Ninth Herzliya Conference

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The Ninth Herzliya Conference took place at the IDC Herzliya on 2-4 February 2009.[1]


Monday , February 2, 2009

08:15-09:30 The Security Dimension

  • Chair: MK Tzachi Hanegbi, Chairman, Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee
  • Mr. Dan Meridor ,Former Member of the Cabinet; Chairman of the National Security Doctrine Commission
  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Ephraim Sneh, Former Deputy Minister of Defense
  • Prof. Uzi Arad, Chairman, Herzliya Conference

open discussion

09:30-11:00 The Foreign Relations Dimension

  • Chair: Mr. Aaron Abramovich
  • Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Amb. Yossi Gal
  • Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Naor Gilon, Director, Bureau for International Affairs, Center for Policy Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Eran Etzion, Director, Policy Planning Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

open discussion

08:15-09:45 The Societal Dimension

  • Chair: Col. (res.) Ahuva Yanai, CEO, Matan
  • Mr. Isaac (Buji) Herzog, Minister of Welfare and Social Services and Minister of the Diaspora, Society, and Fight Against Antisemitism
  • Mr. Nahum Itzkovich, Director General, Ministry of Welfare and Social Services
  • Prof. Mooli Lahad, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tel-Hai Academic College

open discussion

09:45 -10:00 Mr. Eliyahu Yishai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor

10:00 -11:00 The Economic Dimension

open discussion

The Balance of Israel' s National Security 11:15-12:45 Formal Opening

The Balance of Israel's National Security and the 2009 "Herzliya Indices"

  • Prof. Rafi Melnick, Provost, IDC Herzliya
  • Prof. Gabriel Ben-Dor, Head, School of Political Sciences, Haifa University
  • Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan, President, Sderot Conference for Society

13:30-15:00 The Negev as the New Frontier: Re-prioritizing its Development

open discussion

15:15-17:00 Perspectives on the Changing Global Landscape

open discussion

15:00-16:30 Are Mixed Cities the Face of the Future for Israel?

open discussion

17:15-18:00 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"

  • Chair: Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
  • Ms. Tzipi Livni, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs

18:00-19:30 Can European-Israeli Relations be Decoupled from the Palestinian Issue?

  • Chair: Amb. Raphael Barak, Deputy Director General for Western Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Tomas Pojar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
  • Mr. Thomas Oppermann, MdB, Deputy Chairman, SPD Parliamentary Group, Germany
  • Dr. Liam Fox, MP, Shadow Defense Secretary, United Kingdom
  • Amb. Avi Primor, Director, Center for European Studies, IDC, Herzliya
  • Amb. Marc Otte, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process

open discussion

18:00-19:15 Multi-Faceted Jerusalem

open discussion

19:15-19:30 MK Avigdor Liberman, Chairman, Yisrael Beitenu

20:30-22:30 Change of Guard and the Future of US World Leadership

open discussion

Conversation between:

Tuesday , February 3, 2009

08:15-10:00 Dealing with Asymmetric Islamic Terrorism


open discussion

10:00-11:30 Coping with Hamas: Lessons from Operation "Cast Lead"

open discussion

11:45-13:15 Israel's Legitimacy under Attack – New Tools for Advocacy

open discussion

08:15-09:45 'Why Do Israeli Students Fail? Can the Digital Revolution Change the Educational Reality?

open discussion

09:45-11:00 Economic Concepts for Higher Education

open discussion

11:20-12:35 R&D National Policy: Higher Education – Moving from Basic Science to R&D

  • Chairs: Prof. Oded Abramsky, Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development
  • Prof. Menahem Yaari, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  • Moderator: Prof. Rivka Carmi, President, Ben-Gurion University
  • Mr. Guri Zilka, Advisor, National Council for Research and Development; Former Director of Council for Higher Education
  • Prof. Mina Teicher, Chair, National Committee for International R&D Relations, National Council for Research and Development
  • Dr. Lea Nass, Former Chair of the Science and Technology committee

open discussion

14:00-15:15 Jumpstarting the Israeli-Palestinian Process: Economic Initiatives and Political Derivatives

open discussion

15:30-17:00 A Matter of Historic Justice: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

  • Chair: Dr. Avi Bitzur, Director General, Ministry for Pensioners' Affairs; Specialist for Home Front Defense, Bar-Ilan University
  • Mr. Raffi Eitan, Minister for Pensioners' Affairs, also in charge of Restitution of Jewish Rights and Assets
  • Ms. Rachel Machtiger, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Atlantic Forum of Israel
  • Dr. Zvi Zameret, Director, The Ben Zvi Institute
  • Mr. Edwin Shuker, President,Justice for Jews from Arab Countries

open discussion

13:20-14:45 From R&D to Commercial and Economic Application as Part of National Policy

  • Chairs: Prof. Oded Abramsky, Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development
  • Prof. Menahem Yaari, President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  • Moderator: Prof. Leah Boehm, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Chief Scientist, Israel Aerospace Industries
  • Prof. Moshe Oron, Chief Scientist, KiloLambda, National Council for Research and Development
  • Dr. Eli Opper, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor
  • Prof. Zvi Eckstein, Deputy Governor, Bank of Israel
  • Mr. Yigal Erlich,Deputy Chairman, National Council for Research and Civilian Development; President, Yozma

open discussion

15:00-16:30 Global Jewish Peoplehood: Metrics and Policies

  • Chair: Mr. Leonid Nevzlin, Chairman, Nadav Fund
  • Prof. Yoav Shoham, Stanford University
  • Prof. Ephraim Ya'ar, Head of the Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Tel Aviv University
  • Prof. Steven M. Cohen, Jewish Institute of Religion, Hebrew Union College
  • Dr. Shlomi Ravid, Director, International School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies, Beit-Hatefutsot
  • Prof. Yehezkel Dror, Former Founding President, Jewish People Policy Planning Institute
  • Dr. Misha Galperin, Executive Vice President and CEO, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
  • Prof. Na'ama Sabar Ben-Yehoshua, Head of the unit for Jewish peopelhood studies, School of Education, Tel Aviv University

open discussion

17:15-18:00 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"

  • Chair: Prof. Alex Mintz, Dean, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC
  • Lt. Gen. (res.) Ehud Barak, Minister of Defense and Former Prime Minister

18:00-19:30 The Syrian Tier and Regional Statecraft

open discussion

18:00-19:30 National Sustainability and Israel's Green Safety Net

open discussion

20:30-22:00 Europe on the World Stage'

open discussion

Wednesday, F e b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 0 9

The David Sling Project

8:15-10:15 Iran on the Nuclear Threshold – Feasability of Prevention and of Deterrence

Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) David Ivry President, Boeing Israel; Former Head of the National Security Council

Prof. Scott Sagan Co-Director, Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University

Amb. Yossi Gal Senior Deputy Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Bruno Tertrais Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (FRS)

Dr. Michael Makovsky Foreign Policy Director, Bipartisan Policy Center

MK Gen. (res.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee

  open discussion

10:30-12:15 Nuclear Proliferation and Arms Control Initiatives

Chair: Dr. Ariel Levite Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 
Mr. Jonathan S. Paris Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute  

Dr. Oded Brosh Senior Research Fellow, The Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC, Herzliya Mr. Sverre Lodgaard Senior Research Fellow, NUPI and former Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Gen. Vladimir Dvorkin Principal Researcher, IMEMO, Russian Academy of Sciences Amb. David Danieli Deputy Director General for Policy, Israel Atomic Energy Commission

open discussion

8:15-10:00 Energy, Security and Global Geopolitics

Chair: Dr. Sass Somekh Founder, Musea Ventures 

Dr. Ed Morse Managing Director and Chief Economist, LCM Commodities

Mr. R. James Woolsey Venture Partner with VantagePoint; Former US Director of Central Intelligence

Dr. Jamie Patrick Shea Director, Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary General, NATO Dr. Brenda Shaffer Energy Management and Policy Program, University of Haifa Dr. David Wurmser Director, Delphi Global Analysis; Former Senior Advisor on National Security Affairs to the US Vice President Mr. Yossie Hollander Chairman, The Institute for Israeli Economic Planning open discussion

10:30-12:15 The World Economic Crisis: Recalibrating Financial Risk Management and Regulation

Chair: Mr. L. Jack Staley President, Stanford Group (Suisse)

Prof. Jacob Frenkel Former Governor of the Bank of Israel; Chairman, Group of Thirty (G-30); Vice Chairman, American International Group (AIG) Mr. Michael G. Oxley Vice Chairman, NASDAQ Stock Market; Former Chairman of the US House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee

Dr. Stephen J. Canner Vice President, Investment and Financial Services, US Council for International Business

Ms. Joanne Thornton Senior Vice President, Policy Research, Stanford Group Company

open discussion

13:00-14:30 Israel's Financial Governance: Recalibrating Financial Risk Management and Regulation Chair: Mr. Shlomo Zohar

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Discount Bank 
Prof. Amir Barnea
Arison School of Business, IDC Herzliya 
Mr. Rony Hizkiyahu
Supervisor of the Banks, Bank of Israel 
Mr. Yadin Antebi

Commissioner of Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings, Ministry of Finance

Mr. Zvi Ziv
CEO, Bank Hapoalim  
Mr. Zvi Lubetzky 
Chairman, IBI Investments House 
    open discussion

14:45-17:00 Weathering the Storm: Israel and the World Economic Crisis

 Chair: Mr. Yossie Hollander
 Chairman, The Institute for Israeli Economic Planning 
Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg
Head of the National Economic Council, Prime Minister's Office
Dr. Yaacov Sheinin
 CEO, Economic Models  
Prof. Avishay Braverman
 Chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee 

Mr. Yarom Ariav Director General, Minister of Finance

Mr. Israel Makov

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya

Mr. Gidi Grinstein
President, Reut Institute 

open discussion

Prof. Stanley Fischer
 Governor, Bank of Israel 

13:00-14:45 Risk Sharing: Bolstering Israel's Strategic Partnerships

Chair: Amb. Dr. Oded Eran Director, Institute for National Security Studies; Atlantic Forum of Israel

Dr. Bruno Tertrais Senior Research Fellow, Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique, (FRS)

Mr. Christian Schmidt, MdB Parliamentary State Secretary Federal Ministry for Defense, Germany

Mr. Ralf Fuecks

President, Heinrich Boll Foundation

Mr. Rafael Bardají Director of International Policy, FAES Fundacion Mr Tommy Steiner Senior Research Fellow , The Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC, Herzliya open discussion

Lt. Gen. (res.) Shaul Mofaz Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Road Safety; Responsible for the Strategic Dialogue

15:00-16:30 Passive and Active Defense Options to Cope with Strategic Threats

Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) Herzle Bodinger

Chairman of the Board, IMDA; Former Commander of the Israeli 

Air Force

 Mr Uzi Rubin
CEO, Rubinkon 
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yair Dori
Former Commander, Anti-Aircraft Warfare  
Mr. Michael D. Brown 

Former US Under Secretary of Homeland Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response Dr. Avi Bitzur Director General, Ministry for Pensioners' Affairs; Specialist for Home Front Defense, Bar-Ilan University Dr. Max Singer Senior Research Fellow, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University

Maj. Gen. (res.) Matan Vilnai  

Deputy Minister of Defense

   open discussion

17:00-17:45 Prime Ministerial Candidate's "Herzliya Address"

Chair: Amb. Zalman Shoval

Chairman, Friends of the Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Former Ambassador of Israel to the US

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu

Head of the Opposition and Former Prime Minister 

18:00-19:30 Reconnecting Israel with its Expatriates Chair: MK Brig. Gen. (Res.) Amira Dotan Chairperson, Subcommittee for Foreign Affairs and Public Diplomacy

Mr. Erez Halfon
Director General, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption

Prof. Zaki Shalom The Zionist Council In Israel Ms. Shulamit Aloni Former Minister of Education and Culture Prof. Moshe Oron Chief Scientist, KiloLambd; National Council for Research and Development

MK Avshalom (Abu) Vilan Member, Internal Affairs and Environment Committee Mr. Mano Geva CEO, Midgam Research and Consulting; Chairman of Israel Research Institues Association open discussion

18:00-19:30 The Imperative for Government Reform

 Chair: Gad Zeevi
 CEO, Japan Auto 
 Prof. Uriel Reichman  
 Founder and President, IDC Herzliya 
Mr. Dror Strum  
 President, The Israeli Institute for Economic Planning   
Mr. Haim Ramon
 Vice Premier and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office  
MK Gideon Sa'ar
Chairman, Likud Parliamentary Group 
Mr Raanan Dinur
Director General, Prime Minister's Office 
Mr. Sami Friedrich  
Chairman, Shaldor Inc. 
  open discussion

20:15-22:00 Concluding Session

Chair: Prof. Uriel Reichman 
Founder and President, IDC Herzliya  
Amb. Ronald S. Lauder
President, World Jewish Congress 
Prof. Uzi Arad

Chairman, Herzliya Conference Prof. Shlomo Ben-Ami

  IDC Herzliya 
Prof. Ruth Gavison 
Founding President, Metzilah Center[2]


  1. Conference Conclusions: The Ninth Herzliya Conference, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, p.58.
  2. Program, the 9th herzliya Conference 2009,, accessed 21 May 2012.