Pavol Demeš

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Pavol Demeš has served, since 2002, as director of the German Marshall Fund’s Bratislava office. According to the GMF website “He leads GMF’s work for democratic reform in the region, with a recent emphasis on free and fair elections in Ukraine and Belarus” [1]. Before joining GMF, Mr. Demeš was executive director of the Slovak Academic Information Agency–Service Center. Previously, Demeš was a foreign policy advisor to the president of the Slovak Republic (1993–1997), minister of international relations (1991–1992), and director of the Department of Foreign Relations in the Ministry of Education (1990–1991). GMF describe him as “a key activist in the 1989 Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, and having been involved in peaceful democratic revolutions in Serbia in 2000 and Ukraine in 2004” [2]. Mr. Demeš served as the elected spokesperson for the Gremium of the Third Sector, a volunteer advocacy coalition, from 1994 to 1999.


Democracy and Security International Conference, Attendee [3]| Slovak Academic Information Agency–Service Center, Executive Director


  1. GMF, Publications, Pavol Demes, Accessed 26-February-2009
  2. GMF, Publications, Pavol Demes, Accessed 26-February-2009
  3. Democracy and Security International Conference, List of Participants,Accessed 25-February-2009