Frank Furedi: List of Publications
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This page compiles publications by Frank Furedi, Professor of sociology at the University of Kent, the intellectual guru of the Revolutionary Communist Tendency/Revolutionary Communist Party/Living Marxism and the LM network. The list includes materials originally published under Furedi's Party names Frank Richards and Linda Ryan.

Frank Furedi in a pamphlet published by the neo-con connected think tank Civitas. The pamphlet also featured articles by moral conservative stalwart Robert Whelan and LM network associate Alex Standish
LM network resources

Furedi writing for the Thatcherite Centre for Policy Studies. Apparently no contradiction for a former Marxist or a contemporary liberal humanist

Cover of Poland's black December, by Frank Richards published for the Revolutionary Communist Party by Junius Publications, January 1982.

Confrontation, Issue 1, the 'theoretical journal' of the Revolutionary Communist Party, 1986, Junius Publications.

Cover of Confrontation, No.2, showing articles by both Linda Ryan and Frank Richards. Both names were pseudonyms for Revolutionary Communist Party leader Frank Furedi.
- Frank Furedi,Soviet Union Demystified: A Materialist Analysis, Junius Publications., 1986
- Frank Furedi The Mau Mau War in Perspective, James Currey Publishers, 1989
- Frank Furedi, Mythical Past - Elusive Future: History and Society in an Anxious Age, Pluto Press, 1991
- Frank Furedi, The New Ideology of Imperialism: Renewing the Moral Imperative, Pluto Press, 1994
- Frank Furedi, Colonial Wars and the Politics of Third World Nationalism, IB Tauris, 1994
- Frank Furedi, Population and Development: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Culture of Fear: Risk-taking and the Morality of Low Expectation, Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 1997
- Frank Furedi, The Silent War: Imperialism and the Changing Perception of Race, Pluto Press, 1998
- Frank Furedi, Paranoid Parenting: Why Ignoring the Experts May Be Best for Your Child, A Cappella Publishing, 2002
- Frank Furedi Culture of Fear: Risk Taking and the Morality of Low Expectation, Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2002
- Frank Furedi, Therapy Culture: Cultivating Vulnerability in an Uncertain Age, Routledge, 2003
- Frank Furedi, Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone?: Confronting 21st Century Philistinism, Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2004
- Frank Furedi, The Politics of Fear. Beyond Left and Right, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005
- Frank Furedi, Invitation to Terror: The Expanding Empire of the Unknown, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2007.
- Frank Furedi, Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2009.
Journal articles, book chapters, research reports and pamphlets
- Frank Richards, 'The IS and Centrism', Revolutionary Communist: Theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Communist Group, Issue 1, January 1975 (Reprinted June 1976).
- Frank Richards, 'The Question of the International', Revolutionary Communist: Theoretical Journal of the Revolutionary Communist Group, Issue 2, May 1975, written in March 1975: 20-41.
- Frank Richards and Phil Turner 'Stalinism, the Communist party and the RCG's new turn', 'Documents On The Split Within The Revolutionary Communist Group' Revolutionary Communist Papers No. 1: March 1977, London: Revolutionary Communist Tendency. ISSN 0309-4634.
- Frank Richards, 'No Equivocation!', p. 21-28, 'Special issue on Ireland: British imperialism in Ireland and anti-imperialism in Britain', Revolutionary Communist Papers No. 2: May 1978, London: Junius Publications.
- Frank Richards Under a national flag fascism, racism and the labour movement, 1978, London: R.C.T. Association BM RCT, WC1V 6XX, 26,[3]p 30cm sd, RCT pamphlets Revolutionary Communist Tendency no.2.
- Frank Richards Under a national flag fascism, racism, and the labour movement 2d ed. with new afterword. Published 1978 by Revolutionary Communist Tendency Association in London Revolutionary Communist pamphlets ;, no. 2, 28 p. ;
- Frank Richards, Alan Harding, Andre Robinson, Peter Wilson, Charles Longford THE BATTLE FOR AFRICA: Showdown in Zimbabwe: The Rape of Zaire: The Scramble for Africa Revolutionary Communist Papers No. 5: 1979 Junius Publications Ltd 48 p.
- Frank Richards 'Editorial: The Middle East heads for war', 19 May 1980, p. 1-3, 'Khomeini's Capitalism: The Imperialists close In', Revolutionary Communist Papers No. 6: 1980, London: Junius Publications.
- Frank Richards, 'Editorial: Their alternative and ours', p. 1-2. 'World in Recession', Revolutionary Communist Papers, No 7 July 1981.
- Reviews: Frank Richards, 'Imperialism and the crisis' Warren, Mandel, Day and Hilferding, p. 36-7
- Frank Richards 'Prolonging the death agony. The rise, fall and reconstitution of social democracy', Revolutionary Communist Papers No.8., Revolutionary Communist Party, Sept 1981, p.3-20
- Frank Richards, Poland's black December / [Revolutionary Communist Party]. Revolutionary Communist Party (Great Britain) London (BCM, JPLTD, WC1N 3XX) : Junius, c1982. 27 p. : ill. ; 22cm. Revolutionary Communist pamphlets ; no.12
- Frank Richards The miners' next step, London: Junius Publications, July 1984, ISBN 0-950 8404-6-7
- Frank Richards, 'Marxism in our time', Confrontation Number 1 Summer 1986. London: Junius Publications Ltd, June 1986, p. 4-31.
- Linda Ryan, 'Labour or The Red Front?, Confrontation, No. 2, Summer 1987, London: Junius Publications, ISSN 0269-9966, p. 7-30.
- Frank Richards, 'The myth of state capitalism', Confrontation, No. 2, Summer 1987, London: Junius Publications, ISSN 0269-9966, p. 87-113.
- Frank Richards and Mike Freeman, 'The third Thatcher term' Confrontation, No. 4, Summer 1988, July, London: Junius Publications, ISSN 0269-9966, p. 85-144.
- Frank Richards, 'Thesis on Stalinism in the Gorbachev Era', In:- Confrontation, No. 5, 1989(a), Junius Publications, London.
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain's Colonial Emergencies and the Invisible Nationalists', Journal of Historical Sociology, vol. 2, no 3, 1989, pp.240-264
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain's Colonial Wars: Playing the Ethnic Card', The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, March 1990, pp.70-89
- Frank Furedi, 'Decolonisation Through Counterinsurgency' in A. Gorst and S. Lucas (eds.), Themes in Contemporary History, Francis Pinter, 1991, pp.141-169
- Frank Furedi and Joan Hoey Who are the C2s? A Social and Political Attitudes Survey. Basildon, 1992. Research report, 1992.[1][2]
- Frank Furedi, 'Creating a Breathing Space: The Political Management of Colonial Emergencies', The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, vol.21, no.3, September 1993. (Republished in R. Holland ed. Emergencies and Disorder in the European Empires After 1945, Frank Cass 1994)
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Enthronement of Low Expectations: Fukuyama's Ideological Compromise for Our Time' in Christopher Bertram and Andrew Chitty (eds), Has History Ended?: Fukuyama, Marx, Modernity, Avebury, 1994, ISBN-13: 978-1856289597
1995 - 1999
- Frank Furedi, `Futurology' in International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, vol.2, Thomson Business Press, 1996.
- Frank Furedi, 'The International Impact of a Pill Panic', BCT, 1996, pp. 38
- Frank Furedi and Ann Furedi, The International Impact of a Pill Panic in the UK 1996 The Birth Control Trust.[3]
- Frank Furedi, 'The Dangers of Safety' in Sue Elworthy and Jane Holdereds, Environmental Protection; Texts and Materials, Butterworths, 1997, pp. 17-18, ISBN-13: 978-0406037701
- Frank Furedi, 'The Moral Condemnation of the South' in C Thomas (ed.), New Perspectives on International Relations, Macmillan 1997, pp. 76-89
- Frank Furedi, ‘Futurology’ in Malcolm Warner (ed.}, The Concise International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management, International Thomson Press, 1997, ISBN-13: 978-1861521149
- Frank Furedi, 'New Britain - A Nation of Victims’, Society, February 1998
- Frank Furedi, S Rowland, C Byron, N Padfield & T Smyth, ‘Turning Academics into Teachers’, Teaching in Higher Education, vol.3, no.2, June 1998.
- Frank Furedi, 'Alvin Toffler’,in Malcolm Warner (ed.), The International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management. The Handbook of Management Thinking, International Thomson Press, 1998, ISBN-13: 978-1861521620
- Frank Furedi, 'Courting Mistrust: The Hidden Growth of a Culture of Litigation in Britain, Centre for Policy Studies, 1999.
- Frank Furedi, 'Complaining Britain', Society, June 1999.
- Frank Furedi, 'Diseasing the Workplace', Journal of Occupational Health Review, November 1999
- Frank Furedi, ‘The New Etiquette’ in C Levitt, S Davies, N McLaughlin (eds.), Mistaken Identities; the Second Wave of Controversy over “Political Correctness”, Peter Lang Pub Inc, 1999, ISBN-13: 978-0820441375
- Frank Furedi, 'The Demobilized African Soldier and the Blow to White Prestige’ in David Killingray and David Omissi (eds.), Guardians of Empire, Manchester University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0719057342
- Frank Furedi, 'Courting Mistrust: The Hidden Growth of a Culture of Litigation in Britain', Centre for Policy Studies, 1999, ISBN-13: 978-1897969953
- Frank Furedi, ‘A Sociology of Health Panics’ in Lorraine Mooney and Roger Bate (eds.), Environmental Health; Third World Problems - First World Preoccupations, Butterworth -Heinemann, 1999, ISBN-13: 978-0750642231
- Frank Furedi, ‘Risk and Risk Society - exchange between Ulrich Beck and Frank Furedi’, Prometheus, no.1, Winter 1999.
- Frank Furedi, 'Reproductive Health of Population Policy?’ in Cecily Kelleher and Ricca Edmondson (eds), Health Promotion: Multi-Discipline or New Discipline, Irish Academic Press, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-0716526575
- Frank Furedi, 'Sociological Perceptions of Race Mixing’ in David Parker and Miri Song (eds), Rethinking 'Race Mixing', Pluto Press, 2001, ISBN-13: 978-0745315676
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Social Construction of the British Bullying Epidemic’ in J. Best (ed.) Cross-National Diffusion of Social Problems Claims, Aldine de Gruyter, 2001.
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Silent Ascendancy of Therapeutic Culture in Britain’, Society, vol.39, no.3, March/April 2002.
- Frank Furedi, 'Refusing to be Terrorised; Managing Risk After September 11th', Global Futures Report, 2002
- Frank Furedi, ‘Drug Control and the Ascendancy of Britain’s Therapeutic Culture’, in James L Nolan (ed) Drug Courts in Theory and in Practice, 2002, ISBN-13: 978-0202307121
- Frank Furedi, ‘Creating Fear: News and the Construction of Crisis’. Book review in the American Journal of Sociology, September 2002.
- Frank Furedi, 'The Downsizing of Intellectual Authority’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 172-178, ISSN 1369-8230 print/1743-8772 online, Winter 2003
- Frank Furedi, (Foreword) Democracy and Participation: New Social Movements in Liberal Democracies, Merlin Press, 2003
- Frank Furedi, 'Reflections on the Medicalisation of Social Experience - A Reply to Phillip Hodson', British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 32, No. 3, August 2004
- Frank Furedi, ‘Introduction to Some Uncomfortable Realities’, Foreword to M Todd, G Taylor (eds), (2004), Democracy and Participation; Popular Protest and New Social Movements, Merlin Press: London, ISBN-13: 978-0850365382
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Formalisation of Relationships in Education’, in Dennis Haynes (ed), (2004), The Routledge Falmer Guide to Key Debates in Education, Routledge: London, ISBN-13: 978-0415332446
- Frank Furedi, 'Promiscuity of Choice’, Society, vol.41, no.4, 2004
- Frank Furedi, ‘Always On, Changing Britain’ in Always On, Changing Britain, European Media Forum, 2004. (A sociological analysis of the role of broadband).
- Frank Furedi, ‘Crossing The Boundary: The Marginal Man’ in Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe (ed), (2004), 'Mixed Race', Studies: A Reader, Routledge: London, ISBN-13: 978-0415321648
- Frank Furedi, ‘Terrorism and the Politics of Fear’, Chapter 15, in C Hale, K Hayward, A Wadhini, E Wincup (eds), Criminology, 2005, Oxford University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0199270361
- K Ecclestone, D Hayes, F Furedi. 2005. Knowing me, knowing you: the rise of therapeuticprofessionalism in the education of adults, Studies in the Education of Adults, 37, 2, 182‐200. ISSN:0266‐0830
- Frank Furedi, 'New Dimensions of a Market in Fear’ in R Havidan, E Quarantelli, R Dynes (2006) (eds) Handbook of Disaster Research, Springer : New York, ISBN-13: 978-0387323312
- Frank Furedi, 'The Legacy of Humanism’ in D Cummings, (2006) (ed) Debating Humanism, Imprint Academic : Exeter, ISBN-13: 978-1845400699
- Frank Furedi, 'The End of Professional Dominance', Society, vol.43, no.6, 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'The Changing Meaning of Disaster’, Area; Journal of the Royal Geographic Society, vol.39, no.4, 2007.
- Frank Furedi, ‘The Rules of Fear’ in Kate Hebblethwaite & Elizabeth McCarthy (eds) Fear: Essays on the Meaning and Experience of Fear, Four Courts Press Dublin, pp.18-30, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-1846820700
- Frank Furedi, 'Do Academics Still Think' in H De Burgh, A Fazackerley, J Black (eds) Can The Prizes Still Glitter?, University of Buckingham Press, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0955464201
- Frank Furedi, 'Coping With Adversity: The Turn to the Rhetoric of Vulnerability', Security Journal, April 2007, ISSN: 0955-1662
- Frank Furedi, ‘From the Narrative of the Blitz to the Rhetoric of Vulnerability’, Cultural Sociology, Volume 1, Number 2, July 2007, ISSN: 1749-9755
- Frank Furedi, ‘Medicalisation in a Therapy Culture’ in David Wainwright (ed), A Sociology of Health, Sage Publications: London, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-1412921589
- Frank Furedi and Jennie Bristow Licensed to Hug: How child protection policies are poisoning the relationship between the generations and damaging the voluntary sector, London: Civitas, June 2008. 'This publication has been made possible by a grant from the Nigel Lord Vinson Charitable Trust'
- Frank Furedi, Roger Kimball, Raymond Tallis, Edited by Robert Whelan, From Two cultures to No culture, March 2009, London: Civitas.
Popular press, Magazines articles (including the next step and Living Marxism/LM) and web publications
- Linda Ryan 'What's the big Idea?', Living Marxism, November 1988, No. 1, p. 3.
- Frank Richards, 'revolutions don't come from above', Living Marxism, November 1988, No. 1, p. 6-10.
- Linda Ryan, 'Has socialism failed?', Living Marxism, No. 18 - April, p. 32.
- Frank Richards (1990) 'Midnight in the Century', Living Marxism, No. 26, December, pp. 34-8.
- Frank Richards, 'Today the east, tomorrow the world', Living Marxism, No. 40 - February, p. 16.
- Frank Füredi, 'Who controls the past...', Living Marxism, No. 41 - March, p. 24.
- Frank Richards, 'Invasion of the third world fanatics', Living Marxism, No. 42 - April, p. 10.
- Frank Richards, 'The wages of fear', Living Marxism, No. 43 - May, p. 24.
- Linda Ryan, 'Racism: the issue of our times', Living Marxism, No. 44 - June, p. 8.
- Frank Richards, 'The exhaustion of British politics', Living Marxism, No. 44 - June, p. 26.
- Frank Richards, 'An incoherent rage', Living Marxism, No. 45 - August, p. 10.
- Frank Füredi, 'Cleansing the Holocaust', Living Marxism, No. 48 - October, p. 24.
- Frank Richards, 'A guide to these unstable times', Living Marxism, No. 51 - January, p. 20.
- Frank Richards, 'Behind the West's humanitarian mask', Living Marxism, No. 52 - February, p. 18.
- Frank Füredi, 'Churchill, appeasement and white power', Living Marxism, No. 52 - February, p. 33.
- Frank Füredi, 'Prime time for crime panics', Living Marxism, No. 55 - May, p. 24.
- Frank Richards, 'May the state preserve us from ourselves', Living Marxism, No. 59 - September, p. 24.
- Frank Füredi, 'PC - the philosophy of low expectations', Living Marxism, No. 62 - November, p. 16.
- Frank Füredi, 'A moral mission', Living Marxism, No. 65 - March, p. 18.
- Frank Füredi, 'The crying game', Living Marxism, No. 69 - July, p. 29.
- Frank Richards, 'There is an alternative', Living Marxism, No. 70 - August, p. 24.
- Frank Füredi, 'At the heart of Rwanda's darkness', Living Marxism, No. 71 - September, p. 24.
- Frank Füredi, 'A plague of moral panics', Living Marxism, No. 73 - November, p. 20.
- Frank Füredi, 'What's left and who's right now?', Living Marxism, No. 78 - April, p. 12.
- Frank Füredi, 'Is it a girl's world?', Living Marxism, No. 79 - May, p. 10.
- Frank Furedi, 'A Plague On Us', The Independent, 4 January 1996
- Frank Furedi, 'Moral Condemnation of the South', New Straits Times (Malaysia), 24 June 1996
- Frank Furedi, 'North Waging Cultural War Against South', New Straits Times (Malaysia), 1 July 1996
- Frank Furedi, 'What's All the Fuss About... the Tin Drum?', The Guardian, 11 July 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Why Do We Live in Terror', The Guardian, 26 July 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'I Bully, You Bully, We Are Victims', The Independent, 24 August 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Princess Diana and the New Cult of Victimhood', Wall Street Journal, 10 September 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Far More Skills, Far Less Knowledge', The Independent, 11 September 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Who Are You Calling Greedy? I'm a Recovering Food Addict', The Independent, 24 September 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Letter: On Grandparents', The Guardian, 25 September 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Obsessed by Safety', The Daily Mail, 13 December 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Letter: For Nature and Against Labels', The Guardian, 19 December 1997
- Frank Furedi, 'Students and Drink: Have the Puritans Taken Over the Bar?', The Independent, 22 January 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain's Mourning Sickness', Wall Street Journal, 20 July 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain's Mourning Sickness', The Globe and Mail, 24 July 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Examiners Buckle Under an Avalanche of Excuses', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 October 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Letters: Bad Marx', The Observer, 1 November 1998
- Frank Furedi, 'Rule of Law: Britain Imports America's Tort Crisis', Wall Street Journal, 16 November 1998
- Frank Furedi, Children Are at Risk - From Their Terrified Parents', The Independent, 7 February 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Try to Get a Life, Not a Lawyer', The Herald (Glasgow), 9 June 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Consumer Activism is a Sign of Political Impotence', The Independent, 22 June 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Mud Sticks', New Scientist, 3 July 1999
- Frank Furedi & Chris Cleverly, Have we lost the ability to judge what is good or bad art?', The Guardian, 14 August 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Watch Out, Adults About', The Independent, 22 August 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Your Numbers Up', New Scientist, 9 October 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Real Work: Time to Put Up and Shut Up', The Independent, 10 October 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'Our criminal obsession', The Independent, 14 November 1999
- Frank Furedi, 'The Litigation Bug Brings Britain Down in a Fever of Greed', The Times, 17 January 2000
- Frank Furedi, 'It's Just a Failure of Nerve', New Statesman, 10 January 2000
- Abuse of trust Frank Furedi LM, 128 - March 2000, p. 12 [4]
- Austria-cised Linda Ryan LM, 129 - April 2000, p. 12
- Politics today: trivial pursuits? Frank Furedi LM, 129 - April 2000, p. 14
- Frank Furedi, ‘Fast Food Attack’, Southam Newspapers, 13 September 2000
- Frank Furedi, 'An Unsuitable Job for a Man', The Independent, 12 October 2000
- Frank Furedi, 'Institutions Wither In The Quality Straitjacket', Times Higher Education Supplement, 24 November 2000
- Frank Furedi, 'Can We Blame Thatcherism For Yob Culture?', The Independent, 10 December 2000
- Frank Furedi, 'Hysteria Will Not Make Our Streets Safe', The Sunday Herald, 10 December 2000’
- Frank Furedi, 'Mine's A Confession, On The Rocks, Please', The Independent on Sunday, 7 January 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Sex Education Without The Prejudice', The Independent, 11 January 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Why I... Think Universities Are Becoming Anti-intellectual', Times Higher Education Supplement, 26 January 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Under The Hammer', Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 February 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘You Are The Only Expert’, The Times, 12 March 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'You'll Always Be My Baby', Times Higher Educational Supplement, 23 March 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Accidents Should Happen', The Daily Telegraph, 24 March 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'A Review of ‘The Problem of Race in the 21st Century’ by Thomas C. Holt', New Statesman, 23 April 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Making Sense of Parental Paranoia - an extract from Paranoid Parenting', The Guardian, 25 April 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Monsters That Still Stalk Our Minds', The Independent on Sunday, 20 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'A Review of ‘In the Wake of the Plague: the Black Death and the World it Made’ by Norman Cantor, Simon & Schuster', New Statesman, 21 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Scary Monsters; As the Monkey of Delhi Reminds Us, We Are Fascinated by Half-Human Creatures', The Daily Mail, 21 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Don't Drag Children into Office Politics’, The Times, 21 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Culture Wars Hit the Nursery', New Statesman, 28 May 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Cheater's Charter', Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 June 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘An Attack on Traditional Fun Makes Childhood Safe But Boring’, The Express, 15 June 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Values Crushed by Compulsion', Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 June 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘'Tuesday Books: 'How to Stay Ahead in the Numbers Game' by Joel Best', The Independent, 24 July 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Healthy, wealthy - What About Wise?’, The Daily Telegraph, 8 August 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘We Can All Learn from the Dignity Shown By Families of Ellie and Amelia’, The Express, 24 August 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'The Blame Game', New Scientist, 25 August 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Agency of Change', The Guardian, 28 August 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Why Do We All Complain Constantly About Stress?’, The Express, 6 September 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Letters of the Day: Stress? Not Thinking About it is the Answer’, The Express, 7 September 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Frank Furedi on Play', Scotland on Sunday, 9 September 2001]
- Frank Furedi, 'Tuesday Book: 'On the Frontier of Intimacy and Identity' by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown', The Independent, 18 September 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘No More Skipping at Playtime Parents, Children and Teachers Are Getting on the Legal Bandwagon and it's Bad News’, The Daily Telegraph, 19 September 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Tales to Make Your Children Walk Tall’, The Daily Telegraph, 29 September 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'An Intellectual Vacuum', Times Higher Education Supplement, 5 October 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘Why You Need to Let Them Go’, The Times, 15 October 2001
- Frank Furedi, ‘With Pupils as Young as Three Now Causing Havoc in the Classroom, We Can No Longer Ignore the Problem of School Discipline’, The Daily Telegraph, 17 November 2001
- Frank Furedi, 'Can Self-Esteem Be Bad for Your Child?', The Times, 7 January 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'Don't Rock The Research Boat', Times Higher Education Supplement, 11 January 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'Making a Virtue of Face', The Spectator, 12 January 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'Epidemic of Fear- We Were Scared to Death Long Before 11 September', Spiked, 15 March 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'A Review of ‘The Politics of the Forked Tongue: Authoritarian Liberalism’ by Aidan Rankin', New Statesman, 14 October 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'They Are Not Dumb - Which is Why They're Quitting Academe', Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 November 2002
- Frank Furedi, 'A Review of ‘Respect: The Formation of Character in an Age of Inequality’ by Richard Sennett', New Statesman, 10 February, 2003
- Frank Furedi, 'Assessment versus Intellect', The Guardian, 25 March 2003
- Frank Furedi, 'The Children Who Won’t Grow Up', Spiked 29 July 2003
- Frank Furedi, 'Diana Syndrome - We Get The Conspiracies We Deserve', The Independent, 11 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Sever the Ties That Bind Young Minds', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Don’t Underestimate Managers Ability to Treat You as an Idiot', Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 January 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'The Politics of the Lonely Crowd - Protest Movements Get Personal', Spiked, 9 March 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'They Expect Me to Make Life Easier', Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 April 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Heroes of the Hour', New Scientist, 8 May 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Call Yourself Cosmopolitan?', Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 May 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'The Degree is Loosing Its Meaning', The Daily Telegraph, 9 June 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Punishing Parents', Spiked, 7 July 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Why I Fear Lowering Entry Criteria for Foreign Students Could Destroy Universities', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 July 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'The Sixties Myth', Spiked, 3 August 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Plagiarism Stems From a Loss of Scholarly Ideals', Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 August 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'The Politics of Fear', Spiked, 28 October 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Downsizing the Status of Science', The Scientist, 8 November 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'Our Goodwill Counts for Nothing on the List', Times Higher Education Supplement, 17 December 2004
- Frank Furedi, 'A Blast from the Past', The Daily Telegraph, 15 January 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Parliament Magazine', Parliament Magazine, 31 January 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Citizens Can’t be Made in Class', The Daily Telegraph, 3 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'You’d Better Make Some Noise While You Can', Times Higher Education Supplement, 11 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The New Chief Inquisitor on Campus', Spiked, 16 February 2005
- Frank Furedi, Our Unhealthy 'Obsession with Sickness', Spiked, 23 March 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'I Refuse to Hand it to Students on a Plate', Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 March 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'None of Them Knows What We’re Thinking', Spiked, 4 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'For Accreditation, See Indoctrination', Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Reawakening of European Democracy', Spiked, 31 May 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'From Europe to America: The Populist Moment Has Arrived', Spiked, 13 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Saying the Public Doesn’t Understand the Ideals of the EU Expresses Profound Contempt', New Statesman, 13 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'A Degree is Now a Rite of Passage', Times Higher Education Supplement, 17 June 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Behind the Executive Smoke Screen', Sunday Herald, 3 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'I Don’t Want to Meet the Parents', Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Fear? We’re Revelling in It', The Times, 30 July 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Sum of Our Fears', The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 August 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'When Fear Leaves Us Paralysed', The Guardian, 4 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Blame Game', BBC News Magazine, 6 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Dissent? Not Today, Thank You', Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Politics of Fear', Spiked, 15 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid… No, Don’t', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Market of Fear', Spiked, 26 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Rise of the Rising Sun', BBC History, September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Forget SARS, West Nile, Ebola and Avian Flu. The Real Epidemic is Fear', Macleans, 29 September 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Why Do We Fear Freedom?', Spiked, 18 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Bird Flu Prophets of Doom Spread Nothing But Needless Alarm', Daily Express, 18 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Give Them a Little Textual Pleasure', Times Higher Education Supplement, 21 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Welcome To This New Age of Deference', The Times, 25 October 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'French Lessons for Us All', Spiked, 8 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'On the Hunt for a Conspiracy Theory', The Christian Science Monitor, 16 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'The Age of Unreason', Spectator, 18 November 2005
- Frank Furedi, 'Debased By This Soulless Culture', Daily Express, 10 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'The Curious Rise of Anti-Religious Hysteria', Spiked, 23 January, 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'The Holocaust Should Not Be for Sale', The Daily Telegraph, 26 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'In Pursuit of the Happy Bunnies', Times Higher Education Supplement, 27 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Living in Fear, Lost for Words', The Age, 28 January 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Who's Doing the Homework?', The Daily Telegraph, 8 February 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Hollow Words: ‘Role model’', The First Post, 9 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Hollow Words: ‘Holistic’', The First Post, 16 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Hollow Words: ‘Transparent’', The First Post, 23 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Humanist With a Stir in Many Camps', The Australian, 25 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'What's Wrong With Cheats', The Guardian, 28 March 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Hollow Words: ‘Vision’', The First Post, 5 April 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Confronting the New Misanthropy', Spiked, 18 April 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Courtroom Therapy Makes a Mockery of Justice', Spiked, 24 April 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Buck the Trend, Dare to be Nasty', Times Higher Education Supplement, 5 May 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Politicians, Economists, Teachers… Why Are They So Desperate to Make Us Happy?', The Daily Telegraph, 7 May 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Why the Politics of Happiness Makes Me Mad', Spiked, 23 May 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'It’s Time That We All ‘Interfered’ More', The Daily Telegraph, 4 June 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Excitement No Money Can Buy', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 June 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'We Need Teachers, Not Amateur Therapists', Spiked, 11 July 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Grumbling Won't Change a Thing', Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 July 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Maybe Self-Loving Does Make You Blind', Spiked, 4 August 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Save Us From the Politics of Behaviour', Spiked, 11 September 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'A Roman Circus for Faux Celebrity', The Daily Telegraph, 24 September 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Hungary: A ‘Hooligan Revolution’?', Spiked, 25 September 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'America Mourns New Gun Rampage', The First Post, 3 October 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Generosity is Good for You', The First Post, 28 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Who Can Pass the Spelling Test?', First published by An anthology marking the 30th anniversary of the Commission for Racial Equality, November 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Why We’re All Too Chilled to Have Sex', The First Post, 2 November 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Adults Behaving Badly', Spiked, 9 November 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Do they know it’s Christmas?', Spiked, 13 December 2006
- Frank Furedi, 'Time to Get Off the Treadmill', Times Higher Education Supplement, 2 March 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'What's Behind the 'New Anti-Semitism'?', Spiked, 6 March 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Really Bad Ideas: Grumpiness', Spiked, 16 March 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'We Have Nothing to Fear but the Culture of Fear Itself', Spiked, 4 April 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'I Refuse to Jump Through Hoops', Times Higher Education Supplement, 13 April 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Virginia Tech: A Massacre Without Meaning', Spiked, 18 April 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Politics Without Sovereignty is not Politics at All', Spiked, 30 April 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'The Crusade Against the A-word', Spiked, 15 May 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'An Emotional Striptease', Spiked, 17 May 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Really Bad Ideas: Phobias', Spiked, 20 May 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Tick Yes to Raise the Standard', Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 May 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Making a Balls-Up of Education', Spiked, 11 July 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Hijacking Education', Spiked, 11 June 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'When All That’s Left is Despair', Times Higher Education Supplement, 15 June 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Teenage Crisis? Blame Adults’ Celebrity Culture', The Daily Telegraph, 15 June 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Really Bad Ideas: Population Control', Spiked, 18 June 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Meet the Malthusians Manipulating the Fear of Terror', Spiked, 27 June 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'O Gore, Deliver Us from Evil', Spiked, 5 July 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'This Principle is not Negotiable', Times Higher Education Supplement, 6 July 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Why Political Thought is Imprisoned in the Present', Spiked Review of Books, 20 July 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Floods: God’s Punishment for Our Eco-Sins?', Spiked, 25 July 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'The Distorted Vision of Dearing', Times Higher Education Supplement, 10 August 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'The End of Europe?', Spiked, 13 August 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Planet Relief: The Crusade Against Open Debate', Spiked, 6 September 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Is There No Room Left for Reflection?', Times Higher Education Supplement, 14 September 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'A Tyranny of Experts', Spiked Review of Books, 21 September 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Disturbing Youth Trend: Drinking to Get Drunk', The Daily Telegraph, 23 September 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'In Search of Eco-Salvation', Spiked, 27 September 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'The Mother of All Child-Rearing Battles', The Times, 9 October 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'And the Nobel Fear Prize Goes to…', Spiked, 15 October 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Boundaries are There to be Leapt', Times Higher Education Supplement, 19 October 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'David Cameron’s Demographic Determinism', Spiked, 30 October 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Are ‘Terrorist Groomers’ Warping Our Kids?', Spiked, 6 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Finnish School Shooting: Self-Loathing Goes Global', Spiked, 8 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'From Finland to West London: A Culture of Death?', Spiked, 12 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Is Israel the Organ-Grinder?', Spiked, 23 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Really Bad Ideas: Censorship', Spiked, 26 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Humanitarianism: The Antithesis of Humanism', Spiked, 30 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'The war on Terror is a Symmetry of Confusion', Spiked, 30 November 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Golden Compass: The ‘God Wars’ as Child’s Play', Spiked, 10 December 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'There’s No Added Value in Sales Talk', Times Higher Education Supplement, 14 December 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'From Singapore to Basra: British Militarism as Farce', Spiked, 17 December 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'In 2008, Let Us Challenge the Politics of Apocalypse', Spiked, 27 December 2007
- Frank Furedi, 'Kenya is not the new Rwanda', Spiked, 8 January 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Really Bad Ideas: The Tyranny of Science', Spiked, 15 January 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Watch Without Mother', The Times, 17 January 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'If You Believe in Europe, Then Reject This Treaty', Spiked, 28 January 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Beware the Child Catcher: The Doom and Groom Theory of Campus Terror', Times Higher Education Supplement, 31 January 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Hiding Behind the Veil of Sharia Law', Spiked, 11 February 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Can We Teach People to be Happy?', The Guardian, 19 February 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain: An Island Without a Story', Spiked, 20 February 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Challenge the ‘Culture of Death’ - Choose Life', Spiked, 25 February 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Greening of Capitalism', Spiked, 29 February 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Fake Holocaust Memoirs: History as Therapy', Spiked, 5 March 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Seven Deadly Personality Disorders', Spiked, 12 March 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Gordon Brown’s Register of Risks? Rip it Up', Spiked, 25 March 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'A Rumsfeldian Attack on Mothers-to-be', Spiked, 26 March 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Truth About Music', Spiked, 14 April 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'It’s a vxd Question: Why Your Lecture isn’t as Important as an SMS', Times Higher Education Supplement, 16 April 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Flat-Pack Degrees', The Guardian, 22 April 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'My 1968', Spiked, 25 April 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Letting the Truth of Music Speak for Itself', The Daily Telegraph, 26 April 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Let’s Turn a New Page in the World of Reading', Spiked, 12 May 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Crusaders in Search of a Crusade', Spiked, 14 May 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Crewe By-Election: Farce War, Not Class War', Spiked, 21 May 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'iPod for Their Thoughts?', Times Higher Education Supplement, 29 May 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Rise and Rise of the New Malthusianism', Spiked, 30 May 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Bishop of Stafford: A 21st-Century Demonologist', Spiked, 2 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Barack Obama and the Politicisation of Lifestyle', Spiked, 9 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Now it’s Clear: The EU is an Alien Imposition in Europe', Spiked, 16 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Bologna Looms, So Zagreb Marches. We Barely Notice', The Guardian, 17 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'After the Irish ‘No’ Vote: Pathologising Populism', Spiked, 23 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Childcare: Child’s Play is Now a Minefield', The Daily Telegraph, 26 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Now You Need a Licence to Interact With Children', Spiked, 26 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Thou Shalt Not Hug', New Statesman, 26 June 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The rise of China — threat or opportunity?', Spiked, 15 July 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Media Obsession Risks Normalising Knife Crime', The First Post, 16 July 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Photographing Children Becomes a Crime', Pajamas Media, 22 July 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Ignore This Missive From Our Downbeat Doctors', Spiked, 28 July 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'A First-Class Fiasco', Times Higher Education Supplement, 31 July 2008
- Frank Furedi, ‘Children Are Being Used to Socialise Their Parents’, ABC Radio National, 4 August 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Pursuit of Happiness is Personal', The Australian, 7 August 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Spell It Like It Is', Spiked, 12 August 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Why the West Can’t Kick its Cold War habit', Spiked, 18 August 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Dare to be Moral', Spiked Review of Books, 16 August 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Phobias: In Greek', Monkie Magazine, 1 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Hurricane Gustav and the Incitement to Panic', Spiked, 3 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Moralisers on a PC Witch-Hunt', The Australian, 5 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Turning Sarah Palin into a Twenty-First Century Witch', Spiked, 8 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Whatever Happened to ‘Sticks and Stones’?', Pajamas Media, 13 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Climate Crisis and the Idea of Humanity', Fora TV, 23 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'De Heksenjachtclub', De Verdieping Trouw, 27 September 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'This Week on The Forum', BBC World Service, 5 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The ‘Credit Crunch’ and the Crisis of Meaning', Spiked, 6 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Only Thing to Fear is Rhetoric', The Australian, 11 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The State Won’t be the Saviour of the Economy', Spiked, 15 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Fear and the City', New Statesman, 16 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Britain’s War Against Competitive Sports', Pajamas Media, 19 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'How ‘Black September’ Will Redraw the Contours of Fear', Spiked, 21 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, Feeding a Fine Hunger, Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Capitalism After the ‘Credit Crunch’: What is it Good For?', Spiked, 30 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'When Politicians Try To Be Parents, Families Lose Out', The Independent, 31 October 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'When the Bucks Stop, Just Point the Finger', The Australian, 4 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Obama and the Fall of ‘the Silent Majority’', Spiked, 5 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Obama en de Teloorgang van de Zwijgende Meerderheid', De Verdieping Trouw, 8 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Stop This Primitive Search for Scapegoats', Spiked, 11 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Battle for Truth', Fora TV, 14 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'We Keep Children Safe to Let Them Run Wild', The Daily Telegraph, 18 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Why Moral Opportunists Are Exploiting This Tragedy', Spiked, 18 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Nine Out of Ten Dogmas', Times Higher Education Supplement, 20 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Paranoid Parenting', Spiked, 21 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Parents of Obese Children Charged with Abuse in Britain', Pajamas Media, 22 November 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Terror in Mumbai: The Same Old, Same Old', Spiked, 1 December 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'The Crisis With No Name', Spiked, 16 December 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Schools Unleash ‘Eco-Kids’ to Badger Their Parents', Pajamas Media, 18 December 2008
- Frank Furedi, 'Europe’s Estrangement from Israel', Pajamas Media, 17 January 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'After Gaza: What’s Behind 21st-Century Anti-Semitism?', Spiked, 19 January 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Why the British Elite is so Scared of Babies', Spiked, 2 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'New King Herods Target Babies as Potential Polluters', The Australian, 3 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Muslim Alienation in the UK? Blame the Israelis!', Spiked, 9 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'An apology to George Galloway MP', Frank, 9 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen', Times Higher Education Supplement, 12 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Eco-Priests, Repent of Your Green Folly', The Australian, 26 February 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Diseasing the Recession', Spiked, 9 March 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'A Quack’s Way to Build the Recovery', The Sunday Times, 15 March 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Energising the Debate About Climate Change', Spiked, 20 March 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'After Jade, Whose Death Will We Watch Next?', Spiked, 23 March 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Tegenlicht - Hoogvliegen in Laagland', VPRO, 27 March 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Stop This Banker Bashing', The Australian, 1 April 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'A Caricature of a Riot', Spiked, 2 April 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Alistair Darling’s Make-Believe Budget', Spiked, 23 April 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Swine Flu and the Dramatisation of Disease', Spiked, 28 April 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Dramatisering van een Ziekte', De Standaard, 2 May 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Be Afraid …', Sunday Herald, 3 May 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'What Swine Flu Reveals About the Culture of Fear', Spiked, 5 May 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Taking Refuge in the Rhetoric of Reform', Spiked, 26 May 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Book of the Week: Our Nation Unhinged', The Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 May 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'EU Oligarchs Help Far Right Prosper', The Australian, 4 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Taking the Politics of Fear to a New Low', Spiked, 4 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Now is the Age of the Discontented', The Times Higher Education Supplement, 4 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'How EU Bureaucrats are Destroying Public Life', Spiked, 10 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Why the State Cannot Save the Economy', Spiked, 18 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'People Should Not Be Punished for Their Beliefs', Spiked, 23 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'The Politics of the Hidden Agenda', Spiked, 26 June 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'The Fearmongers Preying on Pregnant Women', Spiked, 20 July 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'The Experience of the Recession', BBC World Service, 10 August 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Unspeakable', The American Interest, 13 August 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Medical Labels Are Slapped on to Rambunctious Kids', The Australian, 15 August 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Al-Megrahi and the Crisis of Political Leadership', Spiked, 24 August 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Specialist Pleading', The Australian, 2 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Precautionary Culture and the Rise of Possibilistic Risk Assessment', First Published by Erasmus Law Review, 4 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Afghanistan: The Dangers of a Risk-Averse War', Spiked, 7 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Intensive Parenting', Society Today, 15 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Getting God to Do Their Dirty Work', Spiked, 15 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Review: ‘The Least Worst Place’, by Karen Greenberg', The Times Higher Education Supplement, 17 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'It takes a village to raise a child? Not anymore', Spiked, 28 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Working Mums Are Now Seen As Suspect', The Daily Express, 29 September 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Make Children Embrace the Boredom', First Published by TES, 23 October 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Terrorised by Toddlers', The Sunday Times, 25 October 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'The Teachers Who Can Do No Right', The Times, 27 October 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Give Teachers Authority or Betray Our Children', The London Evening Standard, 29 October 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Whatever Happened to Adults?', The Sunday Herald, 1 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Rethinking Education – The New Crisis of Adult Authority in the Classroom', Battle of Ideas, 4 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Elevating Environmentalism Over ‘Less Worthy’ Lifestyles', Spiked, 9 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Older Generation of Bad Faith', Spiked, 18 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, The Forum, BBC World Service, 22 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'We Don’t Need Another Conspiracy Theory', Spiked, 24 November 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Anything ‘Sustainable’ is Not Worth Having', Spiked, 1 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Treating Human Beings as Little More Than Carbon', Spiked, 7 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Turning Children into Orwellian Eco-Spies', Spiked, 15 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Conversational Gambit', The Times Higher Education Supplement, 17 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Much Ado About Nothing in Denmark', The Australian, 21 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Rethinking Education – The New Crisis of Adult Authority in the Classroom', Battle of Ideas, 22 December 2009
- Frank Furedi, 'Een dieet van paniekverhalen: Hoe onze kinderen eco-verklikkers worden', De Groene Amsterdammer, 6 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'The Road: There’s More to Life Than Biological Survival', Spiked, 7 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'It’s 15 Below Zero as Weathermen Go Witch-Hunting', The Australian, 13 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'There’s Still Hope For The Good Guys', The Australian, 16 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'To Rescue Haitians, We Need to Take Risks', Spiked, 18 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'War Gott Grün?', Die Furche Feuilleton, 22 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Hulp is geen zaak voor angsthazen', NRC Handelsblad, 26 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Music for the Masses: Could It Work Here?', Spiked, 28 January 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Rescuing Adult Authority in the Twenty-First Century', Spiked, 15 February 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Turning Peer Review into Modern-Day Holy Scripture', Spiked, 23 February 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Let Children Be Children', The Guardian, 26 February 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'A Depletionist View of History and Humanity', Spiked, 26 February 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Education: You Can’t Buy and Sell Intellectual Capital', Spiked, 16 March 2010
- Frank Furedi, '‘Climategate’: What a Pointless Investigation', Spiked, 31 March 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Jobbik: An Extreme Form of the Politics of Identity', Spiked, 12 April 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'There’s Always a Loser in a Custody Battle – It’s the Child', The Scotsman, 16 April 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Predators in the Classroom', The Guardian, 16 April 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'This Shutdown is About More Than Volcanic Ash', Spiked, 19 April 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Why Scepticism is Still ‘the Highest of Duties’', Spiked, 26 April 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'The Day the Political Oligarchy Stood Exposed', Spiked, 4 May 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'We Want to Vote, But…', Spiked, 7 May 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Bad Bigots and Good Bigots: Politics After the Election', Spiked, 10 May 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'A Showtrial of Children for Being Naughty', Spiked, 25 May 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Weltuntergangswahn', Capital, 3 June 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Why I Will Always Stand Up for Permissiveness', Spiked, 15 June 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Why BP is Not Very Slick in an Emergency', Spiked, 21 June 2010 ,
- Frank Furedi, 'Bomberna Skapade Debatt om Samhället', Aftonbladet, 7 July 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'The Crisis in Education', Five Books, 13 July 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Parenting Isn’t a Bunch of Skills That Can Be Taught', Spiked, 10 August 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Ideas of the Century: Scepticism', The Philosophers' Magazine, 16 August 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Nick Clegg Takes ‘Parental Determinism’ to a New Low', Spiked, 19 August 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Down Under: The Danse Macabre of Labourism', Spiked, 24 August 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Have Today’s Young People Been Dealt a Bad Hand By the Older Generation?', BBC Radio Four, 28 August 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Why 9/11 Gave Rise to a Carnival of Confusion', Spiked, 9 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Crusade Against the Pope: An Inquisition-in-Reverse', Spiked, 16 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Five Things I Have Learned', BBC News Online, 26 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Report Calls for End to Vetting and Barring Scheme', University of Kent, 27 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'If Schools Ban Break Time for Being Dangerous, How Will Children Ever Grow Up?', The Daily Mail, 28 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Celebrity Culture', Society, 29 September 2010
- Frank Furedi, '‘Red Ed’ Can’t Disguise the Fact That Labour is Dead', Spiked, 4 October 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Fear is key to irresponsibility', The Australian, 9 October 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Inviting Us to Bow Down Before the God of Fortune', Spiked, 11 October 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'France: A ‘Revolution’ to Preserve the Status Quo', Spiked, 27 October 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Liberal Paternalism Gets Public and Private the Wrong Way Around', Reuters, 4 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'It’s Time to Stand Up for Courage and Conviction', Spiked, 10 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Cameron’s Happiness Index: Counting Smiley Faces', Spiked, 16 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Blase Boredom Shows Contempt for the Crowds', The Australian, 27 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'What Does It Mean To Be A Liberal Today?', The Independent, 30 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Wikileaks: This Isn’t Journalism ‑ It’s Voyeurism', Spiked, 30 November 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Hating Wills’n’Kate: The new Conformism', Spiked, 16 December 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'Let’s Take a Risk!', Russian Journal, 29 December 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'The Truth About Tolerance', Spiked, 31 December 2010
- Frank Furedi, 'The EU vs Hungary: The Clash of the Censors', Spiked, 11 January 2011
- Frank Furedi, 'Hungary Challenges EU’s Moral Status Quo', The Australian, 15 January 2011
- Frank Furedi, 'What Have the Ancient Greeks Done for Us Lately?', Battle of Ideas, 17 January 2011
- Frank Furedi, 'Q&A: Canadian Tourists View Mexico as Fantasy, Not Danger', National Post (Canada), 19 January 2011
- Frank Furedi, 'Defending Moral Autonomy Against an Army of Nudgers', Spiked, 20 January 2011
Interviews with Furedi
- Farish A. Noor, West creating Islamic bogey New Straits Times (Malaysia) March 8, 1996 Insight; Pg. 11
- Michael Duffy interviews Frank Furedi, "Paranoid Parenting", Counterpoint, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 21, 2005.
- Brendan O'Neill, "'Humanising politics – that is my only agenda'", Spiked Online, April 25, 2007.
- ↑ Alan Rusbridger, ESSEX CLEARS THE WAY FOR LANGDON HILLS MAN; News from BasildonThe Guardian (London) December 5, 1992, THE GUARDIAN FEATURES PAGE; Pg. 25
- ↑ This study was updated in a second edition by: Dennis Hayes & Alan Hudson, Who are the C2s? A Social and Political Attitudes Survey, Basildon 1992: Basildon Revisited - Change and Continuity, Education and Work Research Group, 2001
- ↑ Pill scare in UK led to overseas panic The Herald (Glasgow) November 21, 1996Pg. 7
- ↑ Informinc Issue 128, March 2000 LM Archives, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 8 april 2000, accessed 26 January 2011