Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference

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The Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference was held at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel on 31 January - 3 February 2010.[1]


31 January 2010

Opening Session: The Balance of Israel's National Security

Herzliya Indices

Inaugural Ceremony

Opening Reception

1 February 2010

Still Special? US-Israel Relations

Winning the Battle of the Narrative: Strategic Communication for Israel

Israel and the OECD: Benefits and Costs

  • MK Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor
  • Mr. Nicola Bonucci, Director for Legal Affairs, OECD
  • Mr. Dan Catarivas, Director, Division of Foreign Trade and International Relations, Manufacturers' Association of Israel
  • Mr. Dror Strum, President, The Israeli Institute for Economic Planning
  • Dr. Yossi Inbar, Director-General, Ministry of Environmental Protection
  • Amb. Irit Ben-Abba, Deputy Director-General for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Moderator: Ms. Nehama Ronen, Fmr. Director-General, Ministry of Environmental Protection

Security, Economy, and the Peace Process

Cultural, Commercial, Educational, and Environmental Dimensions of the Middle East Peace Process, France

Israel's Next Engine of Growth? Green Economy and Cleantech

Winning the Battle of the Narrative: Getting the Message Out

Prospects of Peace: The Regional Dimension

Primus inter Pares? The US and the Global Order

Climate Change – The Global Challenge

  • Chair: Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
  • Prof. Thomas Schelling, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland; Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate

Emerging from the Crisis? Challenges to the Global Economy


2 February 2010

Teaching Jewish Identity and Heritage

Gas or Nuclear: Israel's Electricity Market 2025

  • Mr. Shaul Tzemach, Director General, Ministry of National Infrastructure
  • Mr. Amos Lasker, CEO, Israel Electric Corporation Ltd
  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Uzi Eilam, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies
  • Mr. Gideon Tadmor, CEO, Delek Energy
  • Dr. Steven W. Popper, Senior Economist, RAND
  • Moderator: Yehezkel Kugler, President, Kugler Development & Investments Ltd.

Breaking the Global Oil Addiction: Alternative Sources for Fueling Transportation

Investing in Future Growth: Israel's Civilian R&D Infrastructures

  • Prof. Oded Abramsky, Chairman, National Council for Research and Development
  • Prof. Hermona Soreq, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Faculty of Science, Hebrew University
  • Prof. Moshe Oron, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Chief Scientist, KiloLambda Technologies
  • Prof. Yadin Dudai, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Weizmann Institute for Science
  • Prof. Mina Teicher, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Department of Mathematics and Gonda Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University
  • Prof. David Horn, Member, National Council for Research and Development; School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
  • Moderator: Dr. Yitzhak Noy, Israel Radio
  • MK Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz, Minister of Science and Technology

Breaking the Global Oil Addiction: Israel's Role

University of the Negev

Israel's National Education and School System: Preparing the Next Generation for the 21st Century

  • Mr. Shraga Brosh, President, Manufacturers' Association of Israel
  • Ms. Maxine Fassberg, General-Manager, Intel Israel
  • Ms. Gila Ben-Har, Director, Center for Educational Technology
  • Brig. Gen. (res.) Yakov Nagel, Deputy Head, R&D Directorate, Ministry of Defense
  • Mr. Haim Rousso, Member, National Council for Research and Development; Executive Vice President for Engineering and Technology Excellence, Elbit Systems
  • Moderator: Prof. Nimrod Aloni, Head of the Institute for Educational Thought, Seminar Hakibutzim College
  • MK Gideon Sa'ar, Minister of Education

The Quest for Effective Governance

  • Mr. Eyal Gabbai, General-Director, Prime Minister's Office
  • MK Yariv Levin, Chairman, Knesset House Committee
  • Judge Mishael Cheshin, Justice (ret.), Israel Supreme Court
  • Mr. Isaac Devash, Co-founder, Atidim – Cadets for Public Sector
  • Prof. Suzie Navot, School of Law, College of Management Academic Studies
  • Prof. David H. Rosenbloom, Chair Professor of Public Management, City University of Hong Kong
  • Moderator: Mr. Dror Strum, President, The Israeli Institute for Economic Planning

Elderly Population in Israel: Social and Welfare Policy Dilemmas

  • Opening Remarks: Mr. Chaim Topol, Actor
  • Prof. Arie Rimmerman, School of Social Work, Haifa University
  • Prof. Jack Habib, Brookdale Institute
  • Mr. Moti Vinter, Deputy Director, Ministry of Welfare and Social Services
  • Mr. Avigdor Kaplan, Chairman of the Association of Life Insurance Companies of Israel Ltd; CEO, Klal Insurance
  • Mr. Aharon Azulay, Director-General, Ministry for Senior Citizens
  • Moderator: Prof. Jacob Gindin, University of Haifa; Clalit Health Services
  • MK Dr. Lea Nass, Deputy Minister, Ministry for Senior Citizens

Europe's Role on the World Stage and in the Middle East

Economic Development of the Israeli Arab Communities

  • MK Dr. Ahmad Tibi, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset
  • Mr. Ayman Saif, Director, Economic Development Authority in the Minority

Sector, Prime Minister's Office

Realigning Government, Business, and Civil Society: Competition or Partnership?

Affairs and Social Services

  • Mr. Gil-Ad Harish, Director and Founder, La'Sova
  • Mr. Elie Elalouf, General Director, Rashi Foundation
  • Mr. Zvi Ziv, Fmr. CEO of Bank Hapoalim; Chairman, Ma'alah
  • Mr. Israel Makov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute for Policy and Strategy
  • Moderator: Ms. Ruth Sinai, Commentator on Social Affairs
  • Dr. Arthur C. Brooks, President, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

The Presidential Address

US-Europe-Israeli Trilateral Relationship: The Strategic Dimension

Prospects of Peace: The Israeli-Palestinian Track

  • Chair: Maj. Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series
  • MK Lt. Gen. (res.) Ehud Barak, Minister of Defense
  • H.E. Dr. Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister, Palestinian Authority

The Community Front: An Integrated Approach to Personal Security


  • Ms. Rachel Sharvit, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services
  • Mr. Yaacov Hecht, Director, Institute for Democratic Education
  • Moderator: Dr. Ilana Dayan, Channel 2

The US and the Arch of Instability: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq

Domestic Political Dynamics and Stability in the Middle East

'The 20th Anniversary of the Immigration of the Soviet Jewry to Israel: Lessons and Current Challenges

Rising to the Challenge of Radical Indoctrination

Program, Harvard University

Strategy, IDC Herzliya

Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis

Civil Preparedness in the Israeli Home Front: the Role of the Civil Society

Science Education, Weizmann Institute of Science

Regulating the Capital Markets and Pension Savings

Iran as a Nuclear Threshold Country – Potential Strategic Implications

Israel's Economic Challenges: Leveraging the Crisis

'Managing the Risk of Break-Out: A Poly-Nuclear Middle East and Global Proliferation

New Wars in Search for New Laws: International Law and the Contemporary Battlefield

  • Prof. George Fletcher, Cardoso Professor of Jurisprudence, Columbia Law School
  • Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, Radzyner School of Law, IDC Herzliya
  • Mr. Liav Orgad, Radzyner School of Law, IDC Herzliya
  • Dr. Boaz Ganor, Director, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy, IDC Herzliya
  • Moderator: Ms. Dvorah Chen, Dvorah Chen Law Offices

Adjusting to Climate Change: A National Security Dimension

The 2010 Herzliya Address

Concluding Remarks: Gen. (res.) Danny Rothschild, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy; Chair, Annual Herzliya Conference Series[4]

Herzliya Roundtable Sessions

The Herzliya Roundtable Sessions were held under the Chatham House Rule and attended by invitation only.[5]

Perceptions of American Power: Implications for Global Order and the Middle East Chair: Dr. Dov S. Zakheim, Fmr. US Undersecretary of Defense

The Dawn of the Poly-nuclear Middle East: Implications for Deterrence

  • Chair: Dr. Shmuel Bar, Director of Studies, Institute for Policy and Strategy, IDC Herzliya
  • Prof. Thomas Schelling, Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland; Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate
  • Prof. Kori Schake, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution

Israel and the West: Deepening Relations with NATO and the EU

The New US Missile Defense Architecture: Implications for Israel

Risk Management and New Methodologies for Strategic Planning

  • Chair: Mr. Eran Etzion, Director of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Prof. Paul Bracken, Professor of Management and Political Science, Yale University
  • Brig. Gen. Dr. Michael Herzog, Envoy of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence to the Peace Process
  • Dr. Steven W. Popper, Senior Economist, RAND

Winning the Battle of the Narrative: An Agenda for Action

Poisoning the Future: Fighting Hate Indoctrination and De-legitimization'


  1. The 10th Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaconference.org, accessed 25 February 20201.
  2. Program (pdf), Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaxconference.org, accessed 25 February 2010.
  3. Program (pdf), Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaxconference.org, accessed 25 February 2010.
  4. Program (pdf), Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaxconference.org, accessed 25 February 2010.
  5. Program (pdf), Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaxconference.org, accessed 25 February 2010.
  6. Program (pdf), Tenth Annual Herzliya Conference, herzliyaxconference.org, accessed 25 February 2010.