Alexandr Vondra

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Alexandr Vondra is Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs of the Czech Republic (since January 2007) and was previously Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the past, Vondra coordinated the Programme of Atlantic Security Studies (PASS) and was involved in Prague NATO Summit and Forum 2000 conference preparation. Between 1990 and 1992 he was foreign policy advisor to former president Václav Havel and served as the Czech Ambassador to the USA in 1997-2001.[1]

Alexandr Vondra has criticized Burma, Belarus and Cuba for human rights abuses, drawing attention to the imprisonment of political dissidents in these states. Mr. Vondra has also criticised the nuclear programs and regimes of Iran and North Korea[2].

Describing his opposition to the North Korean regime Vondra said:

"Many of my fellow citizens paid for the depravity of the communist dictatorship with exile, imprisonment and some with their life. I have had my own experiences with freedom fighting and I was fortunate enough to spend only two months in a communist prison. I mention this disturbing fact because I think it illustrates a political experience comparable with that of present-day North Korea"[3].




  1. EU-Russia Centre, Advisory Board, accessed 18 January 2009.
  2. Alexandr Vondra, Czech Foreign Minister Alexandr Vondra speaks to United Nations, Radio Prague, 27-September-2006, Accessed 10-June-2009
  3. Jeni Schaller, Neoconservatives among us? A study of former dissidents discourse, Perspectives. The Central European Review of International Affairs, Issue 25, 2005, Accessed 10-June-2009
  4. International Advisory Board, Alexandr Vondra, Prague Security Studies Institute, Accessed 05-June-2009
  5. Alexandr Vondra, accessed 18 January 2009.