Amnon Rubinstein

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Amnon Rubinstein is a professor of law at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. He served in the Israeli government in various roles including Minister of Communication 1984-7, Minister of Science and Technology until 1992, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure until 1993 and Minister of Education, Culture, and Sport until 1994. He has served as Dean of Tel-Aviv Law School at Tel-Aviv University and as Dean of the Radzyner School of Law. He also appears as a political commentator in the Israeli daily press Haartez and Maariv[1].


  • B.A., Economics & International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • LL.M., Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Ph.D.,law , London School of Economics



Books on Jurisprudence & Modern Jewish History such as:

  • "Jurisdiction and Illegality", Clarendon Press Oxford
  • "Israel's Constitutional Law (Hebrew) 6th edition Schocken Books Tel Aviv 2005
  • "The Zionist Dream Revisited" Schocken Books New York NY 1984
  • "Israel: Le Reve et L'Histoire" Calmann-Levy' Paris 1978
  • “From Herzel to Rabin; the (changing image of Zionizm)" Holmes and Meier New York NY 2000
  • "Geschichte des Zionismus: Von Theodor Herzel bis Heute" ) (German) DTV (Munich) 2001
  • "Israel and the Family of Nations" (Hebrew) Schocken Books Tel Aviv, 2003
  • "Israel et les Nations" (French)Presses Universitares de France,Paris 2006

Three Novels (in Hebrew):

  • "The Blanket" –cken Books, Tel Aviv, 2005 .
  • "Highway Number Five" – Scocken Books , Tel Aviv, 2006.
  • "The Sea above Us" – Schocken Books, Tel Aviv, 2007.


  1. Ammon Rubinstein, Curriculum Vitae, IDC, Accessed 26-August-2009