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LM network resources
Worldwrite, part of the LM network

Youth education charity WORLDwrite (Charity Registration Number: 1060869) is associated with the libertarian anti-environmental LM network. Established in 1991, [1] it promotes a development agenda.

Its website promotes the Battle of Ideas and Spiked as well as blogs by LM network associates Daniel Ben-Ami, Brendan O'Neill and Rob Killick. [2] In 2010, sixty of its young volunteers filmed and participated in over seventy of the Battle of Ideas debates. It claims to "benefit" 2,500 people annually. [3]

WORLDwrite has a staff of 5 FTE, an annual turnover of around £150,000 [4] and has acquired a site in Bulgaria to use as a training camp. [5] The trustees comprise Shirley Lawes, Kirk Leech and Toby Marshall. WORLDwrite's tour guide trainers include LM associates Ceri Dingle, Viv Regan, Alan Hudson, Ian Abley, James Woudhuysen, Munira Mirza, Jim Butcher and Andrew Calcutt. [6]


It has an permanent video news project, WORLDbytes and a current video history project in East London, London behind the Scenes. These were funded during 2008/9 as follows:

Details of funding:

In 2008, the City Parochial Foundation gave £85,000 towards the launch of Worldbytes.[8]
In 2009, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation gave £70,671 towards the salary over three years of the assistant director, to run 'WORLDbytes', an “experimental online news magazine channel run by young disadvantaged volunteers”. [9]
In 2008, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation gave £75,000 to London Behind the Scenes.[10]
In 2008/9, the Wates Foundation gave £10,000 towards London Behind the Scenes[11]
In 2009, the Heritage Lottery Foundation gave £25,000 for a Young Roots programme on Sylvia Pankhurst and the Suffragettes.[12]
IN 2009/10 Bloomberg increased its funding to £50,000 from £30,000 the previous year, making its funding larger than the next two largest grants combined.[13]

The accounts are examined by Jane Sandeman.



The WORLDwrite Centre
Millfields Lodge
201 Millfields Road
London, E5 0AL
Tel/Fax: (0044) 020 8985 5435
Facebook: WORLDwrite
Twitter: WORLDwrite
Website: WORLDwrite
YouTube: WORLDwrite


  1. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  2. "Home page", WORLDwrite website, accessed 8 May 2010
  3. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2009/10", Charity Commission website,
  4. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  5. The White House Estate White House website acc 24 April 2011
  6. London Behind the Scenes - Trainer Bios, WORLDwrite website, acc 19 Jan 2011
  7. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2008/9", Charity Commission website,
  8. Groups funded Trust for London website acc 5 Feb 2011
  9. Citizenship or community development Esmee Fairbairn website acc 5 Feb 2011
  10. London behind the scenes Paul Hamlyn Foundation website acc 5 Feb 2011
  11. Wates Foundation accounts 2008/9 Charity Commission website acc 5 Feb 2011
  12. Our projectsHeritage Lottery Commission website, acc 11 Feb 2011
  13. "WORLDwrite Annual Report 2009/10", Charity Commission website,
  14. Worldwrite Welcome to worldwrite, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 2 March 2000 on 23 September 2013.