International Free Press Society

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The International Free Press Society was formed on January 1 2009 with addresses in Fredriksberg, Denmark and the US. It is dedicated to fighting what it claims is the threat to freedom of speech arising from "powerful and determined forces within Islam [that] are conducting a jihad against the West in order to undermine the Judeo-Christian conception of freedom, which emphasizes religious liberty, individual rights, and equality before the law."[1]

Most of the IFPS board members had previously been active in the "counter-jihad" movement. Lars Hedegaard, Paul Belien, Bat Ye'or, Andrew Bostom, Robert Spencer, and Sam Solomon had all attended the CounterJihad Europa conference in Brussels in October 2007.[2]

On 27 February 2009, the IFPS sponsored an event for Geert Wilders at the National Press Club in Washington DC.[3]


Although the IFPS claims to promote free speech, it has championed the cause of Geert Wilders, who has called for the Koran to be banned.[4]

The IFPS has links to the European far right through vice president Paul Belien, who is married to Vlaams Belang MP Alexandra Colen.[5]


Board of Directors

Board of Advisors

Asger Aamund | Bat Ye’or | Andrew Bostom | Helle Merete Brix | Stephen Coughlin | Rachel Ehrenfeld | Brigitte Gabriel | Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. | David Harris | Ole Hasselbalch | Ibn Warraq | Hans Jansen | Ehsan Jami | Philippe Karsenty | Roger Kimball | Ezra Levant | Kenneth Levin | Clare Lopez | Andrew C. McCarthy | Daniel Pipes | Nidra Poller | Roger Scruton | Kathy Shaidle | Sam Solomon | Robert Spencer | Mark Steyn | Brad Thor | Bruce Thornton | Allen West | Geert Wilders | Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi



  • Address: International Free Press Society, Pelargonievej 7, DK-2000 Fredriksberg, Denmark
  • Email:


  1. Policy Statement, International Free Press Society, 1 January 2009.
  2. Daniel Luban and Eli Clifton, POLITICS: Dutch Foe of Islam Ignores US Allies' Far Right Ties, Inter Press Service, 28 February 2009.
  3. Daniel Luban and Eli Clifton, POLITICS: Dutch Foe of Islam Ignores US Allies' Far Right Ties, Inter Press Service, 28 February 2009.
  4. Daniel Luban and Eli Clifton, POLITICS: Dutch Foe of Islam Ignores US Allies' Far Right Ties, Inter Press Service, 28 February 2009.
  5. Daniel Luban and Eli Clifton, POLITICS: Dutch Foe of Islam Ignores US Allies' Far Right Ties, Inter Press Service, 28 February 2009.

Israel Lobby