Peter Singer Foundation

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Peter Singer, Source: The Star

The Peter Singer Foundation (EIN: 13-4137010) is a 501(c)(3) non profit foundation based in Florida. It supports a range of causes, including various pro-Israel organisations, and key groups in the counterjihad movement such as the Middle East Forum.



Organisations that have received funding from the foundation include:

American Friends of Libi, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) Doctors Without Borders, Hope for Sderot, Human Rights Watch, Jewish National Fund, Middle East Forum, Middle East Research Center Ltd and the Jewish Communal Fund [1]





  1. 1.0 1.1 Form 990 2013, Foundation Center, accessed 18 January 2016
  2. Peter Singer Foundation, 990 Form, 2013
  3. Peter Singer Foundation, 990 Form, 2012
  4. Peter Singer Foundation, 990 Form, 2011