Shlomo Brom

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Shlomo Brom of the INSS in a photo from the INSS website. Accessed 15 November 2012.

Shlomo Brom is a senior research associate at the Institute for National Security Studies and former member of the IDF.


Career History

From the 'INSS website:

Brom joined the Jaffee Center in 1998 after a long career in the IDF. His most senior post in the IDF was director of the Strategic Planning Division in the Planning Branch of the General Staff. Brig. Gen. (ret.) Brom participated in peace negotiations with the Palestinians, Jordan, and Syria, and in Middle Eastern regional security talks during the 1990s. He continued to be involved in Track 2 dialogues on these subjects after his retirement from the IDF. In 2000 he was named deputy to the National Security Advisor, returning to JCSS at the end of his post. In 2005-2006 Brig. Gen. (ret.) Brom was a member of the Meridor committee established by the Minister of Defense to reexamine the security strategy and doctrine of the State of Israel. His primary areas of research are Israeli-Palestinian relations and national security doctrine.[1]

Current Activities


  • Brom, Shlomo and Kurz, Anat, eds., Darkening Clouds on the Horizon in: Strategic Survey for Israel 2010, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, 2010.
  • Brom, Shlomo, Israel, Fall 2006: A Net Assessment in: Zvi Shtauber and Yiftah S. Shapir, eds., The Middle East Strategic Balance 2005-2006, Sussex Academic Press (Brighton) and Institute for National Security, (Tel Aviv), 2006.
  • Brom, Shlomo and Shapir, Yiftah, The Egyptian Armed Forces in: Shai Feldman and Yiftah S. Shapir, eds., The Middle East Strategic Balance 2003-2004, Sussex Academic Press (Brighton) and Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, (Tel Aviv), 2004.
  • Brom, Shlomo and Christiansen, Jeffrey, Resuming the Multilateral Track in a Comprehensive Peace Process, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 13, No. 3, October 2010.
  • Brom, Shlomo, Fewer Gestures, More Substance: Possible Developments along the Israeli-Palestinian Track, Strategic Assessment, Volume 12, No. 3, November 2009.
  • Brom, Shlomo, Operation Cast Lead, Jan. 2009: An Interim Assessment, Strategic Assessment, Volume 11, No. 3, January 2009.



  1. Shlomo Brom biography, INSS website.