World Jewish Congress

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The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in August 1936 as an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations. According to its mission statement,[1] the World Jewish Congress' main purpose is to act as 'the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people.' Membership in the WJC is open to all representative Jewish groups or communities, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country. The World Jewish Congress headquarters are in New York City, US, and the WJC has offices in Brussels, Belgium; Jerusalem, Israel; Paris, France; Moscow, Russia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Geneva, Switzerland.


Regional affiliates

WJC Israel | Latin American Jewish Congress | WJC North America | Euro-Asian Jewish Congress | European Jewish Congress[2]

Affiliated organisations

African Jewish Congress | Anti-Defamation League | B'nai B'rith International | Conference of European Rabbis | Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany | Hillel | International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists | International Council of Jewish Women | International Jewish Commitee on Inter-Religious Consultations | Jewish Agency for Israel | Maccabi World Union | World ORT | Women's International Zionist Organization | World Mizrachi Movement | World Union of Jewish Students | World Union for Progressive Judaism | World Zionist Organization[2]




Executive committee

Circa 2014

Benjamin Albalas WJC Vice-President, President, Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece | Sebastian Azerrad Member of Executive representing Young Adults | Guram Batiashvili WJC Vice-President | Cobi Benatoff WJC Vice-President | Tova Ben-Dov WJC Vice-President, President, Women's International Zionist Organization | David Bittan WJC Vice-President, President, Jewish Community of Venezuela | Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich WJC Vice-President (Ukraine) | Mikhail Chlenov WJC Vice-President, Chairman, Vaad of Russia | Roger Cukierman WJC Vice-President, President, Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France | Renee Dayan-Shabot WJC Vice-President | Eduardo Elsztain Chair, WJC Business Advisory Council, WJC Vice-President | Boris Fuchsmann WJC Vice-President, President, Jewish Confederation of Ukraine | Andrea Gergely Member of Executive representing Young Adults | Saúl Gilvich WJC Vice-President, Secretary General, Latin-American Jewish Congress | Robert Goot WJC Vice-President, President, Executive Council of Australian Jewry | Dieter Graumann WJC Vice-President, President, Central Council of Jews in Germany | András Heisler WJC Vice-President, President, Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary | Lior Herman Member of Executive representing Young Adults | Shai Hermesh Chairman, WJC Israel, WJC Vice-President (Israel) | Emil Kalo WJC Vice-President, Member of Board, World ORT | Yuri Kanner WJC Vice-President, President, Russian Jewish Congress | Moshe Kantor Chairman, WJC Policy Council, President, European Jewish Congress | Mary Kluk WJC Vice-President, Chairperson, South African Jewish Board of Deputies | David Koschitzky WJC Vice-President, Chair, Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs | Vladimir Kritsman WJC Vice-President, President, Jewish Community of Kyrgyzstan | Claudio Lottenberg WJC Vice-President, President, Jewish Confederation of Brazil | Rabbi Joel Meyers Chairman, WJC American Section, WJC Vice-President | Ariel Muzicant WJC Vice-President (Austria) | Petr Papousek WJC Vice-President, President, Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic | Marcos Peckel WJC Vice-President (Colombia) | Moshe Ronen WJC Vice-President (Canada) | Menachem Rosensaft General Counsel | David de Rothschild Chairman, WJC Governing Board | Chella Safra WJC Treasurer | Julio Schlosser WJC Vice-President, President, Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations | Rabbi Arthur Schneier WJC Vice-President (USA) | Tamar Shchory WJC Vice-President (Israel) | Vadim Shulman President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress | Robert Singer Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice-President | Rodrigo Slelatt Member of Executive representing Young Adults | Mervyn Smith Co-Chairman, WJC Policy Council, President, African Jewish Congress | Evelyn Sommer Chair, WJC North America | Maram Stern Associate Executive Vice-President | Jack Terpins President, Latin American Jewish Congress | Vivian Wineman WJC Vice-President, President, Board of Deputies of British Jews | Sara Winkowski WJC Vice-President, Representative, International Council of Jewish Women | Josef Zissels WJC Vice-President, Chairman, Vaad of Ukraine [6]


Internet Archive 2002 - present.
Twitter: @worldjewishcong


World Jewish Congress
501 Madison Avenue
New York
NY 10022
tel: +1 212 755 5770


World Jewish Congress Israel 9a Diskin Street Jerusalem 96440 Israel

tel: +972 2 633 30 00


  1. WJC Jewish Congress - About Us, Accessed 16 December 2012
  2. 2.0 2.1 World Jewish Congress WJC communities. Accessed 14 February 2014.
  3. Greer Fay Cashman, ‘Selling Israel’, The Jerusalem Post, 26 November 1990
  4. The Annual Herzliya Conference Series: on the Balance of Israel's National Security (2008) Conference Conclusions. Accessed 12th August 2008
  5. The Annual Herzliya Conference Series: on the Balance of Israel's National Security (2008) Conference Conclusions. Accessed 12th August 2008
  6. WJC Our Leaders: Executive committee. Accessed 13 February 2014.