Earhart Foundation

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The Earhart Foundation is a right-wing American Foundation which funds research and scholarship. It has provided funding to a number of European organisations to promote its right-wing and neoliberal agenda. Regular recipients include the seminal neoliberal think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Atlanticist Centre for Strategic Studies at the University of Reading which is headed by the former Reagan official Colin S. Gray.

European fellowships and grants

The following is a list of donations made by the Earhart Foundation to European individuals organisations and programmes taken from its 990-F filings.

2002 European fellowships and grants

H.B. Earhart Fellowships

Donocan C Chau, University of Reading, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $12,500
Disbursed Current Year: $17,312
Unpaid Commitment: $6,450

Kathryn Shea Sensen, Cambridge University, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $12,500
Disbursed Current Year: $6,050
Unpaid Commitment: $6,450

Fellowships Research Grants

Colin S Gray, Centre for Strategic Studies, The University of Reading. During 2001 to prepare a book, AMERICA’S DEFENSE THE GATHERING STORM (Amended 5/13/2002, time period through May 2003)
Amount Approved for Payment: $12,500
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: $12,500

Grants to Organisations

Institute of Economic Affairs. On behalf of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies. Ljubo Sirc to provide travel, accomondation and registration costs for 15 participants to attend a special meeting, “Rethinking Communism,” to be held in Bled, Slovenia in September 2001
Amount Approved for Payment: up to 6,658
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: 6,658

Institute of Economic Affairs. To provide travel, accommodation and registration costs for six guests to attend the Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting to be held in Bratislava, Slovakia during September 2001
Amount Approved for Payment: up to 11
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: up to 11

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. To provide two graduate fellowships in international security affairs tenable during academic year 2001-2002
Amount Approved for Payment: $20,000
Disbursed Current Year: $20,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. On behalf of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, Ljudo Sirc, Director to provide one graduate fellowship in economics tenable at the London School of Economics during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr Bernard Brscic, Recipient)
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,250
Disbursed Current Year: $6,250
Unpaid Commitment: -

Center for American Studies, Bayreuth University. To provide travel and conference expenses for Professor Michael Zoeller to attend the Mont Pelerin Society meeting in London, United Kingdom, during October 5 – 10, 2002
Amount Approved for Payment: $900
Disbursed Current Year: $900
Unpaid Commitment: -

University of St Andrews Liberty Club. To provide travel support for Professor Stephen Davies to deliver a lecture on the topic of the historical private provision of public services in November 2002
Amount Approved for Payment: up to $150
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: up to $150

Department of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. During calendar year 2002 for preparation of a book, EMERGENT HUMANITY THE PHILOSOPHY OF MICHAEL POLANYI, Christopher Goodman, Research Principal
Amount Approved for Payment: $9,000
Disbursed Current Year: $9,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. To provide general operating support during calendar year 2002 for the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies.
Amount Approved for Payment: $15,000
Disbursed Current Year: $15,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. During calendar year 2002 to support preparation of a book on the topic CLASSICAL LIBERAL POLITICAL ECONOMY AND SOCIAL CAPITAL A RECONCILIATION Mark Pennington and John Meadowcroft, Research Principals
Amount Approved for Payment: $20,000
Disbursed Current Year: $20,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Center for American Studies. During calendar year 2002 to provide support for a research assistant Jens Lemke, Recipient
Amount Approved for Payment: $30,000
Disbursed Current Year: $30,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. On behalf of the Centre for Reesarch into Post-Communist Economies, Ljubo Sirc, to provide one graduate fellowship tuition in economics at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, tenable during academic year 2002-2003 (Bernard Brscic, recipient)
Amount Approved for Payment: up to $15,000
Disbursed Current Year: $15,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. To provide two graduate fellowship in international Security Affairs tenable during academic year 2002-2003 (James Huges and Paul Harvey, Recipients)
Amount Approved for Payment: $40,000
Disbursed Current Year: $40,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. During a nine month period beginning September 2002 to complete a book on the relationship between individual and political realm in late medieval moral and political philosophy. Holly Hamilton Bleakley, Research Principal.
Amount Approved for Payment: up to $7,000
Disbursed Current Year: $3,500
Unpaid Commitment: $3,500

International Policy Network. During a three-month period beginning 1 January 2003 to translate into Kishwali and prepare for publication Fredenc Bastiat’s book, THE LAW, James Shikwah Research Principal
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,000
Disbursed Current Year: $6,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. For general operating support during calendar year 2003
Amount Approved for Payment: $25,000
Disbursed Current Year: 25,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

2003 European grants

H.B. Earhart Fellowships

Donocan C. Chau, University of Reading, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,450
Disbursed Current Year: $6,450
Unpaid Commitment: -

Kathryn Shea Sensen, Cambridge University, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,450
Disbursed Current Year: $16,450
Unpaid Commitment: -

Fellowships Research Grants

Colin S. Gray, Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. During 2001 to prepare a book. AMERICA’S DEFENSE: THE GATHERING SORM. (Amended 5/13/2002, time period through May 2003)
Amount Approved for Payment: $12,500
Disbursed Current Year: $12,500
Unpaid Commitment: -

Grants to Organisations

The Unversity of St. Andrews Liberty Club. To provide travel support for Professor Stephen Davies to deliver a lecture on the topic of the historical private provision of public services in November 2002.
Amount Approved for Payment: up to $150 [Rescinded 8 September 2003]
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs
Amount Approved for Payment: $11 [Cancelled 13 January 2003]
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,658 [Cancelled 13 January 2003]
Disbursed Current Year: -
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. During a nine-month period beginning September 2002 to complete a book on the relationship between the individual and political realm in late medieval moral and political philosophy. Holly Hamilton Bleakley, Research Principal.
Amount Approved for Payment: $3,500
Disbursed Current Year: $3,500
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. To provide general operating support during calendar year 2003 for the Ecntre for Research into Post-Communist Economies.
Amount Approved for Payment: $15,000
Disbursed Current Year: $15,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

International Policy Network. During calendar year 2003 to translare and prepare for publication Wolfgang Kasper’s book, THE RULE OF LAW AND COMPETITION, for the Institute of Public Policy Analysis, Lagos Nigeria. Thompson Ayodele, Director.
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,000
Disbursed Current Year: $6,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. To provide one graduate fellowship in International Security Affairs tenable during academic year 2003-2004. (Paul Harvey, Recipient).
Amount Approved for Payment: $20,000
Disbursed Current Year: $20,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Center for American Studies. During calendar year 2003 to provide support for a research assistant, Jens Lemke.
Amount Approved for Payment: $30,000
Disbursed Current Year: $30,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. On behalf of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, Ljubo Sirc, Director, to provide one graduate fellowship tuition in economices at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom, tenable during academic year 2003-2004. (Bernard Brscic, Recipient)
Amount Approved for Payment: up to $12,500
Disbursed Current Year: $12,500
Unpaid Commitment: -

2005 European fellowships and grants

H.B. Earhart Fellowships

Kathleen M. Goggins, University of St. Andrews, UK
Amount Approved:: $16,000
Disbursed 2005: $26,997
Unpaid Commitment: $8,200

Amy D. Richards, University of Edinburgh, UK
Amount Approved: $17,000
Disbursed 2005: $23,460
Unpaid Commitment: $8,700

Roman Hlouskoya, University of Reading, UK
Amount Approved: $17,000
Disbursed 2005: $13,997
Unpaid Commitment: $8,700

Fellowship research Grants

William Petropulos
Eric Voegelin Archive of the Geschwister Scholl Institute
Ludwig Maximillians University, Germany
During a twelve month period beginning July 2004 to prepare a monograph entitled, “Beyond Value Free Science: Philosophical Anthropology and Religious Experience: A Study of Helmuth Plessner and Eric Voegelin.”
Amount Approved: $10,800
Disbursed Current Year: $10,800

Development Office, University of St. Andrews
Amount Approved: (a) $13,098 (b) up to $25,842
Disbursed Current Year: (a) $6,549 (b) up to $12,291
Unpaid Commitment: (a) $6,549 (b) up to $12,291

International Policy Network 3rd Floor, Bedford Chambers – $3,000
During 2005 to provide a subvention for publication of books on liberty to be included in Eureka Project.

Finance Office, Corvinus University, Budapest – up to $2,000
During a six month period beginning January 2006 to support the translation into Hungarian of John Kekes’s book, The Roots of Evil, Zoltan Balazs, Research.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
For a twelve month period beginning May 2005 to translate into English the book by Bertram Schefold, BEITRAGE ZUR OKONOMISCHEN DOGMENGESCHICHTE (CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT)

Development Office, University of St Andrews
To provide (a) one graduate fellowship ($17,000 stipend and up to $19,060) in Constitutional Foundations and (b) up to $8,765 to cover two roundtrip airfares from the West Coast, United States to the United Kingdom and travel for research and conferences tenable during the academic year 2005-2006.
Amount Approved: (a) $17,000 (b) up to $27,825
Disbursed Current Year: (a) $8,500 (b) up to $13,913
Unpaid Commitment: (a) $8,500 (b) up to $13,912

Institute of Economic Affairs – $25,000
Development Office, University of St Andrews
To provide on supplemental graduate fellowship in Constitutional Foundations tenable during academic year 2005-2006.
Amount Approved: $5,885
Disbursed Current Year: $2,943
Unpaid Commitment: $2,942

Institute of Economic Affairs – $40,000
During a six month period beginning January 2006 to prepare a book, FREE TRADE: THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY FRONTIER, Raveen Sally, Research Principal

Centre for Strategic Studies, Department of Politics, University of Reading
To provide two graduate fellowships in international security affairs tenable during academic year 2005-2006. (Rashed Zaman and Martin Murphy, Recipients)
Amount Approved: $40,000
Disbursed Current Year: $20,000
Unpaid Commitment: $20,000

Institute of Economic Affairs – up to $30,000
On behalf of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, Ljubo Sirc, Director, to provide travel, accomondation and registration costs for up to 25 particpants to attend a Colloquium in Slovenia on the topic, “What can be donw by the EU and the USA to promote Functioning Enterprises in Europe and Elsewhere?,” to be held in Bled, Slovenia, September 23-25, 2005.

Grants to Organizations

International Policy Network – $30,000
During Calendar year 2005 to prepare a book on water and sustainable development, Kendra Okonski, Editor.

Institute of Economic Affairs – $60,000
For general operating support during calendar year 2005.</p>

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading
Amount Approved: $12,000
Disbursed Current Year: $6,000
Unpaid Commitment: $6,000

Institute of Economic Affairs
During a twelve month period beginning October 2005 to provide support for the quarterly journal of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, Post-Communist Economies.
Amount Approved: $40,400
Disbursed Current Year: $20,200
Unpaid Commitment: $20,200

2006 European fellowships and grants

H.B. Earhart Fellowships

Amy D Richards, University of Edinburgh, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $8,700
Disbursed Current Year: $8,700
Unpaid Commitment: -

Romana Hiouskoya, University of Reading, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $8,700
Disbursed Current Year: $8,700
Unpaid Commitment: -

Ty W Turley, London School of Economics, UK
Amount Approved for Payment: $16,000
Disbursed Current Year: $7,750
Unpaid Commitment: $8,250

Grants to Organisations

Development Office, University of St Andrews. To provide one graduate fellowship in Constitutional Foundations tenable during academic year 2004-2005 (Sean P Elliott, Recipient) (Amended 11/8/2004, time period academic year 2005-2006)
Amount Approved for Payment: (a) 6,549 (b) up to 12,921
Disbursed Current Year: (a) 6,549 (b) up to 12,921
Unpaid Commitment: -

Development Office, University of St Andrews. To provide (a) one graduate fellowship ($17,000 stipend and up to $19,060 tuition) in Constitutional Foundations and (b) up to $8,765 to cover two roundtrip airfares from the West Coast, United States to the United Kingdom and travel for research and conferences tenable during academic year 2005-2006.
Amount Approved for Payment: (a) 8,500 (b) up to 8,500
Disbursed Current Year: (a) 13,912 (b) up to 13,912
Unpaid Commitment: -

Development Office, University of St Andrews. To provide (a) one graduate fellowship [up to $16,500 tuition) in political science tentable during the period September 2005 through August 2006 (Hassan Bashir, Recipient)
Amount Approved for Payment: 2,942
Disbursed Current Year: 2,942
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. During a six month period beginning January 2006 to prepare a book FREE TRADE THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY FRONTIER, Razeen Sally, Research Principal
Amount Approved for Payment: 40,000
Disbursed Current Year: 40,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. To provide two graduate fellowships in international security affairs tenable during academic year 2005-2006 (Rashed Zaman and Martin Murphey, Recipients)
Amount Approved for Payment:
Disbursed Current Year:
Unpaid Commitment: -

Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Reading. For general operating support during academic year 2005-2006.
Amount Approved for Payment: $6,000
Disbursed Current Year: $6,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

Institute of Economic Affairs. During a twelve month period beginning October 2005 to provide support for the quarterly journal of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies.
Amount Approved for Payment: 20,200
Disbursed Current Year: 20,200
Unpaid Commitment: -

Development Office, University of St Andrews. To provide two graduate fellowships ($17,000 (US) stipend each and up to $18,840 (US) tuition each) in Constitutional Foundations tenable during academic year 2006-2007 (Laune A Wilson and Sean P Elliot, Recipients)
Amount Approved for Payment: (a) $34,000 (b)up to 37,680
Disbursed Current Year: (a) 17,000 (b) up to 17,843
Unpaid Commitment: (a) 17,000 (b) up to 19,837

Institute of Economic Affairs. To provide general operating support during calendar year 2006 for the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies.
Amount Approved for Payment: 20,200
Disbursed Current Year: 20,200
Unpaid Commitment: -

Center for American Studies, Germany. During a twelve month period beginning June 2006 to provide support for the Council on Public Policy’s education and research programs.
Amount Approved for Payment: $50,000
Disbursed Current Year: $50,000
Unpaid Commitment: -

2007 European fellowships and grants

Centre for Strategic Studies dept of politics, University of Reading Graduate fellowship in international security affairs – raashed zaman – $7,500

Development Office, University of St Andrews – graduate fellowships – laurie a Wilson and sean p elliot – $34,842

The Institute of Economic Affairs – support the Policy Institute for a project by mark pennington – $2,850

The Institute of Economic Affairs – provide support for the work of three fellows – $35,000

International Policy Network, 3rd Floor, Bedford Chambers, London – support for the Civil Society Coalition in its work on climate change – $7,500

The Institute of Economic Affairs – For general operating support during calendar year 2007 – $40,000

Development Office St Salvador’s College University of St Andrews – graduate fellowships – laura Wilson and sean p elliot – $37,466

School of Sociology Politics and International Relations University of Reading – a book by Colin S gray, the bridge a theory of strategy – $12,500

The Institute of Economic Affairs2 – general support, centre for research into post-communist economies – $22,000

The Institute of Economic Affairs2 – support three fellows – bartholonew, pennington & veljanovski – $35,000

International Policy Network – support for the Civil Society Coalition in its work on climate change – $7,500

The Institute of Economic Affairs2 – visiting professorship at univ of Buckinghamshire – atilla yayla – $10,500

School of Sociology Politics and International Relations University of Reading – a book by Colin S gray, the bridge a theory of strategy – $12,500

Center for American Studies Bayreuth UnivBayreuth – education & research programs – center’s council on public policy – $15,000


Rightweb: Earhart Foundation
