CounterJihad Europa

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A project of The Center for Vigilant Freedom, the CounterJihad Europa website is intended as a 'clearinghouse for national initiatives to oppose the Islamisation of Europe.' [1] The website was established following the CVF-sponsored CounterJihad Brussels Conference on October 18-19 2007.[2]

Counter-Jihad Europa Organizations

According to the CounterJihad website[3]the following organisations are part of the project:

CounterJihad Brussels 2007 Conference Speakers

Bat Ye'or | David G. Littman | Paul Belien | Filip Dewinter | Stefan Herre | Nidra Poller | Gerard Batten | Ted Ekeroth | Reinhard | Lars Hedegaard | Jens Anfindsen | Johannes J. G. Jansen | Adriana Bolchini Gaigher | Armando Manocchio | Arnaud Dotezac | Traian Ungureanu | Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff | Prof Arieh Eldad | Dr Patrick Sookhdeo | Dr Marc Cogen | Sam Solomon | Robert Spencer | Dr Andrew Bostom | Laurent Artur du Plessis | Matyas Zmo

External Resources


  1. About - CounterJihad Europa, accessed 2 March 2009
  2. CounterJihad Brussels 2007 Conference, accessed 2 March 2009.
  3. CounterJihad Europe About, accessed 26 October 2008