Randolph Foundation

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The Randolph Foundation, Source: Randolph Foundation screengrab

The Randolph Foundation is a New York-based charitable foundation that first operated in 1972 as the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust. It transitioned to independence from the Smith Richardson Foundation, assuming the name of The Randolph Foundation from 1991–1993, and was reconstituted as a NY non-profit corporation in 2002. The foundation provides funding primarily for public policy related projects. Heather Higgins (born Richardson) is its President and Richard Randolph acts as director. [1]

Counterjihad network funder

Between the years 2000-2009, the foundation was one of the main contributors to the anti-muslim organisation Middle East Forum, giving a total of $70,000 in this time. [2]

According to IRS filings up to 2013 the Randolph Foundation was ranked number 8 in list of top financial supporters of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, with seven grants totalling $497,500 up until 2013.[3]

It also was previously a top funder of Steve Emerson's Counterterrorism & Security Education and Research Foundation, having given three grants totalling $420,000 up until 2008. [4]

In 2014 the foundation donated USD $125,000 (2 donations) to the Donors Trust, a right-wing donor organisation.

Other grantees

The Randolph Foundation also provides funding for publications such as The Mountain View, The Blizzard and The Randolph Weekly.



Address: Randolph Foundation
PO Box 283
Gorham, NH 03581
E-mail: randolphnhfoundation@gmail.com
Website: http://www.randolphfoundationnh.org/index.php


  1. Randolph Foundation, Randolph Foundation, accessed 1 December 2016.
  2. MEF Funding, rightweb.irc, accessed 1 February 2016
  3. Top Supporters of David Horowitz Freedom Center, accessed 10 June 2015
  4. Counterterrorism & Security Education and Research Foundation, Conservative Transparency, accessed 12 June 2015
  5. Form 990 2014, Foundation Center, accessed 20 January 2016
  6. Form 990 2013, Foundation Center, accessed 20 January 2016