MPs on Syria airstrikes, November-December 2015

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This is a very rough and ready attempt to look at what public evidence exists as to the balance of opinion in Parliament on the Government's proposal for airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, ahead of a likely vote in November 2014. It is mostly based on public statements, although it also uses some unattributed reports, such as those of shadow cabinet meetings. Given the considered statements coming from MPs, its sometimes a fine judgement whether or not MPs are leaning one way of the other, and many are likely to take no position until a vote. The relevant evidence used for each MP is included in references below.

MPs leaning towards airstrikes

=Conservative Party

Labour Party

MPs leaning against airstrikes

=Labour Party

MPs said to be undecided

Other comments from MPs

Labour Party

  • Graham Allen - It's not explicit but this article looks leaning against to me.


  1. Richard Burden, UK MILITARY ACTION IN SYRIA – THE ISSUES,, 26 November 2015.