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People and institutions related to Israel.
External resources
International Organisations
- Israel Homepage, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel
- The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI)
- B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
- Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
- Rabbis for Human Rights
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
Pages in category "Israel"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 727 total.
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- Mordechai Abir
- Abner Levy Foundation
- Adelson Family Foundation
- Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies
- Nahum Admoni
- Afro-Asian Institute for Labor Studies and Cooperation
- Avraham Ahituv
- Alan E. Scholnick
- Alan Nevies
- Nechama Aloni
- Aman
- Ambassadors Club, IDC
- American Friends of IDC
- American Friends of Libi
- American Friends of the IDF Rabbinate
- American Technion Society
- Yair Amichai-Hamburger
- Yaakov Amidror
- Meir Amit
- Amnon Zehavi
- Andrew David Balcombe
- Andrew Harrod
- Andrew Tucker
- Anke Adler-Slottke
- Anleydale Limited
- Ann Oster
- Annie Dickerson
- Richard Applegate
- Uzi Arad
- Arie Arazi
- Dani Arditi
- Moshe Arens
- Nadav Argaman
- Ariel Center for Policy Research
- Ariel University
- Uri Yehuda Ariel
- Arison School of Business
- Shari Arison
- Arthur Stark
- Arutz Sheva
- Ephraim Asculai
- Gregory Asmolov
- Asper Institute for New Media Diplomacy
- Association for the Wellbeing of Israel's Soldiers
- Ateret Cohanim
- Atlantic Forum of Israel
- Aubrey Hersh
- Avi Lehrer
- Avigdor Kahalani
- Savinoam Avivi
- Ami Ayalon
- Daniel Ayalon
- Azeez Foundation
- David Azrieli
- Avner Azulay
- Eli Bachar
- Yossi Baidatz
- Bank Hapoalim
- Amit Bar Giora
- Bar-Ilan University
- Aharon Barak
- Ehud Barak
- Amir Barnea
- Barrie Lawrence Hill
- Barton A. Shallat
- Itzik Barzilai
- Menachem Begin
- Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
- Ayelet Ben Ezer
- Yehuda Ben Meir
- Ben Zion Rabinowitz
- Shlomo Ben-Ami
- Eytan Ben-David
- Avraham Ben-Dor
- Eitan Ben-Eliahu
- Benjamin Ben-Eliezer
- David Ben-Gurion
- Asher Ben-Natan
- Shmuel Ben-Tovim
- Avi Benayahu
- Uzi Berger
- Elazar Berkovitch
- Bernard Davis
- Bernard Janus Lebrecht
- Bernard Marcus
- Bernard Samuel Levey
- Benedetta Berti
- Isaac Berzin
- Bethlehem District Coordination and Liaison Administration
- Zadik Bino
- Binyamin Elon
- Azmi Bishara
- Bitzur
- Herzle Bodinger
- Michael Bohnen
- Israel Borovich
- Brad Sherman
- Bridges for Peace
- Bridges for Peace (UK)
- Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership
- British Friends Of Atid
- British Friends of Beth Medrosh Govoha
- British Friends of Ezrat Yisrael Kiryat Sefer
- British Friends Of Kupat Ha'ir
- British Friends of Midreshet Harova
- British Friends of Seeach Sod
- British Friends of Shema Kolenu
- British Friends of Shvut Ami
- British Friends of Yeshiva Bircas Mordechai
- Shlomo Brom
- Itai Brun
- Pinchas Barel-Buchris
- Niv Calderon
- Michal Carmi
- Center for Information and Documentation on Israel
- Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace
- Center for Near East Policy Research
- Central Unit of Technology Intelligence
- Chaim Brovender
- Chaim Shimen Lebrecht
- Charitable contributions to the FIDF
- Charles K. and Patricia F. Ribakoff Charitable Trust
- Devorah Chen
- Uri Chen
- Ethan Chernofsky
- Christenen voor Israël
- Christian Allies Caucus
- Christian Friends of Israeli Communities
- Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East
- Christians for Israel International
- Circle of Service Foundation
- Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria
- Yair Cohen
- Yoram Cohen
- Colel Chabad
- Colel Chabad (UK)
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
- ConflictZones
- Congressional Israel Allies Caucus
- Coordinator of Government Operations in the Territories
- Counter-Terrorism Bureau (Israel)
- Moty Cristal
- D. Kahn
- D. Spitzer
- Avi Dagan
- Meir Dagan
- Daniel Doron
- Daniel Lehrfield
- Daniel Leslie Roselaar
- Daniel Och
- Daniel Seaman
- Daniel Sinason
- Gil Dankner
- Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
- David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation
- David Charles Tucker
- David Chontow
- David Fisher (British Friends of Shema Kolenu)
- David Grynhaus
- David Lobenstein
- David Maimon
- David Neuwirth
- David Potash
- Davis Family Charitable Foundation
- Jonathan Davis
- Uzi Dayan
- Defending America for Knowledge and Action
- Udi Dekel
- Sergio DellaPergola
- Ron Dermer
- Dexter Van Zile
- Avi Dichter
- Michael Dickson
- Yuval Diskin
- Yair Dori
- Izi Dorot
- Ebenezer Emergency Fund International
- Education Foundation for Old Safed
- Education in Israel Trust
- Efi Arazi School of Computer Science
- Uzi Eilam
- Giora Eiland
- Effie Eitam
- Rafi Eitan
- Elbit Systems
- Elbit Systems UK
- Arieh Eldad
- Eleventh Annual Herzliya Conference
- Eli Lobenstein
- Shaul Elovitch
- Meir Elran
- Ephraim Coordination and Liaison Administration
- Ephraim Mirvis
- Ephraim Potash
- Oded Eran
- Gilad Erdan
- Erich Reich