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*Video: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBMGqJThRU We will stick to fracking plan, says Cuadrilla boss], ''Channel4 News'', YouTube
*Video: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBMGqJThRU We will stick to fracking plan, says Cuadrilla boss], ''Channel4 News'', YouTube
*[https://www.youtube.com/user/cuadrillaresources Cuadrilla YouTube channel], ''YouTube - cuadrillaresources''
*[https://www.youtube.com/user/cuadrillaresources Cuadrilla YouTube channel], ''YouTube - cuadrillaresources''
:*Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBd28zkID6U Cuadrilla resources- an introduction], ''YouTube - cuadrillaresources'', 25 April 2013
:*Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0F0LF88n6w Cuadrilla environmental impact assessment], ''YouTube - cuadrillaresources'', 30 July 2014
:*Video: [

Revision as of 09:46, 22 December 2016

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Cuadrilla Resources is a UK energy company based in Staffordshire. Set up in 2007 and backed by British Gas, it has been described as "the pioneer of fracking in the UK". It has been at the forefront of the fledgling shale gas industry's efforts to kickstart shale exploration in rural areas, employing a raft of heavyweight lobbyists and enjoying easy access to government ministers.


Cuadrilla is a UK-registered company privately owned by its management team and two investors, the Australian drilling and engineering company AJ Lucas (43%) and former BP CEO John Browne's Riverstone LLC.

The firm employs 'some 70 staff in the UK both directly employed and through contractors, mostly based at the well sites. The main contracting partner in the UK is PR Marriott Drilling Ltd based in Chesterfield, which has over 60 years of drilling experience in Britain'.

In June 2011 Cuadrilla suspended its shale gas test drilling of wells at Preese Hall, Lancashire after an report found it was 'highly probable' that hydraulic fracturing - fracking - had triggered earth tremors. [1]

Censure by the Advertising Standards Authority

In 2012 lobbyists PPS produced a brochure for Cuadrilla, titled "Summer 2012 Exploring For Natural Gas Cuadrilla Resources is exploring for natural gas in Lancashire" which the Advertising Standards Authority found contained claims that partially breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 3.1 and 3.3 (Misleading advertising) and 3.11 (Exaggeration). [2]

This was despite PPS' proclaimed communication strategy that since 2011 'has focused on making Cuadrilla and its operations as transparent as possible so that the government, media and opinion-formers could gain trust in the company’s corporate governance and technology'.

Successful appeal against Lancashire council refusal

In July 2013 Cuadrilla announced it would apply for planning consent to start fracking on new sites in the Fylde area of Lancashire. [3] In May and June 2014 it submitted applications to frack at sites Preston New Road near Blackpool in the Northwest and at nearby Roseacre Wood.

A year later, in June 2015, Cuadrilla's plans were rejected by members of Lancashire County Council's development control committee. The company appealed. Conservative ministers subsequently gave themselves new powers in late 2015 to override local councils' planning decisions. On October 2016, the new communities and planning secretary Sajid Javid ruled to uphold the appeal, paving the way for shale gas production at Preston New Road next year.

Financial losses

In the year to December 2015 Cuadrilla posted a loss of £17.67 million.

Constituencies including Cuadrilla licences


Management team

  • Francis Egan - chief executive
  • Matt Lambert - director of government and public affairs since 2013 to present. Has previously worked for Betfair, Microsoft, lobbyists Grayling and was a speechwriter and researcher for Liberal Democrats in the 1980s [4]
  • Andrew Quarles Van Ufford
  • Andrew Price
  • Eric Vaughan - CEO, previously chief technology Officer (circa 2012), 'head of well development' 2015
  • Leon Jennings - health, safety and environment director Cuadrilla
  • Ken Lowe - Water management (circa 2012)
  • Huw Clarke - Exploration geologist, joined Cuadrilla in 2009. Senior well site geologist for Cuadrilla’s Bowland shale operations and conducted the geological operations for the Preese Hall 1 shale gas discovery well. Speaker at the March 2014 Shale Gas conference in London. [5]
  • Jacqui Reid, communications and public affairs manager at Cuadrilla Resources Ltd
  • Sam Schofield, Lancashire communications and public affairs manager

Former executives

  • Tony Carruthers - commercial director Cuadrilla Resources for 3.5 years from April 2012 – September 2015. Before that was commercial manager East Africa for Tullow Oil from September 2010 – March 2012. Now a director of Forty Green Energy Ltd.[6]

Directors of the Board

  • Mark Miller - Director, Cuadrilla Resources; Director and VP of Cuadrilla Resource Holdings. From the USA, he founded and ran Eastern Reservoir Service until 2005.
  • Dennis Carlton - Director, Cuadrilla Resources; Director, Cuadrilla Resource Holdings. From the USA, he founded and ran Evergreen Resources until 2004. He led the successful development of coal bed methane in Colorado; his exploits appear in Gasland
  • Peter Turner Director, Cuadrilla Resources, also manages its exploration activities in mainland Europe. Turner is a former academic who headed the Petroleum Geosciences Unit at the University of Birmingham. He holds a B.Sc, a PhD and an honory D.Sc in Geology and has written over 150 publications and books. Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and the Americas.

Cuadrilla Resource Holdings non-executive directors

  • 25/05/2011 New Company Secretary Mr A.C. Price appointed

Former directors

  • 07/02/2012 Mr M.P. Tonkin left the board
  • ALDLEX LIMITED resigned as Company Secretary 24 December 2012

Lobbying firms and consultants


  • PPS - the planning lobbyist specialists have retained Cuadrilla as a client since 2011 [9] when it managed the firm's website and produced a brochure for Cuadrilla, titled "Summer 2012 Exploring For Natural Gas Cuadrilla Resources is exploring for natural gas in Lancashire" that the ASA later ruled was partially misleading.


  • Paul Kelly - communications consultant and director of PPS Group
  • Nick Sutcliffe - communications consultant and director of PPS Group. Sutcliffe is also politician for Guildford District Council (Conservative Councillor for Ash South & Tongham Ward).

Law firms

Peachy & Co LLP was appointed to act for Cuadrilla in the UK from July 2008, as the firm has no in-house legal resource in the UK. This role has involved acting for the oil and gas firm:

  • in December 2011 on Cuadrilla's acquisition of a significant equity participation in a Hungarian O&G project, including successfully fracking a test well. Peachey's website reported that 'Further equity interests will be acquired following further seismic work and the drilling of a further exploratory well during 2012'.
  • in October 2012 with negotiations with the UK Government to recommence its hydraulic fracking operations in the UK.

In June 2013 Peachey & Co acted for the Australian stock exchange quoted company A J Lucas Group Ltd in the sale of part of its interest in the Bowland shale gas exploration licence area to Centrica plc. A J Lucas is a major shareholder in Cuadrilla Resources which is the co-owner on the licence.

In March 2013 The Lawyer magazine reported that former Slaughter and May lawyer Hubert Ashton, now a partner at Peachey, admitted that the past few months of exploratory digging, questions in the House and earthquakes have been “interesting”. [14]

Auditors and bankers


Contact details

Website: http://www.cuadrillaresources.com/
Cuadrilla Resources Ltd
Stowe Court
Stowe Street
Staffordshire WS13 6AQ


See: Fracking lobbying firms

See: Fracking Spads


  1. Fracking tests near Blackpool 'likely cause' of tremors, BBC News, November 2011
  2. Advertising Standards Authority, ASA Adjudication on Cuadrilla Resources Ltd, Rulings, 24 April 2013, acc 27 March 2014
  3. Terry McCallister, Cuadrilla announces major fracking expansion in UK, The Guardian, Friday 5 July 2013 18.14 BST
  4. Matt Lambert, LinkedIn, accessed 9 February 2016
  5. Huw Clarke, Shale UK 2014, accessed 4 September 2014
  6. Tony Carruthers, LinkedIn profile, accessed 9 Feb 2016
  7. CUADRILLA RESOURCES HOLDINGS LIMITED 07147040, Companycheck, acc 27 March 2014
  8. Tom Bawden, Cuadrilla PR man admits George Osborne's shale gas revolution won’t cut energy bills, 20 August 2013
  9. APPC Register Entry for 1 Dec 2011 to 29 Feb 2012
  10. Register for 1st March 2014 - 31st May 2014
  11. Lobbyists are unconvincing over the minister for fracking, Socialist Worker, The Troublemaker, 4 Feb 2014, acc 24 June 2014
  12. Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 23 February 2015
  13. Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 23 February 2015
  14. Matt Byrne, Analysis on Bracewell & Giuliani and the shale gas market: The fracking truth, The Lawyer, 4 March 2013
  15. Register of All-Party Groups (As at 7 June 2013), parliament.co.uk