GM lobby groups
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The biotech industry is at the cutting edge of corporate spin techniques. This page links to a wide range of GM lobby and spin groups.
Front groups, Lobby groups and think tanks
- AgBioWorld
- Academy of Medical Sciences
- ActivistCash
- African Agricultural Technology Foundation
- AfricaBio
- African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum
- African Harvest Biotechnology Foundation International
- AgBioView
- Agricultural Biotechnology Support Program
- Agricultural Biotechnology Council
- Agriculture Commodity Coalition
- American Council for Fitness and Nutrition
- American Council on Science and Health
- American Enterprise Institute
- American Farm Bureau Federation
- American Soybean Association
- Asian Food Information Centre
- Asian Rice Biotechnology Network
- Biotechnology Outreach Society of Zambia
- Cato Institute
- Center for Consumer Freedom
- Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise
- Center for Food and Agricultural Research
- Center for Research on Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development
- Challenge Program on Biofortification
- Committee of Agricultural Organisations in the European Union
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Congress of Racial Equality
- Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- Consumer Alert
- Council for Biotechnology Information
- CropLife International
- Economic Human Rights Project
- European Science and Environment Forum
- Farmers for Freedom (India)
- Farmers for the Benefits of Biotechnology
- Federation of Farmers Association (India)
- Food and Drink Federation
- Gatsby Charitable Foundation
- Golden Genomics
- Golden Rice Network
- HarvestPlus
- Hoover Institution
- Horticulture Research International
- Hudson Institute
- Indian Farmers Federation
- Institute of Arable Crops Research
- Institute of Economic Affairs
- International Policy Network
- International Grain Trade Coalition
- International Rice Research Institute
- Institute of Public Affairs
- International Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources
- International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications -ISAAA
- Iowa Farm Bureau
- Kisan Coordination Committee
- Liberty Institute
- National Center for Food and Agriculture Policy
- National Corn Growers Association
- NGO Watch
- NGO Watch (Australia)
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- PG Economics
- Progress Educational Trust
- Project 21
- Resources for the Future
- Rothamsted Research
- Royal Institution
- Royal Society
- Science Media Centre
- Scientific Alliance
- Scottish Crop Research Institute
- Sense About Science
- Shetkari Sanghatna
- Social Issues Research Centre
- Southern Africa Regional Biosafety
- Sustainable Development Network
- StopLabelingLies
- Syngenta Foundation
- Tomorrow's Bounty
- Truth about Trade and Technology
- StopLabelingLies
- Sustainable Development Network
- Tech Central Station
- Wise Use Movement
- Ron Arnold
- Alex Avery
- Dennis Avery
- Ronald Bailey
- Roger Bate
- Andrew Bennet
- Mark Cantley
- Gregory Conko
- Paul Dreissen
- Carol Tucker Foreman
- Alan Gottlieb
- James Glassman
- Niger Innis
- Gary Johns
- Alistair Kent
- Lyndon LaRouche
- Barun Mitra
- Patrick Moore
- Julian Morris
- Henry I. Miller
- Steve ('The Junkman') Milloy
- Andrew Natsios
- Kimball Nill
- Kendra Okonski
- Pierre Pagesse
- Doug Powell
- Matt Ridley
- William Rolleston
- Judith Rylott
- Paul Rylott
- Norrey Simmons
- Francis Wevers
- Elizabeth Whelan
- TJ Buthelezi
- Sharad Joshi
- Kisan Coordination Committee
- Muffy Koch
- Liberty Institute
- Barun Mitra
- Chengal Reddy
- S Jayapal Reddy
- CS Prakash
- Richard Sithole
- Florence Wambugu
- Jocelyn Webster
- Ascham Associates
- Klaus Amman
- Philip Angell
- Andrew Apel
- Rick Berman
- Bio-Scope
- Bivings Group
- Jay Byrne
- Michael Craven
- Des D'Souza
- Martin Durkin
- Foresight Communications
- Graydon Forrer
- Bernd Halling
- Good Relations
- David Hill
- Hill and Knowlton
- Lexington Communications
- Life Sciences Strategies
- Martin Livermore
- Bernard Marantelli
- Nick Nichols
- Nichols-Dezenhall
- Vic Robertson
- Max Russell-Bennett
- V-fluence
- American Farm Bureau Federation
- AfricaBio
- BioScience Communications Ltd
- BioScience News and Advocate
- Communications Trumps
- CropGen
- EuropaBio
- GenePool
- International Food Information Council
- Life Sciences Network
- Limagrain
- Truth about Trade and Technology
- Charles J Antzen
- John Ashworth
- Biogemma
- Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
- Biotechnology Institute
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- European Federation of Biotechnology
- Food Standards Agency
- Institute of Food Research
- John Innes Centre
- Ingo Potrykus
- Royal Society
- Lord David Sainsbury
- Sainsbury Laboratory
- Science Media Centre
- Janet Bainbridge
- Gerard Barry
- Patrick Bateson
- David Baulcombe
- Roger Beachy
- Norman Borlaug
- Rebecca Bowden
- Sir David Carter
- Phil Dale
- Swappan Datta
- Thomas R. DeGregori
- Alan Dewar
- Peter Doyle
- Mike Gale
- Mike Gasson
- Leonard Gianessi
- L. Val Giddings
- Susan Greenfield
- Chris Ham
- John Hillman
- Jonathan Jones
- Gurdev Khush
- Dean Kleckner
- Aaron Klug
- Sir John Krebs
- Peter Lachmann
- Chris Lamb
- Chris Leaver
- Michael Lipton
- Conrad Lichtenstein
- Peter Lutman
- Alan McHughen
- Bill Macfarlane Smith
- Mike May
- Robert May
- Sue Meek
- Matt Metz
- Vivian Moses
- Philip Mullineaux
- Luke Mumba
- Noreen Murray
- Bridget Ogilvie
- Jim Orson
- George Paterson
- John Pickett
- Guy Poppy
- CS Prakash
- MV Rao
- Peter Raven
- Clare Robinson
- Rick Roush
- Philip Stott
- MS Swaminathan
- Lord Dick Taverne
- Jennifer Thomson
- David Tribe
- Mike Wilson
This section is the collective procuct of
- Michael Greenwell
- Jonathan Matthews
- David Miller
- Andy Rowell