Robert Spencer

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{{#ev:youtube| Spencer and Pamela Geller on Islam, Israel...}} Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.[1] He is also the co-author with ultra-Zionist Pamela Geller of a book in which they allege that US President Barack Obama, whom he has suggested may be a Muslim,[2] is waging a 'war on America.' In a joint video message, Geller has referred to Obama as 'the anti-Semite in the White House' who will bring about a 'second Holocaust', a view which Spencer affirms. Yet, despite Spencer's extreme views, he was recently invited to explain Islam to the Tidewater Joint Terrorism Task Force, one of the law enforcement and intelligence coalitions established and after 9/11.[3] In 2009, the American Library Association had to cancel an event on Islam after all panelists withdrew after finding out that Spencer was also included without their being informed.[4] He is also a supporter of the EDL.

In April 2009, Spencer was invited to speak in Cologne by Pro Köln. Following criticism by blogger Charles Johnson, Spencer said 'I have not confirmed that I will be attending, and am looking into the group and the people involved'.[5]

He was barred from entering UK territory in 2013 for at least three years, along with Pamela Geller, because the pair’s views were said to 'foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence.' [6]


On Barack Obama

In a book co-authored with Pamela Geller, Spencer has argued that Obama is waging a 'war on America.'[7] But in a joint video message Spencer and Geller accused Obama of more heinous crimes:

Pamela Geller: 'It is not enough to fetishize the dead Jews that were murdered in WWII...[we must] make sure that it doesn't happen again. Because a second holocaust is coming. Six million Jews are in the Jewish homeland of Israel. It is now up to you and me to stop -- well -- the anti-Semite in the White House, and his useful idiots in the Congress.'
Robert Spencer: 'That's right'.[8]

On immigration and multiculturalism

In 2011, he wrote an article in Crisis Magazine in which he described multiculturalism as a 'heresy' that is intent on 'denigrating and ultimately destroying the Judeo-Christian West.' In that same article, he recommended a book written in 1973 by a white nationalist, Jean Raspail, entitled Camp of the Saints, an overtly racist novel that depicts France overrun by non-white immigrants from India.[6]

On Islam and Muslims

  • He wrote in 2006 that '[T]raditional Islam itself is not moderate or peaceful. It is the only major world religion with a developed doctrine and tradition of warfare against unbelievers'. [9] He also said in 2010 that it is 'absurd' to think that 'Islam is a religion of peace that’s been hijacked by a tiny minority.' [10]
  • He claimed falsely that '80% of the mosques in the United States are actually controlled by extremists' in a 2003 interview on MSNBC’s 'Nachman'. [11]
  • He claimed in a 2011 radio interview that freedom of religion shouldn’t be 'considered absolute' because Islam 'impinges upon our freedoms'. He continued his argument by saying that Islam is both a religion and 'a political ideology' and 'the political ideology is what is dangerous to Americans.' [12]

On 'stealth jihad'

He believes in a conspiracy theory popular with anti-Muslim activists, that of 'grand replacement' or 'stealth jihad'. In a January 2015 interview on Fox News' Hannity, just after the Charlie Hebdo shootings, he said that a 'core principle' of Islam is 'the idea of emigrating to a new place to conquer and Islamize it, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing.' He added that 'Shariah enclaves' will 'inevitably grow and continue to grow until, finally, that’s all there is', because population growth is higher within migrant populations. [13]

On media promoting Islam

  • During the same interview, he suggested that 'the media' have been receiving funds to portray Muslims in a good way and smear anti-Muslim activists like himself:
Muslims 'had a big public relations disaster on 9/11. [...] They’ve turned it around with amazing skill and I can’t help but think that maybe media is getting some money for this.' [12]


He has been accusing many of links with 'Islamist' organisations or 'shariah-compliance' over the years:

  • In 2010, he wrote an article whose headline suggested that ISNA who had just approved Campbell's new line of halal-certified soups, was linked to Hamas. [14]
  • He is one of the proponents of the idea of an 'Islamist-left alliance':
'[T]he left doesn’t really like America or Western civilization and so I think that they see in Islam another entity that doesn’t like Western civilization and so they see it, in it an ally, and that’s essentially what’s going on.' [16]

Supporters and admirers

Douglas Murray of the UK-based Centre for Social Cohesion (now merged into the Henry Jackson Society called Spencer "a profound and subtle thinker".[17]



According to a September 2010 Politico investigation the David Horowitz Freedom Center channelled $1 million to Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch over the previous three years. Another key funder is Joyce Chernick a WINEP trustee.[19] Bob Smietana of The Tennessean reports:

IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer, who runs the blog, earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, a conservative nonprofit.[20]



He is the author of more than a dozen books, two of which made the New York Times Bestseller List.

Book edited by Robert Spencer, 2005
  • Geller, P. & Robert Spencer (2010), The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America [21]
  • Spencer, R. (2009),The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran, Washington D.C., Regnery Publishing [22]
  • Spencer, Robert. (ed), (2005), The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islam Law treats non-Muslims, Prometheus Books [23]
  • See also the books list on Jihad Watch's site:

Contacts, Notes


  • Address: #7213 7 Colby Ct Bedford NEW HAMPSHIRE 03110.[24]

External Resources


  1. Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, accessed 6 January 2009.
  2. Video of interview with Spencer available at: Robert Spencer Watch: “Obama May be a Mooslim”,, 11 May 2010
  3. Robert Dreyfuss, Anti-Muslim Bigot and Fanatic Explains Islam to the FBI and the Tidewater Joint Terrorism Task Force, The Nation, July 2010
  4. Ahmed Rehab, The Islam-Basher and the Librarian Kerfuffle, Huffington Post, 14 July 2009
  5. Robert Spencer, Hamas-linked CAIR defames me again, again using libelblogger Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs talking points, Jihad Watch, 24 April 2009.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists,Southern Poverty Law Center, October 25, 2016. Accessed 07 November 2016.
  7. Jihad Watch, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
  8. Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller Robert Spencer, SIOA Stands With Israel Rally NYC, International Civil Liberties Alliance, 25 April 2010
  9. Robert Spencer, SPLC fronts for the jihad, smears freedom fighters, Jihad Watch, JUNE 22, 2011, Accessed November 10, 2016.
  10. Jihad Watch's Spencer: "It's absurd" to think that "Islam is a religion of peace that's been hijacked by ... extremists", Media Matters, February 22, 2010. Accessed November 10 2016.
  11. JULIE MILLICAN, JUSTIN BERRIER & ERIC SCHROECK, Zombie Lie: Right Still Clinging To Decade-Old Fabrication About Radicalized Mosques, Media Matters, February 2, 2011. Accessed November 10 2016.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Brian Tashman, Spencer Suggests The Media Are “Getting Some Money” To Positively Portray Muslims, Right Wing Watch, September 19, 2011, Accessed November 10 2016.
  13. Robert Spencer on Hannity: 09 January 2015, Media Matters, Accessed November 10 2016.
  14. Robert Spencer, Campbell's Soup goes halal with approval from Hamas-linked ISNA, Jihad Watch, October 5 2010. Accessed November 10 2016.
  15. Kyle Mantyla, Spencer: CPAC Is a ‘Sharia-Compliant Conference’ Where Islamic Law Has Been Implemented, Right Wing Watch, March 14, 2013. Accessed November 10 2016.
  16. Brian Tashman, Spencer Claims Liberals And Islamists Are United By Their Shared Loathing Of America, Right Wing Watch, September 20, 2011, Accessed November 10 2016.
  17. Andrew Brown, Anders Breivik's spider web of hate, The Guardian, 7 September 2011
  18. Robert Spencer,Resisting Stealth Jihad, Middle East Forum, January 2009
  19. Kenneth P. Vogel and Giovanni Russonello, Latest mosque issue: The money trail, Politico, 4 September 2010
  20. Bob Smietana, Anti-Muslim crusaders make millions spreading fear, The Tennessean, 24 October 2010
  21. Jihad Watch, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
  22. Amazon, The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran
  23. The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islam Law treats non-Muslims/dp/1591022495#reader_1591022495,
  24. According to SOIA's registration application submitted on 21 February 2010 to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Serial Number: 77940881)