Taxpayers' Alliance Roundtable

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On the 12th May 2010 the Taxpayers' Alliance held a roundtable meeting in order to discuss 'the election and its aftermath'.[1]


Dave Atherton, Freedom to Choose | Mark Bailie, International Policy Network, | Steve Baker | Emma Bennett | James Bethnell, Nothing British, | Donal Blaney, Young Britons' Foundation | Emma Boon | Phil Booth, NO2ID | Eamonn Butler, Adam Smith Institute | Douglas Carswell | Tom Clougherty, ASI | Sam Coates, CCHQ | Sam Collins, Progressive Vision | Scilla Cullen, Campaign for an English Parliament | Alex Deane, Big Brother Watch | Charlie Dewhurst | Matthew Elliott | Jean-Paul Floru, Freedom Alliance | James Forsyth, The Spectator | David Green, Civitas | Jason Groves, Marsh | Tricia Gurnett, Conservative Education Society | Dan Hannan | David Henderson, Global Warming Policy Foundation | Guy Herbert, NO2ID | Tom Hunt, Clarion Communication Systems | Susan Jeff | Bernard Jenkin | Raheem Kassan, KeepRightOnline | Jill Kirby, Centre for Policy Studies | Dominique Lazanski, Direct Democracy | Ruth Lea, Global Vision | David Lee, Campaign for an English Parliament | Mark Littlewood, Institute of Economic Affairs | Mike Magan, Legatum Institute | Sam Mackover, Conservative Friends of Poland | Alan Mendoza, Henry Jackson Society | Michael Mosbacher, Social Affairs Unit | Philipp Mueller, Global Warming Policy Foundation | Douglas Murray, Centre for Social Cohesion | Stephen Parkinson | Mats Persson, Open Europe | Teresa Potocka, Conservative Friends of Poland | Gwn Prins, London School of Economics | Simon Richards, Freedom Association & Better Off Out | Richard Ritchie, British Petroleum | Lee Rotherham | Sarah Scarlett, Liberal Vision | Stephan Shakespeare | Dylan Sharpe, Big Brother Watch | Marc Sidwell, International Policy Network | Paul Staines, Guido Fawkes | Ryan Streeter, Legatum Institute | Sam Talbot Rice, Centre for Policy Studies | Nathalie Tamam, Conservative Friends of Israel | Corin Taylor, Institute of Directors | Mark Wallace | Simon Webley, Institute for Policy Research | Richard Wellings, Institute of Economic Affairs[2]

Follow up Meeting

An invite to a follow up meeting read 'As ever, some of us will be going for drinks in the Marquis of Granby, where the Freedom Association will be hosting their Free Spirits debate from 6.30pm, featuring a debate with our very own Mark Wallace and K&C Deputy Leader, Councillor Daniel Moylan.

Next Meeting Wednesday 9th June, 5.00-6.00pm, at 55 Tufton Street.[3]


  1. Taxpayers Alliance Rountable, leaked taxpayers alliance guest list is a whos who of the conservative right, Political Scrapbook, 18-May-2010, Accessed 31-March-2011
  2. Taxpayers Alliance Rountable, leaked taxpayers alliance guest list is a whos who of the conservative right, Political Scrapbook, 18-May-2010, Accessed 31-March-2011
  3. Taxpayers Alliance Rountable, leaked taxpayers alliance guest list is a whos who of the conservative right, Political Scrapbook, 18-May-2010, Accessed 31-March-2011