Eleventh Annual Herzliya Conference
The Eleventh Annual Herzliya Conference was held on 6-9 February 2011 at the IDC Herzliya.[1]
This conference was notable as the scene of a meeting arranged by Adam Werritty between British Defence Secretary Liam Fox, Ambassador Matthew Gould and senior Israeli security figures. The episode would come under scrutiny when Fox's relationship with Werritty became a source of public controversy in late 2011.[2]
Sunday, February 6 2011
The Balance of Israel's National Security: The National Assessments
- Opening Remarks: Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series
- Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, Head of Plans and Policy Directorate, IDF
- Amb. Rafi Barak, Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Balance of Israel's National Security: The Herzliya Indices
- MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Minister of Finance
- MK Isaac Herzog, Fmr. Minister of Social Affairs and Social Services
- Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
- Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor, Haifa University
Inaugural Ceremony
- Introduction: Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Greetings: Ms. Yael German, Mayor of Herzliya
- Introduction: Prof. Uriel Reichman, President, IDC Herzliya
- Keynote Address: H.E. Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel
- Prof. Alex Mintz, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Herzliya Assessment: Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series
"The US and the Future of the Global Economic System”
- Introductory Remarks: Prof. Jacob Frenkel, Chairman, JPMorgan Chase International; Chairman, Group of Thirty (G-30); Fmr. Governor of the Bank of Israel.
- Keynote Address: Hon. Prof. Lawrence Summers, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; Fmr. Assistant to the US President for Economic Policy and Director of the National Economic Council; Fmr. US Secretary of the Treasury; Fmr. President of Harvard University
- 19:45
In cooperation with the European Friends of Israel (EFI)
- Introduction: Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Greetings: Mr. Elmar Brok, MEP, Chairman, European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the United States
- MK Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai, Minister of Homefront Defense
- Rt. Hon. Dr. Liam Fox, MP, Secretary of State for Defence, UK
- Hon. Dr. Alexandr Vondra, Senator, Minister of Defense, Czech Republic
- Hon. Dr. Csaba Hende, Minister of Defense, Republic of Hungary
Preliminary Program Monday, February 7, 2011
- Introduction: Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Keynote Address: MK Tzipi Livni, Chairperson of Kadima Party, Head of the Opposition; Fmr. Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Herzliya Debate: Can the World Live with a Nuclear Iran?
- Ms. Danielle Pletka, Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
- Mr. Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Fmr. Deputy Minister of Defense; Chair, S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue, Netanya Academic College
- Mr. Efraim Halevy, Fmr. Head of the Mossad; Director of the Shasha Center for Strategic Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Moderator: Dr. Manfred Bleskin, Journalist and News Presenter, German News Television
From Da'wa to Jihad: The Nexus of Indoctrination and Violence
- Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Fellow Resident, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
- Ms. Judith Miller, Contributing Editor, City Journal, US
- Dr. Boaz Ganor, Executive Director, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), IDC Herzliya
The New Global Balance of Power: The Shift to the East
- Amb. Bilahari Kausikan, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
- Dr. PANG Zhongying, Director, Centre on the New Global Governance, People's University of China (Renmin)
- Ms. Indrani Bagchi, Diplomatic Editor, The Times of India
- Prof. Yaacov Vertzberger, Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Moderator: Mr. Arad Nir, Channel 2
All the Eggs in One Basket? America's Place in Israel's Foreign Policy
- MK Amb. Daniel Ayalon, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Amb. Zalman Shoval, Fmr. Ambassador of Israel to the US
- Prof. Gabriela Shalev, Fmr. Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN; Ono Academic College
- Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
- Moderator: Mr. Arnon Perlman
Latin America: The Growing Economic Locomotive
- Dr. José de Gregorio, Governor, Central Bank of Chile
- Amb. Clifford M. Sobel, Fmr. US Ambassador to Brazil
- Prof. Mario Sznajder, Chair, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Dr. Luis F. Rubio, President, Center of Research for Development (CIDAC), Mexico
- Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
Multiple Jewish Identities: Celebrating Pluralism, Maintaining Cohesiveness
- Prof. Mikhail Chlenov, Secretary General, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Russia
- Prof. Jonathan Webber, UNESCO Chair in Jewish and Interfaith Studies, University of Birmingham, UK
- Dr. Ruth Calderon, Founder and Executive Director, Alma – Home for Hebrew Culture
- Rabbi Dr. Benjamin (Benny) Lau, Director of Jerusalem's Center for Judaism and Society,
- Beit Morasha; Rabbi of the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem
- Moderator: Mr. Nadav Peri, Channel 10
Herzl Award Laureate Keynote Address
- Presentation of Award and Introduction: MK Benjamin (Fuad) Ben-Eliezer, Fmr. Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor
- Keynote Address: Dr. Alexander Mashkevich, President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Russia
Securing the Future of Israel and the Jewish People
- Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman, Portland Trust
- Mr. Mick Davis, Chairman, UK Jewish Leadership Council (JLC); Chairman, [[United Jewish Israel
Appeal]] (UJIA)
- Amb. Dan Gillerman, Chairman, Markstone Israel; Fmr. Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN
- Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
- Mr. Nathan Sharansky, Chairman of the Executive, Jewish Agency for Israel
Rediscovering the Silk Road: Developing Israel's Trade with Asia
- Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Boaz Hirsch, Deputy Director General and Director, Foreign Trade Administration, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
- Dr. Orna Berry, Vice President, global EMC; CEO, EMC Israel; Chairwoman, Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce
- Mr. Clyde Prestowitz, Founder and President, Economic Strategy Institute, US
- Mr. Tobby Simon, CEO, Synergia - Business Beyond Borders, India
- Mr. Uriel Lynn, President, Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce
- Concluding Remarks: MK Benjamin (Fuad) Ben-Eliezer, Fmr. Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor
Future Warfare and Battlefield: Implications for Force Structure
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Eitan Ben Eliyahu, Fmr. Commander of the Air Force
- Brig. Gen. Axel Binder, Commander of the Bundeswehr Transformation Centre, Germany
- Dr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS), France.
- Dr. Dov Zakheim, Senior Fellow, CNA Corporation, US
- Dr. Dan Schueftan, Director of the National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa.
- Moderator: Ms. Tallie Lipkin-Shahak, IDF Army Radio
Keynote Address
- Introductory Remarks: Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress
- Keynote Address: Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, IDF Chief of General Staff
The Broader Middle East Game: The US, Europe and Regional Stability
- Keynote Address: Gen. (ret.) James L. Jones, Fmr. US National Security Advisor; Fmr. Commander, US European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe
- Mr. Francis Delon, Secretary General for Defence and National Security, France
- Ms. Mary-Beth Long, Fmr. US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead, Director, Political-Military Bureau, Ministry of Defense
- Moderator: Mr. Yoav Limor, Chief Defense Correspondent, Channel 1
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Is Israel Losing Europe?
- MK Silvan Shalom, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Cooperation and Minister of the Development of the Negev and Galilee
- Hon. Prof. Uri Rosenthal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
- Mr. Michael Dugher, MP, UK Shadow Defence Minister
- Dr. Jürgen Rüttgers, Fmr. Minister President, North-Rein Westphalen, Germany
- Moderator: Dr. Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit, Germany
At Peak Oil: Strategic Implications for the World and Israel
- Brig. Gen. Axel Binder, Commander of the Bundeswehr Transformation Centre, Germany
- Mr. R. James Woolsey, Chairman, Woolsey Partners LLC; Fmr. Director of the CIA
- Mr. Yossie Hollander, Chairman, Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
- Mr. David Hobbs, Chief Energy Strategist, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), US
- Dr. Brenda Shaffer, School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa
- Mr. Shaul Zemach, Director General, Ministry of National Infrastructures
- Moderator: Mr. Sam Kiley, Security Editor, Sky News
Security in Cyberspace
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Prof. Itzhak Ben-Israel, Chairman, Israel National Council for Research and Development; Tel-Aviv University
- Hon. Douglas Andrew Smith, US Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for the Private Sector
- Dr. Martin Libicki, Senior Management Scientist, RAND Corporation, US
- Ms. Deborah Hausen-Couriel, Yuval Ne’eman Tel Aviv Workshop for Science, Technology and Security
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Nitzan Nuriel, Head, Counter-Terrorism Bureau, National Security Council, Prime Minister's Office
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Yair Cohen, Senior Director ICS, Elbit Systems Ltd.
New Media as a Strategic Weapon
- Dr. Yossi Vardi, Chairman, International Technologies
- Brig. Gen. Avi Benayahu, IDF Spokesperson
- Dr. Noam Lemelstrich Latar, Dean, Ofer School of Communications, IDC Herzliya
- Honorary Chair: Mr. Vladimir Gusinsky, Founder, Media-Most
Israel's Role in Reducing Global Oil Dependency
- Prof. Eugene Kandel, Head, National Economic Council, Prime Minister's Office
- Prof. Moti Hershkowitz, Vice-President and Dean for R&D, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Dr. Sass Somekh, Founder, Musea Ventures, US
- Mr. Ariel (Aik) Rosenberg, Chairman, Metal-Tech Ltd.
- Dr. Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analyses of Global Security (IAGS)
- Moderator: Mr. Yossie Hollander, Chairman, Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
Turmoil in the Middle East: Economic Implications for Israel
- Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. David Brodet, Chair, Board of Directors, Bank Leumi
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Pinchas Buchris, Fmr. Director General, Ministry of Defense
- Prof. Amir Barnea, Founding Dean, Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya
- Dr. Gil Bafman, Chief Economist, Bank Leumi
Turkey - Cause for Concern?
- Dr. Michael Leigh, Director General for Enlargement, European Commission
- Prof. Barry Rubin, Head, GLORIA Center, IDC Herzliya
- Dr. Constanze Stelzenmüller, Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund, Germany
- Prof. Soli Özel, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Bilgi University, Turkey
- Dr. Ariel Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, Heritage Foundation, US
- Moderator: Dr. Kenneth R. Weinstein, CEO, Hudson Institute, US
Employment in the Arab Sector
- Mr. Mohammad Darawshe, Co-Executive Director, The Abraham Fund Initiatives
- Dr. Masad Barhoum, Manager, Nahariya Hospital
- Mr. Sharon Kedmi, Director General, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
- Mr. Ayman Saif, Director, Economic Development Authority in the Minority, Sector, Prime Minister’s Office
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Eival Giladi, Director, Portland Trust Israel
- Ms. Evelyn Collins, Chief Executive, Equality Commission, Northern Ireland
Research and Development as an Ecosystem: Government, Industry, and Universities
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Prof. Itzhak Ben-Israel, Chairman, Israel National Council for Research and Development; Tel-Aviv University
- Prof. Eugene Kandel, Head, National Economic Council, Prime Minister's Office
- Mr. Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
- Dr. Yossi Vardi, Chairman, International Technologies
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Uzi Eilam, Fmr. Head of Research and Development Directorate, Ministry of Defense
- Concluding Remarks: MK Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Minister of Science and Technology
On Criticism and Prejudice: The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Assault on Israel's Legitimacy
- MK Dr. Nachman Shai, Kadima Party
- Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Brooke M. Goldstein, Director, The Lawfare Project, US
- Mr. Dan Diker, Secretary General Designate of the World Jewish Congress
- Ms. Lorna Fitzsimons, CEO, BICOM, UK
- Amb. Ron Prosor, Ambassador of the State of Israel to the UK
- Moderator: Mr. Gilad Adin, Samy Offer School of Communications, IDC Herzliya
- Concluding Remarks: MK Lt. Gen. (res.) Moshe Ya'alon, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs
Women Empowerment and Leadership – The Y Factor
- Amb. Nancy Brinker, Founder and CEO, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, US
- Hon. Dr. Ursula Plassnik, Fmr. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria; Special Envoy for International Women's Issues
- Ms. Nehama Ronen, Chairman, Maman Cargo Terminals and Handling Ltd.; Fmr. Director General, Ministry of the Environmental Protection; Fmr. Member of the Knesset
- Ms. Alona Barkat, Owner and Chairperson, Hapoel Beer Sheva
- Ms. Indrani Bagchi, Diplomatic Editor, The Times of India
- Col. (res.) Ahuva Yanai, CEO, Matan – Investing in the Community
- Ms. Efrat Duvdevani, Director General, Office of the President
- Moderator: Prof. Galia Golan, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Online Learning: Leverage for Economic Growth and Alleviating Socio-Economic Polarization
- Introductory Remarks: MK Gideon Sa'ar, Minister of Education
- Hon. Bob Wise, President, Alliance for Excellent Education; Fmr. Governor of West Virginia
- Mr. Michael Yutrzenka, Senior Director, Education and Economic Development, Cisco
- Ms. Gila Ben-Har, CEO, Center for Educational Technology
- Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron, President, Open University
- Dr. Ofer Rimon, Director for Science and Information, Ministry of Education
- Adv. Ariel Deri, Executive Director, Haredi College of Jerusalem
- Dr. Khaled Abu-Asbah, Director, Massar Institute for Research, Planning and Educational Counseling
- Dr. Ofer Rimon, Acting Director, Science and Technology Administration, Ministry of Education
- Moderator: Mr. Menashe Raz, Journalist
Challenges to Global Economic Governance: Trade and Monetary Aspects
- Keynote Address: Prof. Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank of Israel
- Dr. José de Gregorio, Governor, Central Bank of Chile
- Amb. Miriam E. Sapiro, Deputy US Trade Representative
- Dr. Yossi Bachar, Chairman, Board of Directors, Bank Discount
- Moderator: Mr. Eytan Avriel, Editor, TheMarker Online
- Concluding Address: Hon. Prof. Giulio Tremonti, Minister of Finance and Economy of Italy
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Peace Process – Quo Vadis?
- Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz, Chairman, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
- Hon. Robert Wexler, President, S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace, US
- Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Fmr. Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Israel Harel, Chairman, Institute for Zionist Strategy
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Michael (Mike) Herzog, The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI); Fmr. Envoy of the Prime Minister and the Defense Minister for the Peace Process
- Moderator: Mr. Raviv Druker, Political Analyst, Channel 10
Dilemmas in US Policy in the Middle East: Stability vs. Democracy?
- Mr. Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, Vice President, Jerusalem Academic Center, Lander Institute
- Dr. David Gordon, Head of Research and Director, Global Macro Analysis, Eurasia Group; Fmr. Vice Chairman, US National Intelligence Council (NIC)
- Prof. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Shalem Center
- Dr. Peter Berkowitz, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
- Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
Bringing Down Socio-Economic Inequalities: The Government's Strategic Challenge
- Prof. Zvi Eckstein, Deputy Governor, Bank of Israel
- Mr. Sharon Kedmi, Director General, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
- Ms. Esther Dominissini, Director General, National Insurance Institute
- Mr. Nahum Itzkovitz, Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
- Ms. Orna Hozman-Bechor, Director General, Ministry for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee and the Ministry for Regional Development
- Dr. Shimshon Shoshani, Director General, Ministry of Education
- Mr. Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Deputy Director, Budgeting Division, Ministry of Finance
- Moderator: Mr. Sever Plotzker, Chief Economic Commentator, Yedioth Aharonoth
Streets Rule? Middle East Domestic Instability and Regional Implications
- Mr. Riad al Khouri, Member of the International Council, Questscope, Amman, Jordan
- Dr. Israel Elad-Altman, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Sherif El Diwany, Senior Director, Middle East and North Africa, World Economic Forum, Switzerland
- Ms. Judith Miller, Contributing Editor, City Journal, US
- Mr. Salman Shaikh, Director, Brookings Doha Center, Qatar; Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution
- Moderator: Ms. Smadar Perry, Middle East Editor, Yediot Aharonot
Binding the Ties: Leveraging the Israel Experience Programs among the World Jewish Young Generations
- Ms. Amira Aharonovitz, Head of the Strategic Division, Jewish Agency for Israel
- Mr. Eyal Dagan, Head of Diaspora Affairs, Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs
- Ms. Michal Frank, Head of the Department for Policy Implementation, Prime Minister’s Office
- Ms. Ayelet Shilo-Tamir, CEO, Masa Israel
- Mr. Gideon Shavit, Chairman, Lapid Coalition
- Moderator: Mr. Jonathan Davis, Vice President for External Relations and Head of the Raphael Recanati International School, IDC Herzliya
Governance and Competitiveness: Enhancing Performance and Uncorking Bureaucratic Bottlenecks
- MK Dr. Uzi Landau, Minister of National Infrastructures
- Mr. Shouky Oren, Accountant General, Ministry of Finance
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yaron, Chairman, Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co (EAPC)
- Mr. Dror Strum, Director, Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
- Ram Belinkov, Fmr. Director of the Budget, Ministry of Finance; Fmr. Direct General, Ministry of Interior
- Adv. Noga Rubinstein, Chief Legal Advisor, Ministry of Communication
Taking a Toll? International Sanctions and Iran's Domestic Arena
- Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Mehdi Khalaji, Next Generation Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, US
- Dr. Patrick Clawson, Deputy Director for Research, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, US
- Mr. Meir Javedanfar, Founder of Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Company (MEEPAS)
- Mr. Mark Dubowitz, Executive Director, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, US
- Moderator: Mr. Richard D. Heideman, Chairman, International Advisory Board of the Herzliya Conference
- Concluding Remarks: Hon. Haley Barbour, Governor of Mississippi
Keynote Address
- Introductory Remarks: Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Keynote Address: H.E. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO
Concluding Session: A New Middle East?
- Opening Remarks: Amb. Alexander Vershbow, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Lt. Gen. (res.) Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Chairman, Board of Directors, TAHAL Group; Fmr. Chief of the General Staff, IDF
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series
- Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Fmr. IDF Director of Military Intelligence
- Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Fmr. Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Concluding Remarks
- Prof. Uriel Reichman, President, IDC Herzliya
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series
Herzliya Roundtable Sessions
The Herzliya Roundtable sessions are intended to facilitate in-depth conversations on topical issues involving a limited number of senior-most practitioners and experts. Held under the Chatham House Rule, participation in these sessions is by invitation only.[3]
The Challenge of Electro-Magnetic Pulses (EMP)
- Dr. Shlomo Wald, Chief Scientist, Ministry of National Infrastructures
- Mr. John Kappenman, Member of the Advisory Board, The Electric Infrastructure Security Council, US
- Dr. John Lightstone, CFO, Advanced Fusion Systems, US
- Mr. Ferdinand (Andy) Joseph Metzger, Chief of Operational Survivability, US Strategic Command
The Iranian Challenge – Political Alternatives and Beyond
- Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Danielle Pletka, Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), US
- Dr. Gal Luft, Executive Director, Institute for the Analyses of Global Security (IAGS)
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead, Director, Political-Military Bureau, Ministry of Defense
Addressing the Assault on Israel’s Legitimacy in Europe
- Chairs:
- Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Yosef Kuperwasser, Deputy Director-General, Ministry for Strategic Affairs
- Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Philipp Missfelder, Member of the Bundestag
- Rt. Hon. John Spellar, MP, UK Shadow Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
- Mr. Robin Shepherd, Director of International Affairs, Henry Jackson Society
- Dr. Richard Prasquier, President, Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (CRIF)
- Mr. Claude Kandiyoti, Publisher, Contact J
- Mr. Rafael Bardaji, International Policy Director, FAES Foundation
Radicalization and Counter - Radicalization in the Muslim World
- Chair: Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Reuel Marc Gerecht, Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, US
- Dr. Israel Elad Altman, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Prof. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Shalem Center
- Mr. Ehud Rosen, Bar-Ilan University
Going to Zero? Global and Regional Nuclear and WMD Disarmament Initiatives
- Chair: Dr. Oded Brosh, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Dr. Josef Joffe, Editor, Die Zeit, Germany
- Dr. Ariel (Eli) Levite, Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Dr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS), France
- Dr. Emily Landau, Senior Research Associate, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)
Not a Sealed Fate, nor Preordained: Israel's Online Image
- Chair: Dr. Noam Lemelstrich Latar, Dean, Ofer School of Communications, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Miri Eisin, Fmr. Foreign Media Advisor to the Prime Minister
- Mr. Rommey Hassman, Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya
- Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, IDF Spokesperson's Unit
- Mr. Lior Chorev, Founding Partner, Euro RSCG Israel Group
- Mr. David Saranga, Head, Department for Digital Diplomacy Initiatives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Doron Avni, Policy and Government Relations Manager, Google Israel
- Mr. Uri Shinar, Founder and CEO, Aniboom
- Mr. John Ray, Middle East Correspondent, ITV News
NATO After the Lisbon Summit: Implications for the Middle East and Israel
- Chair: Amb. Luigi Mattiolo, Ambassador of Italy to Israel and NATO Contact Point Ambassador in Israel
- Amb. Dirk Brengelmann, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy
- Amb. Alexander Vershbow, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Amb. Dr. Oded Eran, Director of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)
- Mr. Eran Etzion, Director of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Developing Israel's Relations with Asia-Pacific
- Amb. Ruth Kahanoff, Deputy Director General for Asia-Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Doron Bergerbest-Eilon, CEO and President, ASERO worldwide
- Amb. Bilahari Kausikan, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
- Mr. Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Tobby Simon, CEO, Synergia - Business Beyond Borders, India
- Mr. Mitsugu Saito, Councilor, National Security and Crisis Management, Cabinet Secretariat, Japan
- Ms. Indrani Bagchi, Diplomatic Editor, The Times of India
Warfare in the Missile Age
- Chair: Maj. Gen.(res.) Eitan Ben Eliyahu, Fmr. Commander of the Air Force
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Yosef Kuperwasser, Deputy Director-General, Ministry for Strategic Affairs
Embedding the Culture of Readiness in Homeland Defense and Civilian Crisis Management
- Chair: Mr. Gidi Grinstein, Founder and President, Reut Institute
- Hon. Douglas Andrew Smith, US Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for the Private Sector
- MK Zeev Bielski, Chair, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Subcommittee for the Examination of Home-Front Readiness
Cyberwarfare and Cybersecurity
- Chair: Prof. Maj. Gen. (res.) Itzhak Ben-Israel, Tel-Aviv University; Chairman, Israel National Council for Research and Development
- Discussant: Dr. Martin Libicki, Senior Management Scientist, RAND Corporation
Measuring Results in the Government and the Public Sector
- Chair: Mr. Arie Mientkavich, Deputy Chairman, Gazit Globe Ltd.
- Mr. Yekoutiel (Couty) Sabah, Director Research, Planning and Training Division, Ministry of Social Affairs and Services
- Mr. Ehud Praver, Head of Policy Planning, Prime Minister’s Office
- Dr. Steven Popper, Director, RAND Israel Initiative
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Pinchas Buchris, Fmr. Director General, Ministry of Defense
- Dr. Gal Alon, CEO, Insights: Decision Intelligence; Fmr Advisor for Strategic Development, Prime Minister's Office
- Ms. Tali Rosov, Measurement and Evaluation, Rashi Foundation
- Chair: Mr. Haim Ben Yakov, Vice-President, Euro-Asia Jewish Congress
- Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi, Moscow
- Mr. Alexander Smukler, President, National Conference on Soviet Jewry
- Dr. Matvey Chlenov, Advisor to the President, the World Congress of Russian Jewry
- Dr. Svetlana Jebrak, Board Member, Association of Jewish Students in Germany
- Ms. Naomi Ben Ami, Head, Nativ *
- Mr. Sergey Lagodinsky, Founder and Speaker, The Jewish Caucus, Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), Member of the Board of the Assembly of Representatives of the Jewish Community of Berlin
- Mr. Boruch Gorin, Spokesman, Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia
- Dr. Zeev Khanin, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption
- Dr. Aviva Zeltzer-Zubida, Director, Information, Planning and Evaluation Division, Jewish Agency for Israel
External Resources
- Herzliya2011 Preliminary Programme, herzliyaconference.org
- The 11th Conference - 2011, herzliyaconference.org
- Herb Keinon, Jones: Israeli-Palestinian strife still core of ME ills, Jerusalem Post, 8 February 2011.
- Jonah Goldberg, The real 'realism' on Israel, Los Angeles Times, 8 February 2011.
- Oren Kessler, 'Soft power will strike hardest at Teheran’s nuke program', Jerusalem Post, 10 February 2011.
- ↑ Herzliya2011 Preliminary Programme, herzliyaconference.org, accessed 14 October 2011.
- ↑ MI6 spoke to Adam Werritty after trips, The Guardian, 17 October 2011.
- ↑ Herzliya2011 Preliminary Programme, herzliyaconference.org, accessed 14 October 2011.