Ninth Herzliya Conference
The Ninth Herzliya Conference took place at the IDC Herzliya on 2-4 February 2009.[1]
Monday , February 2, 2009
08:15-09:30 The Security Dimension
- Chair: MK Tzachi Hanegbi, Chairman, Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee
- Mr. Dan Meridor ,Former Member of the Cabinet; Chairman of the National Security Doctrine Commission
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Former Deputy Minister of Defense
- Prof. Uzi Arad, Chairman, Herzliya Conference
open discussion
09:30-11:00 The Foreign Relations Dimension
- Chair: Mr. Aaron Abramovich
- Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Amb. Yossi Gal
- Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Naor Gilon, Director, Bureau for International Affairs, Center for Policy Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Eran Etzion, Director, Policy Planning Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
open discussion
08:15-09:45 The Societal Dimension
- Chair: Col. (res.) Ahuva Yanai, CEO, Matan
- Mr. Isaac (Buji) Herzog, Minister of Welfare and Social Services and Minister of the Diaspora, Society, and Fight Against Antisemitism
- Mr. Nahum Itzkovich, Director General, Ministry of Welfare and Social Services
- Prof. Mooli Lahad, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tel-Hai Academic College
open discussion
09:45 -10:00 Mr. Eliyahu Yishai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor
10:00 -11:00 The Economic Dimension
- Chair: Mr. Eli Hurvitz, Chairman, Board of Directors, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
- Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
- Dr. Karnit Flug, Director, Research Department, Bank of Israel
- Mr. Roni Bar-On, Minister of Finance
open discussion
The Balance of Israel' s National Security 11:15-12:45 Formal Opening
- Chair: Prof. Uzi Arad, Chairman, Herzliya Conference
- Greetings: Prof. Uriel Reichman,President, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Yael German, Mayor of Herzliya
- Mr. Shimon Peres, President of the State of Israel
The Balance of Israel's National Security and the 2009 "Herzliya Indices"
- Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
- Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor, Head, School of Political Sciences, Haifa University
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan, President, Sderot Conference for Society
13:30-15:00 The Negev as the New Frontier: Re-prioritizing its Development
- Chair: Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress
- Prof. Alex Mintz, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Prof. Avishay Braverman, Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee
- Mr. Eitan Wertheimer, Chairman of the Board, "Daroma"
- Mr. Zeev Bielski, Chairman of the Executive Jewish Agency for Israel and the WZO
- Mr. Ofer Isseroff, Director, "Daroma"; Regional Director, Jewish Agency for Israel
open discussion
15:15-17:00 Perspectives on the Changing Global Landscape
- Chair: Sir Michael Pakenham, Former Chairman of the UK Joint Intelligence Committee
- Amb. Igor S. Neverov, Director, North American Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
- Prof. Brahma Chellaney, Professor of Strategic Studies, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
- Amb. John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
- Mr. Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Senior Director for Policy Programs, German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Amb. Zalman Shoval, Chairman, Friends of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Former Ambassador of Israel to the US
open discussion
15:00-16:30 Are Mixed Cities the Face of the Future for Israel?
- Chair: Prof. Aliza Shenhar
- President, Emek Yezreel College
- Mr. Amnon Be'eri-Sulitzeanu, Co-Executive Director, Abraham Fund
- Prof. Rassem Khamaisi, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Haifa University
- Mr. Kamel Agbaria, Chairman, Neighborhood Committee, Jaffa Arab Quarter
- Mr. Shimon Gafsou, Mayor, Nazareth-Ilit
- Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, IDC Herzliya
open discussion
17:15-18:00 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"
- Chair: Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Ms. Tzipi Livni, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
18:00-19:30 Can European-Israeli Relations be Decoupled from the Palestinian Issue?
- Chair: Amb. Raphael Barak, Deputy Director General for Western Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Tomas Pojar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
- Mr. Thomas Oppermann, MdB, Deputy Chairman, SPD Parliamentary Group, Germany
- Dr. Liam Fox, MP, Shadow Defense Secretary, United Kingdom
- Amb. Avi Primor, Director, Center for European Studies, IDC, Herzliya
- Amb. Marc Otte, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process
open discussion
18:00-19:15 Multi-Faceted Jerusalem
- Chair: Dr. Gavriel Barkay, Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University
- Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custos of the Holy Land
- Prof. Yossi Shilhav, Department of Geography, Bar-Ilan University
- Dr. Dore Gold, President, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
- Mr. Hanna Siniora, Co-CEO IPCRI
open discussion
19:15-19:30 MK Avigdor Liberman, Chairman, Yisrael Beitenu
20:30-22:30 Change of Guard and the Future of US World Leadership
- Chair: Prof. Herbert London, President, Hudson Institute
- Amb. John Bolton, Former US Ambassador to the United Nations
- Mr. R. James Woolsey, Venture Partner with VantagePoint; Former US Director of Central Intelligence
- Mr. Richard Gordon, President, American Jewish Congress
- Amb. Alfred H. Moses, Chair, UN Watch; Partner & Senior Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP; Honorary President, American Jewish Committee
open discussion
Conversation between:
- Mr. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times Columnist and Dr. Josef Joffe, Editor-Publisher, Die Zeit
Tuesday , February 3, 2009
08:15-10:00 Dealing with Asymmetric Islamic Terrorism
- Chair: Dr. John Chipman, Director General and Chief Executive, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
- Prof. Brahma Chellaney, Professor of Strategic Studies, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
- Dr. Jamie Patrick Shea, Director, Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General, NATO
- Lt. Gen. (res.) Moshe (Bogie) Yaalon, Former IDF Chief of Staff
- Mr. Glenn Carle, Former US Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Transnational
- Mr. Matthew Mark Horn, Co-Executive Director, American Jewish Congress
open discussion
10:00-11:30 Coping with Hamas: Lessons from Operation "Cast Lead"
- Chair: Prof. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center
- Prof. Avraham Sela, Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- MK Brig. Gen. (res.) Effie Eitam, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
- Dr. Anat Kurtz, Senior Research Associate, Institute for National Security Studies
- Col. (Res.) Daniel Reizner , Former Head of the IDF International Law Department
- MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
open discussion
11:45-13:15 Israel's Legitimacy under Attack – New Tools for Advocacy
- Chair: Mr.Gidi Mark, C.E.O Taglit-Birthright Israel
- Mr. Isaac (Buji) Herzog, Minister of Welfare and Social Services and Minister of the Diaspora, Society, and Fight Against Antisemitism
- Mr. Ben-Dror Yemini, Maariv
- Dr. Boaz Mourad, Insight Research Group
- Prof. Leonard Saxe, Director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University
- Amb. Ron Prosor, Ambassador of Israel to the UK
- Mr. David Horovitz, Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Post
open discussion
08:15-09:45 'Why Do Israeli Students Fail? Can the Digital Revolution Change the Educational Reality?
- Chair: Dr. Shimshon Shoshani, Former Director General of the Ministry of Education
- Ms. Gila Ben-Har, Director, Center for Educational Technology
- Mr. Yoram Yaacovi, CTO, Microsoft Israel Development Center
- Mr. Meir Brand, Google Israel Country Director
- Prof. Michal Yerushalmy, Faculty of Education, Haifa University
- Prof. Yuli Tamir, Minister of Education
open discussion
09:45-11:00 Economic Concepts for Higher Education
- Chair: Mr. Dror Strum, President, The Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
- Dr. Yaacov Sheinin, CEO, Economic Models
- Mr. Avraham Shochat, Former Minister of Finance; Chairman of the Shochat Commission on Higher Education
- Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron, President, The Open University
- Maj. Gen. Avi Zamir, Head of Personnel Branch, IDF
- Prof. Yuli Tamir, Minister of Education
open discussion
11:20-12:35 R&D National Policy: Higher Education – Moving from Basic Science to R&D
- Chairs: Prof. Oded Abramsky, Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development
- Prof. Menahem Yaari, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- Moderator: Prof. Rivka Carmi, President, Ben-Gurion University
- Mr. Guri Zilka, Advisor, National Council for Research and Development; Former Director of Council for Higher Education
- Prof. Mina Teicher, Chair, National Committee for International R&D Relations, National Council for Research and Development
- Dr. Lea Nass, Former Chair of the Science and Technology committee
open discussion
14:00-15:15 Jumpstarting the Israeli-Palestinian Process: Economic Initiatives and Political Derivatives
- Chair: Sir Ronald Cohen, Chairman, The Portland Trust
- Dr. Robert Danin, Head of Mission, Quartet Representative to the Middle East
- Dr. Maher S. El-Kurd, Chairman of the PLO Economic Committee
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, President, Council for Peace and Security
- Amb. Irit Ben-Abba,Deputy Director General for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Shavit Matias, Deputy Attorney General, in charge of International Issues
open discussion
15:30-17:00 A Matter of Historic Justice: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries
- Chair: Dr. Avi Bitzur, Director General, Ministry for Pensioners' Affairs; Specialist for Home Front Defense, Bar-Ilan University
- Mr. Raffi Eitan, Minister for Pensioners' Affairs, also in charge of Restitution of Jewish Rights and Assets
- Ms. Rachel Machtiger, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Atlantic Forum of Israel
- Dr. Zvi Zameret, Director, The Ben Zvi Institute
- Mr. Edwin Shuker, President,Justice for Jews from Arab Countries
open discussion
13:20-14:45 From R&D to Commercial and Economic Application as Part of National Policy
- Chairs: Prof. Oded Abramsky, Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development
- Prof. Menahem Yaari, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- Moderator: Prof. Leah Boehm, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Chief Scientist, Israel Aerospace Industries
- Prof. Moshe Oron, Chief Scientist, KiloLambda, National Council for Research and Development
- Dr. Eli Opper, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
- Prof. Zvi Eckstein, Deputy Governor, Bank of Israel
- Mr. Yigal Erlich,Deputy Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development; President, Yozma
open discussion
- Mr. Ghaleb Majadle, Minister of Science, Culture and Sports
15:00-16:30 Global Jewish Peoplehood: Metrics and Policies
- Chair: Mr. Leonid Nevzlin, Chairman, Nadav Fund
- Prof. Yoav Shoham, Stanford University
- Prof. Ephraim Ya'ar, Head of the Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Steven M. Cohen, Jewish Institute of Religion, Hebrew Union College
- Dr. Shlomi Ravid, Director, International School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies, Beit-Hatefutsot
- Prof. Yehezkel Dror, Former Founding President, Jewish People Policy Planning Institute
- Dr. Misha Galperin, Executive Vice President and CEO, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
- Prof. Na'ama Sabar Ben-Yehoshua, Head of the unit for Jewish peopelhood studies, School of Education, Tel Aviv University
open discussion
17:15-18:00 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"
- Chair: Prof. Alex Mintz, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC
- Lt. Gen. (res.) Ehud Barak, Minister of Defense and Former Prime Minister
18:00-19:30 The Syrian Tier and Regional Statecraft
- Chair: Dr. Israel Elad-Altman, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Dani Yatom, Former Head of the Mossad
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland, Former Head of the National Security Council
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, Deputy President, Lander Institute
- Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, The Institute of Policy and Strategy, IDC, Herzliya
- Dr. Dan Schueftan, Deputy Director, National Security Studies Centre, Haifa University
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilead, Head, Politico-Military Bureau, Ministry of Defense
open discussion
18:00-19:30 National Sustainability and Israel's Green Safety Net
- Chair: Mr. Effi Stenzler, Chairman of the Board, Jewish National Fund
- Prof. Uri Shani, Director, Water Authority
- Prof. Yakov Karni, CTO, HelioFocus Ltd.
- Prof. Yael Moriah, Faculty of Architecture, The Technion Institute
- Mr Shamai Assif, Head of the Planning Administration, Ministry of Interior
open discussion
20:30-22:00 Europe on the World Stage'
- Chair: Amb. Michael Zantovsky, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Israel
- President José María Aznar, Former Prime Minister of Spain
- Dr. John Chipman, Director General and Chief Executive, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
- Dr. Josef Joffe,Editor-Publisher, Die Zeit
open discussion
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The David Sling Project
8:15-10:15 Iran on the Nuclear Threshold – Feasability of Prevention and of Deterrence
- Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) David Ivry President, Boeing Israel; Former Head of the National Security Council
- Prof. Scott Sagan Co-Director, Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University
- Amb. Yossi Gal Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Bruno Tertrais Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS)
- Dr. Michael Makovsky Foreign Policy Director, Bipartisan Policy Center
- MK Gen. (res.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee
open discussion
10:30-12:15 Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Control Initiatives
- Chair: Dr. Ariel Levite Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Mr. Jonathan S. Paris Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute
- Dr. Oded Brosh Senior Research Fellow, TheInstitute for Policy and Strategy, IDC, Herzliya
- Mr. Sverre Lodgaard Senior Research Fellow, NUPI and former Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
- Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin Principal Researcher, IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Amb. David Danieli Deputy Director General for Policy, Israel Atomic Energy Commission
open discussion
8:15-10:00 Energy, Security and Global Geopolitics
- Chair: Dr. Sass Somekh, Founder, Musea Ventures
- Dr. Ed Morse, Managing Director and Chief Economist, LCM Commodities
- Mr. R. James Woolsey Venture Partner with VantagePoint; Former US Director of Central Intelligence
- Dr. Jamie Patrick Shea, Director, Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General, NATO
- Dr. Brenda Shaffer Energy Management and Policy Program, University of Haifa
- Dr. David Wurmser Director, Delphi Global Analysis; Former Senior Advisor on National Security Affairs to the US Vice President
- Mr. Yossie Hollander, Chairman, The Institute for Israeli Economic Planning
open discussion
10:30-12:15 The World Economic Crisis: Recalibrating Financial Risk Management and Regulation
- Chair: Mr. L. Jack Staley,President, Stanford Group (Suisse)
- Prof. Jacob Frenkel, Former Governor of the Bank of Israel; Chairman, Group of Thirty (G-30); Vice Chairman, American International Group (AIG)
- Mr. Michael G. Oxley, Vice Chairman, NASDAQ Stock Market; Former Chairman of the US House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee
- Dr. Stephen J. Canner, Vice President, Investment and Financial Services, US Council for International Business
- Ms. Joanne Thornton, Senior Vice President, Policy Research, Stanford Group Company
open discussion
13:00-14:30 Israel's Financial Governance: Recalibrating Financial Risk Management and Regulation
- Chair: Mr. Shlomo Zohar, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Discount Bank
- Prof. Amir Barnea, Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Rony Hizkiyahu, Supervisor of the Banks, Bank of Israel
- Mr. Yadin Antebi, Commissioner of Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings, Ministry of Finance
- Mr. Zvi Ziv,CEO, Bank Hapoalim
- Mr. Zvi Lubetzky, Chairman, IBI Investments House
open discussion
14:45-17:00 Weathering the Storm: Israel and the World Economic Crisis
- Chair: Mr. Yossie Hollander, Chairman, The Institute for Israeli Economic Planning
- Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg, Head of the National Economic Council, Prime Minister's Office
- Dr. Yaacov Sheinin, CEO, Economic Models
- Prof. Avishay Braverman, Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee
- Mr. Yarom Ariav,Director General, Minister of Finance
- Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Gidi Grinstein, President, Reut Institute
open discussion
- Prof. Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank of Israel
13:00-14:45 Risk Sharing: Bolstering Israel's Strategic Partnerships
- Chair: Amb. Dr. Oded Eran, Director, Institute for National Security Studies; Atlantic Forum of Israel
- Dr. Bruno Tertrais, Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique, (FRS)
- Mr. Christian Schmidt, MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary Federal Ministry for Defense, Germany
- Mr. Ralf Fuecks, President, Heinrich Boll Foundation
- Mr. Rafael Bardají, Director of International Policy, FAES Fundacion
- Mr Tommy Steiner, Senior Research Fellow , The Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC, Herzliya
open discussion
- Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Road Safety; Responsible for the Strategic Dialogue
15:00-16:30 Passive and Active Defense Options to Cope with Strategic Threats
- Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) Herzle Bodinger, Chairman of the Board, IMDA; Former Commander of the Israeli Air Force
- Mr Uzi Rubin, CEO, Rubinkon
- Brig. Gen. (res.) Yair Dori, Former Commander, Anti-Aircraft Warfare
- Mr. Michael D. Brown, Former US Under Secretary of Homeland Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Dr. Avi Bitzur, Director General, Ministry for Pensioners' Affairs; Specialist for Home Front Defense, Bar-Ilan University
- Dr. Max Singer, Senior Research Fellow, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University
- Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai, Deputy Minister of Defense
open discussion
17:00-17:45 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"
- Chair: Amb. Zalman Shoval, Chairman, Friends of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Former Ambassador of Israel to the US
- Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, Head of the Opposition and Former Prime Minister
18:00-19:30 Reconnecting Israel with its Expatriates
- Chair: MK Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amira Dotan, Chairperson, Subcommittee for Foreign Affairs and Public Diplomacy
- Mr. Erez Halfon, Director General, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption
- Prof. Zaki Shalom, The Zionist Council In Israel
- Ms. Shulamit Aloni, Former Minister of Education and Culture
- Prof. Moshe Oron, Chief Scientist, KiloLambd; National Council for Research and Development
- MK Avshalom (Abu) Vilan, Member, Internal Affairs and Environment Committee
- Mr. Mano Geva, CEO, Midgam Research and Consulting; Chairman of Israel Research Institutes Association
open discussion
18:00-19:30 The Imperative for Government Reform
- Chair: Gad Zeevi, CEO, Japan Auto
- Prof. Uriel Reichman, Founder and President, IDC Herzliya
- Mr. Dror Strum, President, The Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
- Mr. Haim Ramon Vice Premier and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office
- MK Gideon Sa'ar, Chairman, Likud Parliamentary Group
- Mr Raanan Dinur, Director General, Prime Minister's Office
- Mr. Sami Friedrich, Chairman, Shaldor Inc.
open discussion
20:15-22:00 Concluding Session
- Chair: Prof. Uriel Reichman, Founder and President, IDC Herzliya
- Amb. Ronald S. Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress
- Prof. Uzi Arad, Chairman, Herzliya Conference
- Prof. Shlomo Ben-Ami, IDC Herzliya
- Prof. Ruth Gavison Founding President, Metzilah Center[2]
- ↑ Conference Conclusions: The Ninth Herzliya Conference, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, p.58.
- ↑ Program, the 9th Herzliya Conference 2009,, accessed 21 May 2012.