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The SMF is a Blairite pro-market think tank. [http://www.smf.co.uk/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=4 According to its website]: "The SMF was established in 1989 to provide a source of innovative economic and social policy ideas. Steering an independent course between political parties and conflicting ideologies, the SMF has been an influential voice in recent health, education, welfare and pensions policy reform. Our current work reflects a commitment to understanding how individuals, society and the state can work together to achieve the common goal of creating a just and free society."
[[Image:SMF.jpg|right|thumb|Social Market Foundation Logo]]
The [[Social Market Foundation]] is a London-based think tank established "to provide a source of innovative economic and social policy ideas"<ref>Social Market Foundation, [http://www.smf.co.uk/about.html About Us], ''SMF Website'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. Located in close proximity to the houses of Parliament, the SMF has been influential in helping with the development of policies in the areas of health, education, welfare and pensions policy reform<ref>Social Market Foundation, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/page/2007/dec/20/8 Thinktanks in the news], ''The Guardian'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.  
The Social Market Foundation organised a wide range of fringe talks at the [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Labour_Party_conference 2004 Labour Party conference.] Many of the discussions were sponsored by companies that have a direct
The Social Market Foundation, as the name suggests, attempts to develop ideas based on a fusion of the two themes of social justice and neo-liberal economics<ref>Social Market Foundation,[http://www.smf.co.uk/about.html About Us], ''SMF Website'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. The [[Centre for Global Studies]] think tank originated from within the Social Market Foundation under the name "The Centre for Post-Collectivist Studies"<ref>The Centre for Global Studies, [http://www.centreforglobalstudies.org/about/1.html About Us], ''The Centre for Global Studies'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. The Social Market Foundation has provided "the intellectual battering ram" for the government in campaigns to increase competition in public services. Other controversial proposals from the SMF include the suggestion that "the public should be forced to save for a pension unless they specifically opt out"<ref>Nick Mathiason, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2005/jul/31/thinktanks.politics The marketing of Blairism], ''The Guardian'',31-July-2005, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
business interest in the topic under discussion. Nearly all of the discussion panels feature a Labour minister. For example, the [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Mobile_Operators_Association Mobile Operators Association](MOA) is sponsoring a discussion with the title "Listening to the public: does community consultation improve the planning process?", with environment minister [http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Alun_Michael&action=edit Alun Michael] MP [http://www.smf.co.uk/listconferences.php?action=listconferences&year=2004 on the panel]. The MOA has been lobbying for some time to [http://www.wirelessweek.com/article/NEe0721553.4iw?verticalID=42&vertical=Global+Regions prevent stricter planning regulations on mobile phone masts]. The MOA sponsored a similar talk at the [http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2003/09/277733.html 2003 conference].
[[File:Policy Network and SMF.JPG|right|thumb|300px|Social Market Foundation, 11 [[Tufton Street]] SW1P - a building shared with the [[Policy Network]]]]
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=10"><font color="#666666">Ann Rossiter - Director</font></a></p>
<a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=11"><font color="#666666">Nina Temple - Head of Development and Communications&nbsp; </font></a>(Former leader of the communist Party of Great Britain/Democratic Left)<br>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=12"><font color="#666666">Valerie Johnson - Events Manager </font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=13"><font color="#666666">Jacqueline Cassidy - Head of External Affairs </font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=14"><font color="#666666">Emma Carr - Events and Communications Officer</font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=15"><font color="#666666">Niall Maclean - Research Fellow </font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=16"><font color="#666666">Vidhya Alakeson - Research Fellow </font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=17"><font color="#666666">Jessica Asato - Researcher</font></a><br>
<a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=18"><font color="#666666"><br>Claudia Wood - Researcher </font></a></p>
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=19"><font color="#666666">Moussa Haddad - Researcher</font></a></p>
<a href="http://www.hill-hamilton.co.uk/smf/html/index.php?module=htmlpages&amp;func=display&amp;pid=20"><font color="#666666">Ben Llewelyn - Business Manager </font></a><br>
<li>Chairman: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lord_Lipsey&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Lord Lipsey">Lord Lipsey</a>
</li><li>Director: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Philip_Collins&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Philip Collins">Philip Collins</a>
</li><li>Deputy Director: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Beth_Breeze" title="Beth Breeze">Beth Breeze</a> (formerly Egan)
</li><li>Director of Research: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Ann_Rossiter&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Ann Rossiter">Ann Rossiter</a>
</li><li>Research Fellow: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Roger_Wicks&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Roger Wicks">Roger Wicks</a>
</li><li>Researchers: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Jessica_Asato&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Jessica Asato">Jessica Asato</a>
</li><li>Director of Communications: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Sarah_Schaefer&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Sarah Schaefer">Sarah Schaefer</a>
</li><li>Events Manager: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Valerie_Johnson&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Valerie Johnson">Valerie Johnson</a>
</li><li>Conference Events Manager: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Jaqueline_Cassidy&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Jaqueline Cassidy">Jaqueline Cassidy</a>
</li><li>Finance &amp; Administration: <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Ben_Llewelyn&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Ben Llewelyn">Ben Llewelyn</a>
<a name="Directors"></a>
The Social Market Foundation was founded in 1989 out of the ashes of [[David Owen]]'s Social Democratic Party (SDP), using money from [[David Sainsbury]]<ref>Catherine Pepinster, [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/from-left-to-right-theyre-all-thinking-1592839.html From left to right, they're all thinking], ''The Independent'', 23-July-2995, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. It was created by supporters of Owen although it has never been officially affiliated with any political party. The think tank was originally linked to One Nation Conservatism. However, since the late 1990s it has been more closely identified with New Labour. In 2003 [[Gordon Brown]] delivered a keynote speech to the foundation on the subject of social markets.<ref>Gordon Brown, [http://www.sochealth.co.uk/news/prosperity.htm A Modern Agenda for Prosperity and Social Reform], ''Speech to the Social Market Foundation'', 3-February-2003, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>
<h2>Board members (2005)</h2>
In its early years of the SMF the thinktank was closely connected to the Conservative Party. Former SMF directors [[Roderick Nye]] and [[Daniel Finkelstein]], went on to become Conservative Party advisers<ref>Social Market Foundation, [http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2009/04/market-foundation-social-party Politics], ''The New Statesman'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>and as late as 2000, the SMF described itself as "steering an independent course between conflicting ideologies of conservatism and social democracy".<ref>Social Market Foundation, [http://web.archive.org/web/19981212032841/http://www.smf.co.uk/ Social Market Foundation], ''Web Archive'', 12-December-1998, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>
<h4>SMF Governing Board<em></em></h4>
<h4><em>Chair</em> : Lord (David) Lipsey</h4>
<h4>Viscount (Tom) Chandos<br>
In April 2000 Conservative Party leader [[William Hague]] delivered a controversial speech to the SMF. Hague proposed the creation of detention centres for asylum seekers, arguing that asylum seekers should be detained in former army barracks because:
:People are arriving in Britain armed with expert knowledge of how to exploit our asylum laws; what to say on arrival; how to string out appeals and how to remain here if their cases are eventually turned down.<ref>BBC News, [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/718111.stm Asylum camp plan attacked], ''BBC News'', 18-April-2000, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
In 2001 [[Robert Skidelsky]] was replaced by [[David Lipsey]] as chairman. This change led to the the think tank being more closely linked to New Labour and the abandonment of the goal stated on their homepage of steering a course between conservatism and social democracy. [[Philip Collins]], a former speech writer for [[Tony Blair]], became the SMF director at this time<ref>Full Profile, [http://www.sfb.co.uk/speakers/philip_collins/longbio Philip Collins], ''Speakers for Business'', Accessed 03-June-2009</ref>.
<p>Gavyn Davies<br>
Writing in ''The Guardian'', David Walker describes the history of the SMF:
David Edmonds<br>John McFadden <br>Brian Pomeroy </p>
<a name="Patrons"></a>
:The Social Market Foundation was founded by refugees from the collapse of the old Social Democrat party, became pro-Tory, then vaguely New Labour. All along, though, it has stood for diminishing the public sector and reducing the role of public bodies as service providers<ref>David Walker, [http://www.lexisnexis.com.ezproxy.stir.ac.uk/uk/nexis/results/docview/docview.do?docLinkInd=true&risb=21_T6734925485&format=GNBFI&sort=BOOLEAN&startDocNo=1&resultsUrlKey=29_T6734925488&cisb=22_T6734925487&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=138620&docNo=2 Public Manager: Public eye: Caught in the tank trap], ''The Guardian: Society'' Pg. 10, 17-September-2008, Accessed via LexisNexis 09-June-2009</ref>.
==Fringe events at party conferences underwritten by corporate sponsors==
<li><a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lord_Flowers&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Lord Flowers">Lord Flowers</a>
</li><li>Rt Hon <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lord_Owen" title="Lord Owen">Lord Owen</a> CH
</li><li><a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lord_Sainsbury_of_Turville&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Lord Sainsbury of Turville">Lord Sainsbury of Turville</a>
</li><li>Professor <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Lord_Skidelsky" title="Lord Skidelsky">Lord Skidelsky</a>
The Social Market Foundation organises fringe events designed to coincide with the conferences of the three main UK political parties. These events are underwritten by corporate sponsors who are given the opportunity to "benefit from ongoing involvement in discussions about the subject matter and overall design of the fringe event, including input into the speaker line-up and determining the focus of the debate<ref>Conference Fringe Program, [http://www.smf.co.uk/assets/files/SMF%20Conference%20Themes%202009.pdf Our Sponsors], ''Social Market Foundation'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
<a name="Policy_Advisory_Board"></a>
These fringe events are often sponsored by corporations with a vested interest in the subject being discussed. The SMF facilitates them, providing access to key policy makers and the media. At the Conservative Party conference of 2008 a discussion on waste in the NHS was sponsored by private healthcare provider [[Bupa]]<ref>Less Waste, More Wellbeing, [http://www.smf.co.uk/less-waste-more-wellbeing1.html Conferences 2008], ''Social Market Foundation'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. At the same conference, discussion on pension provisions was sponsored by pension provider [[B&CE]]<ref>Reform Required?,[http://www.smf.co.uk/reform-required1.html Conferences 2008], ''Social Market Foundation'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
<h2>Policy Advisory Board (2005)<br>
In 2003 and 2004 the [[Mobile Operators Association]] sponsored discussions entitled "Listening to the public: does community consultation improve the planning process?", with environment minister [[Alun Michael]] MP on the panel. The MOA had been lobbying to prevent stricter planning regulations on mobile phone masts.
===Private health lobbyists buy an audience with health minister===
During the 2014 [[Conservative Party]] Conference, the SMF held a late night meeting on the future of the NHS. The event was sponsored by private health company [[Bupa]], health minister [[George Freeman]] was scheduled to speak at the invitation-only event. <ref> Solomon Hughes [http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/nhs-conservative-conference-2014-bupa-smf-lobbying-710 Private health lobbyists are funding a meeting with a Tory minister] ''Vice'', 27 Sep 2014, accessed 2 October 2014 </ref> Another speaker was SMF director [[Nigel Keohane]], who has long argued the idea of charges to see a GP and bemoaned the slow pace of NHS privatisation.<ref> Joana Ramiro [http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-2f33-NHS-activists-seize-Tories-Millbank-HQ#.VC17vyldUZc NHS activists seize Tories' Millbank HQ] ''The People's Daily Morning Star'', 30 September 2014, accessed 2 October 2014 </ref>
<p>Lord (Victor) Adebowale<br>
Wendy Alexander MSP<br>Tim Allan, Ex Blair advisor and spin doctor for BSkyB<br>Matthew d’Ancona, Sunday Telegraph Deputy Editor<br>Simon Crine<br>
Don Cruickshank<br>
Lord (Ralf) Dahrendorf, SDP founder<br>
Ed Davey MP<br>
Evan Davis, BBC Economics Correspondent<br>
Daniel Finkelstein, Ex Tory AdvisorProfessor Tony Giddens&nbsp;<br>
Liam Halligan&nbsp;<br>
Lord (Chris) Haskins&nbsp;<br>
Deirdre Hutton<br>
Peter Lampi <br>George Osborne MP<br>
Lord (Bhikhu) Parekh<br>
Trevor Phillips<br>
Lord (Raymond) Plant<br>
James Purnell MP<br>
Sue Slipman<br>
Lord (Dennis) Stevenson<br>
Wendy Thomson<br>
Andrew Tyrie MP<br>
Stephen Twigg<br>
Shriti Vadera<br>
David Willetts MP </p>
<font face="Geneva,Arial,sans-serif" size="2"><b>Address:</b> 11 Tufton St, London, SW1P 3QB<br><b>Telephone:</b> 020 7222 7060<br><b>Fax:</b> 020 7222 0310<br><b>Email:</b> info@smf.co.uk<br><b>Website:</b> <a href="http://www.smf.co.uk/" target="_NEW">www.smf.co.uk</a></font><br>
*[[Nigel Keohane]], director 2014
<span style="font-weight: bold;">External links</span><br>
*[[Emran Mian]], director 2013 
SourceWatch profile of <a href="http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Social_Market_Foundation">Social Market Foundation</a><br>
Guardian profile of <a href="http://politics.guardian.co.uk/thinktanks/page/0,10538,715480,00.html">Social Market Foundation</a><br>
===Board Members 2015===
Nick mathiason '<a href="http://politics.guardian.co.uk/thinktanks/story/0,10538,1539926,00.html">The marketing of Blairism</a>', The Observer, 31 July 2005<br></p>
[[Lord Charles Falconer]] | [[Daniel Franklin]] | [[Baroness Olly Grender]] | [[Nicola Horlick]] | [[Graham Mather]] | Sir [[Brian Pomeroy]] CBE | [[Peter Readman]] | Baroness [[Gillian Shephard]] | [[Mary Ann Sieghart]] (Chair) | Professor [[Alison Wolf]] <ref> [http://www.smf.co.uk/about-us/ About Us] ''Social Market Foundation'', accessed 9 April 2015 </ref>
===Board members 2010===
[[Mary Ann Sieghart]], chairperson (from September)
===Board members 2009===
[[David Lipsey]], Chairman | [[Viscount Chandos]] | [[Gavyn Davies]] | [[David Edmonds]] | [[Daniel Franklin]] | [[Martin Ivens]] | [[Graham Mather]] | [[Brian Pomeroy]]
===Policy advisory board 2009===
[[Lord Adebowale]] | [[Wendy Alexander]] | [[Nicholas Barr]] | [[Liam Byrne]] | [[Vincent Cable]] | [[Philip Collins]] | [[Simon Crine]] | [[Don Cruickshank]] | [[Lord Dahrendorf]] | [[Ed Davey]] | [[Evan Davis]] | [[Alan Duncan]] | [[Daniel Finkelstein]] | [[Liam Halligan]] | [[Lord Haskins]] | [[Nick Herbert]] | [[Peter Lampl]] | [[Oliver Letwin]] | [[Maria Miller]] | [[George Osborne]] | [[Lord Parekh]] | [[Trevor Phillips]] | [[Lord Plant]] | [[Stephen Sherbourne]] | [[Sue Slipman]] | [[Lord Stevenson]] | [[John Tizard]] | [[Lord Turnbull]] | [[Stephen Twigg]] | [[Andrew Tyrie]] | [[David Willetts]]
===Previous board members===
[[Ian Mulheirn]], Former Director | [[Natalie Tarry]] | [[Simon Griffiths]] | [[Jessica Prendergrast]] | [[Will Hoyles]] | [[Robert Skidelsky]], Former Chairman | [[Rick Nye]], Former Director | [[Daniel Finkelstein]], Former Director | [[Philip Collins]], Former Director | [[Ann Rossiter]] | [[Dermot Kehoe]] | [[John McFadden]] | [[Sheila Noakes|Baroness Noakes]]
===Previous policy advisory board members===
[[Victor Adebowale]] | [[Wendy Alexander]] | [[Tim Allan]] | [[Nicholas Barr]] | [[Liam Byrne]] | [[Vincent Cable]] | [[Philip Collins]] | [[Ian Cornfield]] |  [[Don Cruickshank]] | [[Matthew d'Ancona]] | [[Ralph Dahrendorf]] | [[Evan Davis]] | [[Ed Davey]] | [[Jonathon Freedland]] |  [[Tony Giddens]] | [[David Goodhart]] | [[Liam Halligan]] | [[Chris Haskins]] | [[John Hatherly]] |  [[Deirdre Hutton]] | [[John Jackson]] | [[Ruth Kelly]] |  [[Peter Lampl]] | [[Callum Macdonald]] | [[George Osborne]] | [[Bhikhu Parekh]] | [[Mervyn Pedelty]] | [[Trevor Philips]] | [[Marion Poole]] | [[James Purnell]] | [[Lord Plant]] | [[Ann Rossiter]] | [[Stephen Sherbourne]] | [[Sue Slipman]] | [[Dennis Stevenson]] | [[Wendy Thomson]] |  [[Andrew Turnbull]] | [[Adair Turner]] | [[Stephen Twigg]] MP | [[Andrew Tyrie]] | [[David Willetts]] | [[Shriti Vadera]] | [[Chris Walker]]
*[[Brian Flowers]]
*Rt Hon [[Lord Owen]] CH
*[[Lord Sainsbury of Turville]]
*Professor [[Lord Skidelsky]]
The SMF is funded by charitable foundations, companies and individual donors.<ref>Social Market Foundation, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/page/2007/dec/20/8 Thinktanks in the news], ''The Guardian'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>The SMF has a business group that companies like pharmaceuticals giant [[GlaxoSmithKline]] and oil conglomerate [[Shell]] pay over £10,000 to join. In a 2005 interview, then director Anne Rossiter contends most of the SMF's money comes from two charitable trusts and that all the research is free from corporate financial influence<ref>Nick Mathiason, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2005/jul/31/thinktanks.politics The marketing of Blairism], ''The Guardian'',31-July-2005, Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
===Corporate sponsors===
[[Abbey]] | [[Alliance Against IP Theft]] | [[Boots plc]] |  [[British Library]] | [[British Nuclear Group]] | [[British Waterways]] | [[BUPA]] | [[BP]] | [[Camelot Group]] | [[Centrica]] | [[Cicero Consulting Ltd]] |  [[Confederation of British Industry]] | [[Deloitte]] | [[Department for Education and Skills]] | [[Detica]] | [[E.On]] | [[Edexcel]] | [[EDF]] | [[Electoral Commission]] | [[General Teaching Council]] | [[GlaxoSmithKline]] | [[Go-Ahead Group]] | [[Groundwork]] | [[Food Agency Services]] | [[Halifax Bank of Scotland]] | [[Harrah’s Entertainment Inc]] | [[Health and Safety Executive]] | [[Hutchison 3G]] | [[Institute of Occupational Safety and Health]] | [[Investment Management Association]] | [[Jefferson Communications]] | [[KPMG]] | [[Kraft]] | [[Lloyds Pharmacy]] | [[Marks and Spencer]] | [[Merck Sharp Dohme]] | [[Microsoft]] | [[Mobile Operators Association]] |  [[Norwich Union]] | [[Ntl]] | [[Portman Group]] | [[Portland PR]] | [[PriceWaterhouseCoopers]] | [[Provident Financial]] | [[Quality Improvement Agency]] | [[Rainer]] | [[Sanofi Aventis]] | [[Sanofi Pasteur]] | [[Shell]] | [[Standard Life]] | [[Standard Life Healthcare]] | [[Standard Life Investments]] | [[Sutton Trust]] | [[Tescos]] | [[Ufi / Learn Direct]] | [[United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association]] | [[West Midland Safari Park]] | [[Working Links]]
[[acevo]] | [[Accenture]] | [[Arriva]] | [[Audit Commission]] | [[Barclays Bank plc]] | [[Barrow Cadbury Trust]] | [[Blackpool Council]] | [[British Nuclear Group Ltd]] | [[British Property Federation]] | [[The Boots Company plc]] | [[BP International Ltd]] | [[BUPA]] | [[Confederation of British Industry]] | [[Centrica plc]] | [[Child Poverty Action Group]] | [[Crime Concern]] | [[Deloitte & Touche]] | [[Detica]] | [[Diageo]] | [[Edge]] | [[Esmeé Fairbairn Foundation]] | [[Finance and Leasing Association]] | [[Getting London Working / Tomorrow’s People]] | [[General Teaching Council]] | [[Go-Ahead Group plc]] | [[Groundwork UK]] | [[GlaxoSmithKline]] | [[KPMG]] | [[Marks & Spencer Shared Services Ltd]] | [[Microsoft Ltd]] | [[Merck Sharpe Dohme]] | [[Mind]] | [[Mobile Operators Association]] | [[Munro & Forster]] | [[ntl]] | [[National Youth Agency]] | [[OFCOM]] | [[Provident Financial]] | [[PricewaterhouseCoopers]] | [[Sanofi Aventis]] | [[School Home Support]] | [[Shell International Ltd]] | [[Skybet]] | [[Standard Life]] | [[Sutton Trust]] | [[The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust]] | [[Tesco]] | [[Three]] | [[Thames Water Utilities Ltd]] | [[Ufl Ltd]] | [[UnumProvident]]<ref>SMF, [http://www.smf.co.uk/assets/files/annual_reports/Annual%20Report%202005%2006.pdf Annual Report 2005-06], ''Social Market Foundation'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>.
'''Previous sponsors'''
[[Audit Commission]] |  [[Barclays Bank]] | [[Barrow Cadbury Trust]] | [[Blackpool Council]] | [[Boots]] | [[BP International]] | [[British Nuclear Fuels]] | [[British Property Federation]] | [[BSkyB]] | [[BUPA]] | [[Camelot Group]] | [[CBI]] | [[Centrica]] | [[Chemical Industries Association]] | [[Corporation of London]] | [[Edexcel]] | [[EDS]] | [[Electoral Commission]] | [[Energywatch]] | [[Finance & Leasing Association]] | [[Fujitsu]] | [[GlaxoSmithKline]] | [[Go-Ahead Group]] | [[Joseph Rowntree Foundation]] | [[Learning & Skills Development Agency]] | [[Marks & Spencer]] | [[Mobile Operators Association]] | [[National House Building Council]] | [[National Youth Agency]] | [[Pfizer]] | [[Pharmacia Pharamaceutical Services Negotiating]] | [[Safeway Stores]] | [[John Sainsbury]] | [[Shell International]] | [[Specialist Schools Trust]] | [[Sugar Bureau]] | [[Sun Microsystems]] | [[Sutton Trust Thames Water Utilities]] | [[T-Mobile]] | [[UBC Media]] | [[Ufi/ Learn Direct]] | [[UPS]] | [[Vauxhall Motors]] | [[Vodafone]]
==Location and contact details==
[[Image:SMFMAP.jpg|bottom|thumb|Social Market Foundation Map]]
The Social Market Foundation is located in at an address which is also used by the [[Adam Smith Institute]] to host events<ref>January Events, [http://conservativehome.blogs.com/cfdiary/2007/01/january_events_.html Geoffrey Clinton-Brown MP talk], ''Conservative Blogs'', Accessed 09-June-2009</ref>. The building is located in close proximity to the Houses of Parliament.
:'''Contact details'''
:Address: 11 [[Tufton St]], London, SW1P 3QB
:Telephone: 020 7222 7060
:Fax: 020 7222 0310
:Email: info@smf.co.uk
:Website: www.smf.co.uk
*"[http://www.spinwatch.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=165 Who is sponsoring whom at the Labour Party Conference]", ''Spinwatch'', September 9, 2004.
*Guardian profile [http://politics.guardian.co.uk/thinktanks/page/0,10538,715480,00.html Social Market Foundation]
*New Statesman profile [http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2009/04/market-foundation-social-party Social Market Foundation]
* Nick Mathiason '[http://politics.guardian.co.uk/thinktanks/story/0,10538,1539926,00.html The marketing of Blairism]', The Observer, 31 July 2005
[[Category:Neoliberal Organisation]][[Category:Think Tanks]][[Category:Stockholm Network]][[Category:Healthcare Industry]]

Latest revision as of 16:22, 29 April 2015

Social Market Foundation Logo

The Social Market Foundation is a London-based think tank established "to provide a source of innovative economic and social policy ideas"[1]. Located in close proximity to the houses of Parliament, the SMF has been influential in helping with the development of policies in the areas of health, education, welfare and pensions policy reform[2].

The Social Market Foundation, as the name suggests, attempts to develop ideas based on a fusion of the two themes of social justice and neo-liberal economics[3]. The Centre for Global Studies think tank originated from within the Social Market Foundation under the name "The Centre for Post-Collectivist Studies"[4]. The Social Market Foundation has provided "the intellectual battering ram" for the government in campaigns to increase competition in public services. Other controversial proposals from the SMF include the suggestion that "the public should be forced to save for a pension unless they specifically opt out"[5].

Social Market Foundation, 11 Tufton Street SW1P - a building shared with the Policy Network


The Social Market Foundation was founded in 1989 out of the ashes of David Owen's Social Democratic Party (SDP), using money from David Sainsbury[6]. It was created by supporters of Owen although it has never been officially affiliated with any political party. The think tank was originally linked to One Nation Conservatism. However, since the late 1990s it has been more closely identified with New Labour. In 2003 Gordon Brown delivered a keynote speech to the foundation on the subject of social markets.[7]

In its early years of the SMF the thinktank was closely connected to the Conservative Party. Former SMF directors Roderick Nye and Daniel Finkelstein, went on to become Conservative Party advisers[8]and as late as 2000, the SMF described itself as "steering an independent course between conflicting ideologies of conservatism and social democracy".[9]

In April 2000 Conservative Party leader William Hague delivered a controversial speech to the SMF. Hague proposed the creation of detention centres for asylum seekers, arguing that asylum seekers should be detained in former army barracks because:

People are arriving in Britain armed with expert knowledge of how to exploit our asylum laws; what to say on arrival; how to string out appeals and how to remain here if their cases are eventually turned down.[10].

In 2001 Robert Skidelsky was replaced by David Lipsey as chairman. This change led to the the think tank being more closely linked to New Labour and the abandonment of the goal stated on their homepage of steering a course between conservatism and social democracy. Philip Collins, a former speech writer for Tony Blair, became the SMF director at this time[11].

Writing in The Guardian, David Walker describes the history of the SMF:

The Social Market Foundation was founded by refugees from the collapse of the old Social Democrat party, became pro-Tory, then vaguely New Labour. All along, though, it has stood for diminishing the public sector and reducing the role of public bodies as service providers[12].

Fringe events at party conferences underwritten by corporate sponsors

The Social Market Foundation organises fringe events designed to coincide with the conferences of the three main UK political parties. These events are underwritten by corporate sponsors who are given the opportunity to "benefit from ongoing involvement in discussions about the subject matter and overall design of the fringe event, including input into the speaker line-up and determining the focus of the debate[13].

These fringe events are often sponsored by corporations with a vested interest in the subject being discussed. The SMF facilitates them, providing access to key policy makers and the media. At the Conservative Party conference of 2008 a discussion on waste in the NHS was sponsored by private healthcare provider Bupa[14]. At the same conference, discussion on pension provisions was sponsored by pension provider B&CE[15].

In 2003 and 2004 the Mobile Operators Association sponsored discussions entitled "Listening to the public: does community consultation improve the planning process?", with environment minister Alun Michael MP on the panel. The MOA had been lobbying to prevent stricter planning regulations on mobile phone masts.

Private health lobbyists buy an audience with health minister

During the 2014 Conservative Party Conference, the SMF held a late night meeting on the future of the NHS. The event was sponsored by private health company Bupa, health minister George Freeman was scheduled to speak at the invitation-only event. [16] Another speaker was SMF director Nigel Keohane, who has long argued the idea of charges to see a GP and bemoaned the slow pace of NHS privatisation.[17]



Board Members 2015

Lord Charles Falconer | Daniel Franklin | Baroness Olly Grender | Nicola Horlick | Graham Mather | Sir Brian Pomeroy CBE | Peter Readman | Baroness Gillian Shephard | Mary Ann Sieghart (Chair) | Professor Alison Wolf [18]

Board members 2010

Mary Ann Sieghart, chairperson (from September)

Board members 2009

David Lipsey, Chairman | Viscount Chandos | Gavyn Davies | David Edmonds | Daniel Franklin | Martin Ivens | Graham Mather | Brian Pomeroy

Policy advisory board 2009

Lord Adebowale | Wendy Alexander | Nicholas Barr | Liam Byrne | Vincent Cable | Philip Collins | Simon Crine | Don Cruickshank | Lord Dahrendorf | Ed Davey | Evan Davis | Alan Duncan | Daniel Finkelstein | Liam Halligan | Lord Haskins | Nick Herbert | Peter Lampl | Oliver Letwin | Maria Miller | George Osborne | Lord Parekh | Trevor Phillips | Lord Plant | Stephen Sherbourne | Sue Slipman | Lord Stevenson | John Tizard | Lord Turnbull | Stephen Twigg | Andrew Tyrie | David Willetts

Previous board members

Ian Mulheirn, Former Director | Natalie Tarry | Simon Griffiths | Jessica Prendergrast | Will Hoyles | Robert Skidelsky, Former Chairman | Rick Nye, Former Director | Daniel Finkelstein, Former Director | Philip Collins, Former Director | Ann Rossiter | Dermot Kehoe | John McFadden | Baroness Noakes

Previous policy advisory board members

Victor Adebowale | Wendy Alexander | Tim Allan | Nicholas Barr | Liam Byrne | Vincent Cable | Philip Collins | Ian Cornfield | Don Cruickshank | Matthew d'Ancona | Ralph Dahrendorf | Evan Davis | Ed Davey | Jonathon Freedland | Tony Giddens | David Goodhart | Liam Halligan | Chris Haskins | John Hatherly | Deirdre Hutton | John Jackson | Ruth Kelly | Peter Lampl | Callum Macdonald | George Osborne | Bhikhu Parekh | Mervyn Pedelty | Trevor Philips | Marion Poole | James Purnell | Lord Plant | Ann Rossiter | Stephen Sherbourne | Sue Slipman | Dennis Stevenson | Wendy Thomson | Andrew Turnbull | Adair Turner | Stephen Twigg MP | Andrew Tyrie | David Willetts | Shriti Vadera | Chris Walker



The SMF is funded by charitable foundations, companies and individual donors.[19]The SMF has a business group that companies like pharmaceuticals giant GlaxoSmithKline and oil conglomerate Shell pay over £10,000 to join. In a 2005 interview, then director Anne Rossiter contends most of the SMF's money comes from two charitable trusts and that all the research is free from corporate financial influence[20].

Corporate sponsors


Abbey | Alliance Against IP Theft | Boots plc | British Library | British Nuclear Group | British Waterways | BUPA | BP | Camelot Group | Centrica | Cicero Consulting Ltd | Confederation of British Industry | Deloitte | Department for Education and Skills | Detica | E.On | Edexcel | EDF | Electoral Commission | General Teaching Council | GlaxoSmithKline | Go-Ahead Group | Groundwork | Food Agency Services | Halifax Bank of Scotland | Harrah’s Entertainment Inc | Health and Safety Executive | Hutchison 3G | Institute of Occupational Safety and Health | Investment Management Association | Jefferson Communications | KPMG | Kraft | Lloyds Pharmacy | Marks and Spencer | Merck Sharp Dohme | Microsoft | Mobile Operators Association | Norwich Union | Ntl | Portman Group | Portland PR | PriceWaterhouseCoopers | Provident Financial | Quality Improvement Agency | Rainer | Sanofi Aventis | Sanofi Pasteur | Shell | Standard Life | Standard Life Healthcare | Standard Life Investments | Sutton Trust | Tescos | Ufi / Learn Direct | United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association | West Midland Safari Park | Working Links


acevo | Accenture | Arriva | Audit Commission | Barclays Bank plc | Barrow Cadbury Trust | Blackpool Council | British Nuclear Group Ltd | British Property Federation | The Boots Company plc | BP International Ltd | BUPA | Confederation of British Industry | Centrica plc | Child Poverty Action Group | Crime Concern | Deloitte & Touche | Detica | Diageo | Edge | Esmeé Fairbairn Foundation | Finance and Leasing Association | Getting London Working / Tomorrow’s People | General Teaching Council | Go-Ahead Group plc | Groundwork UK | GlaxoSmithKline | KPMG | Marks & Spencer Shared Services Ltd | Microsoft Ltd | Merck Sharpe Dohme | Mind | Mobile Operators Association | Munro & Forster | ntl | National Youth Agency | OFCOM | Provident Financial | PricewaterhouseCoopers | Sanofi Aventis | School Home Support | Shell International Ltd | Skybet | Standard Life | Sutton Trust | The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust | Tesco | Three | Thames Water Utilities Ltd | Ufl Ltd | UnumProvident[21].

Previous sponsors

Audit Commission | Barclays Bank | Barrow Cadbury Trust | Blackpool Council | Boots | BP International | British Nuclear Fuels | British Property Federation | BSkyB | BUPA | Camelot Group | CBI | Centrica | Chemical Industries Association | Corporation of London | Edexcel | EDS | Electoral Commission | Energywatch | Finance & Leasing Association | Fujitsu | GlaxoSmithKline | Go-Ahead Group | Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Learning & Skills Development Agency | Marks & Spencer | Mobile Operators Association | National House Building Council | National Youth Agency | Pfizer | Pharmacia Pharamaceutical Services Negotiating | Safeway Stores | John Sainsbury | Shell International | Specialist Schools Trust | Sugar Bureau | Sun Microsystems | Sutton Trust Thames Water Utilities | T-Mobile | UBC Media | Ufi/ Learn Direct | UPS | Vauxhall Motors | Vodafone

Location and contact details

Social Market Foundation Map

The Social Market Foundation is located in at an address which is also used by the Adam Smith Institute to host events[22]. The building is located in close proximity to the Houses of Parliament.

Contact details
Address: 11 Tufton St, London, SW1P 3QB
Telephone: 020 7222 7060
Fax: 020 7222 0310
Email: info@smf.co.uk
Website: www.smf.co.uk



  1. Social Market Foundation, About Us, SMF Website, Accessed 09-June-2009
  2. Social Market Foundation, Thinktanks in the news, The Guardian, Accessed 09-June-2009
  3. Social Market Foundation,About Us, SMF Website, Accessed 09-June-2009
  4. The Centre for Global Studies, About Us, The Centre for Global Studies, Accessed 09-June-2009
  5. Nick Mathiason, The marketing of Blairism, The Guardian,31-July-2005, Accessed 09-June-2009
  6. Catherine Pepinster, From left to right, they're all thinking, The Independent, 23-July-2995, Accessed 09-June-2009
  7. Gordon Brown, A Modern Agenda for Prosperity and Social Reform, Speech to the Social Market Foundation, 3-February-2003, Accessed 09-June-2009
  8. Social Market Foundation, Politics, The New Statesman, Accessed 09-June-2009
  9. Social Market Foundation, Social Market Foundation, Web Archive, 12-December-1998, Accessed 09-June-2009
  10. BBC News, Asylum camp plan attacked, BBC News, 18-April-2000, Accessed 09-June-2009
  11. Full Profile, Philip Collins, Speakers for Business, Accessed 03-June-2009
  12. David Walker, Public Manager: Public eye: Caught in the tank trap, The Guardian: Society Pg. 10, 17-September-2008, Accessed via LexisNexis 09-June-2009
  13. Conference Fringe Program, Our Sponsors, Social Market Foundation, Accessed 09-June-2009
  14. Less Waste, More Wellbeing, Conferences 2008, Social Market Foundation, Accessed 09-June-2009
  15. Reform Required?,Conferences 2008, Social Market Foundation, Accessed 09-June-2009
  16. Solomon Hughes Private health lobbyists are funding a meeting with a Tory minister Vice, 27 Sep 2014, accessed 2 October 2014
  17. Joana Ramiro NHS activists seize Tories' Millbank HQ The People's Daily Morning Star, 30 September 2014, accessed 2 October 2014
  18. About Us Social Market Foundation, accessed 9 April 2015
  19. Social Market Foundation, Thinktanks in the news, The Guardian, Accessed 09-June-2009
  20. Nick Mathiason, The marketing of Blairism, The Guardian,31-July-2005, Accessed 09-June-2009
  21. SMF, Annual Report 2005-06, Social Market Foundation, Accessed 09-June-2009
  22. January Events, Geoffrey Clinton-Brown MP talk, Conservative Blogs, Accessed 09-June-2009