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==Fracking clients==
==Fracking clients==
Weber Shandwick represents [[Tamboran Resources]] and [[Rathlin Energy]].{{‪Template:Fracking badge‬}}
Weber Shandwick represents [[Tamboran Resources]] and [[Rathlin Energy]]. On 9 July 2013 Weber Shandwick London hosted a special 'fracking event'entitled, "Community concern or consent?". <ref> [http://webershandwick.co.uk/#!/news/archive/shale_or_no_shale_community_concern_or_consent/ @WS_London's #shale #fracking event "Community concern or consent?" 9th July 2013], Twitter, accessed 3 September 2015 </ref>{{‪Template:Fracking badge‬}}
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*[[Alex Deane]], former head of public affairs, ex-director of pressure group [[Big Brother Watch]] (BBW), former chief of staff to [[David Cameron]] and held the same role for [[Tim Collins]], himself now managing director at [[Bell Pottinger Public Affairs]], when Collins was a Conservative shadow cabinet member. Deane joined WS from Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, where he worked for less than a year.<ref>[http://www.publicaffairsnews.com/no_cache/home/uk-news/news-detail/newsarticle/weber-shandwick-lures-ex-cameron-aide-alex-deane-from-bell-pottinger/2/?tx_ttnews[pointer]=4&cHash=caac475601 Weber Shandwick lures ex-Cameron aide Alex Deane from Bell Pottinger], Public Affairs News, 15 sept 2011</ref> Is now managing director of public affairs at [[FTI Consulting]].<ref> Rod Muir [https://www.publicaffairsnews.com/articles/news/lib-dem-lobbyist-steps-ws Lib Dem lobbyist steps up at WS] ''Public Affairs News'', 22 September 2014, accessed 8 October 2014 </ref>
*[[Alex Deane]], former head of public affairs, ex-director of pressure group [[Big Brother Watch]] (BBW), former chief of staff to [[David Cameron]] and held the same role for [[Tim Collins]], himself now managing director at [[Bell Pottinger Public Affairs]], when Collins was a Conservative shadow cabinet member. Deane joined WS from Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, where he worked for less than a year.<ref>[http://www.publicaffairsnews.com/no_cache/home/uk-news/news-detail/newsarticle/weber-shandwick-lures-ex-cameron-aide-alex-deane-from-bell-pottinger/2/?tx_ttnews[pointer]=4&cHash=caac475601 Weber Shandwick lures ex-Cameron aide Alex Deane from Bell Pottinger], Public Affairs News, 15 sept 2011</ref> Is now managing director of public affairs at [[FTI Consulting]].<ref> Rod Muir [https://www.publicaffairsnews.com/articles/news/lib-dem-lobbyist-steps-ws Lib Dem lobbyist steps up at WS] ''Public Affairs News'', 22 September 2014, accessed 8 October 2014 </ref>
*[[Michael Prescott]], former director corporate communications and public affairs at WS. Is now director of corporate affairs at the [[BT Group]].
*[[Michael Prescott]], former director corporate communications and public affairs at WS. Is now director of corporate affairs at the [[BT Group]].
*[[Priti Patel]], Conservative MP and minister from 2014 onwards at the UK [[HM Treasury]] and the [[Department of Work and Pensions]].

Revision as of 06:50, 3 September 2015

Weber Shandwick is the UK subsidiary of Weber Shandwick Worldwide, one of the biggest global PR companies (owned by Interpublic). In 2006, the UK subsidiary had a fee income of £28 million.[1] The company has strong ties to the Labour Party through its CEO Colin Byrne.

Weber Shandwick London, 2 Waterhouse Square
Weber Shandwick Worldwide Offices, Central Edinburgh. Photograph taken on the Spinwatch G8 Spinwalk, 1 July 2005


Below are just a few examples of Weber Shandwick's work for clients:

Pro-nuclear activity

Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.

Weber Shandwick has a long history of involvement with the nuclear industry. Documents released under FOI, show that the firm worked for BNFL in 2004 and 2005.[2] In February 2006, the PR magazine O'Dwyer's also reported that Weber Shandwick was promoting BNFL's move to sell Westinghouse Electric to Japan's Toshiba for $5.4 billion. US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez had lobbied UK officials in favour of General Electric's bid for Westinghouse.[3][4] BNFL remained a lobbying client in 2009.[5] Former UK Weber Shandwick CEO, Philip Dewhurst, was recruited by BNFL in 2001. He was also the chair of the Nuclear Industry Association.[6]

Weber Shandwick also worked for Nexia Solutions – a wholly owned subsidiary of BNFL providing technology services and solutions across the full nuclear fuel cycle mainly in the UK, but with an increasing overseas market. Nexia Solutions became the foundation of a new National Nuclear Laboratory when it was launched in July 2008. [7]

Working towards a nuclear new build

Weber Shandwick has been working with BNFL towards a new nuclear build in the UK since 2004. The Labour Party manifesto in 1997 had been opposed to new power stations, stating that there was no case for nuclear power.[8] By 2006, Labour was claiming the opposite - that nuclear power needed to be part of the mix of energy supply for the UK. And in 2007, Tony Blair was linking new build to climate change: "If we want to have secure energy supplies and reduce CO2 emissions, we have got to put the issue of nuclear power on the agenda".[9]

In 2004 - a year before the government annnounced its "official review" into nuclear power in the UK - Weber and BNFL were working on their own plan:

  • "To secure from the review a meaningful commitment to a programme of nuclear new build, underpinned by commitments to:
  • Provide the necessary market and fiscal framewrok for replacement build;
  • Begin a programme or review which deals with the question of disposal of nuclear waste from repalcement build;
  • Analyse and bring in the changes needed in the planning and regulation regime which to enable speedy decision-making and construction".[10]

"Belief in the cause"

One question people ask is whether PR consultants are neutral on issues like nuclear power and just provide professional advice. One email from Weber to BNFL from September 2004 gives an answer. It said: "As you know, you have a group of people over here who believe in this cause - we would love to do this work, and already feel excited about it".[11]

Using climate change to sell nuclear

One of the main PR strategies of the nuclear lobby has been to use the issue of climate change to push for a resumption in nuclear. The argument they put forward is that nuclear is a low emitter of greenhouse gases and should therefore be used as a key policy option to fight climate change. Part of Weber / BNFL's strategy has been to position nuclear as clean, safe, secure and climate-friendly (see also BNFL).

For example, in December 2004, Weber wrote a document “The Case for Nuclear Energy”, which reiterated the major themes that the nuclear industry is using to push for a revival – climate change and energy security. According to the document, nuclear's main selling points are:

• Nuclear energy can be competitive with gas, and may in the future be the cheapest form of electricity; • Nuclear power is essential in combating CO2 emissions; • Nuclear power offers substantial security of supply benefits; • Nuclear plants can be built to time and cost; • Nuclear waste issues should not be a barrier to building new stations; • The track record of safety and security in the nuclear industry is excellent; • The nuclear industry plays a key role in the UK economy; • The need for Government action to keep the nuclear option open is increasingly urgent; • Action needed now by Government.[12]

But what about those who deny climate change? They could, by default, undermine the case for nuclear: In September 2004 a letter appeared in The Times signed by Lord Lawson, and known climate sceptics Wilfred Beckerman as well as Julian Morris from the International Policy Network, among others that attacked the need for action on climate: It said:

"Sir, Both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition made major speeches last week on climate change and the policies that are supposedly required to deal with it (reports, September 14 and 15). It appears that, in this area, Tony Blair and Michael Howard are of one mind. They hold the same alarmist view of the world, and call for much the same radical -and costly programme of action ... There are no solid grounds for assuming, as Messrs Blair and Howard do, that global warming demands immediate and far-reaching action".

On reading this, Weber Shandwick emailed BNFL:

"Times letter today from Nigel Lawson and others which seems to be pooh-poohing climate change - anyone know anything about where this lot have popped up from?"... "Any intellgence (sic) gratefully received before we set to work here at WS end trying to find out what's going on..."[13]

Using third parties to push nuclear

Philip Dewhurst of the Nuclear Industry Association, and former CEO of Weber Shandwick, told PR Week in 2006 that BNFL was spreading its messages "via third-party opinion because the public would be suspicious if we started ramming pro-nuclear messages down their throats"[14] In the summer of 2005, the NIA and BNFL had approached key academics and independent researchers to attend a media training workshop, along with staff from BNFL and NIA, to be run by Weber Shandwick. Although a date for July and August was proposed for the training, the NIA's chief executive, Keith Parker, said in an email: "If, as we expect, the energy review is announced before parliamentary recess in July, we need to be well prepared to hit the airwaves confidently."[15]

Good news in Labour's 2005 manifesto

When Labour's 2005 manifesto was published, the spin doctors were quick to pick up on the following paragraph:

"We have a major programmme to promote renewable energy, as part of a strategy of having a mix of energy sources from nuclear power stations to clean coal to micro generators."

Weber Shandwick sent a note to BNFL:

" To me, at least, this is a step towards a declared pro-nuclear position".

BNFL replied:

"Wow...good news indeed".[16]

Lobbying for corporate education reformers

Weber Shandwick has a specialist education practice.

In the US, Weber Shandwick says its education practice is 'well-versed in assisting higher educational institutions as they forge their reputations and develop their thought leadership'.[17] It says it has 'deep relationships with both the education and mainstream media'.

In the UK, Weber Shandwick's education industry lobbying clients include:

Lobbying the curriculum

In 2011 Weber Shandwick created the 'We Believe in D&T' lobbying campaign on behalf of the UK's Design and Technology Association (members include Pearson[18]). The campaign focused on forming a coalition of parliamentarians, opinion leaders, policymakers and using endorsements from the business community to petition the Department for Education to retain Design and Technology (DT) as a statutory subject within the National Curriculum. It succeeded.

Education reformers on staff

In April 2015 Weber Shandwick's lobbying practice in the UK hired David Skelton, the 'influential Conservative thinker and consultant to blue chip companies'. Skelton has written about the need to accelerate market reforms in education in order ' to transform the life chances of the poorest'.[19] He is also 'fascinated' by how technology is transforming politics, communications and business.[20] After standing as a Tory party candidate, Skelton spent 6 years at PA Consulting; before becoming Deputy Director and Head of Research at Policy Exchange between 2011 and 2013; and then founding Renewal, which campaigns to broaden the Conservative Party’s appeal to working-class voters.

Smoothing over human rights abuses?

In November 2006, The Independent reported how political comedian Mark Thomas had criticised Weber Shandwick for accepting work with the Colombian government, whose human rights record is appalling. For example, some 460 trade unionists have been killed in the country since 2003. “Colombia is the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist,” said Thomas. “The government is found wanting. So for someone to come along and say, ‘We'll show you how to do good PR’ is disgraceful. Where will people draw the line? Would Weber Shandwick want to see the swastikas before deciding not to work with someone?”[21]


During the July 2000 meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Australia, Shandwick undertook a high-profile PR campaign for the Japanese Whaling Association including newspaper adverts in local media entitled "Whaling the facts," which claimed that "all whales aren't endangered”. They also distributed a leaflet that claimed that whale meat is to Japanese what meat pies are to Australians. “Don't interfere in our culture and we won't interfere in yours”, it said.[22][23]


Shandwick led a multi-million-dollar PR campaign to “neutralize” environmentalists opposed to rainforest logging in New Zealand. Leaked documents showed that a central part of the PR strategy was to stigmatise their opponents as “extremists”, who had “limited” support and who spread “misinformation”. Shandwick allegedly also spied on their green critics and infiltrated opposition groups.[24]

Working for Big Oil

The company has worked for Shell for a number of years, including countering criticism over its role in Nigeria at the time of the execution of writer Ken Saro-Wiwa.[25] In 2004 Weber Shandwick was said to be “handling the 'greening” of ExxonMobil by promoting an alliance forged between the energy giant and Earth 911, a government/private sector entity with the motto of 'making every day Earth Day'".[26]

Promoting the City's interests

In April 2009, Weber Shandwick UK was hired by International Financial Services London, now known as TheCityUK to promote the interests of the financial services sector in the City of London, for example on "key issues such as keeping markets open in the [then] current global crisis".[27] IFSL's press release announced that the account would be supported by Priti Patel, then "Director, Weber Shandwick Public Affairs" who will "provide additional counsel". Patel is now a Conservative MP. The then CEO of IFSL said: "Bringing the team at Weber Shandwick on board will help us establish IFSL's voice in the public debate on how financial services companies can best navigate the currently troubled economic waters." (Note the link to the IFSL press release is broken; Weber Shandwick's press release was changed in the run up to the 2010 general election, with Priti Patel's name removed. Patel's election campaign focused on her support for small business. According to her campaign website: “Her career outside of politics means she has an innate understanding about the issues faced by small businesses”).

Fracking clients

Weber Shandwick represents Tamboran Resources and Rathlin Energy. On 9 July 2013 Weber Shandwick London hosted a special 'fracking event'entitled, "Community concern or consent?". [28]

FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project


  • Colin Byrne chief executive officer, Weber Shandwick UK. Byrne is the former flat-mate of Business Secretary Lord Peter Mandelson. He was Labour’s Chief Press Officer up to the 1992 election, working with Tony Blair and Gordon Brown on media relations. He also worked for Labour’s election manager, Peter Mandelson in 1997 and for Labour on the 2001 election. Clients include BNFL
  • Jon McLeod, chairman UK corporate, financial and public affairs. McLeod went into public affairs in 1997, having spent six years in financial and legal journalism.
  • David Skelton, head of UK public affairs, appointed April 2015. Former Conservative candidate in 2010 General Election, director at Policy Network and Fishburn Hedges and founder of Conservative think tank Renewal. Replaced Alex Deane.[29]
  • Rachel Friend, chair, consumer marketing, UK and EMEA

December 2014-February 2015

Chris Bailey | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Alex Brown | Ben Burton | Jennifer Butler | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Daria Chernyshenko | Natasha Collins | Stephen Flanagan | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Beth Laffin | Tamora Langley | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Kelly McVeigh | Wendy Mitchell | Will Nathan | Ailsa Nicol | Signe Norberg | Dyan Owen | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Gary Sargent | Nora Senior | Andrew Smith | Johnny Stewart | Laura Tapper | Brian Tjugum | Mary Whenman | Mair Williams | Ross Williamson | Hugo Winn[30]

September 2014-November 2014

Chris Bailey | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Ben Burton | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Beth Laffin | Tamora Langley | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Will Nathan | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Dyan Owen | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Nora Senior | Johnny Stewart | Laura Tapper | Brian Tjugum | Mary Whenman | Mair Williams | Ross Williamson[31]

June 2014-August 2014

Chris Bailey | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Ben Burton | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Tamora Langley | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Nora Senior | Johnny Stewart | Laura Tapper | Brian Tjugum | Mary Whenman | Mair Williams | Ross Williamson[32]

March 2014-May 2014

Sama Al-Naib | Chris Bailey | Lindsay Beacom | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Ben Burton | Natalie Buxton | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Joseph Musgrave | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Nora Senior | Johnny Stewart | Laura Tapper | Brian Tjugum | Mary Whenman | Ross Williamson | Taline Yedibalian [33]

December 2013-February 2014

Chris Bailey | Lindsay Beacom | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Ben Burton | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | Jo Leah | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Chris Marritt | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Joseph Musgrave | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Liam O'Keefe | Nuala O'Neill | Dyan Owen | Hayley Peters | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Andy Poole | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Opasna Randev | Sarah Roberts | David Sawyer | Jess Shepherd | Johnny Stewart | Brian Tjugum | Jonny Townsley | Sarah Twyman | Mary Whenman | Jess Wilkinson | Ross Williamson [34]

September 2013-November 2013

Lizzie Agar | Chris Bailey | Jenni Bamford | Lindsay Beacom | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Ben Burton | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Professor Iain Docherty | Naomi Farmer | Andrew Gill | Bennett Golder | Lincoln Hill | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Lucy Jenkins | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | Jo Leah | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Chris Marritt | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Joseph Musgrave | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Liam O'Keefe | Nuala O'Neill | Dyan Owen | Hayley Peters | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Andy Poole | Victoria Poole | Simon Pugh | Opasna Randev | Sarah Roberts | Kate Saunders | David Sawyer | Jess Shepherd | Johnny Stewart | Brian Tjugum | Jonny Townsley | Sarah Twyman | Mary Whenma | Jess Wilkinson | Ross Williamson [35]

June 2013-August 2013

Lizzie Agar | Chris Bailey | Jenni Bamford | Lindsay Beacom | Sophie Beswick | Sian Bevan | Niki Birrell | John Bowen | Tom Braithwaite | Ben Burton | Colin Byrne | Gemma Clulow | Alex Deane | Rebecca Derry | Laurence Diment | Professor Iain Docherty | Benjamin Evetts | Naomi Farmer | Andrew Gill | Elora Glucksman | Bennett Golder | Anna Golding | Dawn Hesketh | James Hillier | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Lucy Jenkins | Kate Joynes-Burgess | Heather Kenny | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | Jo Leah | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Chris Marritt | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Joseph Musgrave | Nafisa Nathani | Ailsa Nicol | Liam O'Keefe | Nuala O'Neill | Hayley Peters | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Andy Poole | Victoria Poole | Lauren Pritchard | Simon Pugh | Opasna Randev | Sarah Roberts | Kate Saunders | Emma Savage | Jess Shepherd | Johnny Stewart | Brian Tjugum | Jonny Townsley | Sarah Twyman | Anna Varley Jones | Jess Wilkinson | Natalie Willey | Ross Williamson [36]

March 2013-May 2013

Jenni Bamford | Lindsay Beacom | Sophie Beswick | Sian Bevan | John Bowen | Tom Braithwaite | Leigh Brimicombe | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Rebecca Derry | Laurence Diment | Professor Ian Docherty | Benjamin Evetts | Naomi Farmer | Andrew Gill | Elora Glucksman | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Lucy Jenkins | Heather Kenny | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | Jo Leah | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Chris Marritt | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Anna-Maria Missouri | Kevin Neilan | Ailsa Nicol | Liam O'Keefe | Nuala O'Neill | Hayley Peters | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Andy Poole | Victoria Poole | Lauren Pritchard | Simon Pugh | Opasna Randev | Sarah Roberts | Kate Saunders | Emma Savage | Jess Shepherd | Johnny Stewart | Jonny Townsley | Sarah Twyman | Anna Varley Jones | Nick Vose | Jess Wilkinson | Natalie Willey | Ross Williamson [37]

December 2012-February 2013

Lindsay Beacom | Sian Bevan | John Bowen | Natalie Buxton | Colin Byrne | Alex Deane | Laurence Diment | Ian Docherty | Benjamin Evetts | Andrew Gill | Elora Glucksman | Mary Hinks-Edwards | Chris Hogwood | Lucy Jenkins | Adam Lang | Tamora Langley | Harriet Leach | John Lunny | Kaz Lynas | Moray Macdonald | Conor Magowan | Chris Mansell | Matt McCarthy | Stephen McGrath | Duncan McKay | Jon McLeod | Pavel Miller | Kevin Neilan | Ailsa Nicol | Liam O'Keefe | Joe Phelan | Emma Pointer | Simon Pugh | Kate Saunders | Johnny Stewart | Ross Williamson [38]

Former staff

  • Andrew Brown, Former director of media strategy. Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown's brother. He moved to energy company EDF from Weber Shandwick in 2004.
  • Jim Donaldson, Former executive vice-president: Donaldson joined WS early in 2011 from Hill and Knowlton. His responsibilities spanned WS's corporate, financial and public affairs practices.[39]
  • Nora Farrell, Former Managing Director of the Edinburgh office
  • Conall McDevitt, was CEO of Weber Shandwick's Belfast office from 2007-2009 when he quit to pursue a political career. He was elected as an SLDP and MLA in 2010. He resigned in September 2013 after it emerged that he had breached the Northern Ireland assembly's code by failing to disclose payments from his former employer in 2010.
  • David Yelland Former Senior Vice Chairman, Weber Shandwick - UK
  • Alex Deane, former head of public affairs, ex-director of pressure group Big Brother Watch (BBW), former chief of staff to David Cameron and held the same role for Tim Collins, himself now managing director at Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, when Collins was a Conservative shadow cabinet member. Deane joined WS from Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, where he worked for less than a year.[40] Is now managing director of public affairs at FTI Consulting.[41]
  • Michael Prescott, former director corporate communications and public affairs at WS. Is now director of corporate affairs at the BT Group.
  • Priti Patel, Conservative MP and minister from 2014 onwards at the UK HM Treasury and the Department of Work and Pensions.


December 2014-February 2015

Abbott | Aberdeen Glasgow Southampton Airports Limited | ABPI | Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | Allen and Overy | Alpha Resource Management | APEX Housing | Arc NI | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | BAM Construct UK | Bank of America Merill Lynch | Bar Council | Barclays | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | Calysta | Capgemini | Co-operative Development Scotland | Colleges NI | Cubist | Eden Springs | Edinburgh Haymarket Development Ltd | Education Funding Agency | EirGrid | Energy North | Energy Saving Trust | European Patent Lawyers' Association (EPLAW) | Firstsource Solutions | General Dental Council | Greater London Authority | GSMA | Hark Group | Harris Federation | InfraRed Capital Partners | Innasol Group | Inspired Gaming Group | Inverness Campus | Inverness College UHI | Investors in People Scotland | Island Renewables | Lagan Group | Lambert Smith Hampton | Live Nation (Music) UK Ltd | London Legal Support Trust | Low Commission | MasterCard | Mercedes Benz | Merck | Microsoft | Motorola Solutions Limited | Newington Housing | NHS Education for Scotland | NI Federation of Housing Associations | NI Horseracing Group | Northampton University | Oaklee Trinity Housing | Ocean Spray | Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult | Oil & Gas UK | Power NI | Public Law Project | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Northern Ireland | Save the Children | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | SEMO | Serco | Social Investment Scotland | South West College | Spen Hill Developments | STOPAIDS | Sunderland City Council | System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI) | Takeda | Tamboran Resources Pty Ltd | Tamboran Resources UK Ltd | Teighmore Construction Ltd | The HostelWorld | Ticketmaster | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | University of the West of Scotland | Westfield Europe Ltd | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windyfields EU Ltd | World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)[30]

September 2014-November 2014

Abbott | ABPI | Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland UK Ltd | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | Alpha Resource Management | Arc NI | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | BAM Construct UK | Bank of America Merill Lynch | Bar Council | Barclays | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | CityJet | Cubist | Defence Equipment Services Limited | Eaton | Eden Springs | Edinburgh Haymarket Development Ltd | Education Funding Agency | EirGrid | Energy North | Energy Saving Trust | Federalist Society | Finmeccanica UK | Firstsource Solutions | Greater London Authority | GSMA | Hark Group | Harris Federation | InfraRed Capital Partners | Innasol Group | Inspired Gaming Group | Inverness Campus | Inverness College UHI | Investors in People Scotland | Island Renewables | John McQuillan Contracts Ltd | Kix | Lagan Group | Live Nation (Music) UK Ltd | London Legal Support Trust | Low Commission | MasterCard | Mercedes Benz | Merck | Microsoft | NHS Education for Scotland | NI Federation of Housing Associations | NI Horseracing Group | Northampton University | Ocean Spray | Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult | Oil & Gas UK | Palantir | Power NIPPP Forum | Public Law Project | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Northern Ireland | RWE npower | Save the Children | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | Serco | Social Investment Scotland | Spen Hill Developments | STOPAIDS | Sunderland City Council | System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI) | Takeda | Tamboran Resources Ltd | Tamboran Resources Pty Ltd | Teighmore Construction Ltd | The HostelWorld | Ticketmaster | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | University of the West of Scotland | Westfield Europe Ltd | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windyfields EU Ltd | World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)[31]

June 2014-August 2014

Abbott | ABPI | Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland UK Ltd | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | Alpha Resource Management | APEX Housing | Arc NI | Arena Coventry Limited | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | BAM Construct UK | Bank of America Merill Lynch | Bar Council | Barclays | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | CityJet | Cubist | Eaton | Eden Springs | Edinburgh Haymarket Development Ltd | EirGrid | Federalist Society | Finmeccanica UK | Firstsource Solutions | Fold Housing Association | GSMA | Inspired Gaming Group | Island Renewables | John McQuillan Contracts Ltd | Kix | Lagan Group | Live Nation (Music) UK Ltd | London Legal Support Trust | Low Commission | MasterCard | Mercedes Benz | Microsoft | Monster | NHS Education for Scotland | NI Federation of Housing Associations | NI Horseracing Group | Northampton University | Ocean Spray | Oil & Gas UK | Palantir | Power NI | Public Law Project | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Northern Ireland | RWE npower | Save the Children | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | Serco | Social Investment Scotland | Spen Hill Developments | Sunderland City Council | System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI) | Tamboran Resources Ltd | Tamboran Resources Pty Ltd | Teighmore Construction Ltd | The Cheque Centre | The HostelWorld | Ticketmaster | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | Westfield Europe Ltd | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windy Fields EU Ltd[32]

March 2014-May 2014

Abbott | ABPI | Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland UK Ltd | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb - funded by EBLEX, part of AHDB | Alpha Resource Management | APEX Housing | Arc NI Arena Coventry Limited | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | AstraZeneca | BAE Systems | BAM Construct UK | Bar Council | Barclays | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | Cerberus Capital Management | Citymothers | Clanmill Housing | Cubist | East Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group | Eaton | Eden Springs | Edinburgh Haymarket Development Ltd | EirGrid | Federalist Society | Finmeccanica UK | Firstsource Solutions | Fold Housing Association | GKN plc | GSMA | Guardian Media Group | Inspired Gaming Group | Island Renewables | John McQuillan Contracts Ltd | Joseph Rowntree Foundation | Kix | Lagan Group | MasterCard | Mercedes Benz | Microsoft | Monster | NHS Education for Scotland | NI Federation of Housing Associations | NI Horseracing Group | Northampton University | Ocean Spray | Oil & Gas UK | Palantir | Pearson | Power NI | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Northern Ireland | Rural Services Network | RWE npower | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | Selex ES Ltd | Serco | Social Investment Scotland | Spen Hill Developments | St Matthew's Housing Estate | System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI) | Tamboran Resources Ltd | Tamboran Resources Pty Ltd | Telespazio Vega UK Ltd | The Cheque Centre | The HostelWorld | Ticketmaster | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windy Fields EU Ltd | WISE | WWF UK [33]

December 2013-February 2014

Air Products | Alfa Group | All Party Group | Alfa Group | Anglian Water | Anglo American | Astra Zeneca | ATOS | Aviva | Bacardi Brown-Forman Brands | Balfour Beatty | Box | Capital & Counties Carbon Tracker | Chevron | City and Guilds | Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP | Dearman Engine Company | Diageo GB | Diageo plc | DP World London | Gateway Dr Wellgood | Edwardian Group London | Eggborough Power Limited | Electricity Storage Network | Farrells | Fidelity | Finchatton | FutureLearn | Gateway 120 Ltd | GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy | Hitachi GE | Intu Properties | Keoghs | Killik and Co. | LetterOne | Mark Thompson | Maxxium UK | Melford Capital Partners | Microsoft | News UK | Orbit Group | Ovo Energy | Pernod Ricard | Petrofac | QE Prize for Engineering | Renewable Energy Association (REA) Back Biomass CampaignRoche | Sainsburys | Samsung | Sedgemoor District Council | South West Water | Spectator | STA | Stanhope PLC | Stansted Airport | Starbucks UK & Ireland | Syngenta | UPS | URS | Verny Capital | WR Berkley [34]

September 2013-November 2013

Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | APEX Housing | Arc NI | Arena Coventry Limited | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Artisan REI | Asda | BAE Systems | BAM Construct UK | Bar Council | Bar Standards Board | Barclays | Bristow Group | Clanmill Housing | Cubist | Dentons | E Cigarette World | Ecosse Regeneration | Eden Springs | EDI Group | EE | Environmental Services Agency | EURES | Finders - Heir Hunters | Finmeccanica UK | First Source Solutions | Fold Housing Association | GDF Suez | GKN plc | Guardian Media Group | Harlequin Group | International Fund for Ireland | Interserve plc | Island Renewables | Lothian Buses | MasterCard | Mazars | McCue Fit Out | Menarys | Mercedes Benz | Mexx | Microsoft | Monster | NI Federation of Housing Associations | Nike Inc | Northampton University | Ocean Spray | Onefinestay | Palantir | Pearson | Power NI | Promontory Financial Group | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Renewable Energy International | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Rural Services Network | Samsung HI | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | SEMO | Serco | SHS Group | Social Investment Scotland | Social Stock Exchange Ltd. | SONI | South West College | Spen Hill Developments | St Matthew's Housing Estate | Tamboran Resources Pty Limited | The Cheque Centre | The HostelWorld | Ticketmaster | Trinity Housing | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | Walkers Global | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windy Fields EU | WISE | WWF UK [35]

June 2013-August 2013

Advertising Association | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | APEX Housing | Arc NI | Arena Coventry Limited | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Artisan REI | Asda | BAE Systems | BAM Construct UK | Bar Council | Bar Standards Board | Barclays | Bristow Group | Clanmill Housing | Cubist | Dentons | Ecosse Regeneration | Eden Springs | Environmental Services Agency | Environmental Services Agency | EURES | Everything Everywhere | Finders - Heir Hunters | Finmeccanica UK | First Source Solutions | GDF Suez | GKN plc | Grosvenor | Guardian Media Group | Harlequin Group | International Fund for Ireland | MasterCard | Mazars | Menarys | Mercedes Benz | Mexx | Microsoft | Monster | NI Federation of Housing Associations | Nike Inc | Northampton University | Ocean Spray | Onefinestay | Palantir | Power NI | Promontory Financial Group | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Renewable Energy International | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists | Rural Services Network | Scottish Association for Mental Health | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | Serco | SHS Group | Social Stock Exchange Ltd. | SONI | South West College | Spen Hill Developments | St Matthew's Housing Estate | Tamboran Resources Pty Limited | The Cheque Centre | The HostelWorld | The Potato Council | Ticketmaster | Trinity Housing | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | Walkers Global | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windy Fields Ltd | WISE | WWF UK [36]

March 2013-May 2013

6 Pump Court | ACL | Adactus | Advanced Supply Change | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland | Aldi | All Party Group on Beef & Lamb | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | Attractions of Snowdonia | BAE Systems | Bar Council | Bar Standards Board | Barclays | Beaverbrooks | Begbies Traynor | Boston Scientific | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | BuyMyHome | Castel | Cirrus Connect | Clanmill Housing | Colwyn Bay | Destination Conwy | Devro | DPD | E-Cigarette | Eden Springs | Enterprise | Environmental Services Agency | Environmental Services Agency | EURES | Everything Everywhere | Finders | Finmeccanica UK | Firecroft | First Source Solutions | GDF Suez | GKN plc | Grosvenor | Guardian Media Group | Harlequin Group | International Fund for Ireland | Isle of Anglesey | Lagan Group | Lend Lease | Manchester Business School | MasterCard | Mazars | Menarys | MEPC - Birchwood Park | MEPC - Wellington Place Mercedes Benz | Merebrook House | Mexx | Monster | MTG | NI Federation of Housing Associations | North Wales Borderland | Northampton University | Northern Ireland Horse Racing Group | Oxford City Council | Paddy Power | Palantir | Pinsent Mason | Portsmouth Water | Power NI | Promontory Financial Group | PZ Cussons | Q Hotels | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Renewable Energy International | Royal College of Speech & Language | Rural Services Network | SABIC | Salt Union | Scottish Pelagic Processors Association | Seafish | Sealed Air | Selex | Serco | SHS Group | Singapore Airlines | Social Stock Exchange Ltd. | SONI | Spen Hill Developments | Tamboran Resources Pty Limited | The Cheque Centre | The HotelWorld | The Midland Hotel | The Potato Council | Trinity Housing | TWN | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | Walkers Global | Warburtons | Welsh Lamb | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd | Windy Fields Ltd | WISE | WWF UK [37]

December 2012-February 2013

6 Pump Court | Abbott Labs | Agriculture & Horticulture Development | AgustaWestland | Aldi | Allen & Overy | Arc | Artisan Real Estate Vendors | Asda | BAE Systems | Bar Council | Bar Standards Board | Barclays | Bausch + Lomb | Board | Boston Scientific | Bristow Group | Bryson Charitable Group | Bryson Recycling | Centre for Cross Border Studies | Design and Technology Association | Devro | DPD | East Border Region of Councils | Ecosse Regeneration Ltd | Eden Springs | Energy Saving Trust | EURES | Everything Everywhere | Finmeccanica UK | First Source Solutions | GDF Suez | General Dental Council | GKN plc | Grosvenor | Guardian Media Group | Harlequin Group | International Fund for Ireland | JMF Limited | JN Wine | Lend Lease | MasterCard | McCue Fit Out | Menarys | Mercedes Benz | Monster | MTG | NI Federation of Housing Associations | Northampton University | Northern Ireland Horse Racing Group | Paddy Power | Palantir | Portsmouth Water | Power NI | Rathlin Energy UK Limited | Red and Yellow | Renewable Energy International | Royal College of Speech & Language | Rural Services Network | Salt Union | Scottish Resources Group | Seafish | Selex | Serco | SHS Group | Singapore Airlines | Spen Hill Developments | Stornoway Port Authority | Systems Operator Northern Ireland | Tamboran Resources Pty Limited | Therapists | Training for Women | Unilink | University of Central Lancashire | University of Plymouth | Urban Union | Whitemountain Quarries Ltd [38]


Abbott Labs | Access Glasgow LLP | Advamed | Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board | AgustaWestland | Albyn Housing Association | Arts and Business | Asda | Association of British Healthcare Industries | Associated Newspapers | Bar Council | Bar Standards Board | Barclays | Bausch & Lomb | Bristow Group | British Water Cooler Association | British Waterways Scotland | Brookfield Europe | Bryson Recycling | BSW Timber | BT | Cala Homes | Care Visions | Centre for Cross Border Studies | Co-Operative Group | Covidien | Dalradian Gold | Devon County Council | Digital UK | Dispensing Doctors Association | EC Harris | Ecotricity | Eden Springs | Energy Saving Trust | Enterprise | ESEP | Finders Geneologists | Finmeccanica UK | First Source Solutions | GKN | Green Ocean Energy | Guardian News & Media | Hark Group | Health & Safety Executive | Henderson Global Investments | Highlands & Islands Enterprise | Horse-racing Group | International Power NI | Inverness Airport Business Park | Jacobite Cruises | Jewish Community Centre | Jigsaw Energy | KPMG Jersey | Mabey Bridge | Macmillan Publishers | MasterCard | McTaggart Construction | Mercedes Benz | Monster | NIE Energy | Northcliffe Media | Northern Ireland Horse Racing Group | Northern Ireland Tourist Board | Ofqual | Plasco | Poyry Energy | Quarriers | Rathlin Energy | Renewable Energy International | Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh | Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists | Rural Services Network | RWE npower | Scottish Resources Group | Selex Galileo | Serco | Shell | Shred-it | SHS Group | Singapore Airlines | Social Enterprise Hotel | Solicitors Regulation Authority | South West College | Spen Hill Developments | Sport NI | Jersey (States of) | Sunderland City Council | Telegraph Media Group | Telford Trustees | The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland | The Glenmorangie Company | Trinity Mirror | University of Central Lancashire | Willis Group | Youth Community Support Agency [42]


Abbot Laboratories | Balfour Beatty | Barclays | British Museum | Carbon Trust | Devon County Council | Esmee Fairbairn Foundation | GKN | Goodman International | Health & Safety Executive | Leaning & Skills Council | Maximus | Nestle | Northrop Grumman | Advamed | Bar Council | BNFL | Camidoc | De La Rue | Dispensing Doctors Association | Finmeccanica | AgustaWestland | Selex Galileo | Jewish Community Centre | Mabey & Johnson | Mentor Employment & Skills | NHS Community Foundation Trusts | Paypoint | Association of British Healthcare Industries | Bennoy | East Midlands Development Agency | GB Group | Hammerson | Kalyx | Marie Curie Cancer Care | Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board | Norfolk County Council | Rural Services Partnership | Serco | Maxim | University of Central Lancashire | Industry Forum | Findon Holdings | Turkingtons | Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland | CEMEX | Taggart Homes | Matrix | Wright Bus | Aldi | National Osteoporosis Society | Digital UK | Waverley Rail | British Waterways | The Glenmorangie Company | Scottish Physical Activity Task Force | Circle Health Properties | Whiteburn Developments | Suffolk County Council | Hark Group | Virgin Media | Youth Sports Trust | Recycling Electrical Producers' Industry Consortium | Central Craigavon Ltd | Tourism Ireland | West Bay Capital | Down Royal Racecourse | Strathclyde Partnership for Transport | Henderson Global Investors | Tiger | Energy Saving Trust | NHS Health Scotland | Quarriers | MacFarlane Homes | Transport Scotland | Scottish Environmental Protection Agency | Surrey Police Authority | University of Hertfordshire | Whizz Kidz | Broads Authority | Inna Gudavadze | Frederick Solms-Baruth | Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation | Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission | The Construction and Property Group | Grosvenor | North British Windpower | Glasgow Airport Rail Link | Ukio Bankas | Eden Springs | Multiple Sclerosis Society | Highland Hospice | Viking Wind Energy | BSW Timber | Access Glasgow [43]


(The following clients are currently unreferenced) Adobe | Anglian Water | British American Tobacco[44] | Coca-Cola | COLT Telecom | Corporation of London | Dixons | Eli Lilly | Euronext | General Council of the Bar | Intel | Meat & Livestock Commission | Merrill Lynch | Nestle | Panasonic | Peugot | Pfizer | R.J. Reynolds[45] | Scotts | Siemens | Unilever | Visa | Woolworths


Address: 3 Grosvenor Gardens
T: 44 20 7067 0000


Further Resources

See: Fracking lobbying firms


  1. PR Week, “Madeleine, Mills and M&A Madness,” December 14, 2007, p23
  2. Paying to be propagandised, Chris Grimshaw, Corporate Watch, 10 October 2006
  3. "Weber Shandwick Gudes Nuke Deal"O'Dwyers PR Daily, February 6, 2006. - requires subscription
  4. P. Simpson (2002)WSW Picks Up BNFL Public Affairs Work, PR Week, 22 April
  5. APPC register, to Nov 2008, accessed Feb 2009
  6. Nuclear Industry Association website
  7. Nexia Solutions Press Release, Nexia Solutions Welcomes Announcement of UK National Nuclear Laboratory, 24 October, 2006.
  8. Government accused of U-turn on nuclear energy, Independent, 5 November 2001
  9. BBC News, 24 May 2007
  10. NewBuild Proposal, Email from Weber Shandwick to BNFL, September 16, 2004
  11. NewBuild Proposal, Email from Weber Shandwick to BNFL, September 16, 2004
  12. The Case for Nuclear, Email Sent from Weber Shandwick to BNFL, December 15, 2004
  13. Email from Weber Shandwick to BNFL, September 24, 2004.
  14. Plugging the gap, The Guardian, 3 May 2006
  15. Plugging the gap, The Guardian, 3 May 2006
  16. Email from Weber Shandwick to BNFL, April 13, 2005.
  17. Specialities - Education, Weber Shandwick website, accessed August 2015
  18. corporate members, DTA website, accessed August 2015
  19. David Skelton, Schools must change to help poor, clever kids, Telegraph, 13 May 2015
  20. Skelton profile, Fishburn webiste, accessed August 2015
  21. Oliver Duff, “Comedian Starts PR War About Spin in the Jungle”, The Independent, November 7, 2006
  22. Andy Rowell, "Cutting edge", The Guardian, 29 September 1999, accessed February 2009
  23. Shandwick Works to Save the Fox, Kill the Whale, PR Watch, 1st Quarter 2001
  24. Andy Rowell, "Cutting edge", The Guardian, 29 September 1999, accessed February 2009
  25. PR Watch, First Quarter 2001, Volume 8, No. 1
  26. O'Dwyers PR Daily, September 2004, quoted on Sourcewatch
  27. IFSL press release, 3 April 2009, link broken
  28. @WS_London's #shale #fracking event "Community concern or consent?" 9th July 2013, Twitter, accessed 3 September 2015
  29. David Singleton Weber signs Skelton for top PA post Public Affairs News, 22 April 2015, accessed 30 April 2015.
  30. 30.0 30.1 Register 1st December 2014 - 28th February 2015 APPC, accessed 9 March 2015
  31. 31.0 31.1 Register 1st September 2014 - 30th November 2014 APPC, accessed 16 January 2015
  32. 32.0 32.1 1st June 2014 - 31st August 2014 APPC, accessed 17 October 2014
  33. 33.0 33.1 Register for 1st March 2014 - 31st May 2014, APPC, accessed September 2014
  34. 34.0 34.1 Register for 1st December 2013 - 28th February 2014 APPC, accessed 30 September 2014
  35. 35.0 35.1 Register for 1st September 2013 - 30th November 2013 APPC, accessed 30 September 2014
  36. 36.0 36.1 Register for 1st June 2013 - 31st August 2013 APPC, accessed 30 September 2014
  37. 37.0 37.1 Register for 1st March 2013 - 31st May 2013 APPC, accessed 30 September 2014
  38. 38.0 38.1 Register for 1st December 2012 - 28th February 2013 APPC, accessed 30 September 2014
  39. [pointer=4&cHash=caac475601 Weber Shandwick lures ex-Cameron aide Alex Deane from Bell Pottinger], Public Affairs News, 15 Sept 2011
  40. [pointer=4&cHash=caac475601 Weber Shandwick lures ex-Cameron aide Alex Deane from Bell Pottinger], Public Affairs News, 15 sept 2011
  41. Rod Muir Lib Dem lobbyist steps up at WS Public Affairs News, 22 September 2014, accessed 8 October 2014
  42. APPC register, 1 September 2011 to 30 November 2011
  43. APPC register, to Nov 2008, accessed Feb 2009
  44. White's/Shandwick, A Slide Presentation to British American Tobacco of White's/Shandwick International, 13 June 2000, accessed 19 Feb 2010, p.8
  45. White's/Shandwick, A Slide Presentation to British American Tobacco of White's/Shandwick International, 13 June 2000, accessed 19 Feb 2010, p.8