BP-Amoco]] | [[British Energy]] | The [[British Land Company]] | [[Conoco]] | [[Co-op]] | [[Dupont]] | [[EPSRC]] | [[Merlin Biosciences]] | [[Pfizer]] | The [[Posen Foundation]] | [[PowderJect]] | [[Royal College of Physicians]] | The [[Science Council]] | [[Smith & Nephew]] | The [[Society for General Microbiology]] | [[Tate & Lyle]] | [[Tesco]] | [[Trinity Mirror]] PLC | Dr [[David Moore]] | Dr [[Geoff Andrews]]
===February 2007===
In 2007 the government decided not to go ahead with RATE after all.<ref>Human Tissue Authority (2012) [http://www.hta.gov.uk/contentdisplay.cfm?widCall1=customWidgets.content_view_1&cit_id=307 Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos], acc 27 Nov 2012</ref>
The following is a list of SMC funders to Feb 2007:<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20080113011610/http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/funding.htm Current Funders/Previous Funders]], SMC website, version placed in web archive 13 Jan 2008, accessed in web archive 28 Sept 2009</ref>
'''Current funders''' (as of Feb 2007):
Are the SMC experts representing the popular or informed view? Not according to the NGO [[Human Genetics Alert]], which says, "Although food crops, bacteria and animals have been genetically engineered for the last 20 years, there has been a worldwide consensus, embodied in legislation in over 60 countries, that we should not attempt to do the same with human beings. This is because crossing this line would lead inevitably to a future of ‘designer babies’ and a new consumer-driven eugenics."<ref>Human Genetics Alert (2012), [http://www.powerbase.info/images/3/3d/Mitochondria_briefing.pdf Human Genetic Engineering on the Doorstep: The threat of ‘mitochondrial replacement’ techniques], November</ref>
* Abbott Laboratories
* AAAS and the magazine Science
* ARM Holdings Plc
* Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANL) including Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Evening Standard & Metro
* Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)
* Association for Science Education (ASE)
* [[AstraZeneca]]
* [[BASF]] Plc
* Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
* Blackwell Publishing Ltd
* British Computer Society (BCS)
* British Embassy in Washington
* British Geological Survey (BGS)
* British Neuroscience Association (BNA)
* British Psychological Society (BPS)
* [[BP]] Plc
* [[Cadbury Schweppes]]
* Cancer Resarch UK
* Coalition for Medical Progress (CMP)
* Chemical Industries Association (CIA)
* Chilled Food Association (CFA)
* [[Chiron]] Vaccines
* Colgate-Palmolive Company
* Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the European Union (CIAA)
* Copus
* Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils (CCLRC)
* Daily Express
* Department for Trade and Industry (Office of Science and Innovation)
* The [[Dow Chemical]] Company
* The [[Drayson Foundation]]
* [[Economic & Social Research Council]] (ESRC)
* [[Elsevier]]
* Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
* Engineering and Technology Board (ETB)*
* Environment Agency
* [[European Science Foundation]] (ESF)
* Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF)
* [[ExxonMobil]]
* [[GlaxoSmithKline]] (GSK)
* Human Tissue Authority (HTA)
* Imperial College, London
* Institute of Food Science & Technology (IFST)
* Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
* Institute of Physics
* Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)
* Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
* Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
* [[Kraft Foods]] Inc
* Medical Research Council (MRC)
* [[Merck Sharp & Dohme]] Limited (MSD)
* The Met Office
* Mobile Operators Association (MOA)
* National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
* Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
* Nature Magazine and Macmillan Publishing Group
* News International Limited
* [[Nirex]]
* Particle Physics & Astronomy Research Council (PPARC)
* [[Pfizer]] Limited
* The Physiological Society
* Research Councils UK (RCUK)
* [[Rothamsted Research]]
* Royal Academy of Engineering
* Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)
* The Royal College of Pathologists
* The [[Royal Society]]
* The Royal Society of Medicine
* [[Sanofi Pasteur]] MSD
* [[Shell]] Chemicals Limited
* [[Siemens]] Plc
* Smith & Nephew Plc
* Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM)
* Society for General Microbiology (SGM)
* [[Syngenta]]
* [[Tate & Lyle]] Plc
* [[Trinity Mirror]] Plc
* UCB Group
* UK Cleaning Products Industry Association (UKCPI)
* [[Unilever]]
* University of Teesside
* [[Vodafone]] Group
* [[Wellcome Trust]]
* [[Wyeth]]
'''Previous funders''' (prior to Feb 2007):
Human Genetics Alert says the UK is the weak link in the otherwise fairly unified stand against human genetic engineering by governments in Europe: "In Europe, nearly all countries except Britain have signed the Council of Europe Convention on Biomedicine and Human Rights, which prohibits the alteration of the human germ line by any methods. It is extremely unusual for governments around the world to create outright bans on specific scientific techniques, and this underlines the seriousness of the reasons against allowing genetic modification. Any decision to cross this line is a matter for the whole of global society, and it is inconceivable that the UK should be allowed to make this decision on behalf of the rest of humanity."<ref>Human Genetics Alert (2012), [http://www.powerbase.info/images/3/3d/Mitochondria_briefing.pdf Human Genetic Engineering on the Doorstep: The threat of ‘mitochondrial replacement’ techniques], November</ref>
* [[Allied Domecq]]
* [[Beeson Gregory]]
* [[BBC]] Worldwide
* [[British Energy]] Plc
* [[British Land]] Plc
* British Transplantation Society Council
* [[Conoco]] (UK) Ltd
* Conoco-Phillips
* Co-operative Group (CWS) Limited
* Dixons Group Plc
* The [[Drayson Foundation]]
* [[DuPont]] (UK) Ltd
* [[Eli Lilly]] & Company
* JH Ritblat Charitable Trust
* [[Lever Faberge]]
* [[Merlin Biosciences]]
* [[Northern Foods]]
* The [[Posen Foundation]]
* [[PowderJect]]
* [[QinetiQ]]
* [[Rathbones]]
* [[Regenesys]]
* [[Royal College of Physicians]]
* [[Science Council]]
* [[Simon Best]]
* [[Tesco]] Limited
==Communicating risk to the public==
==Communicating risk to the public==
The SMC published a leaflet, "Communicating Risk in a Soundbite", in circa 2002. It calls the leaflet
The SMC published a leaflet, "Communicating Risk in a Soundbite", in circa 2002. It calls the leaflet:
:a guide for scientists, doctors and engineers preparing for a broadcast interview, and is the result of a meeting between top scientists and journalists in July 2002. They assessed the best ways to explain risks via the broadcast media, and suggested a whole host of examples. It is not meant to be a definitive 'best practice' guide - we simply want to offer a choice of effective ways of answering questions about safety and risk.
:a guide for scientists, doctors and engineers preparing for a broadcast interview, and is the result of a meeting between top scientists and journalists in July 2002. They assessed the best ways to explain risks via the broadcast media, and suggested a whole host of examples. It is not meant to be a definitive 'best practice' guide - we simply want to offer a choice of effective ways of answering questions about safety and risk.
Line 190: Line 89:
:Try, ‘It’s difficult to say, because ...’, or, ‘At the moment it’s not absolutely clear, but we’re trying to find out by doing X, Y and Z.’<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/admincommunicating_risk.pdf Communicating Risk in a Soundbite], Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010</ref>
:Try, ‘It’s difficult to say, because ...’, or, ‘At the moment it’s not absolutely clear, but we’re trying to find out by doing X, Y and Z.’<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/admincommunicating_risk.pdf Communicating Risk in a Soundbite], Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010</ref>
Participants in the meeting that gave rise to the guide include people who have developed a reputation for reassuring the public about risky, controversial, or unpopular technologies such as MMR vaccinations and genetically modified food. They include:<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/admincommunicating_risk.pdf Communicating Risk in a Soundbite], Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010</ref>
Participants in the meeting that gave rise to the guide include people who have developed a reputation for reassuring the public about risky, controversial, or unpopular technologies such as MMR vaccinations and genetically modified food. They include:<ref>[http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/uploadDir/admincommunicating_risk.pdf Communicating Risk in a Soundbite], Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010</ref> Prof Sir [[Colin Berry]] | [[Pallab Ghosh]] | Dr [[Evan Harris]]
*Prof Sir [[Colin Berry]]  
*[[Pallab Ghosh]]  
*Dr [[Evan Harris]]
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="1" float="right" align="right" width="50%">
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="80%" colspan = "4">Board (2002-2012)/Advisory Committee (2012 - )<ref>Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013</ref></th>
            <!-- Merged Columns -->
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="10%">Name of Board Member</th>
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="30%">Stated occupation</th>
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="5%">From</th>
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="5%">To</th>
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="80%" colspan = "4">Current members<ref>Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013</ref></th>
            <!-- Merged Columns -->
<tr><td>[[Kenny Campbell]]</td><td>Editor, [[Metro]]</td><td align="center">2004</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Philip Campbell]]</td><td>Editor-in-Chief, [[Nature]]</td><td align="center">2003</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Clive Cookson]]</td><td>Science Editor, [[Financial Times]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Carolan Davidge]]</td><td>Director of Press & PR, [[Cancer Research UK]]</td><td align="center">2005</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Paul Drayson]]</td><td>Entrepreneur and ex-Science Minister</td><td align="center">2005<br>2012</td><td align="center">2006<br>current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Louise Dunn]]</td><td>Vice President Communications, [[GlaxoSmithKline]]</td><td align="center">2012</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Robin Lovell-Badge]]</td><td>Head of Developmental Genetics, [[MRC National Institute for Medical Research]]</td><td align="center">2007</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Rebecca Morelle]]</td><td>Science and Nature reporter, [[BBC News Online]]</td><td align="center">2007</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Simon Pearson]]</td><td>Night Editor, [[The Times]]</td><td align="center">2004</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Simon Singh]]</td><td>Science writer and broadcaster</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Bob Ward]]</td><td>Policy and Communications Director, [[Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment]], London School of Economics and Political Science</td><td align="center">2007</td><td align="center">current</td></tr>
<tr><th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="80%" colspan = "4">Past members<ref>Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013</ref></th>
            <!-- Merged Columns -->
<tr><td>[[Melvyn Bragg]]</td><td>Broadcaster, Peer and Controller of Arts at [[LWT]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2002</td></tr><tr><td>[[David Cope]]</td><td>Director of the [[Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2003</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Peter Cotgreave]]</td><td>Director of Public Affairs, [[Royal Society]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2011</td></tr><tr><td>[[Marshall Davies]]</td><td>Ex-President of the [[Royal Pharmaceutical Society]]</td><td align="center">2012</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Alex Denoon]]</td><td>Partner, [[Lawford Davies Denoon]]</td><td align="center">2012</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Mike Granatt]]</td><td>Partner, [[Luther Pendragon]] and former Director General of [[Goverment Information and Communication Service]]</td><td align="center">2004</td><td align="center">2011</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Philip Greenish]]</td><td>Chief Executive, [[Royal Academy of Engineering]]</td><td align="center">2009</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Tristram Hunt]]</td><td>Historian, TV presenter and former advisor to Lord [[David Sainsbury]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2005</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Paul Martin (ex-MI5)|Paul Martin]]</td><td>Science writer and former Director of Communications at [[Cabinet Office]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2003</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Tom Miller]]</td><td>Director of Communications, [[Imperial College London]] and [[STEMPRA]] committee member</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Helen Munn]]</td><td>Executive Director, the [[Academy of Medical Sciences]]</td><td align="center">2012</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Vivienne Parry]]</td><td>Writer, broadcaster and tabloid journalist</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Trevor Phillips]]</td><td>Deputy Chair, [[Greater London Authority]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2004</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Paul Routledge]]</td><td>Chief political correspondent on the [[Daily Mirror]] and former news editor on [[Observer]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2003</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Andrew Stone]]</td><td>House of Lords</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2003</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Ceri Thomas]]</td><td>Editor, Today, [[BBC Radio 4]]</td><td align="center">2009</td><td align="center">2012</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Adrian Van Klaveren]]</td><td>Deputy Director, [[BBC News]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2008</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Alan Winter]]</td><td>Head of Operations - [[Royal Institution]]</td><td align="center">2002</td><td align="center">2008</td></tr>
====Staff 2012 - ====
*[[Fiona Fox]], Chief Executive.  Fox, who was originally appointed founding Director, is said to be in overall charge of running the Centre and setting its strategic direction together with the [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/aboutus.htm SMC's Board]. Fox's background, which includes undisclosed links to the [[Living Marxism]] network (which eulogises technologies like human cloning and genetic engineering), is mainly in media relations. In 2012 Fox was described on the SMC website as chief executive of the SMC.<ref>SMC (2012) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/about-us/staff/ Staff], acc 26 Nov 2012</ref>
*[[Helen Jamison]], Deputy Director
*[[Tom Sheldon]], Senior Press Officer
*[[Edward Sykes]], Head of Mental Health and Neuroscience
*[[Selina Hawkins]], Office and Finance Manager
*[[Fiona Lethbridge]], Press Officer
*[[Robin Bisson]], Science Information Officer
*[[Jo Thomas]], Events Assistant
====Former staff====
[[Claire Bithell]] | [[Lyndal Byford]] | [[Will Greenacre]] | [[Simon Levey]] | [[Amy Lothian]] | [[Nancy Mendoza]] | [[Joseph Milton]] | [[Becky Morelle]] | [[Mark Peplow]] | [[Becky Purvis]] | [[Jonathan Webb]]
===Trustees-Directors 2011 - ===
The SMC was registered as a charity on 18 March 2011 and as a company in the same month. As a result a group of six trustees (of the charity) and directors (of the company) were appointed with a seventh being appointed later. The trustees now formally ran the SMC but this was not announced on the SMC website - according to the holdings of the Internet Archive - until after 26 February 2012.<ref>Science Media Centre [http://web.archive.org/web/20120226125951/http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/about/smc_board.htm SMC board], Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 26 February 2012 on 15 August 2013.</ref>
The seven were:<ref>Charity Commission (2012), [http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Accounts/Ends27/0001140827_ac_20120331_e_c.pdf Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref><ref>Companies House (2012) [http://www.powerbase.info/images/f/f1/SMC-appointments.pdf Current Appointments Report for: Science Media Centre, created 23/11/2012], obtained from Companies House 23 Nov 2012</ref>
*Dr [[Peter Cotgreave]] (chair - appointed 11/03/2011) - also Director, Fellowship and Scientific Affairs at the [[Royal Society]]<ref>Royal Society (2012) [http://royalsociety.org/people/peter-cotgreave/ Dr Peter Cotgreave], acc 26 Nov 2012</ref>
*Mr [[Tom Miller]] (appointed 11/03/2011) also Director of Communications, [[Imperial College London]]<ref>Science Media Centre (2012) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/about/smc_board.htm About us], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>
*Mr [[Philip Greenish]] (appointed 11/03/2011) also Chief Executive, [[Royal Academy of Engineering]]<ref>Science Media Centre (2012) [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/about/smc_board.htm About us], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>
*Mr [[Alexander Denoon]] (appointed 16/09/2011) lawyer with a BSc in human genetics who from 1998-2001 was general counsel and company secretary of [[Biotech Australia]]<ref>Lawford Davies Denoon (2012) [http://www.lawforddaviesdenoon.com/index.php?alexander-denoon Alexander Denoon], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref><ref>LinkedIn, [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alex-denoon/22/334/30b Alexander Denoon], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref>)
*Dr [[H L Munn|Helen Munn]] (appointed 16/09/2011)
*Mr [[Marshall Davies|P L M Davies]] (treasurer, appointed 17/01/2012) is "a retired Director of [[Boots]], an ex-President of the [[Royal Pharmaceutical Society]] and a director or member of a number of pharmaceutical associations and funds." He is a member of the Council of the [[Science and Technology Facilities Council]] (STFC),<ref>Science and Technology Facilities Council (2012) [http://www.stfc.ac.uk/About+STFC/135.aspx STFC Council members - Mr Marshall Davies], acc 3 Oct 2012</ref> which in turn calls itself "an independent, non-departmental public body of the [[Department for Business, Innovation and Skills]] (DBIS)" of the UK government.<ref>STFC (2012) [http://www.stfc.ac.uk/About+STFC/About+STFC/19072.aspx About], acc 26 Nov 2012</ref>
*[[Jonathan Baker]] Head of the BBC College of Journalism (appointed 11/04/2013<ref>Data from Companies House</ref>)
===Board 2002-2012 / Advisory Committee 2012 - ===
In 2002 the SMC appointed a board to run the organisation along with a 'scientific advisory board'.  In 2012 when it became a Charity/Company a new smaller 'board' of Trustees/Directors was constituted, the scientific advisory panel discontinued and a new advisory group constituted including significant numbers of the previous 'board'.
From the beginning the SMC board was made up of a mix of journalists and science communicators.  Among the journalists and broadcasters have been a significant number of BBC employees (including [[Rebecca Morelle]], a former employee of the SMC), [[Ceri Thomas]], editor of ''Radio Four'''s [[Today]] programme,  [[Adrian Van-Klaveren]] former Controller of [[Radio Five Live]] and [[Jonathan Baker]] head of the BBC College of Journalism); and broadsheet journalists ([[Clive Cookson]]).
Members of the board have often had connections with funders of the SMC (given in brackets) such as:
*[[Kenny Campbell]] editor of Metro, (Associated Newspapers - owners of the ''[[Daily Mail]]'')
*[[Simon Pearson]] of ''[[The Times]]'' ([[News International]])
*[[Vivienne Parry]] Science writer, former columnist for the ''[[News of the World]]'' (News International)
*[[Paul Routledge]] of the Mirror ([[Trinity Mirror]])
Some members of the board (and now the Advisory Committee) are themselves funders of the SMC.  [[Paul Drayson]] funded the SMC through his company [[Powderject]] in 2002 and 2003.  In 2005 and 2006 he was a member of the board of the SMC and his [[Drayson Foundation]] donated £12,500 to the SMC in 2007.  In 2007 and again in 2008-10 he was minister for Science in the New Labour administration. In 2011 the Drayson Foundation donated some £50,000 to the SMC. In the following year, 2012, Drayson was again involved with the SMC as a member of the Advisory Committee.
Some have been close to other funders such as [[Tristram Hunt]] described on the SMC site as a former adviser of [[David Sainsbury]] who helped to raise the funding for the SMC back in 2001/2<ref name="consult">Science Media Centre [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf consultation Report] March 2002, p. 24</ref> and was later a funder of the SMC through his charity vehicle the [[Gatsby Charitable Foundation]] (2009-2013).
Among the science communicators or science policy actors are public relations professionals from [[GlaxoSmithKline]].
===Scientific Advisory Panel 2002-2012===
From 2002-2012 the SMC had a 'Scientific advisory panel'.  It was abolished when the SMC was separated organisationally from the [[Royal Institution]]. In registering as a company and a
charity the SMC appointed a number of Trustees/Directors, which replaced its Board and then created a new Advisory Board which was made up of a number of figures from its previous board but none from its Scientific advisory panel. The panel was notable for the concentration of members from Oxford and two London colleges.  Of the sixteen members there were five from Oxford, five from [[University College London]] and two from [[Imperial College]]. The Science advisors served from 2002 to 2012 with the exception of [[Richard Sykes]] who joined in 2003.
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="1" float="right" align="right" width="40%">
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="50%" colspan = "2">Scientific Advisory Panel (2002-2012)<ref>Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013</ref></th>
            <!-- Merged Columns -->
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="8%">Name of Panel Member</th>
<th bgcolor="goldenrod" width="15%">Stated occupation</th></tr>
<tr><td>[[George Alberti]]</td><td> Department of Diabetes and Metabolism, [[University of Newcastle]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Peter Atkins]]</td><td> Department of Chemistry, [[University of Oxford]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Mike Brady]]</td><td> Department of Engineering Science, [[University of Oxford]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Richard Catlow]]</td><td> Director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, [[University College, London]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Susan Greenfield]]</td><td> Director of The Royal Institution of Great Britain and of Pharmacology, [[University of Oxford]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Julian Hunt]]</td><td> Department of Space and Climate Physics, [[University College, London]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Brian Johnson]]</td><td> Department of Chemistry, [[University of Cambridge]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Steve Jones]]</td><td> Department of Biology, [[University College, London]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[David King]]</td><td> [[Chief Scientific Advisor to H. M. Government]]; Head of the [[Office of Science and Technology]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[John Krebs]]</td><td> [[Food Standards Agency]] and Department of Zoology, [[University of Oxford]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Chris Leaver]]</td><td> Department of Plant Sciences, [[University of Oxford]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Chris Llewellyn-Smith]]</td><td> Former Provost and President of [[University College, London]], and former Director General of [[CERN]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Bill McGuire]]</td><td> Benfield Hazard Research Centre, [[University College, London]] </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Richard Sykes]]</td><td> Rector of [[Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine]], London </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Simon Wessely]]</td><td> Institute of Psychiatry, [[King’s College]], London </td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Robert Winston]]</td><td> Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, [[Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine]], and [[Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust]] </td></tr>
== Funding ==
''For a full compilation of data on funding derived from the SMC website see [[Science Media Centre - Funding]].''
===Corporate donations===
Despite its close links with the RI, the SMC describes itself as 'an independent venture'.<ref>Science Media Centre, [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/ Welcome], acc 22 Sept 2012</ref> Prior to its launch, Greenfield said she hoped to get money for the project 'from the trade unions' <ref>''Financial Times'', Jan 30, 2001</ref> but that never materialised and much of the SMC's funding is via corporate donations. Funders with biotech interests include [[AstraZeneca]], [[DuPont]], [[Monsanto]]<ref>SMC, [http://web.archive.org/web/20120226130620/http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/about/funding.htm About us], Web Archive 26.02.1012, accessed 16.09.2013.</ref>, [[Pfizer]], [[PowderJect]], and [[Syngenta]].
The centre states that it is "independent from any single scientific body. To preserve our independence, funding has been sought from a wide variety of sources, none of which have contributed more than 5% of the total running costs (£250,000 per year). Media groups, industry, professional associations and individuals are all taking part in funding the Science Media Centre. "<ref name="SMC"> [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/pages/about/funding.htm Funding], SMC website, accessed 20 September 2012 </ref>
===August 2013===
Funders up to August 2013 are:<ref>SMC, [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/about-us/funding/ Funding], accessed 29 September 2013</ref>
*[[AbbVie]] | [[Airwave Solutions]] | [[Alzheimer’s Research UK]] | [[Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry]] | [[Association of Medical Research Charities]] (AMRC) |  [[AstraZeneca]] | [[BASF]] |  [[Bayer Plc]] | [[Biochemical Society]] |  [[Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council]] ([[BBSRC]]) |  [[Boeing]] | [[BP International Ltd]] | [[Bristol University]] | [[British Heart Foundation]] | [[British In Vitro Diagnostics Association]] | [[British Pharmacological Society]] | [[British Psychological Society]] ([[BPS]]) | [[Cancer Research UK]] | [[Cardiff University]] | [[Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers]] | [[Chemical Industries Association]] (CIA) | [[Chilled Food Association]] (CFA) | [[Coca-Cola]] | [[CropLife International]] | [[Department for Business, Innovation and Skills]] ([[BIS]]) | [[Diamond Light Source]] | [[DMG Media]], including Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, Metro and MailOnline | [[Economic & Social Research Council]] ([[ESRC]]) | [[Elsevier BV]] | [[Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council]] ([[EPSRC]]) | [[EUK Consulting]] | [[European College of Neuropsychopharmacology]] | [[Food and Drink Federation]] | [[Food Standards Agency]] ([[FSA]]) | [[The Gatsby Charitable Foundation]] | [[GlaxoSmithKline]] ([[GSK]]) | [[Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority]] | [[Human Tissue Authority]] (HTA) | [[Imperial College London]] | [[Institute of Food Science & Technology]] (IFST) | [[Institute of Mental Health]] | [[Institute of Physics]] ([[IOP]]) | [[Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine]] | [[Institution of Chemical Engineers]] (IChemE) | [[Institution of Civil Engineers]] | [[Institution of Engineering and Technology]] (IET) | [[Institution of Mechanical Engineers]] (IMechE) | [[John Wiley & Sons Inc]] | [[King’s College London]] | [[L’Oreal|L'Oreal UK]] | [[Life Technologies]] | [[Medical Research Council]](MRC) | [[Mental Health Foundation]] | [[Mental Health Research Network]] | [[Mental Health Research Network Cymru]] | [[Merck Sharp & Dohme]] ([[MSD]]) Limited | [[The Met Office]] | [[Mobile Manufacturers Forum]] | [[Mobile Operators Association]] (MOA) | [[National Grid]] | [[National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence]] (NICE) | [[National Institute for Health Research]] | [[National Nuclear Laboratory]] | [[Natural Environment Research Council]] ([[NERC]]) | [[Nature]] | [[Newcastle University]] | [[Novartis]] | [[Nuclear Decommissioning Authority]] ([[NDA]]) | [[Nuclear Industry Association]] | [[Oxitec]] | [[Procter & Gamble]] | [[PR Works]] | [[The Physiological Society]] | [[Queen Mary, University of London]] | [[Research Councils UK]] ([[RCUK]]) | [[Rolls-Royce]] | [[Royal Academy of Engineering]] | [[Royal Pharmaceutical Society]] | [[The Royal Society]] | [[Sanofi]] | [[Sanofi Pasteur MSD]] | [[SAGE]] | [[Science and Technology Facilities Council]] ([[STFC]]) | [[Scottish Mental Health Research Network]] | [[Smith & Nephew]] | [[Society for Applied Microbiology]] (SfAM) | [[Society for General Microbiology]] (SGM) | [[Society for Radiological Protection]] | [[Society of Biology]] | [[Maudsley Charity]] | [[Springer Science+Business Media]] | [[Syngenta]] | [[Technology Strategy Board]] | [[UK Cleaning Products Industry Association]] (UKPCI) | [[UK Energy Research Centre]] | [[University College London]] | [[University of Bristol]] | [[University of Cambridge]] | [[University of East Anglia]] | [[University of Oxford]] | [[Wellcome Trust]]
== Contact Details ==
===August 2012===
Funders up to August 2012 were:<ref>SMC, [http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/about-us/funding/ Funding], accessed 28.11.2012.</ref>
*[[Abbott Laboratories]] | [[Airwave Solutions]] | [[Alcohol Research UK]] | [[Alzheimer’s Research UK]] | [[Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry]] | [[Associated Newspapers Ltd]] ([[ANL]]) including [[Daily Mail]], [[Mail on Sunday]], [[Evening Standard]] & [[Metro]] | [[Association of Medical Research Charities]] (AMRC) | [[AstraZeneca]] | [[BASF]] | [[Bayer Plc]] | [[Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council]] ([[BBSRC]]) | [[Boeing]] | [[BP]] International Ltd | [[Bristol University]] | [[British Heart Foundation]] | [[British Pharmacological Society]] | [[British Psychological Society]] ([[BPS]]) | [[Cancer Research UK]] | [[Cardiff University]] | [[Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers]] | [[Chemical Industries Association]] (CIA) | [[Chilled Food Association]] (CFA) | [[Coca-Cola]] | [[Colgate-Palmolive Company]] | [[CropLife International]] | [[Department for Business, Innovation and Skills]] ([[BIS]]) | [[Diamond Light Source]] | The [[Drayson Foundation]] | [[Economic & Social Research Council]] ([[ESRC]]) | [[EDF]] Energy | [[Elsevier]] BV | [[EnergySolutions]] | [[Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council]] ([[EPSRC]]) | [[European College of Neuropsychopharmacology]] | [[Food and Drink Federation]] | [[Food Standards Agency]] ([[FSA]]) | The [[Gatsby Charitable Foundation]] | [[GE Healthcare]] | [[GlaxoSmithKline]] ([[GSK]]) | [[Human Tissue Authority]] (HTA) | [[Imperial College London]] | [[Independent Climate Change Email Review]] | [[Institute of Food Science & Technology]] (IFST) | [[Institute of Mental Health]] | [[Institute of Physics]] ([[IOP]]) | [[Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine]] | [[Institution of Chemical Engineers]] (IChemE) | [[Institution of Civil Engineers]] | [[Institution of Engineering and Technology]] (The IET) | [[Institution of Mechanical Engineers]] (IMechE) | [[International AIDS Vaccine Initiative]] (IAVI) | [[John Wiley & Sons Inc]] | [[King’s College London]] | [[L’Oreal]] UK | [[Life Technologies]] | [[Medical Research Council]] ([[MRC]]) | [[Mental Health Foundation]] | [[Mental Health Research Network]] | [[Mental Health Research Network Cymru]] | [[Merck]] Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Limited | The [[Met Office]] | [[Mobile Manufacturers Forum]] | [[Mobile Operators Association]] (MOA) | [[Motor Neurone Disease]] (MND) Association | [[National Grid]] | [[National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence]] (NICE) | [[Natural Environment Research Council]] ([[NERC]]) | [[Nature]] | [[New Scientist]] | [[Novartis]] | [[Nuclear Decommissioning Authority]] (NDA) | [[Oxitec]] | [[Procter & Gamble]] | [[PR Works]] | The [[Physiological Society]] | Queen Mary, [[University of London]] | [[Research Councils UK]] (RCUK) | [[Rolls-Royce]] | [[Royal Academy of Engineering]] | [[Royal College of Pathologists]] | [[Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution]] (RCEP) | [[Royal Pharmaceutical Society]] | The [[Royal Society]] | [[Sanofi Aventis]] | [[Sanofi Pasteur MSD]] | [[SAGE]] | [[Science and Technology Facilities Council]] ([[STFC]]) | [[Scottish Mental Health Research Network]] | [[Siemens|Siemens Plc]] | [[Smith & Nephew]] | [[Society for Applied Microbiology]] (SfAM) | [[Society for General Microbiology]] (SGM) | [[Society for Radiological Protection]] | [[Society of Biology]] | [[South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Charitable Funds]] | [[Springer Science+Business Media]] | [[Syngenta]] | [[Technology Strategy Board]] | [[UCL Institute of Health Equity]] | [[UK Cleaning Products Industry Association]] (UKPCI) | [[Unilever]] UK | [[University College London]] | [[University of Bristol]] | [[University of Cambridge]] | [[University of East Anglia]] | [[Wellcome Trust]]
Address: 19/21 Albemarle St, London,W1S 4BS.UK.
==Articles/emails about the SMC==
* Kate Benson, [http://www.reportingonhealth.org/2013/02/19/reporting-evidence-requires-more-spin Reporting on Evidence Requires More Than Spin], Reporting on Health member blog, The California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships, February 19, 2013.
* Curtis Brainard and Ron Winslow [http://www.cjr.org/the_observatory/science_media_centers_the_pres_2.php?page=all Science media centers & the press, part 3: Can a SMC work in the US?] ''Columbia Journalism Review'', June 21, 2013.
* [[Susannah Eliott]], [[Peter Griffin]], and [[Kate Kelland]] [http://www.cjr.org/the_observatory/science_media_centers_the_pres_1.php?page=all Science media centers & the press, part 2 How did the SMCs perform during the Fukushima nuclear crisis?] ''Columbia Journalism Review'', 06:50 AM - June 19, 2013
* [[Fiona Fox]] and Connie St Louis [http://www.cjr.org/the_observatory/science_media_centers_the_pres.php?page=all  Science media centers & the press, part 1 Does the UK model help journalists?] ''Columbia Journalism Review'', 06:50 AM - June 17, 2013.
* GMWatch, [http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listing/51-2012/14224 How independent is the Science Media Centre and its experts?], 24 Sept 2012, acc 9 Nov 2012
* Colin Macilwain, [http://www.nature.com/news/two-nations-divided-by-a-common-purpose-1.10224 Two nations divided by a common purpose], NATURE 483, 247 (15 March 2012), acc 9 Nov 2012
* George Monbiot, [http://www.monbiot.com/2003/12/09/invasion-of-the-entryists/ Invasion of the entryists], first published in The Guardian, Dec 9 2003, acc 9 Nov 2012
* Andy Rowell, [http://www.spinwatch.org/blogs-mainmenu-29/andy-rowell-mainmenu-30/4589-science-media-centre-accused-of-pro-nuclear-bias Science Media Centre Accused of Pro-Nuclear Bias], 22 January 2008
* Science Media Centre, [http://www.powerbase.info/index.php/File:Science-Media-Centre-consultation-report.pdf Consultation report], March 2002
* Francis Sedgemore [http://web.archive.org/web/20070704165926/http://skysong.eu/2007/04/ Science advocacy and political lobbying] Wednesday 25 April 2007
* Francis Sedgemore [http://web.archive.org/web/20070704165926/http://skysong.eu/2007/04/ Spittle-flecked invective? Pfui!] Thursday 26 April 2007
===Email debate about the Science Media Centre===
The emails are arranged chronologically to aid comprehension.
Website: http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=79405 The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:46:55 +0100
*Francis Sedgemore [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=82087 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:23:57 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=86054 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science  Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:37:33 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=87112 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:43:43 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=88623 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:57:52 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=91970 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:03:24 +0100
*Tammy Boyce [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=93395 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:15:17 +0100
*Sophia Collins [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=93870 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:28:55 +0100
*Christopher Tyler [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=96907 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:24:52 +0100
*Francis Sedgemore [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=98668 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 13:01:16 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=99386 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:01:57 +0100
*Sophia Collins [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=101623 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:06:03 +0100
*Tammy Boyce [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=ind0704&L=psci-com&D=0&P=107069 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To:psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 16:47:38 +0100
*Bob Ward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=psci-com;15162dc3.0704 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:40:10 +0100
*Louise Simon [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=psci-com;64a4d03b.0704 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:45:28 +0100
*Michael Kenward [https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A2=PSCI-COM;316afff9.0704 Re: The Great Global Warming Swindle] Reply-To: psci-com: on public engagement with science Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 12:41:04 +0100
Tel: +44 (0)20 7670 2980
== Contact details ==
E-mail: smc@sciencemediacentre.org
:Address: 215 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
:Website: http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/
:Tel: +44 (0)20 7611 8300
:E-mail: smc [AT] sciencemediacentre.org
:Twitter: [http://twitter.com/SMC_London @SMC_London]
[[Category:GM]][[Category:Biotechnology]][[Category:PR Operators (GM)]][[Category:GM Lobby Groups]][[Category:Pro-GM Lobbyists]][[Category: Food Industry lobby groups]][[Category:LM network]]
[[Category:Science Media Centre]][[Category:GM]][[Category:Biotechnology]][[Category:Human Genetics]][[Category:PR Operators (GM)]][[Category:Nuclear Spin]][[Category:LM network]]

Latest revision as of 11:21, 25 February 2015

Science Media Centre logo circa 2013

The Science Media Centre (SMC), based in London, UK calls itself 'an independent venture working to promote the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the national news media when science is in the headlines.'[1]

The SMC was originally housed within the Royal Institution (RI). According to the Trustees' Report for the Charity Commission, year ended 31 March 2012, 'The SMC was originally set up in April 2002 as a division of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (RIGB)... and its financial structure was that of a restricted fund maintained by the RIGB. The RIGB acted as a very successful 'midwife', seeing the SMC grow from two to seven employees, and its funding, via donations, increase from approximately £200,000 to £460,000, in less than nine years.'[2]

Susan Greenfield, the RI's former director, described herself as the 'midwife'[3] of the initiative. According to the Financial Times Greenfield was 'one of the main organisers of the initiative, together with Lord Sainsbury, the science minister... Lord Bragg, the broadcaster, is chairing an advisory board.[4]

In 2011 the SMC became independent of the RI and set itself up as a charity and company limited by guarantee.[5]

The UK SMC has spawned a number of sister SMCs in other countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Japan.[6] A US version the Science Media Center of the United States is under development.[7]

Controversy and criticism

Within months of its launch the SMC was already embroiled in controversy over its activities. On the issue of genetically modified (GM) foods, it stood accused of operating 'a sort of Mandelsonian rapid rebuttal unit',[8] and of employing 'some of the clumsiest spin techniques of New Labour'.[9]

These claims arose out of allegations of a 'secret campaign to discredit' a BBC drama relating to GM crops.[10] The connections of the director of the SMC to the Living Marxism network, and the SMC's funding, have also attracted critical comment. The SMC provides a link from its home page to the Progress Educational Trust as a "source of information about assisted conception and genetics", a body which has made Fiona Fox an adviser and has other links to the LM network through current and former staff.[11]

Dr David Miller of the Stirling Media Research Institute is amongst the SMC's critics. He is quoted in an article in The Guardian as saying:

The Science Media Centre (SMC) is... not as independent as it appears. It was set up to provide accurate, independent scientific information for the media but its views are largely in line with government scientific policy. The SMC made much of its charitable status, yet its charity number is the same as that for the Royal Institution (RI); in other words, it is almost synonymous with the RI. Similarly, its independence was supposed to be guaranteed by the fact that no more than 5% of its funding comes from any one source; yet 70% of its funding comes from business, which could be said to have similar interests. The SMC has since had the ac.uk removed from its email address after complaints that only academic institutions that were not corporately funded were entitled to this were upheld.[12]

In a critique of the SMC in Nature journal, the science policy journalist Colin Macilwain said the SMC "offers the media a clearing house for scientific briefings and packaged quotes from scientists" and commented on plans to set up a Science Media Centre in the US:

The London SMC's narrow approach to risk assessment — if you want to hear about the risks of nuclear power, say, just ask your local nuclear engineer (see Nature 471, 549; 2011) — sits happily with the prevalent ethos of British journalism. This was, of course, immortalized by the otherwise-obscure poet Humbert Wolfe: “You cannot hope / to bribe or twist, / thank God! the / British journalist. / But, seeing what / the man will do / unbribed, there's / no occasion to.”[13]

Macilwain goes on to question whether the SMC is even needed in the UK, given that

the British press — led by the BBC, which treats the Confederation of British Industry with the deference the Vatican gets in Rome — is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-business in its outlook. It is quite unperturbed by the fact that SMC sponsors include AstraZeneca, BP, Coca-Cola, L'Oreal, Monsanto, Syngenta (as well as Nature Publishing Group) but not a single environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) or trade union.[14]

Genetic modification

The SMC describes itself as 'working to promote the voices, stories and views of the scientific community to the news media when science is in the headlines' (emphasis added). It also says it's in the business of 'pro-actively promoting a spectrum of scientific opinion ' (emphasis added).

This language is derived from a Consultation Report on its role, published by the SMC in March 2002 and said to have been the result of wide consultation with leading scientists, science communicators and the media. The topic of GM comes up repeatedly - almost 20 times in a report which in full only runs to around 30 pages including appendices.[15]

Revealingly, the report notes that 'the majority of people consulted - including many of those who helped establish the initiative... reminded the SMC team several times that the impetus for the initiative came from people who are concerned about improving the image of science and renewing public trust in it. They also pointed out that the impetus for the Centre emerged from a strong consensus that media coverage of such issues as GM and BSE had been "bad for science".'[16]

In a Financial Times article published a full 15 months earlier, the emphasis is similar, the role being planned for the Centre would be to help 'sceptical and impatient journalists' get their stories right on controversial issues such as 'animal research, cloning and genetically modified food'[17]

In an article co-authored by Greenfield in The Independent, we are also given a clear account of the motivation behind the Centre:

The reduction of a complex branch of biological engineering to "Frankenstein food" was typical of media hopelessly ill equipped to discuss scientific progress rationally. And into the vacuum stepped big business. What inflicted the greatest damage on GM science was that the case for the defence was fronted by the bio-tech groups Monsanto and AstraZeneca.[18]

If this suggests the SMC's role is to replace the biotech industry as the champions of GM, then the SMC's Consultation Report contains a more reassuring quote from Greenfield:

The SMC is unashamedly pro-science but it is also independent of any particular agenda. That means the SMC will provide access to the wide spectrum of scientific opinion on any one issue. We can provide an anti-GM scientist and a pro-GM scientist...[19]

This chimes in precisely with the SMC's promotion of itself as being 'free of any particular agenda within science' and and as striving 'to promote a breadth of scientific opinion - especially where there are clear divisions within science' (emphasis added).

Yet the SMC has never provided the views of anything remotely resembling an anti-GM or even a GM-sceptical scientist in any of its press releases on GM stories, which are typically made up of a list of quotes from what appear to be a range of scientists - but which are all supportive of GM. By contrast it has been happy to host the press launch of the Agricultural Biotechnology Council (ABC) - the public relations campaign for GM foods set up by the biotechnology industry. Similarly, it regularly included comments from Stephen Smith, when he was the head of the ABC and of the biotech company Syngenta Seeds UK, along with those of other 'scientists' in its GM-related press releases. The comments it includes in these are invariably supportive of GM or are critical of research raising questions about GM, and some of the comments come from scientists with significant but undeclared conflicts of interest. For example, in more than one of its press releases those who are part of industry-funded lobby groups, like the scientists who work with CropGen, are presented as simply a 'Reader in Ecology' or a 'Visiting Professor of Biology' without any mention of their lobby-group affiliations. By contrast, in the SMC's Consultation Report the SMC not only does not hesitate to identify one of these scientists as 'Professor Vivian Moses, Chair of CropGen', but only identifies him as such.[20]

Greenfield, when the director of the Royal Institution, was on the Advisory Board of the mostly industry-funded Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC). Together with the SIRC, Greenfield, on behalf of the RI, co-convened a Forum which laid down guidelines for the media - guidelines which had largely originated with the Royal Society - and which called for the establishment of a secret directory of 'expert contacts' with whom journalists should check out their science stories prior to publication.

The Science Media Centre was to be a new body 'less encumbered by past perceptions' - almost certainly an admission that the Royal Society's reputation had been damaged by allegations of its operating a media rebuttal unit in relation to the issue of GM foods. Sense About Science appears to have been set up for similar reasons. Like the Science Media Centre, the director of Sense About Science was also drawn from the Living Marxism network. Interestingly, in the SMC's Consultation Report the Chairman of Sense About Science, Lord Dick Taverne, was among those who 'argued that the SMC should try to identify spokespeople who could display the same levels of passion and conviction as the campaigning NGOs.'[21]

Human genetics and reproductive technologies

In 2006 the UK Government published a paper detailing proposals for revision of the law on assisted reproduction and embryo research, including proposing the setup of a new body, the Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos (RATE), which would replace existing regulatory bodies (the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, and the Human Tissue Authority).[22]

The Science Media Centre coordinated a response from selected scientists to the proposed revisions of the law on assisted reproduction and embryo research. The responses show a trend of criticising plans to restrict human reproductive technologies. For example, Dr Allan Pacey, British Fertility Society (BFS) Secretary, said, "There is a sense that the Government has been quite conservative and has missed an opportunity to be more radical and forward thinking. As we now work to a very high standards of clinical governance, there’s a good case for regulations being less strict than they were when the laws were first drafted."[23]

Lord Robert Winston, Emeritus Professor Of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London (Hammersmith Hospital), said, "It is highly disappointing that the thinking in the Department of Health is so impoverished that they could not see the need to reduce the regulation of routine IVF, which is no longer an experimental procedure and should not be subject to additional regulation."[24] In fact there are serious and well-recognised dangers attached to IVF treatment.[25]

Dr Stephen Minger, Director of the Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, Kings College London, objected to the ban on non-human (animal) egg cells for human cloning: “Whilst I am happy to see that the Review continues to support the use of donated embryos for stem cell derivation, I am very disappointed that the Government’s position is to ban the use of non-human oocytes [immature egg cells] for the derivation of cloned human embryonic stem cell lines."[26]

James Lawford Davies, a solicitor specialising in reproductive and genetic technology at Bevan Brittan LLP in London who subsequently became a partner in the London-based law firm Lawford Davies Denoon, disagreed with the Dept of Health's suggestion of a ban on the creation of human-animal hybrids for research purposes: "The proposals do little to move forward from the status quo. The HFEA has indicated it could licence the creation of hybrids for research purposes under the existing law, and the Science and Technology Committee said that the law should only be amended to explicitly allow such research. In contrast, the government is suggesting this should be banned – presumably to avoid headlines."[27]

In 2007 the government decided not to go ahead with RATE after all.[28]

Are the SMC experts representing the popular or informed view? Not according to the NGO Human Genetics Alert, which says, "Although food crops, bacteria and animals have been genetically engineered for the last 20 years, there has been a worldwide consensus, embodied in legislation in over 60 countries, that we should not attempt to do the same with human beings. This is because crossing this line would lead inevitably to a future of ‘designer babies’ and a new consumer-driven eugenics."[29]

Human Genetics Alert says the UK is the weak link in the otherwise fairly unified stand against human genetic engineering by governments in Europe: "In Europe, nearly all countries except Britain have signed the Council of Europe Convention on Biomedicine and Human Rights, which prohibits the alteration of the human germ line by any methods. It is extremely unusual for governments around the world to create outright bans on specific scientific techniques, and this underlines the seriousness of the reasons against allowing genetic modification. Any decision to cross this line is a matter for the whole of global society, and it is inconceivable that the UK should be allowed to make this decision on behalf of the rest of humanity."[30]

Communicating risk to the public

The SMC published a leaflet, "Communicating Risk in a Soundbite", in circa 2002. It calls the leaflet:

a guide for scientists, doctors and engineers preparing for a broadcast interview, and is the result of a meeting between top scientists and journalists in July 2002. They assessed the best ways to explain risks via the broadcast media, and suggested a whole host of examples. It is not meant to be a definitive 'best practice' guide - we simply want to offer a choice of effective ways of answering questions about safety and risk.
Note that the guide is intended for use in situations where risks are perceived to be much higher than they actually are. It is not intended to help cover up significant risks or threats to public health.[31]

Members of the public who read the advice given in the guide may well find it alarming as it actually seems to be about minimising risk in the eyes of the media and thence the public. Examples of possible questions and ideal answers include the following:

Q Is it risky?
A ‘Not very. The benefits outweigh the risks.’ The interviewer then has little choice but to ask you about the benefits.
A ‘It is a very small risk. So small that I believe it is safe.’
A ‘To most people, safe doesn’t mean ‘no risk’, it means ‘negligible risk’ – so I believe that this is safe.’
A ‘Whether or not something is safe will always be a matter of weighing up the risks and the benefits – no-one has ever proved that something is safe.’
A ‘Nothing is completely risk free – but we can assess all the evidence and decide that something is safe enough.’
Q Will investment make it safer?
A ‘If we plough money into reducing these tiny risks, then for every one person it benefits 1000’s of others may suffer because the money has had to be diverted from somewhere else.’[32]

The guide appears anti-scientific in its advice to avoid admitting a lack of knowledge about risks:

Don’t say, ‘These risks are unquantifiable’ or ‘unknown’.
Try, ‘It’s difficult to say, because ...’, or, ‘At the moment it’s not absolutely clear, but we’re trying to find out by doing X, Y and Z.’[33]

Participants in the meeting that gave rise to the guide include people who have developed a reputation for reassuring the public about risky, controversial, or unpopular technologies such as MMR vaccinations and genetically modified food. They include:[34] Prof Sir Colin Berry | Pallab Ghosh | Dr Evan Harris


Board (2002-2012)/Advisory Committee (2012 - )[35]
Name of Board Member Stated occupation From To
Current members[36]
Kenny CampbellEditor, Metro2004current
Philip CampbellEditor-in-Chief, Nature2003current
Clive CooksonScience Editor, Financial Times2002current
Carolan DavidgeDirector of Press & PR, Cancer Research UK2005current
Paul DraysonEntrepreneur and ex-Science Minister2005
Louise DunnVice President Communications, GlaxoSmithKline2012current
Robin Lovell-BadgeHead of Developmental Genetics, MRC National Institute for Medical Research2007current
Rebecca MorelleScience and Nature reporter, BBC News Online2007current
Simon PearsonNight Editor, The Times2004current
Simon SinghScience writer and broadcaster2002current
Bob WardPolicy and Communications Director, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science2007current
Past members[37]
Melvyn BraggBroadcaster, Peer and Controller of Arts at LWT20022002
David CopeDirector of the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology20022003
Peter CotgreaveDirector of Public Affairs, Royal Society20022011
Marshall DaviesEx-President of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society20122012
Alex DenoonPartner, Lawford Davies Denoon20122012
Mike GranattPartner, Luther Pendragon and former Director General of Goverment Information and Communication Service20042011
Philip GreenishChief Executive, Royal Academy of Engineering20092012
Tristram HuntHistorian, TV presenter and former advisor to Lord David Sainsbury20022005
Paul MartinScience writer and former Director of Communications at Cabinet Office20022003
Tom MillerDirector of Communications, Imperial College London and STEMPRA committee member20022012
Helen MunnExecutive Director, the Academy of Medical Sciences20122012
Vivienne ParryWriter, broadcaster and tabloid journalist20022012
Trevor PhillipsDeputy Chair, Greater London Authority20022004
Paul RoutledgeChief political correspondent on the Daily Mirror and former news editor on Observer20022003
Andrew StoneHouse of Lords20022003
Ceri ThomasEditor, Today, BBC Radio 420092012
Adrian Van KlaverenDeputy Director, BBC News20022008
Alan WinterHead of Operations - Royal Institution20022008


Staff 2012 -

  • Fiona Fox, Chief Executive. Fox, who was originally appointed founding Director, is said to be in overall charge of running the Centre and setting its strategic direction together with the SMC's Board. Fox's background, which includes undisclosed links to the Living Marxism network (which eulogises technologies like human cloning and genetic engineering), is mainly in media relations. In 2012 Fox was described on the SMC website as chief executive of the SMC.[38]
  • Helen Jamison, Deputy Director
  • Tom Sheldon, Senior Press Officer
  • Edward Sykes, Head of Mental Health and Neuroscience
  • Selina Hawkins, Office and Finance Manager
  • Fiona Lethbridge, Press Officer
  • Robin Bisson, Science Information Officer
  • Jo Thomas, Events Assistant

Former staff

Claire Bithell | Lyndal Byford | Will Greenacre | Simon Levey | Amy Lothian | Nancy Mendoza | Joseph Milton | Becky Morelle | Mark Peplow | Becky Purvis | Jonathan Webb

Trustees-Directors 2011 -

The SMC was registered as a charity on 18 March 2011 and as a company in the same month. As a result a group of six trustees (of the charity) and directors (of the company) were appointed with a seventh being appointed later. The trustees now formally ran the SMC but this was not announced on the SMC website - according to the holdings of the Internet Archive - until after 26 February 2012.[39]

The seven were:[40][41]

Board 2002-2012 / Advisory Committee 2012 -

In 2002 the SMC appointed a board to run the organisation along with a 'scientific advisory board'. In 2012 when it became a Charity/Company a new smaller 'board' of Trustees/Directors was constituted, the scientific advisory panel discontinued and a new advisory group constituted including significant numbers of the previous 'board'.

From the beginning the SMC board was made up of a mix of journalists and science communicators. Among the journalists and broadcasters have been a significant number of BBC employees (including Rebecca Morelle, a former employee of the SMC), Ceri Thomas, editor of Radio Four's Today programme, Adrian Van-Klaveren former Controller of Radio Five Live and Jonathan Baker head of the BBC College of Journalism); and broadsheet journalists (Clive Cookson).

Members of the board have often had connections with funders of the SMC (given in brackets) such as:

Some members of the board (and now the Advisory Committee) are themselves funders of the SMC. Paul Drayson funded the SMC through his company Powderject in 2002 and 2003. In 2005 and 2006 he was a member of the board of the SMC and his Drayson Foundation donated £12,500 to the SMC in 2007. In 2007 and again in 2008-10 he was minister for Science in the New Labour administration. In 2011 the Drayson Foundation donated some £50,000 to the SMC. In the following year, 2012, Drayson was again involved with the SMC as a member of the Advisory Committee. Some have been close to other funders such as Tristram Hunt described on the SMC site as a former adviser of David Sainsbury who helped to raise the funding for the SMC back in 2001/2[50] and was later a funder of the SMC through his charity vehicle the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (2009-2013).

Among the science communicators or science policy actors are public relations professionals from GlaxoSmithKline.

Scientific Advisory Panel 2002-2012

From 2002-2012 the SMC had a 'Scientific advisory panel'. It was abolished when the SMC was separated organisationally from the Royal Institution. In registering as a company and a charity the SMC appointed a number of Trustees/Directors, which replaced its Board and then created a new Advisory Board which was made up of a number of figures from its previous board but none from its Scientific advisory panel. The panel was notable for the concentration of members from Oxford and two London colleges. Of the sixteen members there were five from Oxford, five from University College London and two from Imperial College. The Science advisors served from 2002 to 2012 with the exception of Richard Sykes who joined in 2003.

Scientific Advisory Panel (2002-2012)[51]
Name of Panel Member Stated occupation
George Alberti Department of Diabetes and Metabolism, University of Newcastle
Peter Atkins Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford
Mike Brady Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Richard Catlow Director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory and Department of Chemistry, University College, London
Susan Greenfield Director of The Royal Institution of Great Britain and of Pharmacology, University of Oxford
Julian Hunt Department of Space and Climate Physics, University College, London
Brian Johnson Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge
Steve Jones Department of Biology, University College, London
David King Chief Scientific Advisor to H. M. Government; Head of the Office of Science and Technology
John Krebs Food Standards Agency and Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
Chris Leaver Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford
Chris Llewellyn-Smith Former Provost and President of University College, London, and former Director General of CERN
Bill McGuire Benfield Hazard Research Centre, University College, London
Richard Sykes Rector of Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
Simon Wessely Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London
Robert Winston Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, and Hammersmith Hospital NHS Trust


For a full compilation of data on funding derived from the SMC website see Science Media Centre - Funding.

Corporate donations

Despite its close links with the RI, the SMC describes itself as 'an independent venture'.[52] Prior to its launch, Greenfield said she hoped to get money for the project 'from the trade unions' [53] but that never materialised and much of the SMC's funding is via corporate donations. Funders with biotech interests include AstraZeneca, DuPont, Monsanto[54], Pfizer, PowderJect, and Syngenta.

The centre states that it is "independent from any single scientific body. To preserve our independence, funding has been sought from a wide variety of sources, none of which have contributed more than 5% of the total running costs (£250,000 per year). Media groups, industry, professional associations and individuals are all taking part in funding the Science Media Centre. "[55]

August 2013

Funders up to August 2013 are:[56]

August 2012

Funders up to August 2012 were:[57]

Articles/emails about the SMC


Email debate about the Science Media Centre

The emails are arranged chronologically to aid comprehension.

Contact details

Address: 215 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
Website: http://www.sciencemediacentre.org/
Tel: +44 (0)20 7611 8300
E-mail: smc [AT] sciencemediacentre.org
Twitter: @SMC_London


  1. Science Media Centre, Welcome, acc 22 Sept 2012
  2. Charity Commission (2012), Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012, acc 3 Oct 2012
  3. Consultation Report, Science Media Centre, March 2002, p. 13, accessed 28 Sept 2009
  4. Clive Cookson, New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice, Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001, acc 3 Oct 2012
  5. Charity Commission (2012), Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012, acc 3 Oct 2012
  6. Science Media Centre (2012) International SMCs, acc 28 Nov 2012
  7. Science Media Center SMC-US, accessed 20 August 2013
  8. Ronan Bennett, The conspiracy to undermine the truth about our GM drama, The Guardian, 2 Jun 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013
  9. Alan Rusbridger, Fields of ire, The Guardian, 7 Jun 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013
  10. Lobby group 'led GM thriller critics', The Observer, June 2, 2002, acc 14 Feb 2013
  11. Home page, Science Media Centre acc 13 Mar 2011
  12. John Crace, Peer trouble, The Guardian, February 11, 2003, accessed 29 Sept 2009
  13. Colin Macilwain, Two nations divided by a common purpose, Nature 483(7389). 14 Mar. Accessed 19 Sept 2012
  14. Colin Macilwain, Two nations divided by a common purpose, Nature 483(7389). 14 Mar. Accessed 19 Sept 2012
  15. Consultation Report, Science Media Centre, March 2002, acc 26 Nov 2012
  16. Consultation Report, Science Media Centre, March 2002, acc 26 Nov 2012
  17. Clive Cookson, New independent media centre aims to give scientists a voice, Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001, acc 14 Feb 2013
  19. Science Media Centre, Consultation report, March 2002
  20. Science Media Centre, Consultation report, March 2002, p27
  21. Science Media Centre, Consultation report, March 2002
  22. Human Tissue Authority (2012) Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos, acc 27 Nov 2012
  23. Science Media Centre (2006) Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012
  24. Science Media Centre (2006) Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012
  25. Jacqueline Mroz, High Doses of Hormones Faulted in Fertility Care, New York Times, 16 Jul 2012, acc 27 Nov 2012
  26. Science Media Centre (2006) Scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, Dec 13, acc 28 Nov 2012
  27. Science Media Centre (2006), scientists respond to the DoH review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, Dec 13, acc 27 Nov 2012
  28. Human Tissue Authority (2012) Regulatory Authority for Tissue and Embryos, acc 27 Nov 2012
  29. Human Genetics Alert (2012), Human Genetic Engineering on the Doorstep: The threat of ‘mitochondrial replacement’ techniques, November
  30. Human Genetics Alert (2012), Human Genetic Engineering on the Doorstep: The threat of ‘mitochondrial replacement’ techniques, November
  31. Communicating Risk in a Soundbite, Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010
  32. Communicating Risk in a Soundbite, Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010
  33. Communicating Risk in a Soundbite, Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010
  34. Communicating Risk in a Soundbite, Science Media Centre, 2002(?), acc 2 May 2010
  35. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013
  36. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013
  37. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013
  38. SMC (2012) Staff, acc 26 Nov 2012
  39. Science Media Centre SMC board, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 26 February 2012 on 15 August 2013.
  40. Charity Commission (2012), Science Media Centre Trustees' Report and Accounts for period ended 31 March 2012, acc 3 Oct 2012
  41. Companies House (2012) Current Appointments Report for: Science Media Centre, created 23/11/2012, obtained from Companies House 23 Nov 2012
  42. Royal Society (2012) Dr Peter Cotgreave, acc 26 Nov 2012
  43. Science Media Centre (2012) About us, acc 3 Oct 2012
  44. Science Media Centre (2012) About us, acc 3 Oct 2012
  45. Lawford Davies Denoon (2012) Alexander Denoon, acc 3 Oct 2012
  46. LinkedIn, Alexander Denoon, acc 3 Oct 2012
  47. Science and Technology Facilities Council (2012) STFC Council members - Mr Marshall Davies, acc 3 Oct 2012
  48. STFC (2012) About, acc 26 Nov 2012
  49. Data from Companies House
  50. Science Media Centre consultation Report March 2002, p. 24
  51. Data from Internet Archive holdings of the Science Media Centre website, 2002-2013
  52. Science Media Centre, Welcome, acc 22 Sept 2012
  53. Financial Times, Jan 30, 2001
  54. SMC, About us, Web Archive 26.02.1012, accessed 16.09.2013.
  55. Funding, SMC website, accessed 20 September 2012
  56. SMC, Funding, accessed 29 September 2013
  57. SMC, Funding, accessed 28.11.2012.