This category contains all pages on charitable or philanthropic foundations, meaning those organisations which exist to fund other organisations. Confusingly, not all foundations have the word 'foundation in their title. For example the following are all foundations in that they exist to distribute money to what they see as 'good causes' or other charitable endeavours:
- The Leverhulme Trust, The California Endowment, The Church Commissioners for England, City Bridge Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Lilly Endowment. The National Trust. The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Henry Smith Charity and the Wellcome Trust.
Not all those organisation with the word 'foundation' in their title are really foundations in this definition. The category should not be used to label organisations which just have the word 'foundation' in their title but are actually think tanks or institutes or other action oriented organisations which do not mainly exist for the purpose of giving money away to 'good' causes.
The Foundations
One of the key interests of Powerbase is in the right wing foundations which do so much to distort public debate and policymaking. Their role is outlined in a report published by People for the American Way:
- Each year, conservative foundations pour millions of dollars into a broad range of conservative political organizations. These foundation gifts are remarkable for two principal reasons: first, their sheer size and concentration; second, the willingness of the foundations to promote a highly politicized agenda by funding a broad range of organizations.
The report examines the funding patterns of a number of significant conservative foundations and their grantees. It argues that:
- Right-wing foundations have developed a truly comprehensive funding strategy, providing grants to a broad range of groups, each promoting right-wing positions to their specific audiences. The grants have created and nurtured an enormous range of organizations all bent on promoting a far-right-wing agenda. Recipients of foundation largesse include the right-wing media; national "think tanks" and advocacy groups; a budding network of regional and state-based think tanks; conservative university programs; conservative college newspapers; conservative scholars and more. In many of these funding areas, progressive and mainstream foundation giving lags far behind.
- Five foundations stand out from the rest: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Koch Family foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Scaife Family Foundations and the Adolph Coors Foundation. Each has helped fund a range of far-right programmes, including some of the most politically charged work of the 1990s. For example, the American Spectator magazine, which led the charge on President Bill Clinton's state trooper contretemps and launched a slash-and-burn strategy targeting Anita Hill, is a prime recipient of foundation support.
- Public debate on a number of issues has been transformed by foundation largesse. For example, the Wisconsin-based Bradley Foundation has supported a range of pro-voucher efforts in its home state, sowing the seeds for that state's first-in-the-nation school vouchers program in Milwaukee. Other such case studies are presented in the report.[1]
Not Foundations
The following organisations have the word 'foundation' in their title. Under English law the name 'foundation' has no precise meaning unlike in the US. For our purposes, such organisations may be charities but are not a philanthropic foundations in the sense of Private foundations in the US.
- British Nutrition Foundation and education and lobby group for the Food industry
- Scottish Council Foundation - a think tank
- Scottish Leadership Foundation - a policy and training organisation
External resources
US resources
- Scott Klein and Liz Day, Resources for Investigating Tax-Exempt Organizations, ProPublica, 9 May 2013.
- Peter Swords, How to Read the New IRS Form 990, Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York, 2011.
- Nonprofit Explorer, ProPublica.
UK resources
- Register of Charities, Charity Commission.
- ↑ Buying a Movement A Report by the People For the American Way Foundation, 1996
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "Foundations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 220 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A M Charitable Trust
- Abner Levy Foundation
- Abstraction Fund
- Achelis and Bodman Foundation
- Adolph Coors Foundation
- Alan and Hope Winters Family Foundation
- Alfred and Frances Rubens Charitable Trust
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Allegheny Foundation
- Altman Kazickis Foundation
- American Friends of IDC
- Armstrong Foundation
- Aufzien Foundation
- Azeez Foundation
- Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust
- Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Foundation
- Beren Sea Foundation
- Berlin Charitable Trust
- Bernard Lewis Family Charitable Trust
- Bialkin Family Foundation
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Binyamin Elon
- Blum-Kovler Foundation
- Bluston Charitable Settlement
- Bochnowski Family Foundation
- C H (1980) Charitable Trust
- Carthage Foundation
- Catherine Lewis Foundation
- Catkin Pussywillow Charitable Trust
- Cayo Foundation
- Charities Aid Foundation
- Charities Aid Foundation of America
- Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
- Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
- Charles K. and Patricia F. Ribakoff Charitable Trust
- Charles Maxfield and Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
- Christenen voor Israël
- Christian Friends of Israeli Communities
- Citizenship Foundation
- Claws Foundation
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston
- Congressional Israel Allies Caucus
- Cosmon (Belz) Ltd
- Craps Charitable Trust
- David and Fela Shapell Family Foundation
- David and Jennifer Sieff Charitable Trust
- David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Davis Family Charitable Foundation
- Davis-Rubens Charitable Trust
- Dextra Baldwin McGonagle Foundation
- Dian Graves Owen Foundation
- Diana and Allan Morgenthau Charitable Trust
- Diana Davis Spencer Foundation
- Donald & Paula Smith Family Foundation
- Drayson Foundation
- Dunn's Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking
- Jack Goldhill Charitable Trust
- Jack Livingstone Charitable Trust
- Jack N. and Lilyan Mandel Foundation
- Jacobson Family Foundation Trust
- Jacques Asseoff Charitable Trust
- Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation
- Jaquelin Hume Foundation
- Jewish Communal Fund
- Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego
- John and Isabel Ritblat Education Trust
- John Armitage Charitable Trust
- John M Olin Foundation
- John Ritblat Charitable Trust No 2
- John Templeton Foundation
- Lawson Beckman Charitable Trust
- Lee Perelstine Kagan Charitable Trust
- Leona M. & Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
- Leroy Schecter Foundation
- Libitzky Family Foundation
- Lilly Endowment
- Lizzie and Jonathan M. Tisch Foundation
- Loftus Charitable Trust
- Louis Leibowitz Memorial Charitable Trust
- Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
- M & R Gross Charities
- M and C Trust
- M. B. Seretean Foundation
- Margy Pezdirtz
- Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation
- Mayfair Charities Limited
- Meidar Family Charitable Trust
- Menlo Foundation
- Middle Road Foundation
- Milken Family Foundation
- Milstein Family Foundation
- Mintz Family Foundation
- Mintz Family Foundation for Creative Jewish Education
- MJC Stone Charitable Trust
- MZ Foundation
- R and S Cohen Foundation
- Randolph Foundation
- Raymond Klein Charitable Foundation
- Razoo Foundation
- Reuben and Rose Mattus Foundation
- Reuben Foundation
- Richard and Ellen Sandler Family Foundation
- Richard Mellon Scaife
- Robert and Susan Weiss Family Foundation
- Robert Cohn and Ruth Cohn Family Foundation
- Robert M Beren Foundation Inc
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rosenblatt Family Charitable Trust
- Rosenkranz Foundation
- Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe
- Rubin Foundation Charitable Trust
- Rufford Foundation
- Russell Berrie Foundation
- Samuel and Julia Bernstein Foundation
- Samuel Storey Family Charitable Trust
- Sandler Foundation
- Sarah Scaife Foundation
- Scaife Family Foundation
- Scaife Foundations
- Searle Freedom Trust
- SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company (UK) Limited
- Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
- Smith Richardson Foundation
- Snider Foundation
- Sondra Oster Baras
- Spencer Raphael Jaffe Charitable Foundation
- Stand for Israel
- Stanley Kalms Foundation
- Stephen B. Klein Charitable Foundation
- Stuart Family Foundation
- Svetlana and Herbert M Wachtell Foundation
- Swartz Foundation
- Swartz Foundation (Boston)
- The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust
- The Childwick Trust
- The Clore Duffield Foundation
- The Denise Cohen Charitable Trust
- The Ellen and Gary Davis Foundation
- The Eranda Rothschild Foundation
- The Gatsby Charitable Foundation
- The Institute for Policy Research
- The Lewis Family Charitable Trust
- The Marcus Margulies Charitable Trust
- The Maurice Hatter Foundation
- The Pears Family Charitable Foundation
- The Phillips & Rubens Charitable Trust
- The Raphael Freshwater Memorial Association
- The Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation
- The Shlomo Memorial Fund Limited