German Marshall Fund of the United States
- The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpartisan American public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between the United States and Europe.
- GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working on transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to discuss the most pressing transatlantic themes, and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation can address a variety of global policy challenges. In addition, GMF supports a number of initiatives to strengthen democracies.[1]
On June 5, 1972, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, the then West German Chancellor Willy Brandt delivered an address at Harvard University on the significance of the Marshall Plan and the programs it created for European recovery and development, Brandt announced the creation of a Marshall Plan memorial: The German Marshall Fund of the United States. The Marshall Plan also paved the way for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and today's European Union.[2]
The Marshall Plan
Of significance for the Marshall Plan was the March 12, 1947 "Truman Doctrine," that outlined in a presidential speech to Congress, that it would be U.S. policy to protect nations threatened by communism. On June 5, 1947 in a speech at Harvard, Secretary of State George C. Marshall called for an American plan to help Europe recover from World War II. On April 2, 1948 the U.S. Congress passed the Economic Cooperation Act that authorized the Marshall Plan. Paul G. Hoffman of Studebaker Corporation (a used car salesman who eventually became president of the Ford Foundation from 1950-53[3]) was appointed Administrator of the Economic Cooperation Agency (ECA), the temporary American agency created to implement the plan. Averell Harriman was appointed special representative of the ECA in Europe. Despite the Korean War, which had begun in June 1950, transfer of funds from the U. S. to Europe had totaled $13.3 billion by 1951.[4]
The speech George C. Marshall delivered was drafted by Charles E. Bohlen, a future ambassador to the Kremlin. He used a memo prepared by a State Department Policy Planning staff directed by Soviet-expert George Kennan author of the 'long telegram' which had formed the basis of (Kennan argued greatly misinterpreted) 'Containment Policy.'[5]
Undoubtedly of benefit to war ravaged Europe the plan was also motivated by American fears that after World War II the depression of the 1930s could recur: increasing prosperity in the U.S. was one goal of the Marshall Plan — as a way of boosting exports, the plan had wide appeal to American business people, bankers, workers, and farmers.[6]
The German Marshall fund
Conceived during the Cold War by Brandt to tie Europe and the United States, for investigative journalists, the German Marshall Fund was 'a breeding ground for journalists, university students and politicians committed to Atlantism.' Although the Fund altered slightly with the collapse of the USSR, "it still draws the attention of the US secret service that is widely represented in its administration council."[7]
1972 was a the time of widespread protest against the Viet Nam war. The Red Army Fraction had just attacked the US Head Quarters in Heidelberg to destroy the strategic computer that controlled the bombers in South-East Asia. It was also the time of the strategy of tension whereby NATO secret services manipulated right and left-wing factions to encourage a more authoritarian government. The idea behind the Fund was that it would facilitate the identification and recruitment of new “messengers of Atlantism”. With the collapse of the cold war the neoconservatives have reactivated the Atlantic networks, to use in their own project dominated by two terms coined by Jospeph Nye:'Neo-liberalism' and 'soft power'.
Going East
The Fund has expanded into Eastern Europe through the establishment together with USAID of a program worth 25 million dollars, the Balkan Trust for Democracy.[8]
It is alleged that the fund has close toes with US intelligence:
- It was obvious that so much discretion tried, above all things, to hide the responsibilities of the majority of directors in the Pentagon and CIA. Lee Hamillton is the vice-president of the presidential commission on September 11, member of the Homeland Security Advisory Board and has been decorated by the CIA and DIA. Hamilton, former member of Parliament, headed one of the investigation commissions on the scandal Iran-Contras where he studied the role of another manager of the Fund, Robert M. Kimmitt, who was then executive director of the National Security Council and involved in the scandal up to his neck. Later, M. Kimmit was appointed vice-president of AOL-Time-Warner by his friend, General Colin Powell.[9]
This would seem to be reinforced by the presence of Suzanne Woolsey, the wife of R. James Woolsey, former CIA director. Recently the Fund aided in the production of A Transatlantic Strategy for Democratic Development in the Middle East[10]written by:
- Ronald D. Asmus: executive director of the Transatlantic Center of the GMF in Brussels, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from 1997-2000 and has been a senior analyst and fellow at the CIA-run Radio Free Europe, RAND, the Council on Foreign Relations, Euston Manifesto United States and and the World Security Network [11] which was started by Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)and also includes LordPeter Inge.
- Larry Diamond a director at the National Endowment for Democracy and edits their Journal of Democracy and is an adviser to the U.S. Agency for International Development, the World Bank, the United Nations, the U. S. State Department[12] and
- Michael McFaul, along with Diamond a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution Freedom House, the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy, the steering committee for the Europe and Eurasia division of Human Rights Watch and the International Research and Exchange Board (his areas of interest at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace are 'Democracy Promotion' and 'NATO Expansion')[13] and
- Mark Leonard director of foreign policy studies at the Centre for European Reform formerly of The Foreign Policy Centre.
The essay argues for a slight reorientation of the 'Transatlantic Allianc:
- In the 1990s, the United States and its European allies took a transatlantic relationship that was forged during the Cold War and designed to contain Soviet power and transformed it into a new partnership focused on consolidating democracy in central and eastern Europe, halting ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, and building a new partnership with Russia. Today, this relationship must again be overhauled so that it can meet a new set of challenges centered in the broader Middle East.
Board of Trustees
- Guido Goldman, Co-Chairman. Director, German Studies Program, Harvard Center for European Studies, Goldman's father is Nahum Goldmann who in 1936, he helped organize the World Jewish
Congress.[14] and was in charge of the Atlantik Brucke (the Atlantic Bridge) during the Cold War.[15]
- Marc Leland, Co-Chairman. President, Marc Leland and Associates runs an investment office in Arlington and an oil service company in Texas. He was also in charge of the Atlantik Institute in Paris during the Cold War.[16]
- Calvin M. Dooley President, Food Products Association
- Marc Grossman Vice Chairman, The Cohen Group
- David Ignatius Editorial Columnist, The Washington Post
- Nike Irvin Executive Director, Level Playing Field Institute
- Craig Kennedy President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
- Scott Klug Chief Executive Officer, Wisconsin Trails Publishing
- Roman Martinez IV, New York, New York
- Richard Powers Managing Director, Goldman Sachs International
- J. Thomas Presby Deputy Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, retired, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
- John A. Ross New York, New York
- Barbara Shailor Executive Director Solidarity Center
- Jenonne Walker Washington, DC
- Leah Zell Wanger President, LZW Group
- J. Robinson West, Chairman, PFC Energy
- Suzanne H. Woolsey Washington, DC
Washington D.C.
- Craig Kennedy President
- Mark Allegrini Program Assistant Economic Policy Program
- Casey Anderson Receptionist
- Milosz Banbor Staff Accountant
- William P. Bohlen Senior Communications Officer
- Clive Brady Director of Administration
- Nathaniel Breeding Senior Consultant Bucharest NATO Summit Conference
- Jennifer L. Brown Web Editor
- Maia Comeau Senior Congressional Officer
- Ken Crognale Director of Finance
- Katherine Curtis Director of Human Resources
- Asha Davis Program Associate Economic Policy Program
- Elisabeth Decker Program Assistant Marshall Memorial Fellowship
- Karen Donfried Executive Vice President
- Kristina Field Communications Officer
- Andrew Fishbein Program Assistant Congressional Relations
- Mike Geiger Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- John K. Glenn Director of Foreign Policy
- Delancey Gustin Program Associate Immigration and Integration
- Marc Hutzell Systems Administrator
- Dodie Jones Program Officer Congressional Relations
- Erin Jones Corporate Relations Manager Partnerships
- Cathleen Kelly Director Climate and Energy Program
- Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff Senior Director Policy Programs
- Dakota Korth Program Officer Wider Europe
- Ulrike Leis Program Associate Economic Policy Program
- Robert G. Liberatore Senior Transatlantic Fellow
- Nicola Lightner Program Officer, Operations and Projects Economic Policy Program
- Kristin Luber Program Assistant Climate & Energy Program
- Oliver Mains Program Assistant Foreign Policy
- Lucy Martinez Senior Staff Accountant
- Rieko Mitchell Staff Accountant
- Ariam Mohamed HR Manager
- Erin Molnar Program Assistant Foreign Policy
- Anna Murphy Program Assistant Transatlantic Academy
- Jan Neutze Program Officer Foreign Policy
- Michael O'Brien Director of Information Technology
- William Peard Administrative Assistant Economic Policy Program
- Courtney Phillips-Youman Program Assistant Economic Policy Program
- Ellen Pope Senior Program Officer Comparative Domestic Policy
- Debra Ricks Office Services Assistant
- Brent Riddle Program Officer Comparative Domestic Policy
- Emily Robichaux Program Associate Marshall Memorial Fellowship
- Gwen Roby Executive Assistant
- Nicole Sallee Surber Director Partnerships
- Jeremiah Schatt Senior Consultant Bucharest NATO Summit Conference
- Chesley Simpson Program Associate Partnerships
- Shannon Skupas Database Administrator
- Randall Soderquist Director Economic Policy Program Trade and Poverty Forum
- Tisha Spriggs-Pugh Senior Human Resources Coordinator
- Neil Sumilas Senior Program Officer Marshall Memorial Fellowship
- Stephen Szabo Executive Director Transatlantic Academy
- Peter Van Praagh Senior Director Wider Europe
- Jonathan White Program Officer Economic Policy Program
- James Williams Program Assistant Partnerships
- Matthew Wojtkun Communications Assistant
- Elizabeth Woods Program Assistant Comparative Domestic Policy
- Guido Zucconi Program Officer Congressional Relations
- Constanze Stelzenmüller Director Berlin Office
- Kirsten Engelsma Administrative Manager
- Lisa Henschel Program Assistant
- Thorsten Klassen Senior Program Officer Partnerships
- Heike MacKerron Senior Director for Europe
- Ursula Soyez Program Officer Foreign Policy
- Peter Sparding Program Assistant
- Alexander Thamm Program Associate
- Tom Wassmann Systems Administrator
- Tanja Wunderlich Program Officer Immigration and Integration
- Astrid Ziebarth Program Associate Immigration and Integration
- Pavol Demeš Director Central and Eastern Europe
- Joerg Forbrig Senior Program Officer Central and Eastern Europe
- Helena Mudrikova Office Manager
- Ingrid Némethová Program Assistant
- Edouard de Tinguy Program Associate
- Natalie La Balme Program Officer
- Ronald D. Asmus Executive Director Transatlantic Center
- Michal Baranowski Program Associate Economic Policy Program
- Elizabeth Boswell Rega Communications Officer
- Christina Elvers Program Assistant
- Mark Fischer Senior Program Officer
- Joe Guinan Program Officer Economic Policy Program
- Corinna Hörst Deputy Director
- Antje Knorr Program Associate
- Iveta Kruma Program Associate
- Bruno Lete Program Assistant
- Trees Robijns Program Assistant Economic Policy Program
- Beatrice Ryckbost Administrative Manager
- Shirley Salzman Program Assistant
- Andrew Small Program Associate
- Ivan Vejvoda Executive Director Balkan Trust for Democracy
- Mary Kate Boughton Program Associate
- Gordana Delić-Petrović Program Officer
- Pavlina Filipova Program Officer
- Jovan Jovanović Program Officer
- Dane Koruga Program Associate
- Suzana Marković Grants and Office Manager
- Filip Vojvodić-Medić Program Assistant
- Ceylan Akman Program Assistant
- Petek Arpaozu Office Manager
- Alina Inayeh Director, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation
- Ana-Maria Aelenei Program Assistant
- Mark Cunningham Program Officer
- Anemari-Helen Necsulescu Office Manager
- Tiko Ninua Consultant South Caucasus
- Jörg Himmelreich Senior Transatlantic Fellow
- ↑ About GMF, German Marshall Fund of the United States, accessed 25 June, 2008.
- ↑ Library of Congress For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan, accessed 16 September 2008
- ↑ Much Intrigue surrounds Hoffman's role:
- "During his stay in Washington, Jean Monnet had been in more or less direct contact with a lot if not with all members of the CED and more generally with American businessmen involved in the war effort. Paul Hoffman and Averell Harriman were in particular two of his close acquaintances. This group was therefore a key element in the American side of the bridging network." Monnet, officially the head of the French Supply Council (CFA), also developed ties with Robert Nathan of the US War Production Board; George Ball, a lawyer employed by the CFA; Eugen [sic] Rostow; and Harvard Law School antitrust specialist Robert Bowie, who in 1948 became General Counsel to the American High Commissioner in Germany, John McCloy: "He had met Jean Monnet and worked with him in the 1930s when the latter was an investment banker with the American firm of Blair and Company. Dwight Morrow, a Morgan Banker who later became American Ambassador to Mexico, was an old professional acquaintance of Jean Monnet from the late 1920s. Morrow had significant clout in Washington and he was also the open door to the Morgan world and networks. Dean Acheson and after him John Foster Dulles were two powerful Secretaries of State of the Eisenhower era. Both were closely related, through previous professional and personal interactions with Jean Monnet. To these politicians and statesmen should be added the names of a few star journalists - such as Walter Lippman, who wrote in the New Republic and in the New York Herald Tribune, James Reston from the New York Times or Katherine and Philip Graham from The Washington Post."
- ↑ Library of Congress For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan, accessed 16 September 2008
- ↑ David W. Ellwood The Marshall Plan A Strategy That Worked eJournal USA, posted on the State Department Website, April 2008
- ↑ Library of Congress For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan, accessed 16 September 2008
- ↑ Thierry Meyssan (2004) A Cold War Freak for Covert Action: The German Marshall Fund, a Fund for Secret Action Specialists? Voltaire Net, 5 October, accessed 16 September 2008
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- ↑ Thierry Meyssan (2004) A Cold War Freak for Covert Action: The German Marshall Fund, a Fund for Secret Action Specialists? Volttaire Net, 5 October, accessed 16 September 2008
- ↑ republished in The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring 2005) pp. 7-21.
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- ↑ Thierry Meyssan (2004) A Cold War Freak for Covert Action: The German Marshall Fund, a Fund for Secret Action Specialists?
- ↑ Thierry Meyssan (2004) A Cold War Freak for Covert Action: The German Marshall Fund, a Fund for Secret Action Specialists? Volttaire Net, 5 October, accessed 16 September 2008