LM network
The LM network or LM group is a loosely constituted political grouping sharing a common, anti-environmentalist, apparently libertarian ideology. It is populated principally by individuals associated with the now defunct Revolutionary Communist Party, its principal publication, also defunct, Living Marxism and a number of initatives and platforms launched by the group. The network itself has no public presence or acknowleged existence.
A defining characteristic of the network is the positioning of their organisations as catalysts for open debate, while in reality they have an extreme and rigid libertarian political stance. The larger and more established organisations seek corporate sponsorship.
Principal Current Organisations
- Audacity
- Big Potatoes
- Climate Resistance
- The Great Debate
- Institute of Ideas (together with Battle of Ideas, Culture Wars and Debating Matters)
- Manifesto Club
- Forth
- Future Cities Project (together with ManTownHuman)
- Novo Argumente
- Salons (Regional)
- Spiked (together with Young Journalists Academy)
- WORLDwrite (together with WORLDbytes)
The LM network appears to have some influence with the Genetic Interest Group, Progress, the Science Media Centre and Sense About Science.
Principal Defunct Organisations
- Africa Direct
- Campaign Against Militarism
- Campaign for Internet Freedom
- Channel Cyberia
- Families for Freedom
- Feminists for Justice
- Freedom & Law
- Global Futures (dormant)
- Internet Freedom
- Irish Freedom Movement
- Libero
- London International Research Exchange
- Transport Research Group
- Workers Against Racism
LM network alphabetical list
- Campaign Against Militarism
- Campaign for Internet Freedom
- Aidan Campbell
- Channel Cyberia
- Barrie Collins
- John Conroy
- Steve Daley
- Thomas Deichmann
- Will Deighton
- Ceri Dingle
- Martin Durkin
- Bill Durodie
- Families for Freedom
- Feminists for Justice
- Michael Fitzpatrick
- Fiona Foster
- Claire Fox
- Fiona Fox
- Freedom & Law
- Ann Furedi
- Frank Furedi
- Tiffany Jenkins
- Eve Kaye or Eve Kay
- Rob Killick
- Ellie Lee
- Kirk Leech
- Libero!
- Living Marxism
- Daniel Lloyd
- London International Research Exchange
- Rob Lyons
- Mike Small, 'The Faction That Fools the World' Variant Issue 24, Winter 2005, version placed in web archive 20 April 2007